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Francisco DH Jul 2013
I want to hold his hand, whoever he may be
I want to look deep into those eyes knowing he'll have me.
I want to feel safe and secure with just that look
Knowing that This was the best decision we took.

I want to dance akwardly as I move with my lead feet
Trying not to step on his.
I want to whisper I love you into his ear with all watching
And Lean in giving him a kiss.

I want to hear "Till Death you part"
And Hear him say "I do with all my heart"
And I reply the same
Feeling the same

I want this and more on my Wedding Day
Sort of Moving every where with the Ryhme schme and sort of ****** but I just wrote what I wanted.
Francisco DH Oct 2013
Look into his eyes
And see the flame dance for me
Mine shines for him too.

This love may be wrong
But our flames still intertwine
Increasing in size.

But how is it wrong?
To share a flame with someone
To love with passion.

Tell me, why you think
Me and him should be apart?
Like this week’s laundry?

Like he is the whites
And I’m the different colors.
Keep us from dyeing.

Tell me, why you think
We can’t have marriage?
We are committed.

We’ve been together
For the longest, longest time
So can’t we marry?

Look into his eyes
And look into all of ours
We love like y’all do.
Francisco DH Apr 2014
We're the leaf falling.
Moving, carried slowly
Touching, scraping the sidewalk,
Ripping, tearing under feet
Drying, crumbling into tiny pieces
Scattered, spread, carried in separate directions.
We're the leaf falling.
Well, I lost a friend.
It happens.
No, he ain't dead.
But it hurts nonetheless.
A great way to start the day :D
Francisco DH Jul 2013
We're young so shouldn't we take every chance we get
Live life to the fullest, have days we won't forget
Make choices with no thoughts and no regrets
have love with a Julio or Juliet.

We're young so shouldn't we be loud
Yammering and Hammering be a thundercloud
Say what we feel just yell out loud
and have those moments when we are proud.

We're young so shouldn't we take a chance
Too increase our hearts with some teen romance
To dream of places like France
To not worry who sees how we dance

We're young so shouldn't we cheer
Have that "you can't touch me" atmosphere
Never feel like we have to disappear
away from the pressure just to preserve.

We're young
I felt like making a rap song, I don't know. Just went with the flow of the beat.
Francisco DH Jun 2014
Wheels stretch their voices into the distance
Wind pushes aside a stoplight as it tries to cross the street
But the Sidewalk is lonely feeling cheated from it's purpose.

"Where are the feet," It fumes "I was promised!"

Doors brag of their over usage
Buildings groan in a fit of pleasure over their lack of space
But the sidewalk is left to build up anger, so much that one is not able to set foot on it's cracks.
Francisco DH Feb 2013
When you said my name
And you poked my side
I ignored

Was it right?
To not give in and fight?

You messaged me
for forgiveness
i told You
All that needed to be said

I left after the period
but now i am curious
what's going on in your head?
Francisco DH Apr 2013
What are you to me?
You are the candy, that brings me to smile because you taste sweet
You are the sun that breaks through the clouds and brings warmth
What are you to me?
The rain to my parade but not intentionally
The one who makes my heart beat like a drum
but then makes it stop and beat slowly
What are you to me?
You are my roller coaster ride
With the ups and downs
The twists and turns
What are you to me?
You are
My love
Francisco DH Feb 2013
From the look on your face
I can tell that I did something wrong
I look through my mind
trying to go through all the mental files
But can't find a single word or action that tells me

I can feel the ice that is brought from your eyes
I feel like I am not wanted in your presences
I know that I did no wrong to you or to anyone you love
So why do I feel like you think I Did

I want to talk to you but fear being shut down
Fear of being brought to the ground
Fear of being blamed for everything
But I must talk for if you do not like me
For something you think I did
I must know what it is so I can set the record straight
Cause I did nothing wrong, I did nothing
Francisco DH Jan 2013
What do you feel?

Love for me
Or are your feelings mixed up
Tossed around like you are tossing salad

What do you feel?

Are you sure? That you feel this way
Do you need time? Or do you just want to jump head first
and see if the bottom is deep or not

What do you feel?
Francisco DH Apr 2013
The beating of the drum inside your chest when you see but they are unaware of your presence,
The pulsing of the blood throughout the body when everything stands still when you are next to them,
The wanting to be held by their arms as they hold onto another,
The longing of a touch from them because you believe they are the only ones who can give you satisfaction,

The breaking of the drum inside your aching chest when you know it cannot be
The freezing of the blood throughout your body when everything seems to halt when you can't have,
The wanting to be alone when it all seems lost,
The longing to move on but knowing that they still enter your thoughts, your dreams
Francisco DH Dec 2012
I am no ***
I am not to work hard
Or to tire by strenuous activity
Nor am I an English school boy who acts as a servant to an older school boy
Nor am I a Cigarette

I am no ******
I am not a Bundle
Nor am I a bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be shaped by rolling or hammering at a high temperature
Nor am I a Bundle of sticks

I am no FAIRY
I am not a mythical being of folklore and romance usually having human form and magic powers

I am no FRUIT
Do I look edible? Do I give off a citrus aroma?
Nor am I a product of plant growth
I am not relating to, made with, or resembling fruit

I am no Queer
I am not worthless, counterfeit
Nor am I Questionable, suspicious
Neither am I mildly insane
Nor To spoil the effect or success of

What I am is a homosexual
What I am is a male who likes other males
What I am is just another Human being who happens to be **Gay
Felt like writing this. Took some time had to keep referring to a dictionary. :) But it is dedicated to anyone else who feels this way.
Francisco DH Nov 2012
What if, you loved me?
Would you hold my hand and walk down the street
Daring anybody to mess with our love?

What if you wanted me?
would you call me up every night
Just Cause you wanted to hear my voice

What if you tried to forget me?
Would you go through the emotions
And cry and curse the sky

These questions to you are not what if's for me
I would take your hand and walk down the street
and defend our love
I would call you every night casue your voice is music
I have tried to forget you and look where it has gotten me
Messed up emotionally
No, there are no what if's for me
The only what if? I have is

What if I never met you?
Francisco DH Sep 2013
What if God Was a Female.
What if she was okay with everything we did as humans as long as we helped each other in our time of need. AS long as we respected others.

What if the Devil is actually something that is inside of us And She can communicate with it? and that's how they both made an agreement that they would let us do what we wanted.
So if a person didn't like to smoke but then smoked The devil inside of them won. and if a person resisted their own temptations She won.
What if she created not Adam and Eve but two organisms and let them go from there? Helped when needed?
What if didn't care in what we believed in but cared if we used what we believed in against others?
What if everything we thought we knew was wrong?
Francisco DH May 2013
A whisper that is too far away, too far to be heard so it's lost in silence.
A fragment disconnected from a sentence, disconnected from thought forgotten and buried by other words.
A child who is left behind, struggling to keep up, stumbling and reaching out but is never acknowledged.
What's left after winds leave destruction in thier wake, ripping away the roots that hold things in place, leaving spaces that can never be filled.
It's just a group of water droplets frozen before their prime, clumped together and 18,000 feet in the air.
Francisco DH Dec 2013
A heart shatters and falls like hail against the veins and arteries
Cutting, shredding, making the blood drench the soul
while the tears rush out like a broken pipe releasing  all the pressure
That's heartbreak.
Francisco DH Dec 2013
It's must be more that just physical.

Hunger is evil. Hunger is a lying little snake in the garden of Eden telling you to eat it, even though its going against what your conscious is saying.
Or it could let you consume the knowledge  and use it for your benefit and the benefit of others

But still a sin, all the same.

maybe hunger is the need not to feed but to expand our knowledge
And if going against "rules" allows us to do that then so be it

**Then why do people who have no motive to learn still eat?
A conversation that took a poetic turn with My love :D
Francisco DH Oct 2013
What's in a nudge?
Only signals that send your head spinning.
What's in a touch?
Only feelings that you can't help feeling.

Did he climb the rope I let down so he can be closer to my heart
Does he feel the confusion ,like I do, in his heart

What's in a nudge?
What's in a touch?
Could be something
but then again could be
Francisco DH Dec 2013
Right After you left
Every vein was blown apart
Every heart beat stopped.

I was left ruined.
Dust covered every remnant
Of my broken Heart.

Nothing can be found
Each feeling I've had is dead
Blown into pieces.

Everything is dead.
Francisco DH May 2013
With my bagel on an inexpensive cheap napkin and my coffee two minutes settled, I stare at the enemy.
He, She, Whatever it may be, jeers and snorts at me while doing it blankly.

But its not the only thing.

The tool that I conjured from the box I  placed beside me refuses to move or even let it's blood flow to create figures, figures that could be read with the proper eyes.
On further inspection it wasn't the tool's lack of response rather my mind's lack of settling.
Should blood be spelt for love and betrayal, should it cover every white space available. or should the blood run sideways Or maybe not at all?

I look at my watch, the coffee is now five minutes settled
Francisco DH May 2013
it     not     matter
whether your


Just a thought I had after three people, who were late to the coming out party :P,  find out I was gay and when the NBA guy came out as gay as well.
Francisco DH Aug 2013
The breeze greeted my face,
Though I rather it be him,
With a gentle touch.

He left me alone
Without a proper goodbye
Left me all alone.

A memory played
In my aching shattered heart
This memory played:

“I mustn’t do this”
But his body replied “Yes”
And we shared a kiss.

My hands on his face
And his on mine. We lost track
Of time as we kissed.

“I mustn’t do this”
But his heart and soul
Replied differently.

His shirt laid on the
Floor. Mine came right after his.
On the bed we kissed.

My fingers traveled,
His fingers traveled also.
Locking together.

Night fell upon us,
And we danced the night away.
Tangling the sheets.

Many days we spent
Holding onto each other.
During the summer.

Many nights we spent,
Finding places that sent chills
Throughout our bodies.

“I love you” He said
On that starry summer night.
“I love you” but then

He left me alone.
Without a proper good bye
Left me all alone.

Why? Was he afraid?
Afraid of what this could mean?
Afraid of this love?

His whispered words still
Linger inside my scarred soul.
Words that hurt my heart.

A blaze burning up
Any oxygen in me,
Taking it from me

Sadness replaces
All that was inside of me
Replaces him

Every memory
Every thought of him
Was fed to fire

I am left shattered,
With nothing besides what was
And what could have been.

He left me, left me
Without a proper goodbye
Left me all alone.
A poem that is part of a story I am writing decided to share and see what kind of feed back I would get. It's in hakiu format or at least I think it is....
Francisco DH Jun 2013
When I listen to my heart,
I hear the whispers, the wishes it shoots at the first star it sees.
The hopes and dreams that always seem reachable but then again not reachable.

When I listen to my heart,
I can hear it telling me that I should stay away from him.
I hear the protests and the strain as it tries to pull away
but at the same time I hear it secretly telling itself that it wants.

When I listen to my heart,
I hear the sighs of not wanting to continue with anything.
The tired groans pulse throughout my body.
Telling me that I should stop and rest.

When I listen to my heart,
I hear the blood pump through the veins.
That's all really

When I listen to my heart
I sometimes listen and sometimes don't.
Francisco DH Dec 2014
It's submerged, its arms are bent, pent up against a blackened wall.
Have some compassion.
Have some compassion.

But it is forced to ****** and cross the threshold
Francisco DH Jun 2013
I don't know how to go on?
let me refer to the instructions.
Oh wait there isn't any.
Francisco DH Feb 2014
And as the sun shone
I whistled a melody
It's notes were laughter.
And as the wind spoke
I teetered 'long the pond's edge
whistling smiles.
And as the clouds roamed
I wrote poems in the sky
Whistling his name.
A happy poem for once lol
Francisco DH Aug 2013
Is it the wind that running past the trees, causing the trees to whisper once touched?
Is it you a ghost of my heart talking to me trying to communicate something worthtelling?
Francisco DH Nov 2012
you are gone agian this time for two weeks
and for what?
For Skipping class for HIM, that guy you say you don't like
You say you are not gay or even Bi and yet you spend time with him

I am glad you got caught
you know why?
Cause it is your punishment for all the wrong you have done
Never learning from your mistakes
For playing with my heart
For the things you have done to your sister
for the things you have done To yourself

I feel like I should just give up on you
Just leave you alone and forget
But My heart cries out no
My mind says no
My body says no
Eveything cries out no

I love you ,you stupid ,cant you see
I shed tears when i found out
I dont know if i can handle it
You told Her, Sam,  that you cut yourself for her
and you know what i saw
A girl who doesnt care for you
She rolled her eyes and they screamed " I dont care"
But guess what I do

I care if you cry
I care if you get hurt
I care if you hurt yourself
I care IF you get Suspeneded
I Care with ever fiber of my being
But it seems that you don't

Francisco DH Oct 2013
And they wonder why we have higher rates of suicide.
Maybe it's because we get kicked out and have to suffer the streets like a cold we can never get rid of.
Maybe it's because they ignore us while they spend hours preaching that we will go to hell.
Maybe it's because we are shoved into closets and forced to open then get shoved back in
Why would we have higher rates of suicide?
Because society as a whole doesn't like us.
Francisco DH Oct 2013
Because once we are snagged by the hook of their words
We sometimes want to release the pain.
We want to let the words speak for us while we take a back seat

Because once our hearts are chained to their power
we sometimes need to let the screams fill the pages in ALL CAPS.
Sometimes we need to bury our pain with lead and shavings.

Because sometimes the only thing that is stable is the rhymes and stanzas
The structure of 5-7-5 gives us control
The freestyles might not be enough
but they at least let us express how we feel with out being turned down.

This is why we write Heart Broken Love Poems.
Francisco DH Jul 2014
Want to know why I love Winter?
*The summer sun digs it's nails into my skin
Carving, bruising my skin into a deeper shade of brown
Francisco DH Nov 2013
I find myself on the bed alone tonight
But it doesn't have to be this way
I take the shirt and hold it close
It doesn't have to be this way.

I look out the window and see the stars
I hold the shirt closer to my chest
Take in a breath
and make the wish
I just wish you would.
Francisco DH Apr 2013
With you not at my side, i spend my days looking into the blue hills.
I watch them as they guard my homeland and then as time makes them turn  into a deeper state of sadness i watch the skies.
The sky is a vast black blanket with tiny holes that allowed some light to shine through but those holes don't keep me warm and i start to feel the solitude.

Alone with only my breathing audible i feel the cold creep up beside me overshadowed by  the night and i welcome both for i need the company.
Without you i am nothing. Just a mere shell and the only evidence that it still works is the heart that is cracked but still manages to beat, slowly but still manages to beat.

I'm alone.
I am alone.

I am very alone.
Francisco DH Mar 2014
And then I held my tongue
Blocked the words that were to fall
Took my time to turn
And walk away
But something stayed behind
A piece of myself,
A few unspoken words.
I turned once to observe
What departed.
And eyed him, with curiosity taking point.
He gathered the air
With a breath
A deep inner sigh.
Trying to collect what wasn't said
I turned to face the front
Denied my heart’s intent
To go back
And walked away
Was it the right thing to do?
Francisco DH Apr 2013
What was it about you?
Off in my mind dreaming that i would have you
What was i thinking?

Whatever it was it's gone now
Off to some distant guy who will crush on you
Wow, thats all i can say just WOW
Francisco DH Nov 2013
In the morning there was a word
The word morphed to a phrase
The phrase to a sentence
A sentence to a message.

He wrote it down.
Francisco DH Aug 2013 heart is broken.....but will be reassembled....and beat faster.....every.....time...I see him..........and break again.....and again....and again..... heart is will lose it's voice......and stay silent.....regain vocal sounds......every time.....he speaks to me......and be lost....again, and again........and ....again.

Yeah.... I love him....that ******* ******* *******.....

yeah.... I cry...for him....cause of him....
yeah.... he is on my mind......every day......every night

yeah.... I love him........................................... I

Francisco DH Sep 2013
Yes, I am mad that you are dating her
No, I won't be fine.

Yes, I want to cry some tears
No, I won't let them fall.

Yes, I want to punch you
No, I won't can't mess with that cute face.

Yes, I am jealous
no, I won't try and mess with y'alls relationship

Yes, I want to kiss your cheek again
No, I can't, won't again.

yes, This hurts unlike the other times
No, I can't let you see it.

Yes, I will admire you
No, I won't look away

Francisco DH Aug 2013
I didn't sleep well last night
With the summer heat making my clothes grab and choke me.
With thoughts piling in my head overflowing onto the pillow.
With me talking to the room in whispers thinking of you.
and then I was able to fall asleep.
A deep sleep.
A nice sleep.

I saw you in the class seating there working away on the work that was handed to you by the teacher.
It was a sight that made me laugh for you never worked as hard as you did in my dream.
I had to leave and I got up with a groan wanting to fill the air.
I walked to the door and when I turn you were staring at me.
and I you.
You smiled
I smiled.
I had to close the door.
But The last thing that i saw was your smile.
Francisco DH Mar 2013
Well, Homework is calling
but I wish it was you
The dishes are beckoning for my touch
For my hands to cleanse them
But I wish it was you

My bed wants me to sleep with it
and wrap its warm arms around me
But i want It to be you

I close my eyes and things go dark
In my dreams I am with you
Francisco DH Feb 2013
you and I
I and you
One plus one
equals two

I and you
you and I
would you be
my sweety pie?
Felt kidish :P
Francisco DH Jan 2013
When the days seem to gray
As clouds rolled in over head
I let all escape except the thought of you

You are the sunshine that fights through the cold clouds
You are the warmth that makes me smile
You are in my mind

Just the thought of you makes my flowers
turn from brittle thirsty plants
To thriving, blooming vegetation

The thought of you is all I need to turn a day of hardship
To a day of happiness
Francisco DH Oct 2013
With everything that has happened are you still on your feet though they ache from the miles ran?
Are you still looking up with the fire in your eyes though the tears fall and strike the ground, marking your struggles?
Are you still inhaling the air though you want to rip your lungs out, suffocate on nothing, and just wither to nothing?
If you are then you are strong.
Stronger with every mile, tear, and breath.
You are strong.
Francisco DH Oct 2013
But then he turned with his back towards me cutting the cord of our conversion.
What wanted to be said got shoved back in my throat and I choked as I tried to swallow every letter every syllable.
I too turned and opened the door leading to the stairs.
With every step his words echoed and I tried to understand what he meant.
At the top I gave up and took a deep breath.
I let my self turn and closed my eyes.
The stillness of the area made it that much harder to do what I did.
It was as if an audience drew breath, not wanting their breathing to interrupt the scene that was to transpire.
I too drew in my breath and waited. The stillness was no longer still as white noise entertained my ears.
Every where in my body there was fire as the CO2 wanted to escape.
I opened my mouth the CO2 rushed trying to distance its self from me. But with it "You are worth it" flew out echoing and bouncing off the walls.
But he never heard those words for the cord for conversion was severed once his was turned.
But if it were to happen again I would let him know with an embrace, a kiss that he is worth it.
Francisco DH Feb 2014
And then I found solace as I held you in my hands.
Your ruff edged pages in between my fingers
provided the security that I could never find in reality.
And as I turned your pages, an aroma of memories
came into my mind.
You, book, make me feel alright.
Francisco DH Nov 2012
Never again will my walls crumble
After being struck by a bomb of love
never agian will it make me feel warmth
like the sun found and melted my heart

Never again I say but yet some how these words dont mean a thing

For you were able to make me take them back

You broke my walls
You are the sun
You have made me feel the power of love
Francisco DH Nov 2013
You took your G-O-O-D B-Y-E
Flung it at my heart and now its shattering.
What falls is the shards of my heart cutting the arteries.
While my endless tears cause my internal bleeding.
And while you left your delivery, with unintended cruelty, I stood there suffocating
Slowly drowning
Slowing dying
Anthony you killed me with Goodbye.
Granted he never told me Goodbye but this is how I think I might feel when he does. I dont know reall what might happen but i guess i could prepare myself a bit you know...
Francisco DH Jul 2013
But you told me that I was the sun for your flowers
The rain for your flowers

But you told me I was the tune you played
The song you sung.

But you told me that I was the ember worth saving
The fire worth feeding.

But now you tell me that I am nothing to you.
Francisco DH Jul 2013
you took my heart for a walk
Strolling along side by side
Clinging onto to each other.

You took my heart out to sing
Singing melodies only we understood
Humming along with each other.

You took my heart out in the rain
to share that feeling like they have when they kiss in the rain
Letting that feeling make my heart shiver in pure love.

You took my heart
out for love and you succeeded

— The End —