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Babatunde Raimi May 2020
Why do we apologise at night
Because of the champions league
Increases the propensity to win
And nights are for action
That joy may come in the morning
Afterall, stars shines brightest at night

When we apologize at night
We are sure of "The promised land"
Maybe not night like night
Bur definitely before dawn
Oh! How I relish those fine moments
A night of bliss and "jollification"
Afterall, "Who pride help"

Other times when I say "Sorry"
It's to allow the night shift run smoothly
So, we can enter paradise
With valid particulars and license
Such we hours are solemn
It's not a time to be proud
Be calm and yet intentional

Sometimes, in your dreams
In the deadness of the night you hear
"Please wake up, i want to talk to you"
Say, "I am sorry", even if you aren't
You know what? That is wisdom
Such sleepy nights, not for "Koboko"

Men, so powerful and strong by day
And weak at night...
Let me warn you, be prepared
It might come with requests
And your answers can only be "Yes"
With a fully charged "Koboko"
Heaven help you if the gate is suddenly shut

I just love apologising at night
It comes with benefits and memories
It makes it soothingly gratifying
To optimize your performance at sunset
Say "Sorry", then worship in her altar
But you must have her "Passcode"
Else, you are no better than a rappist

At such special times Ladies
The Mumu button is all yours
Use and press it wisely
That's the time to ask
Afterall, a promise is a debt
And a promisor is enslaved to a promisee
That's how powerful a woman is
Let me just call it "Bottom Power"
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
Like a palmtree
You have held on strong
Trusting not in chariots
But The Uncreated Creator
HE promised victory
So, hang on, it's in view
Because God said so

Sometimes the tide comes strong
With torrents so powerful
But the best of Sailors smiles
Because it's just another day at sea
Wrapped up in glory and splendour

Look backwards with gratitude
Forward as an incurable optimist
For today is a reminiscence
Indulge and be happy
For it heralds the day you were born
And the heavens rejoiced
See the world as your stage
For He alone deserves all the praise

You are not alone
It is for a reason you are here
As God's greatest creation
Imbued with possibility mentality
And when all is done and dusted
I'll be here like a Fan
Cheering you on and on
For in lifting one another,s we grow
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
When you hear the lines
We can be friends
But not as you want it
I don't deserve you
These are legends
Masters of breakups
Know it's time to walk away

Can't you see there is lockdown?
I'm observing social distancing
Someone who once stole your heart
You even promised heaven on earth
My Dear, the calabash is crashed
Give yourself some dignity

I need a break my dear
I want to re-discover myself
My Mum said we can't marry
Sincerely, I truly love you
But if you see another, say "Yes"
My dear, please, walk away
Let's avoid imminent divorce
Especially when the signs are clear

They have a masters in heartbreaks
I got a revelation last night
My Pastor, my Prophet said
No calls, no messages, just blanks
If you've witnessed this
Please, come, let's cry together
Just believe that "Cue sera sera"
Maybe you even just delivered...

Breakups are never easy
It has sent many to depression
And some, early graves
Love cannot be forced my dear
If you are not valued and appreciated
And ghostmode is activated
Take the honourable part
Just walk away...

Where there is pain
I wish you immeasurable love
True love is never hurtful
Your setback will be a setup
For your glorious come back
And it will end in praise
Just like a Cinderella story
You aren't alone, I've been there too...
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
Welcome to the future
We are the millenials
In search of greener pastures
They abandon our virile sistos
Who didn't sign any oath of celibacy
Aren't they parking their cars at owners' risk?

They have high libidos
With memerizing lyrical contents
They undress your softwares
And hibernate in their holy temple
Helping you clean your playhead
While you journey around like "Ajala"

Is it food? Yes, it is
Without which we are incomplete
When your better half craves intimacy
And finds solace in the hands of a jobless dude
The result, a cracking fireworks
Stop destroring your homes

I just hope yours is yours
For their mind is deeply deep
Before you sue for DNA
Where did the crack emanate from?
Have a meeting with yourself
And stop parking at owners risk

Even Animals defend their territories
They mark them by being the King
Are you the King of your clan?
A woman has ****** needs
And these needs should be met
Don't **** the fire in that Damsel
For you, she gave up her everything
Her life...
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
I don't want to be douched
Just give me water melon
I've got my natural frangrance
Afterall, I do cotton pant
And I don't wear it till dawn
It allows a breathe of fresh air
Trust me, you'll love it

I am not a veggy
But I do lots of fruits
Avocadoes and  water melon
And natural sweetners like yoghurts
When I notice an unwelcomed visitor
I go see my scientist
How I love Gynaes

I detest soapies and sprays
Tell me, what beats water?
Water is life, water is Bae
Sis., leave all those organics
They only cater for the exterior
Of more importance is our engine room
The generator of generations
From where principalities were born

I keep it moderate and average
And the low density carve is bae
That makes it ready for 69
And a trip to Las Vegas
In the school of the legends
With a dose of vanity
With shaky keys, guard the head in
Your life will never be the same
Tell me you don't love "Headmasters"

Do you use scent leave and salt?
Sitting on clove hot H2o?
"Egungun be very kiaful"
But if you double on Greek yoghurts
Trust me, they will buy you money
Should you desire more juice; its pineapple
Who wants to go in first?
With a legal pass to the altar?
It's time to do it right
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
Your sight breathtaken
My jewel of inestimable value
I must defend my assets
With canine teeths I will bite
I'll invoke volcanos if I please
I survived the toughtest of clans
Don't cross my path

I can be as calm as a Tiger
But things can change very fast
If you wander in my sacred chambers
We are unified by complex bonds
Bounded by oath, sealed with blood
With my life, I'll protect you
This promise I make till fade

We are as determined as the Crows
Imbued with the natural aggression of the Pitbull
With the tactics of the sneaky Fox
Lilke the Eagles, our Sentries watches
Take your paedophilia and crave elsewhere
For might is not right
****; if you see it, say it
Else, you too are as guilty as the culprit
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
You came, saw and conquered
I'll tell your story to the world
One of our greatest Ambassador
How did you even survive?
While putting Nigeria on the world map?
This is the story the Ajala, The Globetrotter

Life in itself is a journey
At one time in our soujourn
We have been caught by your bug
I'm sorry if you are of the indomie generation
We all, at some point have cauht it
The Ajalabug, amplied by Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey

Mashood Olabisi Ajala
Rest well with your ancestors
We have not stopped our "Ajala"
That makes you larger than life
Evergreen in our mind and soul
But "Sha", you can pedal for Africa
40 countries, 9 months, 30,000 miles
Give it up to a man of the people

In your soujourn you met principalities and powers
Men and women of timber and iroko
Penned great memoirs first hand
You browsed different inter-continental softwares
And deposited droplets of yourself
And insignia of a world citizen
Then landed "White Witch Doctor" by Fox
All, for the love of Ajala

Did you actually meant to end it
When you mounted that 80 footed mast?
Faraway in God's own country
Or was it just a ruse; "a lamber?"
Thank God you were deported to England
Not to your nation, so rich, so poor
That you may continue your escapades
And your name linger forever

As a man of ink and paper
You inspired my generation
Hence I wanted to appreciate you specially
Your feat, none in this generation has surpassed
Lest they gas out before they start out
You were even imprisoned
In faraway whiteman's land
But it never supressed your zest
Today and forever, "Ajala still travels all over the world"
Wait, aren't we all "Ajala?"
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