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Babatunde Raimi May 2020
When it comes to defending my love
The choice of weapon is not necessary
The whole idea is to win
And win I shall, for love is life
Even if I have to strike like a Cobra

Touch her at your peril
I'll strike with my claws and teeth
Flip you "Upandan" like a coin
Until you become a meal for the vultures
Then shall I return to my burrows

Territory is everything to me
If you hope to cultivate my farm
Do well to write a will and get life insurance
Don't thread a Poet's territory
They will malign you with words

Don't wink at the love of my life
This is an act of aggression  
And trust me, I have an Army of Poets
Bakers of words in different genres
With their words you will be erased
From the surface of planet earth
Babatunde Raimi Mar 2020
(Dedicated to the couple who lost their lives during the gas explosion on Sunday 15th March, 2020 at Abule Ado, Lagos - Nigeria)

From far away
We heard the loud bang
It sounded rapturous
But it was not to be
Louder than it all
Was your sun setting at noonday
A very black Sunday it was
As the smoke rented our airspace

The blast darkened your Sun
Hopes and dreams shattered
In an already hopeless nation
With less regard for human life
Is it really true you two are gone?
Is it really true Junior also returned?
How my glands are filled with tears...

The agony, the pleas for mercy
Chisom, God is with you always
Better in heaven, than this wicked world
The death that took a promising couple
When we hoped to welcome Junior
Who cursed this nation? Who?

Let us consult the Oracle
That we may make atonement
And cleanse our land of evil
We plead the blood over all
But when I looked into the skies
Your stars shone brightly
Because you transited as believers

Chi, my hands are weak
Why did God allow this, why?
When I close my eyes, I see you
Your unborn child...
I still see your dimple
And your hubby's carved nose
Now I am suffering from insomnia

Never again shall there be infant of days
Never again shall we be cut in our prime
But now that your sun already set at noonday
You three are already on board
For you, it is the final call
We are coming, not just yet
It is a debt we owe. Adieu!

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
She layed cool from the mute
As beautiful as the river goddess
Her smile still looked beautiful
But she is now a star
Sitting in the galaxy of the greats
She crossed to the other side
Where the grass is greener
And the water purer
As she layed cool from the mute
She smiled like a diva
For the first time since the news broke
I released droplets of tears
Then I smiled...
She knows I love her
But who am I to query the Creator
Who has chosen to take His creation
She got to her final abode
Done and dusted, she bowed
Afterall, legends don't die
They translate
Join me celebrate my icon
The one whose vehicle I rode to earth
From dust to dust she slept
Yet, so beautiful
Adieu Mama!
Babatunde Raimi Feb 2020
Te amo cariño
Y aun lo hago
Hemos pasado por el infierno
Pero cada vez que caigo de nuevo
Cuando sacas tu varita mágica
Y tus ojos acarician activos

Oscureciste el sol por mí
Ahora mismo tengo miedo
Agregaste a mi canasta de arrepentimientos
Duele incluso rumiar sobre él
Lo siento bebe
Aquí es donde termina el camino

Hay una Julieta para cada Romeo.
Y un Parloma por cada Diego.
Adios mi compañera
El camino termina aquí
Para mí eso es cierre
"Adios mi amor!"

Babatunde Raimi
+2348178827380 & +2348035063895
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
A Poem: A Dose Of Vanity

A dose of vanity
What you call vanity
Might not be vanity at all
What is poison to one
May be pleasure to another
How yummy and sweet it is
The sweetest of all pleasures

Come with me to sin city
Bring down the walls
When you come over
No need for hang-over
Just bend over
And I will take over
Afterwards, we can changeover

Give me a dose of vanity
Without any iota of sentimentality
Let us define our territoriality
With a sense of responsibility
Before we engage in vanity
That leads to ecstasy
Be advised, proceed with protection

Now, the moment has come
Before we "*** our ***"
Let us "talk the talk"
This moment is intended for pleasure
No doubt, the best form of exercise
Ours not intended for procreation

Did you sign an oath of celibacy?
Are you virile and adventurous?
Let's play with the oil that never dries
Let me give you a trip
To a city that never sleeps
Don't we all need a dose of vanity?

Slowly, lift up the veil
Start from the periphery
Input the play head
Twerk like Cardi B
And enjoy a dose of vanity
Before you get tipsy and engaged
But remember *** is real
Have you been tested?
Spread the news, not the virus

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Please i need help
Don't leave me like this
I can't sleep
They say it's sleep-onset insomnia
But from the beginning
It was not so

Maybe it is psychological
Their pains in my heart
With pictures of them
Begging for their lives
But i still cannot sleep
And from the beginning
It was not so

Their bulging eyes
As they take their last breathe
To a journey of no return
Their offense
Victims of a failed system
But from the beginning
It was not so

Why are brothers killing brothers
Brothers killing sisters
Sisters killing brothers
Wiping out communities
For the glory of what?
Where is our morals?
The spirit of comrado?
But from the beginning
It was not so

Though obscure
We need to ask
Where are the jobs?
Who has the reins?
That has stagnated Africa
Black people, black mind
A phrase that depicts backwardness

Even the Heavens have Guardians
Nothing passes their sight
They have been enfired
To neutralize aggressors
But, can my brother be an aggressor?
Trust at your peril
That's where we find ourselves

In the Jungle
It's "No man's land"
Where the strong prey on the weak
As long as you are powerful
Or seemingly untouchable
You are licensed to ****
Africa bleeds
Yes, Africa bleeds.

Each time you strike
A wife looses a husband
The children; a father
The family; a breadwinner
The Community; a philanthropist
The nation; an Ambassador
Africa; an illustrious son

Stop cattle rustling
Stop political machinations
Stop hate speeches
Especially From the altar of religion
The internet inclusive,
For it is divisive
Stop the killings
That Africa may live
And not just survive

Break the walls
Let's build bridges
Open up your enclosures
That i may come in
And dine with you
That is how life was programmed

To achieve our SDG's
Our ******* is prime
That your people be my people
My people, your people
That we may give the boy child a life
And the girl child a voice
And build the Africa of our dream

The carnage in Rwanda
Aparthied in South Africa
Insurgency in Libya
The killings in Nigeria
Mirrors the travails of Africa
Rooted in corruption
All must stop now

How did we get here?
A people divided
Along ethnic and religious lines
Detached along tribal and economic
But from the beginning
It was not so

We are tired of bloodsheds
We demand peace
The white on the Nigerian flag
Invisibly tainted in red
Being the blood of the innocent
But surely, nothing lasts forever
For surely, justice will be served

Stop saying "Kafasasu"
As our heart bleeds
When you open up our brothers
With your knives and weapons of mass destruction
Sending them into a journey
A journey into the unknown
Oh gods of our ancestors
Where are thou?

The God of our creation
Send us a Moses
That will lead us from where we are
To where we ought to be
Our promised land of peace and unity
Equity and justice
That we may return with offerings

Stop the rustlings!
Stop destroying our crops
No life should equate that of animals
No animal should be silenced unjustly
Why do you think prayers are said
Before any animal is slaughtered?
The act is sacred
Friends, we are all animals
In different shades and sizes
But place premium on life

Once i saw a documentary
Featuring a helpless Antelope
Feeding her young
Until a pride of Lion approached
As her young sprinted
The mother waited and sacrificed
A sweatless feast for the Kings
But the Eagle watched
She could have helped
Enough of nonchalance
Get on and be engaged

Praying for Africa is a beginning
Taking conscious steps is progress
That the Creator may hear our voices
And have mercy on us
Let my people be your people
Give me a damsel from your clan
I will give you a Prince from my tribe
That we may unite

Refuse to be nonchalant
Refuse to be intimidated
Especially on the part of justice
Let us come together
As a people of one race
That we may build Africa
And the world at large
Not by the sword
But the strength of our unity
For all these ills
From the beginning
It was not so

Babatunde Raimi (c)
Author/Life Coach/Poet
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Insurrections and insurgencies
Maiming and killings
How did we get here?
Africans killing Africans
Was freedom a blessing or a curse?

These ethnic cleansing
Genocidal acts
Betrays our collective objective
A people desirous of peace

How do we seek justice?
In the hands of a dictators
Who have justice in their pockets
Swaying decisions with wads
Or oppression at worse

As the death toll increases
In a continent so naturally blessed
Yet so poor
Who cursed Africa?
That we may go and restitute
These sufferings are too much

At this point
Tired of seeking justice
Which can linger unto death
Especially for the poor
And truly oppressed
We seek peace
A season of quietude

To achieve peace
We must defeat corruption
The biggest enemy of advancement
It starts with you
When you know right
And do wrong
You are corrupt

If you practice African time
You are corrupt
If you play sentiment
To evade a cause
You are corrupt

Let's go back to the basics
Bring back moral instructions
Bring back home economics
Mix education with skills
That we raise a new generation

On the journey to freedom
Peace, justice and equity
You have a role to play
We can achieve SDG's
If we only but try

Vote when you have to
Failure which you are the real problem
As you would have done nothing
When you had the chance to
Just by a single vote

Take politics to our schools
Churches and mosques
Preach tolerance and oneness
But refuse manipulations
Let your conscience
Be your greatest Police

Africa is on a move
To her God ordained destination
Be a part of this change
Let us shape our world
And it starts with you and i
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Looking at the river banks
You see the beauty of Nature
Void of artificials
Pearls worth more than diamond
That's how i see you my Angel

A Gold fish has no hiding place
A priceless asset worth more than rubbies
The first gift she gave me was Grilled meat
That we call "Suya" in our part of the world
Thumbs up Unique tutorials!

She has a knack for knowledge
An untiring zest to better her tomorrows
While competing with herself
Her proficiency is remarkable
Like a Lioness pursuing a prey

For her, the sky is blue
She loves her blue skinny jean
With celestial white crop tops
Revealing not too much
She looks in admiration
Journeying across the world
Just the way she loves her movies
With white rice
Laced with locally fried pepper
From a local grinding stone
Don't ask me how i knew
She is a "Person Of Interest"

For a Masai
Every Cow is precious
For a Poet; every acquaintance is priceless
Fair like the descendants of Job
Witty like Queen Esther
With a perfect figure eight
You cannot but gaze twice

Having studied Psychology
The psychology of human relations
In the University of Creavity
Faculty of Feminism
Graduating with honours
I qualify to say these lines
"Omowunmi", you are an epitome of beauty

You are an archetype worth studying
That's why my project is about you
Being a project submitted to the MBA School
Hoping this gets me closer
A little beyond the lines
That as good friends
We may paddle our canoe
To a world of limitless possibilities
Where there are no bounds

Keep those natural smiles
Don't stop being you
Striving to outstrip your yesterdays
Even if i am faraway
I will be close by
Whispering in your ears
Terrific stuffs worth hearing
Babatunde Raimi Jul 2020
You turned the page
I burnt the book
No skin pain
Ahead, ahead!

You stopped the calls
I blocked your cell
Now you asked why
Why ask why?

Before you pull the plug
Think! Think and think
I knew your plans were devious
I just flowed with the flow

Again, before you fire fresh shots
Proceed with caution
For surely they will ricochet
And second chance is a luxury
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
You came, saw and conquered
I'll tell your story to the world
One of our greatest Ambassador
How did you even survive?
While putting Nigeria on the world map?
This is the story the Ajala, The Globetrotter

Life in itself is a journey
At one time in our soujourn
We have been caught by your bug
I'm sorry if you are of the indomie generation
We all, at some point have cauht it
The Ajalabug, amplied by Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey

Mashood Olabisi Ajala
Rest well with your ancestors
We have not stopped our "Ajala"
That makes you larger than life
Evergreen in our mind and soul
But "Sha", you can pedal for Africa
40 countries, 9 months, 30,000 miles
Give it up to a man of the people

In your soujourn you met principalities and powers
Men and women of timber and iroko
Penned great memoirs first hand
You browsed different inter-continental softwares
And deposited droplets of yourself
And insignia of a world citizen
Then landed "White Witch Doctor" by Fox
All, for the love of Ajala

Did you actually meant to end it
When you mounted that 80 footed mast?
Faraway in God's own country
Or was it just a ruse; "a lamber?"
Thank God you were deported to England
Not to your nation, so rich, so poor
That you may continue your escapades
And your name linger forever

As a man of ink and paper
You inspired my generation
Hence I wanted to appreciate you specially
Your feat, none in this generation has surpassed
Lest they gas out before they start out
You were even imprisoned
In faraway whiteman's land
But it never supressed your zest
Today and forever, "Ajala still travels all over the world"
Wait, aren't we all "Ajala?"
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
"Aje a wa o!"
"E o ni shorti oh!"
Just tell this to Maami
In the dawn of a morning
On a typical market day
And she'll pour you the best
Straight from the breast

You need not be "Omoluabi"
One of the descendants of Oduduwa
As I have just shown you an inlet
Into a crest full of treasures
Accessible by your attitude
Which determines your altitude

Where character will take you
Character will stop you
When you are in Rome
You "Rankadede", as a norm
Let my people be your people
And let peace rain

Forget not my friend
In the land of "Karo e o ji re bi"
Honour, respect begets blessings
Even if we are deemed cunning and deceitful
In the tongues of Maami lies "Ase"
So, the next time you visit our marker square
Remember the pass code
"Aje a wa oh!"
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
"Ala Beke"
God's own country
What is the hype?
Fix your country
To reduce brain drain
**** corruption
Lest it kills us
We're tired of exodus
To a foreign land
Built by visionaries
Be advised
Once you get to "Ala Beke"
You are just another dude
With a funny accent
You become a second class
Let's fix our nation
Babatunde Raimi Apr 2020
Mr. Lecturer once said
Just one night, you won't fail
You wearing Rasta hair,
This question is for you
Have you bought my handout?
It is not compulsory, but...
Which textbook am I teaching you from?

By all means avoid carryovers
It is worse than heartbreak
Know what works for you
Like a Lion, seperate yourself
But "A" is for the ancestors
"B" is for the serious students
"C" is for everyone, "Awon saddists"

Rome wasn't built in a day
You musn't graduate in four
You can spend six for four
Just take your time
Government will still pay me
Stop and ponder my friend
Is education still the key to success?

Don't be discouraged
I know a few good ones
Not all the prophets in Egypt
Bowed to the Eyptian god, Baal
Arm yourself with skill based education
And the world will look for you
Don't say I didn't tell you
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
When I was weak
Vulnerable and helpless
Instead of being a rung
You became an instrument
An incarnate of the devil
You abused me...

Instead of being a god
A mentor i can look up to
As much as I respected you
You bullied me
Stole my pride and confidence
I was down and out

I almost quit school
I was afraid to speak
For the fear of you
You caged my destiny
You and your unholy allies
Thank God I didn't join a rival gang

For years I suffered
I was broken emotionally
I died before I died
I almost took the only option
At least I will be free from all
Until I saw a light

Years after I look back
You ended up a non-entity
You didn't make it to the top
You and yours are now history
You threw stones at me
With them, I built a fortress

It's easy to forgive you
Even as you almost took my life
But I got the conviction
You were only reacting
Because I was better than you all
You all but me knew it, didn't you?

I discovered the me in me
You were an instrument
That the enemy chose
To derail my glorious destiny
But God had a plan
He allowed it for a purpose

You attacked my destiny
Because I am ahead of you
That is how God programmed it
Whom HE has blessed
Not even you can curse
So, like my Father, I forgive you

I pray you find peace
Repent of all your atrocities
That you may lead a good life
And raise a good home
And inspire your world
Just ask, HE will forgive

Are you worried or challenged?
Are you a subject of mockery or gossip?
Have you been slandered and maligned
Don't worry, HE is taking you somewhere
Just be calm, watch and pray
The One that created sleep never sleeps

I am glad I passed through them
Lifes challenges and fire
The brimestones and cruelties
But I survived them all
Because I have a vision
And my mission is clearlydefined

To all going through hell
Keep going! You will triumph
Don't pray away challenges
Ask for the grace to surmount
No student gets promoted without exams
Am I loud enough!

While you keep on
Beware of destiny killers
They come as unfriendly friends
They are visible in family
Worse in religious houses
Basking in the altar of hypocrisy

I am a survivor
I won by keeping my focus
I believe in your ability to triumph
Please don't let you down
I will see you at the top
The rightful place of giants
Babatunde Raimi Jun 2020
Dear Future Wife
Without whom I'm a social misfit
A jet without a turbine
A ship without navigation
And a fish without gills
This lines are specially for you

You are the reason I was created
Subjected to "Undue" marital pressure
But if marriage was a product of age
We'll have less divorce today
Trust me, I didn't mind them
Because for you, still I wait

Not only are you my still waters
You are the one I've been waiting for
Daily, will I plant kisses on your forehead
Rub it in with "The Thumb"
Even when I cultivate in your farm
I'll proceed in love without boarders

I wallow in blissfully nightmares
Awaiting the Queen of my heart
Without whom there is no me
Daily will I look into your eyes
Kiss your luscious lips like a movie star
With the love I consecrated for you

Don't let me tell you about my "Third"
But did I tell you about my legs?
They are 88 inches long in totality
Imagine these wrapped around you!
Telling you midnight stories
And listening to you with my heart

The world awaits our manifestation
I'll stoop to learn your love language
Love you heartily and unconditionally
My phone and laptops will never come between us
Same prayer for Nollywood and Bollywood
I can see you smiling and wishing already!

I'll say "Sorry" for offences you commit
I'll practice advance forgiveness in love
I'll shut my gates to all "Limpopo Gals"
For I am a vessel, curated solely for you
They are all waiting to see your face, a dazzling mirage  
But they all have to wait for the unveiling

"Ape jeun, kii je ibaje"
A coinage from "Ipinle Omo Odua"
It is good to marry early, but best to marry right
This has been my guiding principle
Wait until you find "The One"
There will not be there when challenges brew

As for me and my "Beautiful Something"
Together we will raise principalities and powers
Kingdom stars, world shakers and trail blazers
I know you are reading this piece now
Just a little more time we wait
Before we seal it with a kiss...
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
...dear lover,
If I say I love you
Jesus will die again.
Love! - It once existed

If I say you are my fantasy
Eros will be a child of light
Fantasy! - now devoid in my world.

If I say you are my dream
Morpheus will laugh in his sleep.
Dream? - Now void and empty.

...dear Lover,
Once upon a time,
I was your goddess,
Was I not your world?
I was your universe
Even though you called me your life.

Now, reality has struck
I lay alone on my couch
Left only with memories.
Memories now dreams.
Babatunde Raimi Oct 2019
A Letter To My Younger Self

Today is a present
Yesterday is past
But tomorrow is a gift
I wish I still had yesterday
Now, I wallow in regrets

I wish made more mistakes
Learnt new lessons
Took more risks
Dated more girls
I wished interacted more

As I ponder over yesterday
I wished I read more books
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Richest Man In Babylon
48 Laws Of Power
The the Holy Books More

My greatest regrets
Lays in the dreams unfulfilled
Trips not taken
Skills unlearnt
Studying a course I don't need
Allowing people control my life

If you could write a letter
To your younger self
What would yours be?
Is it filled with "Had I known?"
Or sweet loving memories
Did you just smile...?

When I was a kid
I dreamt on becoming
The trees stood as witnesses
The pigeon gave dotted white nails
A seal of assurance of tomorrow
A tomorrow, now yesterday

I wish I trusted my instincts
Learnt how to cook
Travelled around the world
Sang more country songs
Even if it isn't as common anylonger
I wished I kept my virginity

This is a letter to my younger self
Now, I am left with memories
Can I take back yesterday?
I wished I listened to my parents
I wished I got married earlier
I wished I never was a hermit

As I walk through memories
My course is set
My boat sailed yesterday
Armed with hope and faith
I believe, therefore I will
Afterall, tomorrow is a gift
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
No going back
We will defend our pride
Our heritage
Our fatherland
Not with guns, powder nor machetes
Not with armoured carriers
But with powers ancestral

We will visit Egungun Oya
The god of divination
We will invoke Mawu
The god of the Sun and Moon
Have you heard about Babalu aiye?
The god of infectious diseases
Let the games begin

Omoluabi oooo! Omoluabi oh!!
"Bo ba d'ogun; ko d'ogun"
Where is Sango, the god of thunder?
"Gunugu ni oruko, ti an pe Ifa?"
"Okalamagbo ni oruko ti an pe awon Iya oshoronga"
"Abiamo ki gbo ekun omo re",
"Ki o ma ta si were"
"Oya, Amotekun oooo"

When the walls of Jericho fell
How many bullets were shot?
They stood on their father's faith
How was Judah and Jerusalem taken?
The red sea parted by the word
We too, shall speak the word
But now, the words our Ancestors

When the centre can no longer hold
Surely, things will fall apart
"Omo Yoruba, ronu"
Enough! No longer shall our lands be desecreted
Cast the cowries in the calabash
Let us inquire of our gods
Shall we pursue and reclaim?
Ready, set, "Amotekun dee"

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Aug 2020
A Poem: "Amotekun Dee"

"Kere oh, Omode gbo. T'agba gbo"
"Oba ni kin wi fun yin oh!"
"Amotekun deeeeeeeee"
"Eyin omo Odua, ee gbo mi bi?"
"Irorun de, omi tun tun wo lu"
"Eyin temi aji lala osho. Eyin Omo okun Esin"
"Won ma sare kabakaba"
"Mo wi re, tabitha mi o wi re?"
"Amotekun deeeeeee"

We will block the gap and protect all and sundry
We'll patrol with Eagle eyes
It shall be "No nonsense here" in our region
With robust intelligence gathering and network
And we will proceed with extreme caution
Within the ambits of the law shall we operate
There shall be no sleep for the wicked

Peace, it has long eluded our lands
We have been invaded by uncircumcised Philistines
But not anymore, "O to geeee"
Who else knows our terrain better than our locals
You got a pass mark my Governors
And I am proud to be "Ofe mmanu""
"Ejo, ema je wo ni owo osu oh!"
Lest they begin to see friends as foes

"Amotekun de...Oju eje...."
"Iyalaya gbogbo won"
"Koni kaluku di omo Iya re mu.."
"A ko fosi rara nile Odua"
"Awi fun won ti ti, won jo gbo"
Odua a gbewa ooo.
"Oya, awon daaa? Gbefunwon kososhi"
Why carry guns when we can enchant them?
We have been pushed to the wall
Our hands on the plough, no going back

"This one no be se re se re"
"Omoluabi is a talk and do"
We stoop and let them trample on us"
Little do they know we are fooling the fools
Those who thinks they are fooling us
Watch it, we can be cunning and deceitful
But when it comes to our collective goal
The bond that binds us strong
And our walls, a mighty  fortress

In a nutshell, "Ki eku ile gbo o"
"Ko si so fun to ojo oh"
We are regional and not tribal
We will listen before we judge
We will treat all fairly as our ancestors did
We will not allow the "Cobra Effect" permeate Amotekun

This, we all know, is peace at last!
Passing Amotekun bill is a legislative masterstroke
For all who saw this to fruition
May "Eledumare" grant you all your "positive" heart desires
"Mo wi re, tabi mi o wi re bi"
Amotekun deeee"
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Today is the day
The tomorrow we desired yesterday
The stage is set
The die is cast
I have never been too sure
Like I am with this right now
Of a truth, "Oh yes", God answers prayers

It was a very long search
Severally I missed it
But it was all worth it
Patience, a very arduous virtue
A gift to the meek
Many came and went
But with you my love, "I die there"
Today, the best day of my life

I prayed and fasted
And YOU said audibly to me
Be intentional. Watch and pray
I served YOU diligently
All I ask is to be led
Like a Sheep by her Shepherd
I am glad I did

For suddenly, it happened
It started as a joke
Friends turned lovers
They didn't see it
It will end before it starts
But YOU the all knowing
Made it happen in your time

Today, I walk like a Soldier
With my troop
But this time around
Not with guns and arms
But with our "Agbada* and "Isi Agwu"
To possess our possession
The perfect fit to my misfit

For years they mocked me
They asked "Where is my God? "
Like a Vulture awaits a dying child
That she may prey on it
They waited for my shame
But you turned it to fame
Turned my tears to cheers

They call you names
Asked you questions
When will you marry
Where is the man or woman
Your biological clock is ticking
You are too sapiosexual
But whose report would you believe?

While they mocked
I knelt down to pray
They thought I was really down
Until I stood up and said "Amen"
They can't judge me
It is better to marry early
But best to marry right

Today, it is a story
With this ring I have been waiting
No more late night outings
No more late night *****
I am now a crossed check
Account payee only
This can only be HIM

I want to worship in your altar
That we may fulfil scriptures
Be fruitful and multiply
With this ring I make this vow
Tonight I will throw caution to the winds
As we rumble in the field of ecstasy
Just lead, and I will follow

Today, we become one flesh and blood
A fulfilment of Prov.18: 22
Tonight is the night
Where the Tigress dances with swagger
Melodiously sounded by the Nightingale
Today, specially created for us
Give give this day "Oh Lord! "

Tonight is the night
We begin our journey
And raise a generation
It started as friendship
They thought it was a game
Today, they all here as witnesses
Beautiful ending to a rocky story

I can't believe this!
After years of waiting and searching
I finally walked the aisle
With my friend, the love of my life
No more "Mama Put"
No more flirty calls
I surrender all!

All I am, all I will be
Is just for you and you
For better for best
Till death do us part
Can I kiss my Jewel now?
This is a true life story
The story ofYes I do
And she said "Yeeeeeesssss!"
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Today is the day
The tomorrow we desired yesterday
The stage is set
The die is cast
I have never been too sure
Like I am with this right now
Of a truth, "Oh yes", God answers prayers

It was a very long search
Severally I missed it
But it was all worth it
Patience, a very arduous virtue
A gift to the meek
Many came and went
But with you my love, "I die there"
Today, the best day of my life

I prayed and fasted
And YOU said audibly to me
Be intentional. Watch and pray
I served YOU diligently
All I ask is to be led
Like a Sheep by her Shepherd
I am glad I did

For suddenly, it happened
It started as a joke
Friends turned lovers
They didn't see it
It will end before it starts
But YOU the all knowing
Made it happen in your time

Today, I walk like a Soldier
With my troop
But this time around
Not with guns and arms
But with our "Agbada* and "Isi Agwu"
To possess our possession
The perfect fit to my misfit

For years they mocked me
They asked "Where is my God?"
Like a Vulture awaits a dying child
That she may prey on it
They waited for my shame
But you turned it to fame
Turned my tears to cheers

They call you names
Asked you questions
When will you marry
Where is the man or woman
Your biological clock is ticking
You are too sapiosexual
But whose report would you believe?

While they mocked
I knelt down to pray
They thought I was really down
Until I stood up and said "Amen"
They can't judge me
It is better to marry early
But best to marry right

Today, it is a story
With this ring I have been waiting
No more late night outings
No more late night *****
I am now a crossed check
Account payee only
This can only be HIM

I want to worship in your altar
That we may fulfil scriptures
Be fruitful and multiply
With this ring I make this vow
Tonight I will throw caution to the winds
As we rumble in the field of ecstasy
Just lead, and I will follow

Today, we become one flesh and blood
A fulfilment of Prov. 18:22
Tonight is the night Where the Tigress dances with swagger Melodiously sounded by the Nightingale
Today, specially created for us
Give give this day "Oh Lord!"

Tonight is the night
We begin our journey
And raise a generation
It started as friendship
They thought it was a game
Today, they all here as witnesses
Beautiful ending to a rocky story

I can't believe this!
After years of waiting and  searching
I finally walked the aisle
With my friend, the love of my life
No more "Mama Put"
No more flirty calls
I surrender all !

All I am, all I will be
Is just for you and you
For better for best
Till death do us part
Can I kiss my Jewel now?
This is a true life story The story of  Yes I do. And she said "Yeeeeeesssss!"
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Alone in the sands
The fields was yellow
It lost its greenery
What could have happened?
Make haste, get the soothsayers

Even the palms
They swayed not
Not that the beauty was lost
But in their dance
Lies that Sweet sound

I could see the cloud
Far from thence
This mystery we must solve
A puzzle we must demystify

As the pride passed by
The King followed behind
Abomination! A Lion King leads from the front
Whatever caused this blackness
Surely permeated his kingdom
His pride was hurt

Let's call the wise one
Suggested the Mice
For the King speaketh not
Like a sprinter he arrived
The wise old Tortoise
Only him has the answer

He conjured; poured wine
That their king may live
He made several atonements
To the lords of the night
Then his offering was accepted
The secrets were revealed

I have seen him fight
But today, it is not by strength
He has lost his Queen
The Queen of his heart
Who can atone the Lion King

And just suddenly
Her heart belongs to another
But how can he fight
When he is disadvantaged
How can he fight
When he is seen as a weakling
He had lost his pride

Where do we go from here?
The wise one said
Like a well rehearsed song
All chanted in solidarity
Fall eight times, rise the night

And so it happened
The pride of the King
Has just fallen for another
None can appease him
But in him lies greatness
For surely, he will rise again

And who knows, just maybe
He will find love again
It never happened before
But the Lion King cried
Who will clean his tears?
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Alone in the sands
The fields was yellow
It lost its greenery
What could have happened?
Make haste, get the soothsayers

Even the palms
They swayed not
Not that the beauty was lost
But in their dance
Lies that Sweet sound

I could see the cloud
Far from thence
This mystery we must solve
A puzzle we must demystify

As the pride passed by
The King followed behind
Abomination! A Lion King leads from the front
Whatever caused this blackness
Surely permeated his kingdom
His pride was hurt

Let's call the wise one
Suggested the Mice
For the King speaketh not
Like a sprinter he arrived
The wise old Tortoise
Only him has the answer

He conjured; poured wine
That their king may live
He made several atonements
To the lords of the night
Then his offering was accepted
The secrets were revealed

I have seen him fight
But today, it is not by strength
He has lost his Queen
The Queen of his heart
Who can atone the Lion King

And just suddenly
Her heart belongs to another
But how can he fight
When he is disadvantaged
How can he fight
When he is seen as a weakling
He had lost his pride

Where do we go from here?
The wise one said
Like a well rehearsed song
All chanted in solidarity
Fall eight times, rise the night

And so it happened
The pride of the King
Has just fallen for another
None can appease him
But in him lies greatness
For surely, he will rise again

And who knows, just maybe
He will find love again
It never happened before
But the Lion King cried
Who will clean his tears?
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Falling down a slippery *****
Moving from the south to the west
And there you are my love
Your arms wide open
I just need to fall in your hands
Then, together we fall to the ground
Kissing and rolling together
Until nature takes us west
It was cold and lonely
Even though we ended up east
For us, it was the beginning
A new dawn that will last till fade
Babatunde Raimi Oct 2019
I  met a damsel
She is a goddess
Her beauty is endearing
Her aura, infectious
If you know Veluptas
The goddess of sensual pleasures
Then you'll know Venus
The Roman goddess of love

She pulled her magic wand
None could ever resist her
For she passes as a diety
If this is the road to yonder place
Please help tell my people
My choice is made
Afterall, once shall all men die

In her enclave were beauties
Mortal frames in immortal entities
Aisha Quandisha played aide
The magnificent goddess of sexuality
While Aizen Myo-o watched
This goddess of love and lust smiled lustfully
She was a fine sadomasochist

Nothing else mattered
Fearful, nostalgic but ecstatic
I braced up for impact
Like an airplane about to crash
What a **** way to explore and expire
Testosterone became active

He is the god of passion
His name is Anteros
He stepped up to me
Gently he whispered to a mortal
In the land of the immortal
Here, you don't need  aphrodisiacs or tramadol
A good show lasts five minutes
Thirteen by extension, trust me he said

Confused and puzzled I inquired
Then why do the earthly Queen say "Harder, harder"
They never get satisfied
"Stop killing yourselves mortals"
If it exceeds thirteen, it is entertainment he said
Go, enjoy it while it lasts
Go worship in her altar!

As I approached with caution
Flanked by Cupid
The Roman god of ****** love
Suddenly, I resurrected
Back to the land of the living
It took an anopheles mosquito
To make me realise it was all but a dream
So, i was plagued by chronic malaria!

Even though the mosquito I killed
For denying me pleasures forever
I learnt a great lesson Except my will is updated
Never again will I use enhancers
In place of tiger nuts, dates and banana
Lest a WhatsApp status last longer than me

To be awarded a Ph.D
As a researcher per excellence
In the faculty of Gender and Sexuality
In the prestigious University of Life
I need to reach Venus
The goddess of love
We need to finish the empirical study
Via the instrumentality of direct knowledge

If you know the quickest route to Venus
Please "Hulla", "Odimkpa"
Who knows, maybe we can go together
I guarantee you maximum "Shishi"
What I can't guarantee is
If the story will be told by us
But history will be kind to us
For this is a plague destroying homes
The onus of truth lies with us...
Babatunde Raimi Apr 2020
We were the book
It was flowing nicely
Until you turned it
Then I burnt the book
Case closed
"Au revoir Ma Cheri"
Babatunde Raimi Aug 2020
I tried to free myself
From the clutches of your grasps
The more I tried, the more entangled I become
But I won't stop, not now
Not tomorrow, not forever

Theory of evolution easily comes to mind
Kudos to Charles Darwin
The ultimate battle of survival
How I was so held aback
In the prison of your  creation
How I worshiped and adored you
Until honour turned slavery

For years I was under your spell
Enchanted by your lines and word play
If all things were made by HIM
One day I will sprout, fully liberated
Henceforth; I shall open my eyes and sense
Receive grace and be free
Babatunde Raimi Jul 2020
When I am tucked within your arms
I feel like I am sleeping under the stars
When you cover me in your mammary glands
I get inspired to be rule my world

When you give me a forehead
All my challenges fades away like vapour
When you look into my eyes
I die, then I wake up

I have known beauty in diverse shades
I have seen mermaids sparkle in human form
But when our path crossed
I understood why you are called "God's perfect creation"
An embodiment of beauty and grace...
Babatunde Raimi Mar 2020
Before you die
Leave a legacy
And you'll never die
Because great minds live
They never die

Before you die
Plant a tree
It will outlive you
That the fruits may grow
And feed the next generation

When you finally die
You'll look back and say
Of a truth, I gave everything
Until i gave my all
And it is finished...

Don't run after shekels
It is pure vanity
Don't be entrapped by ego
You'll be like Nebuchadnezzer
Tell me, do you have a legacy?

Everybody knows their date of birth?
None, their date of death?
To this end, stop surviving
Start living, leave a mark
History will be kind to you

When you stand before HIM
Like the parable of the talent
How will you account for your talents?
It is never late to do right
Destinies awaits your manifestations

Support a foundation
Volunteer at special schools
Deploy your gifts freely
That's why teacher's are gods
They ascend to heaven direct

Before I die
At a ripe old age
If Jesus tarries
I'll live a mark
For generations yet unborn

The real question is
Do Poets really die?
Do Authors really die?
Your guess is as good as mine
Their works makes them immortal

From the jungles of Africa
To the Samba of South America
The Islands of the Carribean
And the serenity of Australia
I have journeyed with my pen

When I finally cross
When it is finished
Don't cry for me
Life is not in duration
But in donation
And this is a testament
Babatunde Raimi Oct 2019
Beautiful cars, barren engines
Whose fault, the maker or user?
Before you take it home, test run
But first, can you afford it?
Some come in small sizes
But with thick engines
Do you have the heart?

Note, while testing
Never exhaust your fuel
You'll need it thereafter
Lest you be stranded for eternity
Can you even drive for five minutes?
If you are coming on board
Make sure your hands are clean

You know it's tender
So proceed with caution
You have to start from the periphery
And gradually work your way in
Beware of cars with flat tyres
It's a big red flag
Don't say I didn't tell you

Wait a second!
Are you sure you've got ***?
To be able to maintain the vehicle
Because as you grind and drive
You need to be servicing constantly
Is your leg even long enough?
Enough to touch the throttle?

Some are just scrap oh
Don't judge by the container
Even in blogging content is king
Check out for leaky exhaust and gasket
Once you have the *****
And your gear is potent
Please enjoy the ride
And welcome to fatherhood
Babatunde Raimi Jul 2020
With you still trapped inside of me
I can't let go, my whole life is a mess
If I am unworthy of your love
Tell me, who is?
When you said the words
My whole life crumbled

You were class act in your world
I was your puppet, was I not your world?
I hope I'll be alright, though I doubt
You already are deep into my fabric
Now the world knows your name
Where do I start from? Where?

Behind my smiles are broken promises
I was laid and used by a gamer
A master of deception and manipulations
But don't cry for me, I'll carry my cross
For her, I lost my friends and family
Who knows if love will ever come again

The treasure you seek will fade away
The six packs you treasure will wear out
Even the ornaments will be out-fashioned
Then, I would have come on stage from the rumbles
You will come back looking for me
But I will be long gone and happily married...
Babatunde Raimi Apr 2020
I watched in awe
The paintings in the sky
Vast, yet beautifully crafted
Tucked between was a star
It shone very bright like a Betelgeuse
One of the brightest in the skies

In the galaxy of stars
There are stars, then "The star"
The difference; "Choice"
In a world of moral decaydence
Giving up your jewel seems a norm
Like I said, choices...

Marooned on an island of indecision
No matter how hungry a Lioness is
She'll never eat or give remnants
It's not easy, but it's worth the wait
As I continually dwell in His words
Bed undefiled...

Sitting at the banks
Deep in thoughts and expectations
I await my King, my flesh and soul
And after the vows
We'll travel to Jerusalem
And there, the veil will be opened
In an atmosphere of bliss

I ain't moved by narratives
I am fearfully and wonderfully curated
I'll wait and my day will come
If you are on an island of indecision
Let me be your inspiration
For you are not alone
But remember, bed undefiled
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
Bewaji "Omo Jogunomi"
"Omo Odua, Omoluabi"
Your simplicity intrigues me
Your six "Shuku" braids
Adorned with petals of royalty
Fit for a royalty like you
Represents all Oodua enclaves

In a fortnight, I shall bring you gifts
From the evil forests no man dares
Therefrom, I shall bring you "Ori Kiniun"
In your name shall I conquer territories
And name them after "Eni bi Okan mi yan"
I am the "Ogboju Ode Inu Irumole"
The only man fit for a goddess like you

Bewaji oh!
I shall call forth fire upon your foes
Even without a degree in water engineering
I will I pave a way from the stream to your house
Build you a fortress as high as Jericho
Because you Bewaji are my treasure
"Eledumare''s" greatest mortal creation

Don't cry for me if I die in this cause
You can put it on love so deep, so true
I strongly desire and adore you my "Bewaji"
My World who wakes up with beauty
Give me a shot from your *******
And my life will not remain the same ever again
Now, tell me, who is your "Bewaji?"
Babatunde Raimi Jul 2020
They have a mouth with sharp teeths
When opportunity presents itself
They tear you like a Sea Lion
When they open their mouths
Therefrom comes blessings and curses
You chose what you get
Don't say I didn't warn you

They have intimidating personas
They are soft touch, yet so powerful
They are extra ordinary species
Crafted by the greatest Porter
From the best of clays ever moulded
My best advise to you, by all means is:
Don't cross their path, things can change very fast

If you say they are weaker vessels
Why do they dominate the management airspace?
Countries managed by them scored A+ in Covid management
They are fast gaining economic powers
They just need to understand how to use this power
So as to maximise their potentials

I would rather stoop to conquer
Allign with them to un-learn, learn and re-learn
That I may learn wisdom of the ages
And **** from their breast of knowledge
The milk of wisdom, knowledge and patience

They are enigmas with unpredictable odysseys
Great connoisseurs in matters of rare importance
Yet when she says "I'll show you..."
You are doomed already; seek peace at all cost
But behind their veiled expressions, a heart of gold
When you meet a pantheon of them, they are deities
Seek blessings, espexially as you plant your head "between their betweens"

It is for a reason that David fell for their charm
Samson lost his ministry to a Delilah
Solomon understood this with 700 concubines
If you listen beyond your over-bloated ego
You will understand why we are the head
And they are the neck, that controls the head
Be wise, change your narratives and stop the stereotypes
Babatunde Raimi Dec 2019
The Lion may rule the jungle
But it must never forget the Tiger
Once the king becomes complacent
His vulnerability is exposed
No man rules the jungle alone
Because many trees makes a forest
And brotherhood makes us stronger
Where you see yourself as Lord Supremo
Without bending like a fool
To fool the fools fooling you
You will never be as wise as the Tortoise
Who can lead a coup d'etat
With mere proverbial bullets
To rule your world sweatlessly
Strategise; corporate and collaborate
Only then can you win wars
Without throwing a stone
Be wise!
Babatunde Raimi Mar 2020
One day, it will sprout
Just like the Chinese tree
Everything blossoms in it's time
If you can but believe
I have seen the Sun set at noonday
It rose from the west
I've also seen non-entitles turn celebrities
If a blackman became president of the states
Stop living in a prison of your creation
The world awaits your manifestation
Wake up! Take your chance
You are closer than you think...
Babatunde Raimi Jun 2020
After years of meritorious service
Rooted in resilience and dedication  
Even though I majored in the other league
I was ruthless in attack and midfield
Never did I allow any "Tembe" pass over
Yet, I didn't merit a national honour

I fired like Christiano, cut in like Messi
I pushed like Drogba and slide in like Kanu
I was the real G.O.A.T that only legends understand
A couple of this a couple of that
For the fear of lung cancer,  I avoided 69 and headings
Only legends will understand

Home and away, I was strong
Kicking from all sides of the field
My generator of generations deserves a medal
After surviving different fields of different sizes
And now, I am hanging my booths
What a way to quite the scene

I buried all in all the sitters and kept clean slates
Whenever I hugged the line, I changed the rythym
Sometimes I was caught off guard
Especially when I play home sweet home
But right now, its time to park the bus
Before calamity calls...

I stayed on my feet as a legend
Not only was I a dead ball specialist
I scored many dead ***** and penalties
Bringing out the glow in every field I cultivate
But it's time to hang the booth

I remember committing some fouls
Sustaining life long injuries and retaining momentoes
At the end, vanity upon vanity is vanity
I am done and dusted, to face my warrant
The only field I want to cultivate now
My wifes'...

The kingdom of God is at hand, repent
If you are still playing without caution
It will not be long before your time will come Not everyone gets the grace of a second chance
I did, now, let me face my career, warrant squarely
Godsped! As for me, booths hung.
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
When you hear the lines
We can be friends
But not as you want it
I don't deserve you
These are legends
Masters of breakups
Know it's time to walk away

Can't you see there is lockdown?
I'm observing social distancing
Someone who once stole your heart
You even promised heaven on earth
My Dear, the calabash is crashed
Give yourself some dignity

I need a break my dear
I want to re-discover myself
My Mum said we can't marry
Sincerely, I truly love you
But if you see another, say "Yes"
My dear, please, walk away
Let's avoid imminent divorce
Especially when the signs are clear

They have a masters in heartbreaks
I got a revelation last night
My Pastor, my Prophet said
No calls, no messages, just blanks
If you've witnessed this
Please, come, let's cry together
Just believe that "Cue sera sera"
Maybe you even just delivered...

Breakups are never easy
It has sent many to depression
And some, early graves
Love cannot be forced my dear
If you are not valued and appreciated
And ghostmode is activated
Take the honourable part
Just walk away...

Where there is pain
I wish you immeasurable love
True love is never hurtful
Your setback will be a setup
For your glorious come back
And it will end in praise
Just like a Cinderella story
You aren't alone, I've been there too...
Babatunde Raimi Aug 2020
From your breast of wisdom did I ****
And wisdom enveloped me
My life shone line a million stars
You must really be favoured by the gods

Until I got lost in your world
Proverbs 18:22 was a mystery
Dymystified by the "Twins"
Surely, the blessings beclouds mother-infant bonding

I used to create my own happiness
Until I met you, perfectly imperfect
To perfect my imperfections
The gods must be happy with me
Babatunde Raimi Jul 2020
Yesterday you swore by the rains
As you advanced with unfettered access
Lashing into my sweet something
Yesterday you promised life
You even swore by lighting
Those were not wishful thinking
They were promises, sealed with an oath

Yesterday we planned tomorrow
A tomorrow filled with aspirations
You stroked my Indian curls in style
Wiped off my coco Chanel make up with your kisses
All but one deemed me lucky
But deep inside, infactuated was I
I was in love with a gamer

How so quickly things fell apart
I was your world, was I not your Moon?
Severely, tempted I was to violate the oath
But each time it rains, just as it is now
I remember your solemn vows
This, the only reason I kept strong
But then, you drift constantly like a boat

You were my last good nights
And my first good mornings
I still hold the memories of our first time
And this makes me giggle and smile
Just that you know my love
I still love you and want you close
I pray to the rains with which you pledged
Bring back my love...
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
The temple of Justice
House of Lords and judges
The hope of the common man
Is justice really justice?
Especially in Africa
Or it is for the highest bidder?

"If you no get money"
Your case is different
Your case lacks merit
Not enough evidence
I laugh in Chinese
Is there judicial independence in Africa?

Let me even ask
Where is the god of thunder?
Where is the god of iron?
That worked very well for us
With them, the guilty is rewarded with death
"Abeg", bring back our gods

All in support say "Hi"
No need to ask if you don't
We serve gods of instant judgement
That sanity may return to Africa
The "Hi's" have it
Court! All rise!
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Not he versus her
She versus she
It is he for she
And she for he
Reflect on this
Stand for each other
Not as superiors
But as allies
As striking partners
Break the tradition
Break the chains
Bring down the walls
Enough of stereotypes
Give all equal chance
That we may blossom and fly
And unleash our potentials
Create space for creativity
Men, work on your egos
Women, wake up, brace up
Only then can we make progress
And make the world a better place
Say "No" To Stereotypes
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
A Poem: Bros., Wey You?*

Bros., Wey you?
I hear say your game tight
I wan hear your market
You no need to drop shekels
I just wan help you

Come make me reason
No cone form Asari for me
I no be Orpkorpise oh
Na lashing things oh
You know now!

Abeg make you do pem oh
Na white sky I go take come
Make your name dey your neck oh
Preye say you Gallant dia
Oya, make we enter yonder

Make you walensh well oh
Dem no dey use shame drink poison
I see you, I see heaven
After every don kpomkpi
Las las, we go dey alright

No worry, wetin be suya
If I want make my mouth dey busy
I go just dey blow whistle
So you no go provoke
Know say Lasgidi Erema no fit

When I finish with you
You go know say devil na area boy
Na God be Godfather
Kpata kpata na draw
Warri Erema no dey carry last

I go soon bracket you for Effurun junction
Before omuta go enter
No time to check time
This motor dey delay my destiny
I don dey reach your crib

My temper dey rise now
And I no fit use am boil rice
Afterall, no vero for maternity ward
When I work you finish
You go hear alaba

Today, he no get as he be
I go run your matter wella
I know say you go make sense
Abeg, wuna gi mi cold shack for di side
Nothing dey happen

Babatunde Raimi (c)
Author/Life Coach/Poet
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Let's go there
After a visual massage
My vision became blurry
The way you swayed
And smelt
It will take a god to say 'No'

Let's go to sin city
Throw caution to the wind
While emotions run high
Let's form Adam and Eve
For between those two poles
Lies the peak of enjoyment

Right now I am drolling
When I close my eyes
Your are the one I see
In your natural state
Imagine you were here
All I ask is to be your barber
Let me help you carve down there

Right about now
Nothing else matters
I just want me in you
And you in me
Then let out those sweet murmurings
Which becomes music to my ears

How long do I wait?
Patience is a virtue
But I loose it on your sight
Non can stop the Sun's light
Neigher can any cover the glory of the moon
Not even when you are clad
Your beauty lies within

As you read these lines
Just know that I am right here
Fiddling with my pillows
Wishing you were here
That I may show you love
Which comes from the purest of hearts
Right a cross the Savannah
But yet, still I wait...
Babatunde Raimi Jul 2020
Our journey, a best seller
Our walk, a movie thriller
Our love; eternal
But you lied to me
Yes, you lied to me...

You promised not to fall in love
But each time you stare
I see a glow in your eyes
A desire beyond platonic
Subtly, I prayed you'll say the words

I'm sorry I lied too
When I said "don't fall for me"
I was already lost in you
I knew I was vulnerable
So, I built a wall around me
Culled from the play girl's book

I might have lost you to stereotypes
But it's time to change the narratives
If you are really in love
Just say the words my dear
It's called "Shooting your shot"
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
From his lips escaped thefeelings
He expertly hid in his heart
How he so treasured them
They were a part of his story

A breezy night it turned to be
A day she told me about that guy
She was drowned in his ocean
But still, I could feel her hurt

I wonder what spell he cast on her
I can still recall the statement
"His smile melts my very bone"
This, made me shiver

This strange guy I never met
Seemed to have captured her world
"I can never be with him"
Those words were soothing

But then I understood her hurts
She had carried it for years
Like a plaque on her breast
But, can she still love me?
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Are you free today?
Before boredom overwhelms me
Can you come over?
The line went dead and silent
Until I heard the tiny voice
"Ok", give me a little while

Quickly I arranged my bed
My accessories imprisoned by dust
Finally, they got their freedom
With a sparkling new look
I changed the ambiance
With a nice and sweet spray

Waiting can be so long!
I felt like I've been waiting for years
The clock suddenly became slow
I followed all the tick tock
Till I heard the doorbell rang
Yea, who is it? Like I never knew

I suddenly became a stutterer
How can God package so much in one vessel?
I never knew i could be this courteous
Thank God only my shadow witnessed it
When she called my name
The truth, I died…..

Slowly she walked in like an Angel
Can I sit down she asked?
Yes, I am fine I answered
Then suddenly my brain came to life
She asked to sit
Yes please, I said to this damsel

Suddenly, I noticed a slight bulge
You will not put me to shame
You this shameless generator of generations
Quickly I made to arrest it
With my Christmas denim pant
And a tight faded jean

As she settled into the couch
That was the last thing I remembered
My mind traveled all over her
Her presence filled the house
She must have been curated on a Monday
After God finished creation on Sunday

So, what is going on with you?
Obviously, she was in the driver's seat
How can she bring the game to me?
Yet, I lost my composure
In my very own comfort zone
Never joke with the power of a woman

Can I share your seat?
She smiled, beckoned with her index finger
I quickly sank into the chair
To my amazement she was calm
She mildly held and stroked my hands
If this is a dream, please Lord, I don't want to wake up

At close range she could hear it
As my heartbeat raced faster than Michael Phelps
Come to Mummy she said
Without hesitation I moved like thunderbolt
Sank into her sweet arms
Then she planted a forehead kiss

As dawn drew closer
I found courage to ask
Please, will you stay over?
I could feel a crack in my voice
Seductively she smiled and retorted
No Sweety, I wish I could!

Why wouldn't she just stay?
My heart said from the inside
When the hour finally came
Together, we walked quietly
Goodbye my lover
Silently, I wished the day never ended
Babatunde Raimi Aug 2020
My light, my shining armour
My joy, the king of my jungle
In whose hands I burn like fire
My "Numero uno" Alpha Male
"Guy, I love you scatter"
"You see all these package, na you get am"
"No shelempa for you"

You turned me on, got me confused
Then you slowly pulled back and watched me
As I fell from the skies into your broad arms
Deliberately I delayed the kiss I earnestly yearned for
Because I wanted you to be my last everything
You sure didn't disappoint Sugar

My smootchie smootchie cutie pie
My Tarzan with whom I always feel secured
Our love cannot be separated by distance nor time
Neighte can race, tribe or religion stop our union
Because when I found you, I found me
I love you honey bunny, Kitty Cat

I caught the love bug when we first met
I'll tell the world about my Braveheart
My Merlin, My Super Hero and Tarzan
I bless you with the blessings of the breast
In blessings, you will be blessed and favoured
With me in your boat, it shall be liftings and testimonies galore

When I fall, I fall and love "yakata"
Just press my "Mumu button" and I'm yours
But you've got to do the needful My Love
Oh! How they mocked and laughed
And while they mocked I prayed like Hannah
Just one second to my shame You "Agbanilagbatan" showed up

My creamy yummy, milky shaky
My melting mozzarella and "tasansan tantalizers"
My king, my world, my everything
Forever I'll be your "Odozi-Oriaku"
Your one and only  "Asa Nwa", the  mother of your unborn children
I bless heavens the day our paths crossed
Becauss of a truth, "Chimamanda"
Babatunde Raimi Feb 2020
I love you Baby
And I still do
We've been through hell
But each time I fall again
When you pull your magic wand
And your eyes caress assets

You darkened the sun for me
Right now, I'm scared
You added to my basket of regrets
It hurts to even ruminate over it
I'm sorry Baby
This is where the road ends

There is a Juliet for every Romeo
And a Parloma for every Diego
Goodbye my lifemate
The road ends here
For me, that's closure
"Adios mi amor!"
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
Be the best of philanthropist
Build castles and name them temples
Save the world and imprint footprints
On that very special day when the beagle sounds
I'll be at the gate with a question tag
Why did you do it, why?

Why did you truncate my destiny, why?
A glorious vessel set to flourish
Basking in joys to change the world
I set sail and made for planet earth
On a vessel so fine, yet so cracked
I advanced in peace but left in a ****
Tell me why you made my death that cheap?

It was warm, cold and lonely inside
Then I felt the rod as the ****** gave in
No where to hide, the die was cast
Helpless, the tube pushed in as I watched in fear
The moment the curette came to sweep
The deed was done, a murderer was made
A very beautiful one, clad in Gucci apparel

How I longed to hear me cry my first
Feel your warmth and suckle from your breast
Nine months was like a thousand years
But patience was a flower that grew in my garden so I wait
Yet, you murderous thing murdered my destiny
I am waiting at the other side
You really want to make heaven? Smiles!

Did you get some quids to do the do?
It meant nothing to you like a latrine flush
Did he promise you heaven on earth?
That irresponsible goat worthy of castration
In the Supreme court will I call your case
And be sure the judge is no mortal being
Except, there is a justification for ******

While you opened up like a pretty *****
I was dis-membered and cut open
My soul watched in agonising horror
I didn't die before I died, slow and painful so it was
Ears, hands, mouth separated from my body and all
It was cruel as my head got ******
Until I heard the still voice, "It is finished"
Then, I died in cruelty and returned to base

Each time I sit by the gate, I watch and pray
That soon your time will come and I'll get closure
When you meet with my Creator what will you plead?
"My Lord, 'One thing, one thing' ", then the gavel is banged
Even if you invoke 1 John 1:19, backed with Psalm 103:10-14
I will bring a joker in Psalm 139:13-16
He gave me life, but you took it
Truth is, like Pharaoh, your case is closed...
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