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Meandering minds recall their place,
with fraught emotions tangled;
Appearing in a shadowy world,
where words are torn and mangled.

In recesses of profound desire,
when fiery images lose their way;
Through many doors they've wandered,
yet their souls are tossed and frayed.

Again and again this fire deploys,
a fiercely bound intention;
To rise among the smoke and ash,
lifting hope for mass redemption.

So many doors from which to choose,
for the fractured shells of every man;
Laying undisturbed to diffuse the flames,
in the wild and wind-swept rain.
The shrillest cry of wound's refrain,
reverberates in haunting pain;
Without a lifeline to sustain,
the truth renounced within its reign.

Whenever puzzles go unsolved,
their secrecy of words absolved;
And honest measures are dissolved,
by eager minds' deceptive cause.

Yet returning to the power source,
where positive energy shows its force;
Through images that stay on course,
uplifting spirits from guilt's remorse.

Finally the truth has found its place,
by raising consciousness of grace;
While no one's soul becomes displaced,
each mindful error has been erased.
At rest, the motions seem sublime,
as we prepare our circular climb;
The winding 'round of colors' whims,
beneath the rock's exotic gems.

As the tale entrusted to our elders,
life's epic journey starts to smolder;
The planet's rage urges from its core,
and soon our days will be no more.

So moving quickly to escape our fate,
from the destiny of trials and hate;
Now gathering missives from the sun,
no longer fooled by anyone.

We face the climb just as we must,
before our hearts turn into dust;
and cheering on are clouds of rain,
Which spill onto our wounds with pain.

But then we see the course return,
exempting souls from hurt and scorn;
While climbing high yet much too far,
we've failed to capture heaven's star.
Keeping our 'eyes on the prize' can be dangerous ! Proceed with caution.
In a moment of daily thought,
the words can often say;
For one heart to seek another,
in the magic of the day.

Blissful now yet unaware,
how thoughts turn into love;
When letting all the feelings fly,
like birds following the sun.

A waterfall of golden dreams,
connects with soulful essence;
And once cascading to the heart,
true love reveals its presence.

No longer left in solitude,
the flight of Cupid's stance;
Belongs to someone else who knows,
the warmth of a lover's glance.
Between work's end and dinner time,
a lazy hour can soothe our minds;
A glass of lemonade or tea,
will help relieve our anxieties.

We sit and watch the sun go down,
on fields of dawn beyond our town;
Wearing soft slippers on our feet,
these moments bring a special treat.

The air is fragrant with evening's bliss
and the children run by to grab a kiss;
All moms and dads wold surely say,
that time stands still for them today.

And soon we gather at the feast,
surrounded by loved ones at their seats;
We say our grace to thank the Lord,
for all we have--and so much more !
Grateful for family, and all that encompasses !
Emotions reigned in loving thought,
with gestures kind and sweet;
A sudden rush of tenderness,
ran through me, head to feet.

Translucent faces shining from,
the children in the park;
Their smiles evoking memories,
that held a mystic spark.

Once as a girl I wandered far,
into a field of gold;
Where other children gathered,
with wondrous stories to be told.

We laughed away the hours,
in sincerest company;
Our hearts were light as feathers,
inside and out, we felt so free.

While witnessing these moments,
from the children of today;
My mind recalls those sunny days,
when life was only play.
Ah, the cherished memories of youth ! Let's vow not to move too far from our childhood years whenever possible !
The cherry trees dance while blossoms fall,
as if heavenly angels have come to call;
And willing winds fly through dogwood trees,
their leaves dotting landscapes from the breeze.

All this occurring in a dream-filled land,
of poets and prophets in glory's stand;
And gardens overflowing with daffodils,
waving yellow flags from giant hills.

The glancing birds fly off to greet,
in sunbursts' skies of colorful treat;
And rainbows curve their way to gold,
a cherished gift for both young and old.

Delicate as the blossoms may be,
their worth is greater than that of the sea;
While continuing to shed fragrant melodies,
and reviving sweet springtime's reverie.
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