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Mr Q Jan 2017
When at first we met,
there was but thread
tied around our pinky fingers
Loose knots causing us to linger.

Then strands slowly braided.
So when we thought our love had faded,
there was a rope around our waists,
Anchoring us from drifting away.

Now every day we forge anew,
a link in the chain between me and you
secured by a lock wound our wrists
Stretching between cells of loneliness

One day, there will be a ribbon of the finest silk
tied in a bow wound our hearts.
Across millions of miles it may be taut
but never, never ripped apart
Mr Q Dec 2016
I sit, I ponder, I wait.
My brain burbles with ramblings unceasingly and
bursting out in a flash of original thought
is the lightning and thunder
that breathes the primordial soup to life.

ARISE! great and small creatures
Clawing up from the depths of consciousness
Creatures of imagination dwelling in the soup of soul
POP out and bubble to the surface
stepping pioneer steps
Out into the world of the dead
to make the living
and arrest the minds of man as
I sit, I ponder, I wait.
Mr Q Dec 2016
Between my fingers, I grasp a rose
with petals of diamond and leaves of emerald.
Fragile as glass and strong as stone,
Its beauty stands alone.

I hold it tightly and my fingers bleed,
dotting the ground with ruby seeds.
Perhaps they'll sprout and begin life anew
but they will be imperfect and crude,
Compared to the perfection that is in my hand
A diamond in the rough
A speck of stardust among a billion grains of sand.

— The End —