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 Aug 2016 Gabe Calvert
gender identity can be
    one of the hardest things to fight
        because the only thing you can do
           is lean on what you think
               and hope that it's right
 Aug 2016 Gabe Calvert
L Curley
 Aug 2016 Gabe Calvert
L Curley
Like cats
we move as shadows,

rubbing past ankles
down sandstone walkways with yellow windows
spilling out into the night like running yolks

sand on your tongue and in my eyes
where you kissed them pink and sore

              brushing my sides
hissing in the human ants' nest.

If we make it,
through the dark
we'll retreat into sheets
they'll curl around our bones
like milk
I must not gaze at them although
Your eyes are dawning day;
I must not watch you as you go
Your sun-illumined way;

I hear but I must never heed
The fascinating note,
Which, fluting like a river reed,
Comes from your trembing throat;

I must not see upon your face
Love's softly glowing spark;
For there's the barrier of race,
You're fair and I am dark.

— The End —