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 Nov 2013 Gabriel Peter Green
Lust leaves a mark
It never bites the dust
Consumes and controls
Every aspect of your life
And it feels so good
A feeling misunderstood
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Gabriel Peter Green
My poems are all so different,
I'm definitely not organized.

I write without thought,
I post without a doubt.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
A sinking ship at the innards of deep space.
That’s me.
An invisible speck on the tip of your eyes.
Radiating simplistic waves that change your mind.
Abruptly, I see an ambiguous image
of a godlike figure tickling at the back of my skull.
I find it hard to believe its lies.
Hull damage imminent.
But nonetheless. I follow.
As if compelled by some off worldly magic.
Then I ask myself as I hardly swallow,
“How do you know the nature of galaxy?”
and I suddenly remember.
Trial and error.
 Nov 2013 Gabriel Peter Green
you took my innocence
during that one night of lust
we were both seventeen
the night we made love
and it felt so right
I thought you
were my
but I guess
we're all wrong
sometimes in life
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure why I miss him. I guess it's because he was my first true love.
 Nov 2013 Gabriel Peter Green
If I wanted to be ignored
I would have dug myself a grave
With not even a tombstone
Or anything to show my name
Just a small, little place
To put myself to rest
An unknown burial ground
To put my body at ease
And leave it with
Flowers surrounded
For a bit of luck
Or just to
Make it look nice
I'm not asking for much
Just for a bit of support
To make my existence
Feel like it's worth something
All I ever asked for
Was tender love
And tender care
I have a fragile heart
Take care of it
Before it's too late
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is depressing, but **** it, I needed to vent.
 Nov 2013 Gabriel Peter Green
when the lust kicks in
your whole world spins
hoping for a taste of sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.

short but whatever. xo
Love is not a drug
Because that would imply that
Love is a bad thing
i don't believe in the hypocritical moralistic dogma of this so-called civilized society
everyone is finicky, demanding, and ignorant, like society runs on their selfish need
humanity is unhealthy, diseased, deceived by the smoke and mirrors of propriety
starving poets living off their art, starving celebrities living off their titanic sized greed
and people wonder why we have criminals who will do anything to get away with crime
if everyone saw the real side of people, trust would be another delusional superstition
guilt is like spiders crawling onto your naked skin and onto your famished spine
some people believe they are the bricks to rebuild a home with ammunition
we are force fed trust in these strangers in a extremely vulnerable habitat
like a bird's feathers clipped off, we are unable to fly, unable to breathe
like an army without weapons, we are unprepared for the sudden combat
like a witches cauldron, the brain's contents bubble and seethe

"madness of many" - french
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