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Francisco DH Mar 2013
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Candy is sweet
And so are you*

Roses are red
Violets are blue
my hearts needs to be fed
With every ounce of you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I wish I was dead
Cause I can't have you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I don't care what you said
I need some one new

Roses are red
Violets  ARE....
Okay I need to stop with this childish rant

My heart you did led
So what I am going to do
Is mend
This heart but not for you

Candy may be sweet but you taste sour
Like one of the War heads
I can't eat you I don't like sour things
Francisco DH May 2013
Is what I see when I feel the world turning against me

when I had some time to cool off

I don't know why I would feel this color

when I see that all the things i have tired failed

When the one I love is gone

Is there a feeling for this color

Sounds like when I get violent
Francisco DH Apr 2014
If life were a runaway train I would buy tickets.
I would spend all my money in order to forget em.
To feel the wind push back all those memories
To hear their voices drowned by the whistle's melody.
If life were a runaway train I would hitch on that ride
Bellow out a satisfied, I can't be held down cry.
To see my obstacles become specks then none
To feel as if my battles I've won
If life were a runaway train I would never get off.
Francisco DH Mar 2014
I run
My fears struggle to clasp my arms and hold me in place
Drizzling rain coats me
The world's problems are gone for a moment, drip off my hands and into puddles
A breeze greets me with a touch so gentle
Lost in the moment where love seemed to reach me

It's time to head inside
*But I rather stay out
Going to work on this one a bit
Francisco DH Jan 2014
I lost my sanity long ago
If I were to search it would be in vain
for it has been swept away
by the broom of Time.

Losing ones sanity
The found seem lost
while the lost
are merely on the brink of a river
that could carry them to nothing.

A rain drop is a tear from the devils
As they try to save what little inhumanity there is left.
A wind does not speak but brush by
feeling superior to you and those 'round.

You're hands are not works of a god
but of pure coincidence, shaped to fit a purpose
A purpose lost on you, lost in the pores of leaves
as they take in your purpose.

I lost my sanity long ago
And I rather not look for it
For it has not bothered to look for me.
Just a weird day. :D
Francisco DH Jul 2014
Do you remember what you have said?
I do for your words dance in my head.
The lights they illuminate your heart
You're distant but I known it from the start.

Won't you take my hand and let the fire burn?
Hold me close with no concern
of what the others have to say
Will you Save Me that Dance today?

I glide 'cross the unrequited shores
Tears crash on the open floor
Emotions drown my train of thoughts
But here you come my breath is caught.

Won't you take my hand and let the fire burn?
Hold me close with no concern
of what the others have to say
Won't you Save Me that Dance today?

Darlin' I have waited with misery coursing through my veins
I have breathed a hundred doubts and exhaled pain
But here you are long at last
Darlin' I implore you save me that Dance today.
I had a Dream where Triplett was getting ready for prom and he told me (in real life) that he would actually take me to prom. I ran away because I don't want to like him anymore, I don't want to love him anymore but I wrote this poem realizing that as it stands now there aint much I can do to not love him.
Francisco DH Nov 2012
I see you want another, you express your love for them
I say I am fine and I don't care
But these are empty words
Of course I am not fine
For you dont love me

your hugs bring a smile but its life is cut short
Hanged before it can say too long
because that thought of no love between us crashs in my mind

I want you, Want to stare deeply into those deep blue eyes
want to hold your hand, want to play with you curly blond hair
But, wanting and having are two different things like the sun and the moon
They are not Compatiable

But I will savor those moments when we do come close
I will savor everytime you say my name
i will savor every conversation we have
Cause those things I do have
Even if I cant have your love
Francisco DH May 2014
Curious eyes observe your gazes
Longing to be captivated with her beauty.
Expressions of love are handed out with killer smiles attempting to lure in her beauty.
I declare
" I do not care"
But these are empty words
Curious eyes are stung with tears
My beauty ignored.

Your hugs bring about a smile from underneath the shards
Only to be torn into bits of bitterness
For my beauty is of no importance.

The sun is too distant to hold much merit
but close for the feels to increase in intensity.
The Moon is a reminder: closeness does not mean closeness obtained.

But I will savor those moments when we do come close
Even if I can't have your love
Re-wrote savoring What's not there I
Gonnna be doing alot more re-writing :D
Francisco DH Jan 2014
Speak your mind out loud
Scandalmonger, who stands up
With lies that pour out.
Francisco DH Apr 2014
"Be careful, I bite."
I said to he who came close.
He ignored my heed.
He came closer still.
And took a hold of my hands.
"Don't worry Same here."
There was a scene that played in my head as I was writitng notes for WEstern Civ. YAY interuption ^-^
Francisco DH Jul 2014
i can hardly breath
is it lack of clarity
clogging up my lungs

am i even alive

slumped, barely keeping up with their feet a tapping  ,on a chair
                                                                  (Tap tap tap)

Francisco DH Aug 2014
i stand  
a frail webbed cracked body

flakes of my skin
land on the floor

i take the vacuum
and turn it on

company's coming over tonight
Francisco DH Sep 2014
It was in a moment
         the pause of the clock's tick.
          the exhalation and stalling of your breathing
          the pumping of blood before the next beat of your heart.
It was in a moment I realized

                           *It's time to wake up
Francisco DH Jan 2015
Characters: Speaker, Real Estate Agent

Setting: A house for sale

The real estate agent has shown the kitchen and now enters the main bedroom and begins to explain the latest modifications. The speaker is not at the moment aware of the agent’s speech. Instead the speaker’s attention is caught by the closet which is opened.

Speaker: (Interrupting the agent)
You know, save for the musky odor
And dust collecting on the top shelf,
The closet, back in my mom’s house
The one in what was my room,
Is bare.
I always strained to keep the door shut
With all of my belongings pressing ‘gainst it.
Its bare now.
No trace of what once resided in there.
Just bare.

Real Estate Agent: Well, this closet is the biggest in the house so there is no need to worry about an overabundance of belongings.

Speaker: (Smiles)
It might be hard to believe
But I longer need
A closet.
Francisco DH May 2013
My mind buzzes with excitement as I get ready
Looking in the mirror I feel okay and stroll out the door
I get there and feel as if I am coming alive

The clock ticks the seconds away and I feel the dread
I feel myself coming close to tears though I told myself not to
I am on my way home
I get there

What's next........Summer.
Francisco DH Dec 2013
We were nothing
yet we were a theory.
Tossed around,
Debated over time,
but there was never enough evidence
For us to be an actual law.
Yesterday it just poped up right before going on stage to act :P
Francisco DH Feb 2013
Francisco DH Feb 2013
No more
gone forever
R     again
Francisco DH Feb 2013



......To you
Francisco DH Aug 2013
He searches the crowd.
Scanning the familar faces
the unfamilar faces.
But alas he cant find what he is looking for.

Maybe the one he wants is lost in the ocean of faces.
Hidden amongest all the smiles and scowls.
Maybe he has gone under drowned by the laughs and sidetalks.
maybe he never took the plunge.
Not able to dive in.

And the one who searches
is wasting his time.
Scanning the familar faces
the unfamilar faces.
Just wasting his time.
Well this was written when i got back to school was looking for Trip but didnt rind him. it seemes as if he aint comming back.
Francisco DH Mar 2013
Don't be afraid.
There is no one in sight to hear that beautiful voice.
Not a soul will hear the mockery of Ravens you make.
The nails across chalkboard.
No, there is no one to hear your last breath as it escapes your body and into the cold winter night

Don't be afraid.
There is no one in sight to see how beautifully your body contorts.
Not a soul will see the acrobats you manage as you are pinned.
An Excellent showcase of your struggle
No, there is no one to see your last dance for death.

Don't be....No, be very afraid.
There is no one at all that knows you are here with me
To share the last moments you have.
There is no escape, no escape indeed.
You are just another trophy I collect
just another Victim  
For my Serial Killing hands and mind.
I think I scared myself a bit..... O.o
Francisco DH Sep 2014
If only the kiss could whisper your beauty
you harbor within your cells
Maybe a dream becomes reality
And I wouldn't have to tell.
Accidentally Kissed a close friend of mine
And sitting here of beauty and guys and girls wanting to be beautiful.
Francisco DH Nov 2014
I repeat his name until there is a proper place.
I place him neatly and linger just for a moment before I place the next one where he belongs.
Thinking once again
Francisco DH Dec 2013
And she drank his words
Took that shot filled to the rim
Though it burned her throat.

She was on fire
Her stomach was on fire
But she endured it.

She gritted her teeth
Didn't even want to cough
Took another shot.

Its to the point now
That she doesn't feel the pain.
Too much of his shots

Are being taken
She cant see straight anymore.
She takes another

She is on fire
But for love she endures it
Fire consumes her.
It was her last shot.
Pass midnight inspiration lol
The shots are his lies but it could other things
Francisco DH Jan 2014
There was a light in your eyes
But could it be all the lies
You ever told me.

I was lost I was blind
Caught up in my mind
You would ever hold me.

But now I see
every little thing

It's too late to go back
Gave me heart attack
I can't love you anymore

I was dumb, I was fool
To keep with this cruel
Francisco DH Apr 2013
It quickly became clear that I had to stop the chase
So I turned my back and felt the tears stream down my face

I didn't want to let go, to move on to some new boy
To show another love and admiration
But it became apparent, like when the sun's fingers touch my skin, that I had to.

So I began to walk and let myself crumble, let my walls tumble
I tried hard not to trip and fumble, but I failed and stumbled

I had to look back, just had to. Would I my atoms change form and become Chloride and Sodium, bond together to turn me to a pillar of salt?  Would looking into his eyes halt my heart and turn in cold as my muscles, bones, and blood turned to rough granite?

I turned to face him, turned to his direction
The chance of stay live was grim but I need to see his complexion

And I saw it
And I saw him
And I saw his eyes
Francisco DH Apr 2014
I shouldn't fall for a guy with blue eyes
But man don't they hit me every time.
I shouldn't call for a guy who lives me tongue tied
but man his lips they sure look fine
Francisco DH Jul 2014
We may never know the answers
to the questions in our heads.
We may never know the answers
as we lie upon our beds.
But one thing we can rely on
is that one day it will be clear
like dew drops on blades of grass
or the feelings that echo within our hearts
telling us to take certain paths
One day we can rely on what we know
and why we know
and how we've come to know.
One day everything will be clear.
One day
Francisco DH Nov 2013
If I talk too much
Take my hand
Pull me in close
And kiss me
Francisco DH Apr 2014
And then just like that
signed my name on the farewell card
I wonder who's next.
Francisco DH May 2014
It gets harder and harder
To believe it's just coincidences
Francisco DH Feb 2014
Sin is a powerful word
Taking Love by the neck
Wringing it till it's dead
Grabbing it by it's feet
While it cuts off the head.
Paralyzing it with fear
then shoots it with lead
Hangs it invertly
To let blood be shed
Sin is a powerful word
When Sin is involved
Love is no longer there
Wrote this a long while back
Francisco DH May 2013
The light dims and the ground is covered in shadow.
As I sit on the damp grass I feel a breeze.
A cool breeze that makes my skin tense slightly
A cool breeze that makes my shiver slightly.

The clouds wander around in the sky
playing with each other.
The sun sinks over the hills letting everything be covered by darkness.

I don't move from my position and inhale the scents that surround me.
A scent from the trees and flowers twirl and fill my nostrils
A scent from the grass tries to intrude.

The morning will be here in short time
But I can't wait for it.
So I get up and go home.

Leaving the damp grass behind.
Francisco DH Jul 2014
And my life altered
continues to surprise me
is this being dead?
Francisco DH Nov 2013
Sometimes it's not my friends who make me smile
Nor the guy I like
but being able to see the leaves dance with one another
Being able to taken in the autumn air
Being able to watch nature do it's thing
That makes me smile.
Francisco DH Jun 2014
For Nancy*
Coral skies hinted the sun's departure
As smoke wisped in a swirling fashion
attempting to grasp thin fingers
of the sun falling into another part of tomorrow.
This is a poem I wrote for Nancy a relative ( not quite sure who she is with terminology (Shrugs) )
Francisco DH Jan 2013
I saw that necklace around his neck
There are so many reasons to why it would be there
But none of them positve

It goes along with the rose he made for you
out of paper, by the way I can make one better,
So, Are you and me fighing over him
What is going on?

I don't feel like we are
But are we about to
I honestly don't know the answer
This is the first time I expressed my liking for one guy and there is another who could pontetial be a threat
Should I work harder?
Should I?
I don't know
Francisco DH Apr 2013
Enemy in sight and I crouch behind the tree.
Sweat rolls from my forehead onto my cheek.
There is a thumping in my ear and I realize that it's the blood being pushed quickly by my heart.

I whisper to my sweet Roger
He is ready.
The Enemy is in sight.
Does he know that his life is about to end.
That each breath is closer to death.
That each second that goes by is a second closer to death.

I **** Roger and he clicks.

The enemy stops all movement, stops all vibrations.
I have a shot.

I take it.

The shot echos throughout woods.

He is dead.
Francisco DH Jul 2014
And as the wind whispered in my ears
Lips began to moist my cheek.
And as the wind whispered in my ears
It spoke of secrets I wish to keep.

A soul not need to know
Where we gonna be tonight.
A soul not need to know.
Who holds me close and tight.

And maybe lovin you
Aint how it suppose to be
but this ain't their heart
So they really don't see.

And maybe we'll burn in some twisted kinda hell
we might as well
So long as I got you.

The dampened grass stain our jeans
As we rumble, tumble, fumble with love.
The dampened grass stain our jeans
As we began to play a lil' rough.

A soul not need to know
Where we gonna be tonight.
A soul not need to know.
Who holds me close and tight.

And maybe lovin you
Aint how it suppose to be
but this ain't their heart
So they really don't see.

And maybe we'll burn in some twisted kinda hell
we might as well
So long as I got you.

And maybe one day I'll be holding your hand
Taking you down an aisle
Holding your hand.
And baby, we will grow old together
Holding one another's hands
Together forever.

And maybe lovin you
Aint how it suppose to be
but this ain't their heart
So they really don't see.

And maybe we'll burn in some twisted kinda hell
we might as well
So long as I got you.
This is suppose to be a song but (shrugs) who knows XD
Francisco DH Jul 2013
Some days I just want to take my life and cut the cords that connect me to the world.
Rip my roots from the ground and shake off every memory that makes me.
Some days I just want to let my breath be the last breath and slowly drift in the wind to be carried to someplace that is better than where I am.
Some days my head whats to explode but I take that pain and shift it to my heart and let it explode there; its already been destroyed by the bombs every one kept sending.
Some days my tears are not enough to fill the hole in my already broken heart and they just slip on my through the cracks.
Some days my smiles cant cover the frowns and the paint just falls off.
Some days I want to be left alone so I can let the silence be my drugs to get me to my high.
Some days I rather have a laugh in my pocket than in the back of my throat.
Some days I don't know what I want.
Francisco DH Aug 2013
I have felt the sting of love
And The emptiness of lost
The high of happiness
The consumption of anger
Francisco DH Jun 2014

I am not quite sure
it's just something 'bout poetry that gets me goin'

Is it

(Left hand swerves to the left as if bearing the weight of a concept held)

The flexibility one has
to pick and press, pinch and pound language
into a poetic product  manipulated from play-do, so to speak?

Or is it

(Right hand turns to the right as if bearing the weight of an object held)

The ability one has
to etch every event ever experienced
onto paper, an elaborate biography, so to speak?

(Hands come together)

Maybe both
Maybe neither
Just decided to play with the visual aspect ( not sure if I did that) and the Alliteration
Francisco DH Nov 2013
I saw you walking down the street
Hand in hand with him
tried to make me believe
he was just a friend

but I saw the flame in your eyes
That licking flame of your lies.

let me get a pail of water
And throw it in the air
And no it ain't a bother
And frankly I don't care
It's time to put you out
And I'm show you how
Your lies caught you on fire
Francisco DH Jan 2014
Sometimes there are still faint whispers of love
Attached to a name
No matter how hard you try not to hear.
Ehhhhhhh Love ehhhhhhhhhhh
Francisco DH May 2013
Slowly or maybe quickly you are pulled in.
Only after a few notes you realize, this is my story
Never thought it could tell your story perfectly
Getting every memory right
Sending you flying with emotions just because they got your story right.
Francisco DH Jan 2013
Rumor has it* and
Everybody Talks about it
That you found another

Well guess what I can find Someone like you
Someone who will keep me Up all Night
Cause they a great lover

Thanks For the Memories
I will give you the Cold Shoulder
Cause you and me are over
I pretty sure this isn't that good but who knows
Francisco DH Nov 2014
Deep churning of the chords conjure some words
Silence is smothered without much regret
Their eyes are smudged as commotion blurs
Pierced through the heart the other’s bayonet.

Waves clash, splintering the bases of boats
Combustible like flame to hydrogen.
Captains Oh Captains at each other’s throats
Depriving each other of oxygen.

But gusts of statements, drafts of insults cease
As anger takes flight from its creation
Leaving behind ‘reaming white tears of peace
And the nagging feel for quick translation.

And as the sun rises in the morrow
Captains will know the reaping of sorrow
Francisco DH Jul 2013
Stop but how can you
Only can someone else make you see.
Right not you are blinded by things that can never be
Right now I take a deep breath
You are not to blame. Its my fault I should have stoped it long ago.
Francisco DH Jul 2014
So there's a tie and its tied tightly tonight but i'll try tirelessly to untighten the tie for tomorrow.
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