adore galore
a bounty of beauty bounces blissfully about fields of budding wandering wonders
wistful waking dreams are the places to be, y'see... imagine being free - imagine being free...
tree climbing is much more than a past time activity, it is a livelihood
it isn't 'what if I should?'
it's all good it's all good
bent bright distortions of self parodies are overanalyzed and indistinguishable from nonfiction, a sarcasm fostered past the point of pointlessness
silly ironic discrepancies spiral inward to vast void fluidity tie a knot and listen to it melt under the microscope
sizzle sun ray beam of light sends me sniffing around in surround sound you're a stinky hologram come find me singin'
whew! I love yew
I love yew!