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Oct 2013 · 480
Old Stone
The lies live in your windpipe tonight
As the stars pop and the birds fly  
Lingering in suffocating guilt
Beneath grace where flowers sang
Stones on our lips we stay

Clocks that ended with the pain
A willow tree full of tears as we weep
We travel to the country side
A dead breeze held us away
My lips are full of flaws
In this blackened room without fight
The smoke began to apper
I beat the earth with all my might
Go to the top of the moon
To find the forgotten place
Someday I want to be forgotten. Lead the way.
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
Kissing The Wall
As we wade into the drought
A hazy tide with hands of art
Soaking up peace
Graffiti kissing the walls
Craving normal folk
Whiskey oak spins your hemisphere
As we follow a gypsy road
The compass is weak and unsure
I stand on the brittle edge
With aspirations in my pocket
With a road of flowers and uncertainty ahead
But we sing folk music for the young
We savor the sound
Were full of heart and vitality
We get torn and misshaped
But we continue to dream about unity anyway
My inner hippie.
Oct 2013 · 577
Spilling Stars
Violets heavy with the night rain
As the fatigued stars start to spill
I catch them
Filling my pockets with dreams
Oct 2013 · 345
Paint This Place
A empty place
I stand barefoot
Using my hands as a map
This earth will make me free
Limbs scratch my legs
Yet I move on
I surrender myself to this place
Take all I have
It's not enough
I know
Words  pound down like rain
Humanity is not free
I missed all those years
When I sold my soul
I embark on this journey
Trying to see the way
Oct 2013 · 345
Sister On The Sun
My sister on the sun
I miss you so
But I know that it was god's plan
I  know that your in a beautiful place
Sister of mine missing you hurts
But I will have to let go
The sword that places the scars
The **** upon the wars
Buttons on your mouth
I'll unsnap them
When you can talk

Your made of dust and nothing more
I can blow you away in a minutes time
Don't get to comfortable
You'll be gone soon  
Hold your breath
I may be back
October is Domestic Violence  Awareness month. So many woman and men have to go through this. Your made to feel as you have no voice. And that you don't matter you can be replaced. I say that we all deserve love  and to be treated with kindness and  respect.  So that is my story thanks for reading. I HAVE A VOICE
Oct 2013 · 580
Maddened Demise
A torn trace of detached memories
That are packed into my content
Consumed and eaten down
You wrathful drunk
I release demise on your entity
Roaring like thunder
That is  irate
Oct 2013 · 574
Tranquil Ground's
Beneath the drifts of the garden space
Sealed with fluttering rays of the pollen ghosts
Incense trees protect frail memories of thee
The hyacinths shadows stained with purple ink
Hollow roots husks and grains frolicking with the dust in the air
The sunbeams glimmer with great splendor
Dutch Master Daffodils blossom into a luminous blaze
The breeze of the heavens convey peace and unity
The field is sun stamped with spirits and mysteries
As the petals sail across the field
Pine trees sway in the early morning sun
The sloping hillside is dotted with mounds of earth
Providing splotches of brown among the hues of green
Overhead birds soar wildly across the magnificent sky
Whispering trees shelter the secrets and the infliction's
The solitude gives me peace
Fills me within
Oct 2013 · 773
Submerging To Sink
I'm wounded by his kiss
This alleyway is isolated and adrift
No sanity in these streets
A growing seed filthy and bleak
Flooding me trying to find a home
The embryo sank
Violated all that I had
I hope for a angel in the womb
A starving intoxication  controls my brain
Scribbled thoughts wrote in my head
Panicked tears hypnotize me
Oct 2013 · 681
Twist Into Me
I hear your seduction
I taste the sensation
Shivering with the reverberation of desires
Witnessing the carnal combustion
That resides in your teeth
The torrid tangles surrounding my heart
Curves of flesh that you spill unto me at night
Spinning and sprouting as we weave into each other
Your mouth climbing the tips of my *******
Feeling you beginning to descend
I roam my fingers over your hips
As we discover one another
You cluth and grab me as I drink from you
Arching your back we press together
We join into  esctacy like no other
I writher beneath you as we become one
Oct 2013 · 480
Love Me Away
My imbalance for love is unsettling
My heart flourishes until the dusk of day
When the night comes and loves us away
Oct 2013 · 533
Fuck Prozac
I hear whispers
I see death
I want freedom
I feel abandoned
I fear depression
I weep through life
I understand I'm lost
I speak poetry
I dream of earth
I desire balance
I may defeat this sorrow
Oct 2013 · 600
Dissemble My Face
Paint my face
With scraps of white
Untangled the vines that hold me tight
Your an a dreamer wish  me away
Hang me from a clothesline
Startle my mind
Make me brittle so I can crack
I'm hung out to rot
As I leak out my  remaining decay
Oct 2013 · 628
Asphyxiate Haze
I surrender my fears
As I choke on the sinking sun
Startled with firefly's
As they pelt the earth
The copper leaves falling into a haze
Crisp and cracked with a hope for you
Slow nights full of passion
Our saliva eager and alive
Bursting into a lascivious famishment for my needs
As you sail up my vertebrae
Our hands indulge into this intimate life
Oct 2013 · 514
The Haze Of Heaven
Impotent wedged flaws
Wrathful and miserable
As you drip pungency to feel secure
The blood slices are passed out for the mourners
Your vulgarly suspended in the air
All your misdeeds that you refused to see
Your secrets didn't shrink or disappear
I want to assassinate your cartilage one peel at a time
The deceptions you entrenched me in are bleak,fatal and weak
Your just a obscurity that nobody needs
Paralyzed into the horizon line
Close to the pale sky
Although no matter how hard you try
You'll never get there
Oct 2013 · 437
Gulp on rain little bird
Enfold your breath of life
Rise to your  prayers
Let love fill your  heart
Savor your soul
Untie the bare flower of me
It is distressed and uncontrollably intense
Blinded with a feverish zest
Frantic in the green sea
With a whiskey bent hellish hunger
Swallowing the lights so I can appear
Needing a transfusion that is surreal
My framework is made of twigs and stones
Beginning the outpouring of my shedding skin
Creating a dream catcher of my youth
Oct 2013 · 913
Phantom and Flowers
Beneath the blanket of sleep
Where we drank from the dredge
Underneath our historical stamped bones
All the distance that we drove
Seeking the pedigree of the past
Voices recovered that once had been scraped and unheard
Brittle souls branded with dejection
As our hearts sweep away into the atmosphere
Flowers drift with the breeze
As the earths ghost crowds and disfigures
A slow, rare, river patterned with regret
Intense shame beneath fluttering space
Wishes tasting like temptation
A fatal dreamer suffering from unbearable pain
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
The Emaciation Of Youth
A nudging hunger
As the dandelions weep
My mouth staggers
Ripe with madness
Masking the oppression
Harboring the withered deprivation
As the bones eat your flesh
In the distance where shadows speak
The lighting stroke melts
Contorting the imperfections
The obscured carcass you claim
I pray that young girls will accept and love themselves. What a awful disease that  also eats away at your soul. You don't have to be skeletal and try to make yourselves a model. Grasp these years and believe that your exceptional and find your self. It's an art to find out who you are. Let your voice be heard.
Oct 2013 · 528
Stroke The Machine
Flying into fate
Undersea I will heave
Were bottomless as it appears
Handfuls of love
That I will hold
Attaching the root of my tears
Dusty jagged pieces of demise
Our nest has wings we wear in the night
Our cells are feeble
As I heave them into the sky
Climaxing without a sound
Between my hips unavailing the mystery of this love
Lily's dust the calloused roots of truth
Smoking sidewalks jagged and raw
Expressions grasped with humanity and bliss
I have no idea this came to me so quickly. Not sure what I think but it sure is funky.
Oct 2013 · 912
Mortal Coil
Secret spells of the gutter weeds
The crash of echoes in the cavern of your ratifications
Shapeless memories plucked from the rotting lace
Melting the crash of your hollow ways
Your reflection is full of blameless confessions
Sundering your vision with deathless years
The sharpness of your syringe of hate
****** flaws that dictate you
Wincing for a delicate escape
Pursuing the creek of graceless yearning
Immersed and nonexisting into the marrow of your passage
As the mourners disaffirm the farewell fortitude of your youth
I want to dash through the fields of your *******
Allowing the sun to gleam down on us
Spirited and blossoming with child like minds
Your fingers encircle me so
Tenderly I allow you to dance with my kiss
I want to touch love                  
With a fluttering as you caressed my breast
I feel harmony as you retreat across me
Ripples arousing in my core
I stare at this measureless fragility
As your gaze feels painted with despair
My flesh is damp and ready to dream
I tremble deeply burning
Swollen *******, fevered kisses
I smell peaches tangled in the sea
You massage me underneath
Feeling as though I cant breathe
Your teeth roam my velvet perfection
You seem to be impatient
Pulling me near as I see myself in the mirror
You begin to descend into me
I felt shriveled as he shuddered and shook
He felt like ice melting in a storm
So I swam into the lonely moonlight
And watched my silhouette wander into the hallucination of me
Sep 2013 · 715
Exploding With Fear
Chains of tears
Sickened with fear
As my journey fades
Sprouting wounds full of shame
Your skeletal exhausted hips
Praying at there reflection
Getting closer to slipping in the dirt
The explosive truth is unavoidable

Rain-less lips and disintegrating teeth
Your gaunt face that I barely recognize
Your bloodless eyes are rendering
I stroke your emaciated limbs
Trying to recall you in my head
You were so lovely
You were my home
Bones barely breathing
As the distance begins to climb
The years become fogged
As I'm swaddled  in this mystic cocoon
Sep 2013 · 681
Not To Be Found
Floating across the invisible winds
The river is delicate and sound
Unhinge the hunger of my desire
This tragic pattern has to vacate
I glance at your face
Furrowed lines of pain
I traced that face with fingers of grace
Your eyes are my voice
The sheltered layers
Unstringing me one knot at a time
Feeling exposed yet reborn
I thirst for you as a fire burns
Floating trying to simplify
This delicate thread
The wind of the lines
Words that are unhinged and woeful
Vunerable enslaved with fear
As my anger grows heavy
Yet I guilt myself into you

My pretty red lipstick is ruined
Covered in your cheap sticky *******
Having me feel shamed
You don't handle rejection
My guts are shattered
You make me eat the blame
Harrasing me until I'm lifeless
Then you mock me
As I spill my veins
Contains ****** content  ADULT
Sep 2013 · 567
Stroke My Teeth
I felt your face fade
Across the ruins against the sea
Whiskey edged cracks
As I gazed into the light
Picturing fields of poetry
Stroking the teeth of my spin
Frail stars trembling
As the roots trickle
Impatiently clustering the handfuls of voices that I unpeeled
Removing my lips with nothing to say
I glue my eyes with  convictions
I'm tilted on the edge of earth
Stuffing the truth down into the mass in my throat
Sep 2013 · 10.3k
Seductive Whirl
I wear these new scars
Because of you
With your pin ***** kiss
Making my lips burn
Your bare bones weaken me so
Perhaps we could wipe the dust off

I would be gentle and new
We hide in the darkness of how we lived
I want to heal the brokenness  in my heart
Into my veins as the blood explodes
As your hand collides with my face again
I trying to strive and  find myself some faith
Broken and wounded
But the seductive whirl I can't seem to purge
My heart is dying I feel shamed
The ghosts that live in my stomach
Try to consume my mind
Dazed eyes that can't cry
Through fields of regret
Wisps of me fly away
Not much left to say
The whimpers disappear from my lips
A quiet poison that captures me
Farewell to those whom I admired
Farewell blackened eyes
Farewell to a broken life
I'll have you know
I'm finally free
Sep 2013 · 938
Poison Keeps Me Alive
Dressed in a bottle of fatal wine
Imagination unique with a rare passion
A syringe that suffers with shame
I moan with anticipation
Merging to be inflicted
As I become tangled
Hushed nudges as I bloom and sway
The gray matter is destroyed
Hallucinations invited to stay
****** slaves as the embryos pray
Tormented by a flame
A war of voices with elements I abused
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Whiskey In The Womb
Beautiful darkness
Lighting strikes the stones
As my mouth unpeels
Liquefy on the edge of hope
Descending toward imagines of my ghost
My weapons are my words

Spiritually sickened
Convulsing with electritcy as it undresses my wounds
Comatose hallucantions howled
Unhinged  calamity of the naked shivered sky
As the womb needs its whiskey high
Birdlike flapping my anxieties away
The twine is weak morally I will drown
My bones begin to find me as I go down
Arms and legs that no longer move
As my eye lashes begin to kiss the night
My teeth and lips will never feel a kiss
Looking out the windshield of sobriety
Entwined lovers drunken mourners
I beg of you to slit my tears
Just a quick note I do not believe in drinking while pregnant. I do however feel what its like to struggle with this problem. I have been clean for 287 days . I also never drank well pregnant. Also sorry about the pronunciation.
Sep 2013 · 1.9k
Bicycle Wheels
Would you buy me a yellow bicycle?
If you loved me perhaps you would
Tie me down so I can't float
I get restless and its hard for me to stay
I try not to slip away into the unknown
My soul is youthful
I'm hard to trust
I may spin out of control
But your the one
With slivers in my veins
I taste the pain
Consuming all my truths
With not a choose to choice
Aug 2013 · 789
The Asylum Of Truth
The warmth of the tangled sea
On the peak of the clouds
As the mystically creature turns to dust
As the lights of the earth burns out
Thousands are restless and weak
Immense pulverized anguish
As the ancient kingdom is spiritually sore
Unraveling the conscience seeds
Clinging to this deep discombobulated world
Fretfull and distured
Ashamed of my truth
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
The Demure Savage
Starless eyes
Ragged and forbidding
Teeth of tears
Flamed and striped for fear
The flesh is an illusion
Repugnant as it is revealed
Savage winds carry me away
Constrains me when I die
The curse of annihilation's
In circles I can't keep  
A shroud that stifles the delicate truth
The departed in white discomposure
In pain I flee
Aug 2013 · 743
Washing away the chill of birth
As afternoon daises dance with the breeze
Birds cry in the wheat
Ship wrecked and weak
A yellow circle of seeds follow the train
Cramming the world into my face
Aug 2013 · 2.4k
Arctic Eyes
I collect clouds
They belong to you
Chaotic and sprouting youth
Trying to make you love me
Come travel my spine
Drift into my dreams

My tattered fingers are the stems of peace
I'll be your anchor when you need
When I first saw your arctic eyes I was in disbelief
As a kaleidoscope  thundered in my heart
Your anemic strips of hair disheveled and free
Your face a porclein ivory with lips I think I knew
As my tongue tangled inside my own
The very warmth of your words perforated my wind
I still envision your lips generous yet new
Aug 2013 · 787
Melting Eras
Lost in the shade watching the shapes  
Into the dirt with rocks in your heart
Confronting penance  for the absence of time
Battled calloused hands melting for eras
Spinning trees out in the darkness
My eyes briefly dim
  As I stifle on smoke  
With hopeless climaxes and interpretations
The cradle that takes me to the depth of my melancholy
My eyes weave into your mortal will
I'm seeking what is real
Take me if you will
All through writing  this I could see a couple in there 20's.  He was a heavy drinker and she is praying to change him. She has a fall and he is gone. She says nothing to him. Her heart is heavy and she is weak from the fall. She loses the baby and the only peace she has is this cradle. She prays for god to take her. I was curious what you all thought. I can't get these people out of my head.
Jagged illusions as I fall to pieces
Abandoned humanity with a starless sky
Underwater waves with thundering treasures
A impassioned journey wandering into the bay
Kingdoms of peace and truth will set my way
My soul is startled and no longer mine
I feel like smashing out of my restraints
So I can exist
Shuddering to make my choice
Do I stay or retreat?
Floating like a ghost wraithlike and free
I forgo my way
Aug 2013 · 840
Yellow Fog
Narrow cheekbones with smears of eyeliner
Restless ecstasy with pieces of pleasure
Painted bones with rotted lace
Extraordinary disasters entwined with unfair fractures
The haze of lovers attached like stones
False interpretations bursting into a profound state
Limbs oppressed naked and craving
The streets painted with lovers slippery and smoked
Skin stretched with the pain of perfection
I emerge broken and branded, forsaking my sanity
Hallucinating  into the yellow air
Harmony ,suffering, confusion and creatures
As the earth purges my anxieties
Aug 2013 · 684
Soak Up The Red
I fall so quickly
I have no time to prepare
Although this is nothing new
As I fear

My hands that feed our babies
And cook the food
Suddenly has to protect
I crawl upon the floor
Picking up the remnants of my tooth
Tears strain to appear
Forced to clean up the blood I made
As the rag soaks up the red
I hurry to be done

My son finds pieces of my tooth
He is excited the tooth fairy will come
I wish something magical would occur

Some ask how do you love him?
Why don't you leave?
I love this man with all I have
If I leave he will **** me
Besides I have no power over him
He is strong and I'm weak

My eyes were given to him now he can see
My mouth was given to him now he can breathe
My heart was given to him but nothing changed
On that cold winters day
The shot gun was so loud it made me fade away
I got the message loud and clear
The only thing I owned was fear
I don't wear it well ,in fact it don't fit
I never looked good in black and blue

We sit in the kitchen its a quiet night
You get angry and flip the table
Glass is everywhere I try to clean
You put your large hands to my face
As my heart does a race
My skin feels like it will tear
I hold still my eyes are in pain
I struggle to speak
I have no voice
This is not how I want to live
Hands are suppose to be tender
A kiss should be soft
Not a bite of the lips
I'm so weary
I'm lost
It's time to move on
I shall never return

He wants me one last time
I remain still as he undresses me
Pulls my hair as he enters me
Filling me with his sickness
I begin to bleed
Dressing myself as my whole body aches

Mysteriously he agrees
I know this may not be the end
But I walked through the door
Had my babies at my side
Something magical had happened
I became alive
I'm sure the punctuation is terrible it's late. Changed the title the other was to plain.
Aug 2013 · 310
My Season Is Done
I'm out of time
To feeble to climb
The words of others
Ring into my ears
Do not be frightened
Your at peace here
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Vanilla Trees
God of the winds
Flying out of vanilla trees
Closing my eyes for the shadows to see
Battered poverty swallowing my youth
Hopeless staggering fractures  
The voice of anguish
Encloses the elements
As the oppression fades
I reach inside to pull out the taste of faith
Aug 2013 · 474
Fatal Flaw
I sink with horror into my own corner
The shadows begin to devour my sorrow
As the wind rises
My skull screeches without a sound
The journey lets me down
I wait for the flowers that will never arrive
Your my fatal flaw
Hunger embellished in your claws
As the towering tree twists
Pulling my breast consuming the breeze
Tasting my tongue ,  I have something to say
I dismantle my thoughts with my finger tips
Bitter and bleak
I unravel the crumbling tears that fall
As my spirit withers
A colorless blanket of fall
Jul 2013 · 568
Barb-Wire Strings
A faded white bird of beauty
Flapping like stars of ice through the breeze
Empty eyes bellowing
Losing faith that should not be
Feeble attempts to leave the ground

Fluffing out his feathers with dedication
As the ghosts of his heart begin to ascend
Collecting clouds imaging the heavens above
The depths of the moonlight
Strange and shard like barb- wire
Death fogged the interpretation of this place
You lay still and cold
With strings tied to your face
Almost impossible to forgo these wings
As the atmosphere melts  on me
I descend into the breeze
Farewell with rust in my mouth
I go into a unstoppable wind
I'm not sure about this one although I posted it  anyway. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Climbing the breeze as the night wanders  
Kissing poetry delicately
Listening to the howl of the flowers
The blankets are bleeding
I thirst for the sheets
Swollen ******* flush
Devoured by the burn of my mouth
We glide to the tempo of our frenzy
With a complex dignity
I want to collect the center of your eye
Memorize your iris for the lonely nights
Kiss your hair until you become weak
Feast on our attraction  in the dark
You have become an anchor for all my life
Our journeyed evenings bare feet and worn
******* inside your womb
We never conform  to others thoughts
We  love all the the same
Touching skin massaging and teasing
The flame of your hips
Nourishing the breath of  our ecstasy
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
Eyelash Dance
I stand in your eyes
Looking out for the whole world to see
With the fabric of death staring at me
Its just you and me
On the edge of heaven
Mending distances as we begin
Ghastly gray hours littered my ears
Intensly intrusive and ******
The shadows spill stringently
Stamping the sky with feelings of insufficiency
The bitter breeze dreamers, protesting for peace
Beyond all countries and downward dreams
We heave our head, heart, and soul

The handfuls of gestures surrender the way
A taut twine traveled behind
With waves coiling and bending my mind
Dying eyelashes recaptured my memories as they danced upon my face
A once swollen spirit is a ripped fragment away
Consenting with out my say
Death burst your core
The life of limbs, once excitable and strong
A strong windswept set my ambivalence at bay
As I lay trembling, Soft secrets are told
Relief from bottomless sufferings
Loved ones long lost reunited with me
My tounge has say much to say as words sail
As the wisps of heaven begin to show me the way
This is what I feel that people go through when they have an terminal illness. Losing strength and feeling helpless.  Trembling from weakness and lost dreams. I worked at a nursing home for 18 years. It is amazing the profound phenomenon that you get to experience in the final days. Supernatural aura's settling down. Thanks for reading. I should add I feel as people depart this earth they leave us signs we just have to be aware of them. You will get a message they have made it to the other side.
Jul 2013 · 467
Knock Knock
Kiss the waves as there is death at every door
Time crawls like tears
As words fall slowly
Balanced upon my chest
The window in my mind is full of fog
My broken round tongue pours water for the sun
Naked sky is fading as it whispers goodbye
Jul 2013 · 2.1k
Nest Of Bones
Abandoned admiration calloused with despair
A bottomless compass that leads nowhere
Impotent illusions that curse the starless storm
A revengeful wind swells undersea
Tracing underneath the sunlight

Beyond the aches of fingers
With handfuls of garden walls
Fragility that huddles impatiently
As the ivory magnolias flicker in the decay
Stains of the stagnant obscenities
As the nest of bones grieve
Crawling distances daring the dark
Outside the landmarks
We sneak into the tunnels
As a sheath of pungent amniotic poetry is found
Shattering as the sorrows erode
The appalling cracks stretching my skin
Theatrical anorexic anchors that pierce my flesh
With abandoned ******* and stinging hurt
The nakedness shrieks
With  an intolerable shame
If I descend much deeper I will burst
I'll float through the cemetery because I'm already dead
The delirium has me caged
Jul 2013 · 818
Unlock My Flesh
Melting morning dew
As  I  feared, danced, and shaked
Beneath  a thousand years of illusions
Fingers drifting unlocking my flesh
As the voice of footsteps  kiss the summer goodbye

Unraveling  enchantment,  soft, wild, and free
Strawberry hair blooms into a tangled tease
Sultry peach curves
Famished suckling the nectar
Luscious intervals of bingeing
As we entice the  natural  yearning
I invited your you to love
As we begin to swim to shore
Were as bare as the night
Where multiple stars glittered  then died

As your bones are  shattering were confined together
I dive into the bottom of your mind
Overindulging in your ribs and esophagus
Maneuvering   in your foundation
Emptying out the  cage you placed yourself in
Scare all the monsters away
I shall await patiently  for a taste of your heart
I'll relish from part to part
When I'm done I'll live inside your throat
You **** me
With dust that is
You made me hiss and spit
In the moments I hated myself
Dressed to go and a discover a new drug
Sparrows and doves eating me alive
This tree is such a pretty color of pink
I'm sinking in this ocean of lust
The veins are my path
So refreshing and free

Refusing to miss my gear
I undress and I inject
Floating into the clouds the mystery of my way
My fingers catch the highs and lows
Following the crave
As my eyes seem to fall away

Needed to find the last crumbs
I want to be erased fly into rainbows
Talk to the storm tell them I'm all alone
My mind needs a rest
I shall remove it and lay it in the dirt
Where worms can fulfill there hunger that they need
I have not a thing to say
Lets go for a walk paint the town
Is that snow? Make a snowman for me
My head is spinning no it's being eaten by a man
A small man that fits in my hands
He is white and soft
My best friend he knows how things go

Your are hideous and offensive
Why tell me in this state?
One more foolish speed
The little man helps me again
Open my mouth that is covered in blood
I lay for awhile all is still
I hang on to that little guy

He never left my side
I feel cold and lonely
I swirl around there is no sound
Inside I'm screaming but there is no air
I cease to function
I'm confused I'm lost
My eyes have returned yet I can't see at all

I know your alone
But your heading home
Rest your weary soul as your lifted

I often wonder why you were so sad ?
Your no longer an addict with needles in your arms
I hold your hands study your fingers for the last time
Caress the scars on your arms
Pray out to someone that this is wrong
Your little girls
They miss you so
We send you balloons and love
You'll always be a essence of us
I know this piece is very personal I lost my brother 2 yrs ago. He was an addict for many years. Every time I see his girls it destroys my heart. My niece has spina bifida and has had 14 surgeries. She is so strong and loving she blows kisses to her dad. I hope he catches them. Excuse all the madness in this piece I lost my way. Thanks so much
Jul 2013 · 922
The Tunnels Of The Moon
As I tiptoe to the moon
Reaching my hands out for more
Collected material with nonsensical remains
No warmth, no war
No spoken words influenced by a bleeding brain
Fractures set by society
Countless splintered flames
Profound judgement does not exist
The very essence of humanity
Is conceived through elements
Dense collected heavens falling
Afflictions shoot away
Through the tunnels of the wind
Pommel and debilitate the sorrows and woes
Spilling and weaving into the core of it all
As I climb the steps to the stars
Colorful doves begin to soar
Jul 2013 · 859
The Poison I Sip
Obsessively stagnant
Wet ivory cheekbones
With  sunken hollows
Calm bones with painted patchwork
Dank ****** sobbing
In this filthy velet pain
Shattered ***** smothers
Ripped and ruthless I spin
Covered in night
With fear dancing in my spine
Bloodly swirls with the poisons I sip
Folded as I slowly shift
Losing minutes and my worth
Tangled in this stroke of the sea
As I weep and try to escape
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