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by the memories of my past
a painful irony
Falling to pieces
And battered
Back to my brutal reality
Where all I know is my memories
Where we met once again
Trying to push them back
Down inside buried
Locked away
Where no one can find them
Not even me
Sit back
Watch that old world burn
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
Jeremy Bean
I was willing once
to cast away distrust
for nothing in return
but a heart about to bust

I was willing once
to forgo disgust
but I have sat here far too long
only collecting dust

I was willing once
to long for your touch
but Ive been left so far behind
there is no point in such.

I was willing once
to call it only lust
but I've already said too much
about the love you left to rust
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
She Cuts
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
She cuts for the
times she can't ever
She cuts for the
love he'll never
She cuts to know
what it's like to be
She cuts in places
where nobody will
It's not that great but it's something.
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
Aaron Kelly
I live a double life.
But I am no superhero.
I don’t have crowds
Chant my name.

No, this is different.
I come to this prison
Everyday, preparing
Me for the big bad world.
I step through those doors
And I am forced to change.

The constant assaults on my
Ego and confidence every day.
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But names shall forever haunt me.

But I return from this prison and
I am back.
I go to the safe haven
And plot their downfall.

I sleep and let it all
Wash away, yet
From the darkness
Angry and sneering they come.
Their ghostly pale faces
Surround and circle me.
Faster. Faster. Stirring up a whirlwind in my head.
I stumble and fall.
Plummet into eternity.

Then, Nothing.

I wake from my slumber
And feel the drip of sweat.
at night,
pine branches scratch
the gibbous moon.
velvetine mouth, the opening dark
I am not the only creature
stirred from sleep: far off,
a grosbeak whistles.

the fragment of winter in me
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
Gets the best of me
Love has the sweetest of scents
Even a whiff boils my blood
In hope of a full meal
Just crumbs
And leftovers
That is all I encounter
You, woman
Taught me how to love
Never how to forget
And I'm hungry
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
A O Slater
Haunted man
Broken hearted lady
She looked upon his face so gravely
Trying to see inside his head
She sometimes wishes she was dead
How could he do this to their love
He held a dagger in his glove
The sharp end he took it to her heart 
He dragged that blade to make a part
And inside her all there was was him
She loved him more than anything
Forgiveness she gave him, support and help 
But he didn't see he just thought of himself
All she wanted was support and a hug 
But with his implement he dug
He scratched and scraped 'til he destroyed her
Tore her down and planted fear inside her
She tried many avenues to help him through 
But his love for was not as pure and true
So now she's alone and writhes in pain
Never will she love again
How could he be so tenderly viscous 
And harbour violence so malicious
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