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I try to write a poem
about the things you did to me,
but I can't find the words
to tell you how I feel.

You left me broken hearted.
You never loved me back.
You only gave me false hopes,
and you even let me fly.

But who knew you wouldn't catch me
when I started to fall?
I thought you were my safety net.
I thought I didn't have to call.

Now the only thing I feel
is you never cared for me.
You knew that if you called my name
I'd give you everything.

I hate you like I hate the cold
that now invades my heart.
If you try to talk to me
don't expect me to talk back.

Oh, please! Who am I kidding?
You know I still love you.
I do not mean those words I said.
I swear it isn't true.

You give me joy, you give me peace.
You make the sun shine bright.
You are the music in my ears,
the beating of my heart.

So what you dared to do to me
is nothing bad at all.
I'll tell you what you did to me.
You made me fall in love.
 Feb 2012 Gabrielle Diaz


Defuse me,

by reiterating words

I so long to hear.
© 2012
Since our lives were complicated
By outside reason
Our house has been loud with voices
We pulled the bits out of our mouths
And now we will never put them back
And our house has never been quiet
And our house has never been neat
A scream has always followed a scream
Like the roll of waves and the sea is never still
But for the first time in years
I sit alone on the swept floor
Of a silent room
And the cold winter wind rushes through our house
Through windows flung open to let in more breathable air
But it makes me think only of my warm spot halfway up the stairs
That I was too afraid to go to when I heard the cold coming
Now a scream echoes without a scream
And my heat is lost to a room
With nothing to hold it
I walk tonight.
The sky casts no light.
The lack of shadows hides my solitude.
My dormant heart beats alone.
Awaiting to be heard.
Longing to be held.
By the one so wrongfully taken for granted.
The only one that truly cares,
If it beats at all.
This heart beats for you.
These tears fall for you.
These feet walk for you…

A gleaming light flickers in the distance.
Lightening is strewn across the horizon.
Such power given by gods to move mountains with profound toxicity.
A power given to slay the inexhaustible flame I hold deep within.
I have been stricken down.
By this hand of fate.
What you call an obstacle,
I see a labyrinth.
Twisting and contorting with layers unreachable by the most straining efforts.
To be wandered for eternity,
These walls hold me in captivity.

Adjacent lies the potent moon.
Tearing a lucid hole in the darkness,
Light pours in.
Thrown to my knees by the fiery fervor that drips so elegantly.
Diminutive under these chains of misery,
I look up.
And cry out!
But I am not heard…
I am not seen…
I am forgotten.

And so…
Once again,
The moon has fallen…
Left in darkness.
No shadow for company.
I hunger.
For another day.
Another chance.
To prove myself worthy.
So that some day,
I can again feel your supple skin beneath my fingertips.
Taste your succulent lips.
And embrace you for what you are worth.

Trouble, trouble, trouble
I think I"m seeing double
******, ******, ******
Better yet I"m seeing triple!

A shot , a joint,
Maybe a pill
Fill this body with toxins
Til I get my fill

No I don't know why
I just love being high
Maybe its my parents to blame
Or that lifes just to lame

You say I'm ****** up?
Yeah I know it
You say whats with my life
I just may blow it

That what you wanna hear isn't it?
That I am just another burnout
Oh ten years from now
You can already guess how my life turns out

Well go ahead, say it, see if I care
Let me have  it this time, feelings don't spare
I would love to know, what you have to say
Just remember who you are, behind closed doors
at the end of the day....
I have no clue what this was really about and i was just extremely bored to be honest.
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