They locked me up and threw away the key,
now it's quite alone, with only me;
I tried to explain I wasn't that bad,
They just laughed at me as if I had--
broken every law that's on the books,
(you should've seen the hardened looks).
It's cruel to let me languish alone,
paying a price for something unknown;
The ***** room where I was placed,
was cold and harsh, my life erased.
But when I found a corner chair,
I climbed way up to the window for air;
And through this tiny space I'd see,
the world that disagreed with me.
The universe of freedom there,
had startled me beyond repair;
My heart nearly sank as I saw folks,
sitting in the park, just telling jokes.
I had been the biggest fool of all,
to believe one day I'd get the call;
That would free me from my current hell,
my thoughts were frantic, I wasn't well.
But at night the window beckoned to me,
and the glistening stars were a sight to see;
The moon in her silent glory stood,
as if it were an angel, carved in wood.
I'd never prayed before this time,
for heaven was a place in a nursery rhyme;
So I lay my head down on the sheet,
while gentle music to me did speak.
The song was such a deep relief,
for it was very soon I fell asleep;
There in my vivid dreams revealed,
that church bells were about to peal.
Then one soft hand simply touched my face,
and led me from this awful place...
Those visions I saw and felt so well,
have sent me to heaven, far from this hell;
As long as I could trust God's faith,
my life's more erased.
Released from the anguish of body and soul,
By a merciful Lord who loves us all !!