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Never marry a milkmaid

as she will


You dry

And everything
comes to a point
where the smoke dissipates
into the ***** air
and we are left
with nothing
but the wild desire
to start another fire.
Yes, I would
Very much love for you to fall in love with me
But no, I don't think
I could wish that kind of torture for you

I adore you far too much
To wish something so selfish
Because it will be a position of take all and give none
I will be desperate for attention every hour of every day
I will require that you love nobody else far as much as you love me
I probably won't be the at my best, you will see
I am
a monster
A monster I don't think anyone will have the heart to conquer
I can't seem to get my thoughts out of me lately, sorry if this is dreadful.
I have fallen down
I have forgotten myself
Soon I will be gone
I've never written a haiku before... hm.
The confidence and passion hidden in my eyes,
deep green pools of emotion that you can read like a book.
They overflow with ire from each bad decision,
each chance I never took.
"Push through your jab, Now a right hook"

There's always someone in my corner,
but a fighter wont always listen,
your ego can get the better of you,
under those lights that shine and glisten
 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
I am
"the quiet one"
in the class.


or if I whisper...
will you be hanging on every word,
trying to put my mysterious character together like the pieces of a puzzle

Regardless of my volume I still go unnoticed
My name is not heard except when followed by
"__is so shy"
etc, etc, etc."

Despite my agreeable demeanor
Acceptance is the prize trophy that I've been working for my entire career
only to see it scooped up effortlessly by a rookie.

All I want is someone to care about what I have to say or how I feel.

But that's all that anyone wants.
That's all that anyone has ever truly wanted in this life, no?
Aren't we all just hopeless romantics, drowning in a sea of passions, confusions,
broken hearts, and drunken brains?

I am no different; no more exciting than any person walking the halls
So tell me what can I do
other than submit to exist in this lonely, pathetic predicament?

I am
"the quiet one"
because I have nothing to say,
but because
no one
will bear to hear me.
inspired by the style and harshness of spoken word poetry.
The warmth of the sun in our skin.
How pleasant a walk may be.
How green is the grass.
The difference between a real smile and a fake one.
The beautiful songs of the birds.
The meaning of good lyrics.
Real love .
Never will I find
Somebody with your heart
Always filled with joy
And peace everytime

Now looking into your eyes
I see what I didn't want,
They don't look kind
They look tired

And now I realize
How lucky I was,
Always had you by my side

All I can say now is
Please just stay one more night,
We can talk, we can do anything you want
But don't leave my side
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