Committed to a life of joy and peace,
how disappointed to discover it otherwise;
Sailing about in the azure waves,
where no one could hear my cries.
Then my skiff is caught in a lightning flash,
a course correction needed to sustain;
From the forceful rocking, reeling and shaking,
then tossing over in the blackest rain.
Tears blending with the salty air,
I manage to get control of the tumbling;
Soaked to the skin I arrive at the deck,
and climb up ahead of a fearsome rumbling.
The wind was whipping around the bay,
then tossing me further into an abyss;
Perhaps I've imagined what was happening,
but I was overwhelmed with sheer bliss.
Light beamed ahead and startled my eyes,
and suddenly there was such relief;
I'd crossed over into the promised land,
no words did I dare to speak...
A vision appeared and calmed my soul,
no more anger, frustration and fear;
The tears dissipated and there I stood,
and my purpose was finally clear.
Keep my head up high and don't regret,
the mistakes of the recent past;
Reject the hurt and chaos of today's world,
and help folks conquer their everyday tasks.
the answers lie within ourselves, but we often need to "lose control" before they're discovered. The sea IS the place to BE !