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Samantha Feb 2018
Out of sight, out of mind
Is not so true for me
You see I've left my home behind
And still it's where I long to be
Samantha Nov 2019

-must be from 15 to 19
-must not be a hick
-must not be an *******
-must be sweet but also have a backbone
-must be able to handle crazy
-probably should be crazy
-must want something real
-must have a sense of humor
-must watch cartoons
-must be loyal
-must not be aggressive
-must want true love

                 -future gf
btw im broke. this is a pro bono job
Samantha Oct 2019
I was there.
When it all went to ****.
Don't you remember?
I held your hand.
I stood by your side.
I took every bullet.
Just to keep you safe.
But it didn't last.
Because apparently I'm too complicated to be a doormat...
Samantha Nov 2019
beautiful poison
sickly sweet
***** my finger on a thorn
my blood as red as the petals of a rose
you hold my heart
and wrap it in barbed wire
i feel so safe
and so dangerous
i could spend my last seconds on this earth
******* poison from your lips
Samantha Feb 2019
Pray don't give me pity,
For it makes me feel so weak.

Pray don't give me promises,
For that you'll forget to keep.

Pray don't give me hope,
For I will hold my breath.

Pray don't break my heart,
For I will welcome death.

Pray don't try encourage me,
For I take things too far.

Pray don't let me try,
For I'll try to reach the stars.

Pray don't let me fall,
For the fall will hurt my pride.

Pray don't criticize me,
For there's nothing I take in stride.

Pray don't pay too much attention,
For I will shy away.

Pray don't take me for granted,
For I will always disobey.

Pray don't give me everything,
For I will never pay.

Pray don't give me nothing,
For I'll have nothing more to say.
Samantha Feb 2018
regret is the most painful feeling
more painful is the regret you feel
for making her hate you
than the hate itself
regret is the moment
when you are thinking:
this is it; the things I have done
have made it come down to this moment
when I want to end everything
everything that could be
all for the mistakes of my past
all my regrets
gone in a moment
the moment that ends it all
when I will not feel regrets
of what I have done
in the past
and I won't have to be afraid
of the future
that I never knew
nor will I feel the regret I have left behind
for ending everything else
all the good that could be
all gone in 1 moment
1 lonely moment
all because you want to leave your regret behind
but you leave everything behind
and everyone
everyone is left behind
to carry the burden of your regrets
and for them to regret your last decision for you
they regret not knowing
not helping
what they could have done
is not have helped you not have regrets
but to move past them
you may lose all your regret
to make this decision
and end it
but you leave all else behind
to regret your last decision
if decided not
you won't regret it
and the feeling
of alleviation and relief
of numbness and comfort
into your being
into your mind
is as strong of a feeling
as the regret
that started your pain
the regret
that this time you chose not to create
DO NOT let the last thing
-the last feeling-
you leave behind
on this earth
in this world
be a feeling
of regret
Samantha Mar 2021
My head's becoming weary
Of all these heavy words
To put them down on paper
Is far too much work
My mind spins round in riddles
Dizzy and absurd
Shall I rest my head
Or shall I let it turn
Samantha Apr 2020
Thank you all so much for your strength and positivity in these hard times! Your hard work is greatly appreciated by all!! Continue the support of Healthcare workers everywhere!! <3 <3 <3
Samantha Nov 2018
I'm trying least I think I am

I'm lying

...but who gives a ****

You know me least you thought you knew

You show me

...but that's all you can do
Samantha Jan 2019
the   blood    rushing    in   my   ear
sitting  so   still
my   silent    heartbeat    rocks    me    gently
reminding    me   i'm   still   here
for   a   single   moment    my   mind   stills   briefly
and      focuses     on      a     single     moment     of       Silence
Samantha Jun 2019
Some months ago I thought I'd never get used it-
Seeing you with her.
Some months ago I thought it'd always hurt-
Seeing you with her.
Now it's just just a fact that I'll be-
Seeing you with her.
Now I'm not so sad that I'll be-
Seeing you with her.
It doesn't feel half bad when I see you-
Seeing me with him.
Samantha Oct 2019
every time i think someone might actually care...
Samantha Oct 2019
i'm not sorry
for offering you
my love
i'm sorry
that you don't recognize
it's value
i'm sorry
you don't
deserve me
i'm sorry
for every time
you cheat yourself
out of finding
true love
but i'm not sorry
for myself
because it's your loss
not mine
Samantha Apr 2021
**** HIM
this is how i feel
Samantha Apr 2020
please stay safe
Samantha Nov 2019
step by step
by step by step
my arms the rungs
i lift them up
to a better place
than they were before
and never asking for a hand
afraid that they would change their minds
and decide i wouldn't be good enough
for them to step all over me
as if it were a privilege
to be used
by them
Samantha Apr 2020
sometimes i think
its still not real
hungover from the time i steal
i wonder what drew you to me
i wonder if our bond will keep

stuck at home
you're far away
please don't get weary
of my way

every day
the same sweet face
every day
the same fixed place

stuck at home
but wanting you
stuck at home
will you stay true?
"We got this babe!" - Brian <3
Samantha Nov 2019
Your sweet smile brings me back to a time when I actually thought you were made of sugar...
don't mistake salt for sugar - rupi kaur
Samantha Apr 2020
how do i find that sweet spot
i want them to be happy
even when i'm not
Samantha Oct 2019
u think that i dont notice
every time i look up
ur eyes look back at me
but i thought i knew u didnt want me
and i guess ur having second thoughts
because now im not there
and now u want me back
well i guess u missed ur chance
but every time i catch ur glance
its tempting me...
Samantha Feb 2019
Dear Future Me,
      I have always looked up to you.
You make mom proud, which I've always tried to do.
You know what you want, and you know who you are.
You stand steady on ground, while you reach for the stars.
You are confident, and you love yourself.
You are honest, with you and everyone else.
You know your flaws, and you embrace them.
You know your dreams, and continue to chase them.
You make plans, then carry them out.
You set goals, and don't give into doubt.
You are friendly and kind, even to haters.
You crave commitment, and stay away from the players.
And finally,
The best version of me.
Samantha May 2020
you were the most i've ever loved
your best was better
and your worst was worse
now my love life
is surely cursed
for in the eyes
of potential lovers
i see the love
they will never live up to
Samantha Apr 2020
"You accept the love you think you deserve."
                                                                     - Stephen Chbosky
Samantha Feb 2018
what do they see
when they look at me
to know the things they think
tears or laughter it might bring
I want to know
but yet I don't
behind the masks of this cruel world
thoughts can hurt or uplift this little girl
Samantha Oct 2018
If you could say I'm pretty
Then I would say you're nice
But if you could see right through me
You'd see my ugly life
Then you wouldn't want me
It's too high of a price
For a girl you thought was pretty
And she thought you were nice
If you could have liked her simply
You would have changed her life
For all the people who walk right by me everyday, always thinking but never speaking.
Samantha Mar 2021
waking up next to you
the way you look at me
i can always tell when you're lying
and you know when i'm about to cry
we can finish each other's sentence
but you still surprise me every day
you know how to make me laugh
i know what you want
we want the same thing
true love
Samantha Dec 2018
Whatever happened to the choices that we thought we had?
When we were younger we were happy but - now we're sad.
Everything was always simple - either black or white
Maybe cause no one ever dared to ever shed the light
On our innocent minds, that couldn't take up the real world -
Now we wake up in the real world -
Now we're so scared of the real world -
That nobody dares to change it -
We're changing sadness to anger -
And he goes home and blames her -
And their children are learning -
From violence and hurting -
That this is the answer -
Changing from happy to sad to changing to anger.
That's not the change we need -
To show your children -
They are the world, they are the future, and they are the difference
Between this world - and theirs
Between the ground floor - and the stairs
They can't move up -
If we bring them down -
You don't need to grow up -
To make a change -
One random act of kindness -
Works like a chain -
People pay forward -
And we all lean towards -
A better place for us -
But it's never enough -
Because there's always someone suffering
Part 1 (Not Finished)
Samantha Oct 2018
The mistakes we make,

The chances we take,

The rules we break;

All of these the stepping stones
Upon the path of broken bones
We feel that we are so alone...

At the end of the path it was revealed:
We all stood in the same big field
All the broken bones were healed

It was always there yet no one knew
Along your journey you'll find the truth
You'll find who's really there for you
Sometimes it takes an explosion to find the strongest bonds.
Samantha Apr 2020
you say it's ******* hard
but i already know
i said thats why we try
but then i watched you go
Samantha Apr 2020
It's funny how the heart continues to love even after it's been broken.
I love you, Daddy <3

— The End —