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 Jul 2013 Genesis'
I wait for you
Like I wait for the rain on those days when my body is dry and brittle
It never comes, except for those times when it storms
I run to you
You are my shelter and then you wash me away
I become a drop in the water
A part of your storm
A block, a wall.
Taller than tall.
Far away,
forever she will stay.
If we have it my way.
Because my way is the only way.
A contradiction you'll say.
A game with no winner;
The saint, The sinner.
Find a way!
It's a new day.
Mine an yours
and their way.
Lost my mind!
And in no time, you will see;
there's a me,
and the me that I see.
Be free!
It could be a melody
or a song to sing.
New feelings to bring.
And in my soul,
the story she tells
will never fail
to lead me.
My way.
The way.
A contradiction I'll say.
You'll agree.
Love me to hate me.
Set you free!
Just let it be.
    You and me.
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
Here I am
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
I could be playing chess
With the sultan
I could be watching
I could be waves and blue
And waves and blue
I could be trees of cherry
Blossom red cherry
I could be a princess
Or I could be her prince
I could be voice and sound
Echoes of the past
But instead
Here I am
Here I am
Here I am
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
I walk alone along the path of nothing
I can’t see you can you see me
I reach for the eternal bliss of hope
I can’t feel you can you feel me
I feel myself reach the edge of no return
I don’t remember you do you remember me
I feel myself falling until there is nothing left
I’m with you are you with me
Toni Preis
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
A lot on my mind,
A lot on this fragile plate.
Figuring out how to cope
When I'm stuck in this state.

I need this balance,
All the give and take...
But she asks why I stay
Like I've made some mistake

Now don't get me wrong,
I care so much that I am terrified.
Sometimes I see this look in your eyes,
It tells me when you want to run or hide.

However, I won't go away.
So I'll just stand my ground.
I will be right here
Where it's safe and sound.
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
Charlie Ivins
Things seemed to be fixed,
they were set in stone.
But now everything been mixed,
and I'm here all alone.

Your actions confuse me,
How am I suppost to react?
When all you seem to want to see,
is me "intact".

My act seems to work,
you don't question my words.
I'm going beserk,
and insanity is what I'm leaning towards.

I'm starting to lose sight,
of how things once were.
I know how we would fight,
but our love was the cure.

Things sure have changed,
in the shortest of time.
Now life is so strange,
now that you're not mine..
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
I am white

Paint me colors dark and bright
Splatter me with your vengeful reds
And share with me your heated head
Drown me in your sorry blues
Greens and violet saddened hues
Orange and yellow shine so bright
Don’t forget those starry nights
Where your laughter painted me
The range of colors below the sea

Share with me your body’s print
By pressing up against my canvas
And when you pull away, go slow
So the paint will leave me every crevasse

I am blank

Write on me to make me dank
And don’t forget that time you cried
Or every time you’ve told a lie
Scribble down your words with ink
Don’t pause to leave you time to think
Memories make for the rest
Tell me when you felt your best
Days of laughter in your ears
Gave you wisdom beyond your years

Share with me your deepest thoughts
By writing down every moment
And when you go to shut me closed
I’ll have your soul within my parchment

I am open

Fly through my wide arm’s haven
Darkness may enclose at times
And hate may be your biggest crime
Throw away those heavy burdens
Walk away from empty basins
Come to me with an open mind
Because this love wants to unwind
Leave behind those darkest hours
For I’ll carry you with all my power

Share with me a love so true
By holding tight with laughter
Because when the bright sky shines
We know there’s before, and after
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
Brigid Murray
As I walk among the wreckage of what once was
I feel the guilt pulse through my veins.

This was not what I intended.
This is not what I imagined.
What began with good intentions
Ends with the stain of tears shed.

The thoughts and tears collect
Like pennies in a jar
These pennies, though, are far from lucky.

They mix together and form something altogether worse and more painful.
A penny by itself won't hurt when it is thrown at you.

Throw the full jar.
You'll see how easily I bleed.
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
Julia Leung
When they ask me, what is your nationality?
I falter; should I say Chinese? Or should I say American?
Because I am, well, both.

My white, black, and hispanic friends ask me for my name
And I respond, Julia, confused because they already know it.
But they shake their heads and laugh, their big eyes glittering,
And their pale skin blushing.

We mean your Chinese name, they say.
And I blush, too.
I mutter, Mun Jee.

Because I am ashamed that the name
Sounds as foreign on my tongue as it does on my friends'
When they repeat it over and over again.

Jook sing is the term that my mother
And my grandmother
And my relatives from China
Use for my brothers, my cousins, and I.

It means lack of filial piety.
It means challenging traditions and values.
It means we are illiterate in the tongues of our ancestors.
It means American-Born.

ABC aren't only letters of the alphabet,
because it is an acronym too:
American Born Chinese.
Because disconnect so easily defines my relationship with my Chinese heritage.
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
What they think
 Jul 2013 Genesis'
They say I should make new friends.
But it seems like everytime I do that
They get taken away from me.

I might never have happiness,
Will I?
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