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 Jan 2014 gabriela
Hayley Schiete
 Jan 2014 gabriela
Hayley Schiete
He is the one who compliments my adjectives and structure saying I always have a way with words
When honest to God he is the one who takes me a little bit higher every time he says those cliche 3 words
But from him cliche is the exact opposite, I could never grow tired of his love
And I hope he says pretty words out of sheer heart throbbing, butterfly inducing love and not because he needs to

But he is not fake
He is not the people I encountered before who loved me just because they felt obligated to
He is not the people I've met before who threw torpedoes of harmful names but claim the did it out of those cliche 3 words
He is the man who brought me to my knees with this feeling 72 hours in
He is the man who I willfully want to get down on my knees for late at night and taste the love after
He is the man who I see my future with front row on a huge, bright, white screen titled "It's Now Ours"

And although I never was the one to be held down I love the way he puts "my" in front of love because now I know I'm his and I hope he knows he's mine
For you.
there's a hard silence here
and there is a fresh echo of the dim kitchen light
in the ***** linoleum tiles that zigzag the floor
even the air feels broken as it limps slowly
through the room
i stop near the door upon entering
and gather myself
like a ragman gathering the tattered remains
stitching the fragments of self with the thread of awareness
weave the image of self into the reality of the moment
with the hesitations of someone who has lived this moment too many times'
it will come to naught
she is alive but her heart is dead
the dust on my worn coat is from the graves of my
fallow field where we once laid a crop of hopes
but i cannot abandon her to this barren place

i know i perceive only the narrow sunstricken pages
faded and stained with the words legible only to the hardy eye
but its the deeper tale which
even the gardener of times bloodstained trophy's
would fear to tread
his leather shod hands worry the intricate gears
of the mechanical face she wears
he manipulates it to wear a lopsided grin
pantomime of happiness for my birthday
but i watch the vacant places behind the face and see that
with a blemished mechanical eye she looks out over the oncoming
evening through the livingroom window
its cracked and ***** surface turns
the setting sun into a parody of dawn

she greets me but just stares out the window
as if she is waiting a lovers return
i stand infront of her blankly
we wait for the hours to pass
i fix her tea even though it isn't broken
and make small talk
as she makes mechanical sounds
till she sleeps
i leave with the dawn
and make my way to my own bed at last
to fend off dreams that something somewhere could be different
and wake to the sorrowful song of a passing bard
his thin feet dancing on a moonlight hilltop
meant for lovers only
and he is dancing alone
 Jan 2014 gabriela
D.H. Lawrence
I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.
 Jan 2014 gabriela
I am but a single
dry dead leaf
laying beneath an endless willow tree
around the waters bend
close to the toadstool pow-wows
only inhabited by the faeries.

& the moon- she still shine,
captured but by a sphere, yet so free
her light may breathe
a chilling, frigid touch
between the memories you
have buried so deep.

So please do not fret your wondrous mind
over all of your insecurities,
though she may shine with a chilling reminder
I promise that in your eyes
a beautiful soul
is all she sees.

As my mind races I feel
I am unable to describe
the exact emotion you
have gently
injected into my mind.
My eyelids grow heavy
my minds afloat to space
all that is left in my world as I know it,
is the perfection on your face

      You see darling,
      I am a hija de la luna;
      the stars will align with
      Castor & Pollux
      Cancer, Aphrodite, & Fortuna.
      They greet me as old friends,
      join me in my nights of fantasy.
      tell me darling what do these strange constellations mean?

Oh how I pity thy cataracts
eyes white & glassy
but I promise the warmth will melt your frozen gaze
& in time, you will see.

       The horizon shifts as I do to you,
      how long do you wish to be at sea?

Alas, you know my poison  
doubt seeps into my skin
like an 80 patch.
Through thick & thin,
even on the sorest of feet
I will skip merrily along your path.

      Round my head I gaze,
      The sky has been stained
      with fuchsia & clementine
      among the blues.
      tell me again, how may I find your presence within the hues?

Wrap yourself within my blanket
of ease & security.
Trust me with your life or not,
for I want to be
there, when you most
need me

      You cannot help
      you are a broken bird
       I cannot deny my psyche as it worries
      does a dove not care about her nest back home
       when she soars above
       the sea?

Next to the beating arrhythmia
you try hold dear ‘twixt your ribs
my favourite poem of yours has changed
where I will weave a small nest
dream of your lips
& the sound of rain.
 Jan 2014 gabriela
Raj Arumugam
the teacher
expounded on the value of the tree
“Isaac Newtown
discovered the law of gravity
under an apple tree;
the Buddha gained nirvana
seated under the Bodhi tree
Children -
what can we extrapolate from this?”

“It’s obvious, teacher,” said a smarty-pants kid
*“class is useless -
for if they’d been seated in a class like us
they’d have remained ignorant”
 Jan 2014 gabriela
soul growth of
a tree, the leaves
drop with every word
you let free.

leave a barren old twig,
knowing you did what you must
and said what you hid.
but remember,

leave without
a twirl or a spin
of the heart, or the gift
you have to give will stay
forever, from this world, apart.
 Jan 2014 gabriela
Ananyaa Kapoor
She molds herself
a silver pen
Embedded with rubies
crystals and gems.
She pours her life
out on fragile pages,
unleashes her thoughts
from their constrictive cages
But one dark day,
the pages were found
Lampooned and humiliated,
she hit the ground
Along with her
fell her silver pen
the crystals now stained
with the darkest red.
 Jan 2014 gabriela
a year ago
you told me
that i am
filled with

(( ))
 Jan 2014 gabriela
 Jan 2014 gabriela
wrinkles of fire,
parting the atmospheric
sea surrounding.
lost within
the flame,
i watch my troubles
into the smoke,
drifting into
the wind,
dancing upon
the void.
floating ever upwards,
my troubles
to the transcendent
ears of the
angles that hide
in the spaces
of silence and
the moments
of darkness
between the stars.
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