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Dec 2013 · 815
Touch Universe
Touch my universe
Touch my reality
My reality's a bubble
Pop it
Touch my everything
Touch my nothing
They're viscous
Swirl them

I want you to throw me to the fires of digital
I want you to kick me into a hole of downloads
I want you to punch me with a fist, full of beautiful status updates
I want your numbers to fall on my chest from fifteen-hundred miles away
I want computer components to crush my legs
I am unsure of whether this could be considered violent or not.  Explicit?
A sort of out of body... question
A body asunder which is to say, I mean, I have feet for eyes
Fingers replaced with eyes
Arms of many knees
And my head's nowhere to be found
Despite my frantically looking eyes
My lips are fingers
I'm also missing some core components like my soul (it's been stolen)

Or is nothing where it should be?
Or is everything in place?
Or has this abstract symbolism
Ruined me
Ruin me
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Color, she dislike me
Absence, common thought
Grotesque, always
Rotting stench and dirt are friends

And in a new way I'm collapsing again, reciprocally
I'm passed that all though (though dem' thoughts always be wit' meh)
It's no more (though, still)

And now the keyboard takes over! HIT each STROKE with PASS-I-ON!
Now my fingers no longer belong to me! LINK finger and mind (without anything else)
Now my mind no longer is in existence! I'm one with these words! (quotation contraceptive)
Now truth is here to tell it's lies to destiny and me

Dec 2013 · 463
So many halls
Each with addicts
Beautiful addicts
Dressed in the newest dirt

So many faces
Each with a glare
Beautiful ugliness
Dressed in the newest gossip
Dec 2013 · 627
Double Drum Death
Go to the man tell em' you can
Through the sand of the desert-brain
Melt around thy skull, hair
Burn burn burn burn burn burn burn burn burn burn ******* BURN
Feel the keys beneath your feet-hands
Walk with him long' the beach full of GLASS
These keys are glass
These keys are glass
These keys are glass
Gimme' that six-string-shooter
So that I can bring together my thoughts to unionize and bring a coup upon myself
Dec 2013 · 752
Inspired Horse
This was written while I was listening to Horse The Band

Rip n' cut n' though the gut GOES THE KNIFE
Lovely suds in the blood
Of course I am talking about my mind
Torn to pieces
But that is oh so common
Torn to pieces
Be you insane? I think otherwise
Be you insane? I think otherwise
Are you weird, surely you're not
When you say so I say you're so dumb
Of course I've been called weird but I prefer to refer to myself as strange
Unusual in my interests at times or what leads to what
Ere the di un
Add to category number-twenty
Never mind the numbers and math
Synthesizer star saturates the bar with MILKY love
Beautiful scream of hate is therefore silent
Leave this unhindered by sentimentality and null feeling seal the reeling sta-sta-stutter into the vast!
Rouge rogue go southward toward the boardwalk crutch hallowed by APOCALYPSE!
Southern mess of strangulation stress stuffing the throat with dairy-wine
Bleep bloop beep slop soup ****
Peeling the head said me or was that an alternate personality?
Can't remember now what was said between us as people or dream
Dec 2013 · 548
Burn Top
Collect tan and bring in the sin to sacrifice to overlord contraption!
Use up all the forest and burn the earth to ash
The longest flash is too short for pulping to take hold and turn her into here
There I am now, too far gone to see the stars as sun
Big void
Pig droid
Annotated and annoyed so SUFFER THE MOON
Da-da-da-da listen to the Cr-A-Zy musIC MY FRIENDS!
Long last thou heart through cold and heat alike and melt side' the mire FORE the lieutenant LATE
Bass and soul go together and GROW
One letter away from sold-so-few!
How doth fright and fought be told to TEN-BILLION array of conceptual delight

Does it sound good to you or will it hurt your brain and ears and scar your delicate flesh
Do you enjoy it or does the passion inform you of your recently muddied thought?
I enjoy it thus I am it, and I am it so it goes without saying it is me

Thank you!
Dec 2013 · 298
Wait Again Too Long
I can't wait to be there
Up in the earth
Down in the sky
Out of money
Out of money
These things these people say
Are worse than what I say
A joke turns serious
As I realize you're not all too smart
I can't wait to be everywhere
I love your hate
I can't be you
You can't be me
You can't try
Like I can
You still don't get it
You never will
Go where you are
Be who you are
Know thy self!
Dec 2013 · 806
The difference is me
I am forever
I am never
I am a paradox
I am infinite
I am not
I am
Thus you can't
Thus you won't
Thus you will
Thus you aren't
Keep quiet and maybe I'll let you go
Scratchin' till' ya' BLEED
Salmon tasted like lips of Lucifer
Lucifer growl
Show yer' teeth
Let em' know
My name is yours
Your name is mine
Universal federation of lack-luster-star-clusters
All of you freaks, geeks, ****-ups, n', poets
All of you nasty-anti-good-doin'-thieves, n, troublemakers
All of you down-to-earth-yet-out- of-this-world-semi-psuedo-sacrilegious-punks
I call to you to know me
Dec 2013 · 288
This Hole, Begin
This Hole, Begin
Dug around three
Or was it ten?
This hole I can see
Right before me
Is it old, is it new
It looks sticky, like glue
Yet shiny, engrossed
With the beauty
Of rival of none
It gleamed
It glowed
Much like the sun
Dec 2013 · 412
Still though you burn
My heart, my soul
When will you learn
I've no hope, no goal
Save for this
My experience
Of no-kiss
But, instead
Is, bliss
Dec 2013 · 271
That Which I Love
To enter through
That which is of
The witch's brew?
The essence of you
Which isn't to say
That's all that you are
It's just, if I may
I'm real bizarre
You're my shining star!
Dec 2013 · 784
Pasts Forgotten
Something forgotten
Universe unfurls
Reality cures
Reality curls
Round' my mind
Written in other languages
Of alternate insanity
Of these altered states of muddied clouded thought
Of you
Of you
Of you
Then everything exploded and I don't know but
I was there along with those demons to some
God's to others
I am the dirt you walk on and you feel me
Understanding and fearfully attentive
Neck separate from body
Body to the left
Neck to the right
Dec 2013 · 400
Oh Hi Mark
Down by the lake
Saw a fake
Swan that is
Hunted by fake hunters
Nov 2013 · 631
Back To Brink
And on the brink of everything
I can see the startling drop
A lit edge surrounded by darkness
Darkness before but so much more after
I am at the edge and I can see it at my feet
About to fall once again
Into my head

Now riptide tear aside the marriage of lust and bust the crust
Lyrics and cat kicks and acknowledgement starry sticks sticking me in my brain outward bolts of lightning
Get through, break new, into two, flu-idly, without precision or corrupt incision or a terrible decision
Every new line, teach me asunder with otherworldly wordy blunder
Drum-drop-gum-pops scepter purple contract smash into the flash
Smash the flash and raze the crash and save the rash with boil which I am spawned from, stink
I am the **** eatin'-lady pleasin'-love feastin' GOLEM!
I've grown fat and disgusting with enough inner abasement to grow old with!
Surely there is not a single piece of self-confidence left inside

Coffee buzz is dyin'
Nov 2013 · 393
Another Stupid
Close your eyes and realize
Realize the evolution abstract
Understand the deeper meaning of fact
Shut your lips and open your ears
While they rip, examine your fears
Know that it's all the same
Lives come and go, like falling drops of rain
Like leaves turn into dirt
Like a song is eventually drowned out by another
Like a flash of lightning who's ghost breaks into the other side.
And even then, blinked out of existence
Time is static
What is will always be
What won't will not
Birth, death, and whatever's in between
Are simply measurements of confusion
Along with facts
Along with falseness
Remember that if I was here
I always will be
Remember that if I wasn't
I will never be
Nov 2013 · 302
The Stupid Poem
Time gives way to the breeze
The beautiful day
Life gives way to the moon
And forever the stars
The universe unfurl
Time will unfold
You will be there
I hope
Nov 2013 · 555
Flash, bring the ugly
Make me beautiful
I am ugly
With an ugly soul
An ugly
To help me grow
Into a respectable young man
Who will turn into a bitter old
(yet timeless)
Nov 2013 · 437
Not enough
Or was it too much?
Or maybe nothing
And then again
I will never again
Begin to love you
So far from me
I cannot stand the sight
Of half of a fight
But rather all night
Fighting in the void
My head, annoyed
Once said, destroyed
All in space
Is my face
I can see my place
My palace
My malice
My unconditional-
Reversal of ways
The pain that stays
Is the one true truth
And not in youth
Will I ever
Forget forever
Because it doesn't matter
And this ******* doesn't flatter
This ****** poem
Or me as the Mad-Hatter
I wish
Or do I
The why
The question
The reason
The lesion
It leaves when
It agrees, then
Bereaves  men
Who grieve because
Nov 2013 · 2.3k
Eyesight twisted
Finger's touching fingers through the pen or keyboard
And ears falling out of my ears like a woman whose songs have long been
Tearing me to pieces wherever I like to be felt
Too literally no
Too many thoughts cloggin' up this massive tremor of a hemorrhage
Waves to listen to like a bad man
Nov 2013 · 240
Makes sense
But makes less
Than a nonsensical tense
So that it
It has become
Something more
Than making a few cents
Nov 2013 · 788
(Blood) Letter
Let it make you crazy
Let life's little lessons grow you more insane
Let those who are, make you laugh
Let them decipher your mind
Let this whole ideology compare
Let the contradictions bloom
Let these thoughts get out of control
Let learning turn you inside out
Let what you see seep into you
Let skin brush against nothing
Let nakedness be
Let me know
Let knowing be unbeknownst
Let words solve nothing
Let fighting crush itself
Let nothing be there
Let itself break the fort
Let walls sink into your brain
Let it make you crazy
Just one of many that I've already written that I'm going to copy to this site.
Nov 2013 · 3.0k
Brunette Corridor
Inspired by The Mars Volta
Encased in, tubular, too much too fast, written again with music in the background!
Screams now or be they babies?  Here it's more with talking, psychedelic naturally!
Complete the creativity contract stingy stars stealin' popcorn RIPS, and I can feel it coming to me.  Groaning, rhyming with the rather outer despite the order AND GO! Build up, build up who wants a build up? Pause.
Groove to me my Ukraine tartar! Make no sense, make it so hard you can't understand where it or was she GOING, go, go, go! Membrane skin saturate thy kin with separating spin so I can't ******' breathe! Correct my sins or be you scared to talk to pins though they your friends. The tack is in to lift paper from she and she can't see.  Are you a man or a mouse or anthropomorphic spouse of any of these fleeing an-i-mals?!  I find in the mirror myself and beer to drown the pain or discomforting disdain I can't quite get it right anymore therefore goodbye all truly universally bleeding.  I say goodbye to my past and won't come to grip with it!  GRIP your children's ears but it is you who doesn't want to hear.  You cover their eyes because of the size of daybreak rise!  Rise to the occasional borderline street sign between

Inspired by Tool
I will explode into the stars, become all of them, but all in sparkle of another's eye
I can't rip this mind any further, or else it'll break and snap and slow-mo crack
May, may, may, may you starve, breathe, sink, rise, steep, leap, creep into my parallel like a feeling
Demented in this way due to you, the closest I'll ever get
Five years, apparently not enough to forget
Five years, without you
Five years, and you still break into my dreams
Five years
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
Synonym eternity
Eternally infinite
Infinitely endless
Endlessly continuous
Continuously I search
The speck's speck
Continuously I search
The greater macro
Continuously I die
And fall into forever
Where Lucifer sits
Where he points his everlasting-million-fingered-fingers at me
I'm next
Yet I will never be
I'm him
Yet I always am two
I'm nothing
Yet I am
Scary thought, scary music, strange conclusions, strange delusions, stranger still is where I am because my tools have gone missing.
I am surrounded black and the black's surrounded by pink, and the pink's surrounded by pale, and the pale's surrounded by what else, but hair of course!
I feel my pet crawling between my brain and scalp with his tiny feet firmly on the latter so to give you an idea he is upside down on the inside of me
Nov 2013 · 852
Bring Them To Me
Then what
Of beautiful technology
And isn't that how it always goes
That something is "fad"-ified
Constantly and dies electronic death
As a burst
Numbers all over

Even me
And the popularity of my words
Short lived
And why
Why should I go somewhere else?

Like a slipping moment into eternal obscurity and forgotten
Like a Myspace account never to be revisited
Like all of those accounts I've made

How many more of them I wonder, things lost to to inevitability and eventually all
Why must I be lost to a page of history that'll never exist
This is why I question my existence, this is why I see myself how I do
This is why I write so hard
This is why I continue to fight a fight that's not there

I will be remembered
Then forgotten
Nov 2013 · 900
Now, now, now, now, now, now, now!
You can do better
You can always do better
Yet always can't never
Suckin' on a sliver in the tool-shed-deluxe, AND I've GROWN depressed again
Sept' NOT cause' I tend to tenderize dem' words!  Badly written, this mind un-fittin' for deez words I'm sittin'! Red marks, red marks n' squiggle 'neath my stupid words a lot like me and my arms n' body!  I am incorrectly myself far too often to see truly true pieces beyond the sky's fragility be she man nor woman yet the classically pronounced hermaphrodit-E!  I stink and smell like rotting hell except worse due to too many twos or were they duos throwing in the towel... foul.
I am
The walking stench of literal intention and the walking stench of the hands of death (clench).
Broken staff is my forgotten word thus I AM ZERO-MARK
Not the nor a or an, but and is to I am as a universe as a point of hallucination
Well... hm... I have quick question before I send this to the public.  I notice the feature of  "Save poem as (drop-down-list) either Public, Unlisted, Private, or Draft so my question is how do I get to the part of this site where, for instance, my saved poem drafts are?

I figured it out but I'm going to leave the question.
Nov 2013 · 590
Music I don't
I couldn't tell you why
I can't sing these reasons for
I am bad at this
SAVE for the ability to write terrible lyrics
L-O-L means
I left out the meaning of these words to mush them to-geth-er
Be-cause I am lazy
Or was this the reason
Instead they
They could say
That it is because they want to progress and leave tradition behind
Maybe that's not good, maybe there is no reason beside me losing my self, my mind, my love, my soul
Lightning GLOW
GLOW-ing trans-form-ation slow my glow for it is too bright to see anything else!
All of those beings are so ver-y used they can't be USED broken and no more lines, no more poetry, just writing, so keep... going.  Listen... O listen to the music here we go helicopter fire FIRE shoot dem' bullets cause they so fine! Those bullets bring me peace and I am the world so very VAIN so very e-go-tist-ical.  Burn Burn Burn forget the past Burn Burn Burn.  Grow with the nasty, noisy, tasty, pasty, LA-DY.  Piano now
Get your composure and do a-way with it
Bring forth line, posture, and calmness
Calm your tune
The tune gets calm
The sounds gets low
The instruments decrease
Nov 2013 · 536
For Fun
You can't stand the site of me
You must stand in front of me
You have to berate me
You have no choice because
You are you, and I give no sentence for that
Though I am me and therefore I am
And you can't change that
So I listen to what I listen to to make me me
But you refuse
Oh how hard refuse with all of your might
I'll sit next to him on this one
I sit next to him on most of these
If nothing else than to **** you off
If nothing else than to tear your vocal cords
If nothing else than to hear your hear STOP
And I write without sense again
And I write without sense AGAIN
I laugh at my own jokes because I know
I laugh at my own disjointed agony
I laugh at my self even if you
Spelled without context are these phrases of GOD
I can't stand your God or gods or goddesses or any higher power BEING
If only because you refuse to believe in truth
Or to hear you cry
Or try to rip me up
Try to pray for me
Try and tell me I'm wrong when I know I'm more right than you
You hypocrites with your hypno-quits
What came first is the question still not answered
Feeling good now with my disjoint-finger-tap-TAP-TAP
Guitar now in my ears-adjunct-twixt-crossing MOVE
Keep this heavy-quick-ever-high-pitch-type-incorrect grammar if nothing else than to tell them I'm listening to The Mars Volta!
OR WAS "THE" missing
My favorite peak
My favorite peak
Too much coffee
Too much coffee
Oh why must we end
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Sophia En Poetry
And why then, should I not?  I am not below most and if nothing else am equal to many here with relevancy to being philosophical while writing poetry.  The two may be related and maybe it's just personal preference that I try to separate these but it's not without reason or logic.
To write philosophically shouldn't there be few guidelines?  Shouldn't thought and inquisitiveness be themselves and without metaphor and emotion?
To write poetically, isn't it more about feeling, grace, and beauty without questioning these?
I understand things change and definitions separate, disperse, die, and are born which is why I'm going to say that the two ideas of contemplation and beauty are inextricable to a certain extent and I'm open their junction.
In the end maybe I'm split on this.
Maybe it's contradictory.
Maybe I'm wrong and it's due to past circumstances that're relatable only to myself.
Nov 2013 · 459
First, After
I tend to not write while drunk
I tend to try and have fun
But it has become a nightly
So, I will do my best
Just like I never do
Just like I fall asleep at night
Just like I drink to sleep
Just because it helps me not think
I never help out
I never do anything
Whether that be cleaning the cat litter
Or cleaning up the backyard porch
Or trying to cheer you up
Or cleaning the dishes
Or taking the trash into the front of the house to be picked up
Or trying to better myself
Or doing my best
Or trying to not think of the thoughts that tend to hold me back
Or trying to change the world
Or taking your weight on my shoulders
Or learning about bettering myself
Or trying to think of how to make you happy without killing myself in the process, metaphorically or physically
Or wondering what's wrong with me and why I seem to be losing this race
Or thinking about the point of all this
Or thinking about why things are the way the are, why you tend to be unhappy, why you unintentionally force your mind into my mind
Or wondering why you never say love
Or wondering what I'm going to say at your funeral
Or figuring out why I seem to come up with excuses as to why I am like I am
Or coming to conclusions and epiphanies that'll never stay with me because, I can't and won't and shouldn't and haven't voice or voiced them to anyone, and in the end I'll be in first place, after you of course.
Nov 2013 · 216
Question All
You must be careful
The journey will get dark
And you'll never reach the end

You must be brave
When you venture far
You can always get help

When you've had enough
Look around and find a light
Though sometimes it's very dim
Paradoxes, loops, and the abstract are what I'm talking about, though, looking at it, I think it may be applicable to other topics.
Nov 2013 · 303
About That
Is it easy, I wonder
To make something like you do
To make something
What is beauty though
Or otherwise stated
Isn't love a thing
That no one can possess
Yet many can experience

Perhaps it is this
This that is the reason
That I am unfamiliar
With that emotion
Not of course
But more than hate

That I am often myself
That I am so much so
That others tend
To stay away
Nov 2013 · 287
The Teacher Is Wrong
The teacher is wrong
There is nothing to teach
There is only learn
For someone to BE a teacher
Is to imply that they know
But, there are no facts
There is no correctness
Aside from the possibility that
The teacher is correct and does know

There are facts, however
And these are they
The teaching people as a whole
Never intended for me to question
And the closest few did not teach

These closest few asked me to ask
Though not too much, as always
And I get to thinking

Question is answer
Answer is question
Before I wrote the title I was overwhelmed by many aspects related to this site and a change in me.  There are many things here I find myself liking and many things I'm unsure of, being inspired to write my own poems, wondering whether to "follow" or not, and I wonder what the most polite thing to do is.   I do not want for people to feel like I'm patronizing or doing something because I have to but I also do not want people to be offended by me not reading through all of their poetry or not following them.  I also do not see any long comments or notes so I'm not sure if that's either not allowed or looked down upon.
Nov 2013 · 457
Back To The Brain
Inside the mind
Into the stink
Vaporize brink
**** the line
There is none
When all is
Scratch the scab
It is no longer mine
Yet, still, I can hear IT
IT, the past
I am a memory
And memories are all I have
I can still experience the music
The dialogue
The people
The surreal, limbotic texture of my mind
I think I used limbotic in the right way but I'm not sure.  I was thinking of Limbo.
Nov 2013 · 987
No More
No more love poems
For nothing else
Than the sake of intelligence
No more
Because you refuse to think
I've heard it all before
I want something new
Interesting, at least
I want something different
******* and this steel mind
Away, into the universe's bliss

To relevant beings
Know, experience, and be
Hell, Limbo, and Heaven
Be nothing and everything and forget time
I want to see you crying
Falling down the hole
Experiencing all
In an abyss of grey, dark, and brightness

Be witness to yourself as Lucifer
And God
And the truest of insanity's delight
Ignorance, insanity, and intelligence all correlate
As an order to follow, or not
1. Complete-ignorance-bliss
2. Intellect-learn-inferno
3. Truthful-insanity-happiness
Nov 2013 · 382
Easy, Simple, Inspire
And why is it
That all I see is bad
Why must it be
That there isn't any good
Is it so, that my hate
Is greater than yours?
I pass judgement
Without sharing connotation
My hate is my own and it is so heavy
I must give it away
I will force it on you
I must force it on you
All things bad and wrong and immoral
I see them as the few truths that exist
I'm unsure of whether hate, though obviously a feeling, is best described as something liquid or hard, or should be used with amount or much.  "I have a lot of hate." versus "I have so much hate." or even "I have bucket-loads of hate.".  More often than not I hear it used implying, if nothing else, that it's a liquid.  Thoughts?

— The End —