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 Jan 2014 gabriela
 Jan 2014 gabriela
stony feet,
traipsed the streets
of Nepal--
home of homes.
my hearts is
in the Himalayas.
misted mornings
with a cup of
hot chai
free my soul.
one day I know
I will return
to my home.
until then, I'm
stuck dreaming
and reminiscing
about the past
days. one day
i'll find my
heart again.
 Jan 2014 gabriela
crystalized veins,
and a moon rock heart--
only shooting myself in the foot,
but i like to watch the blood
flow. the stubborn
stalk doesn't need
water to grow.
fool of my own
demise, but you
have to die to
reach heaven.
so i'll stick to my
guns no matter
 Jan 2014 gabriela
quicksand waves of
sunsets as I
sink into umbral
moments of internal skull

pictures play upon
my eyelids, dancing to and fro--
whispering foreign
thoughts to my neurons.

as i open the curtains of
my physiognomy, light
prickles my corneas, signaling
the retreat of my
midnight adventures
into the darkest
caverns of my
 Jan 2014 gabriela
Hayley Schiete
i've often been told
that the apple doesn't fall far
from the tree

but if i climbed the highest tree
broke the weakest branches
and picked you with a single touch

would you
could you
distance yourself from the orchard of your old ways
 Jan 2014 gabriela
question mark eyes,
dust specked with
anguished lies.

his graceless feet
are always dancing
but not to his soul's beat.

songs sung with unknown
notes, so he drowns himself
in the bars that are shown.

perhaps one day, he'll
read the sheet music,
but for now he's still
dancing to the mysterious
tune and he always will.

stuck with what he's got,
tortured by what he sought.

that's the tune of the world.
 Jan 2014 gabriela
Daniel Kenneth
The contrast is stunning
Taking my breath away
Only when I'm so happy do I realize
How miserable were the other days
Life is always so heavy
Weighed down by fear and the past
Though things seem so perfect right now
I'm terrified they won't last
 Dec 2013 gabriela
 Dec 2013 gabriela
traveler of souls, a
looking glass shattered,
the infected cracks
murmur to my eyes,
telling me more
about myself
than the
 Dec 2013 gabriela
right now
right here
i'm drowning
in thankfulness
that i feel like
i won't ever be able to
express in full,
so i write these words
to let out a little
water and get enough
space to breathe.

friendship is
the greatest gift
i have ever been
blessed with.
i'm indebted to you
in a way i could
never pay you back.
i know i haven't
been a good influence.
i was always bad
at being good.
i'm expelled now
and you're still here
by my side.
i know i saved you
from this punishment
but that won't ever be
even the most
taboo of my thoughts
don't send you running
and that dumbfounds me.
the moment that we have to leave
and part ways, is the moment
a piece of my soul is going to
die. i love you.
know that,
no matter what,
you will
 Dec 2013 gabriela
 Dec 2013 gabriela
i swallowed the sun and
washed it down with a little inky night.
now wildflowers bloom in my heart
and light fills my mind. these
words are solar flares of a
fallen petal.

the price of it all--
welded lips of unspoken words.
now other people mishear
and believe i am speaking,
but it is only the wind
whistling through
my teeth.

now i find that,
being alone is silence,
but it is never quiet.
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