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Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Damaged Core
In the paper peak is a hidden monster
Speaking forlorn  shadows of the past
Grace at a distance , following high expectations
As animosity heaped into the depths of me
Seduction flared  in the stomach of an angel
A spiteful swim oppressed in my throat
As the red breasted birds, set  the paths that feed hate
Dec 2013 · 927
Submissiveness and somber
Passions to high
Intolerable sobriety
Inhaling razors at 3 am
Graceful drunk, worthless
Shattered with enslavement
Starving for a bottle of you
Wishing for a fairy-tale life
Dec 2013 · 896
Submissiveness and somber
Passions to high
Intolerable sobriety
Inhaling razors at 3 am
Graceful drunk, worthless
Shattered with enslavement
Starving for a bottle of you
Wishing for a fairy-tale life
Dec 2013 · 833
Perception Of The Mind
Frost carved a harmonious poem among the trees
As withering driftwood, thirsts for color
The petals weep with ink
Dank obscured whirlwinds that wish to stay
In fields of everlasting growth
I would disentangle my reasoning
Feeling colorless and confused.
Dec 2013 · 995
Wooden Lips
The raw sunlight pounding on my neck
Throbbing air, painfully cloudy
Wooden lips that rip my tongue
Hands that grain pieces of deception
Clattering roots, with pounding bones
Polluted words giving me blisters in my head
A blind stillness,  captured me
Portions of creations, harboring hate
Callous and raw fists fluttering
Eyes trembling into my skull
With a sadness that I shall not have at all
Dec 2013 · 814
A Box Of Earth
Hands feel the integrity
On the path of repairing
Ancient magnetic rain
Poetry and peace go wayward
A box of earth holds my core
The frosted night grants me a kiss
Music begins to play in the perfect stars
A preserved cord with grace on her face
Memories filled with hours of infinite growth
Secure tranquility with a synchronized vow
As flowers seeds begin to flourish I arouse
I caress the stratosphere
Dec 2013 · 472
Feeble Frame
Throat of my spine
Place my bones on a ledge
As my lungs of trepidation is bruising the sun
I'm crumbling without a shield
Attempting to speak as my vocal cords are severed
Taking what I have left and leaving
Dec 2013 · 433
The feel of tranquillity inside the walls
Engraved into the sky
As your passion for life unfolds
Counting your blessings
Inside of clouds you can dream
Lay with the creator of this creation
Dec 2013 · 748
A Voiceless Sound
Lonely, elusive,love
In a shapeless silhouette that saunters
In hands full of prayers
Beautifully fluttering to speak
Paper thin promises on the horizon of reprieve
Through broken sunsets and flowing streams
Twines made of a language I can't speak
Dec 2013 · 863
Delirious Thoughts
Mountain of suicide
Filled with bliss
God of whiskey gave me a fifth
Rolling into the darkness
I'm shaking with anxiety
Bursting in pieces of flames
As the stone of the river holds me
I pass the mental tears
While phrases lust my thoughts
The nightmares of poets feed my fears
Dec 2013 · 942
Incurable Hope
Colorlessness filth inside
Spiritless and exposed  
The bloodshed of humanity prolongs
As Injustice penetrates our wounds
As we have lost our way
I wish I could make a difference for others. Bloodshed for no reason at all. I use to live in the Flint area in Michigan so much crime and several homicides this year. I pray for those affected.
Dec 2013 · 892
Shoreline Of Lace
Caught my heart upon the shore
Skins of shells unfold
As golden reflections of pearls emerge
My fingertips lace with the sand
Beneath cracks where my reflection lay
My mouth is contorted and ripe
The flesh of my body is warm with light
On the coasts of your curves
Riding the waves as they crest and ebb
Trembling with a rhythm that enchants the petals of my rose
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
The Core Of A Kaleidoscope
As her blonde hair twirls into the sun
As he spins her, her dress looks like a kaleidoscope
They dance as he strokes her face
This love is not easy to find
There seem to be no sounds
On the wings to set sail
I want to collect a future for you and me
Through continents and back home
When shifting winds grind at our core
Infecting our love but rage we leave alone
Like cracks in a sidewalk, we all have flaws
As the years move on our backbone begins to descend
We still make love, but with the sounds of our voice
We smile at one another, daydreaming about the past
We're growing older as our eyes become cloudy
Our memories parted ways
You looked so heavenly that morning
I became fearful without you
You're the lace of a golden summer
The stillness in the sea, weary and forlorn
I take comfort in knowing that we cherished every day
The steps that we took through changing times
We were together, I don't regret a single day
Dec 2013 · 565
Buried Beneath
Puddles of blood,  making the leaves red
A muted soft rain flowing
With sparks of stars
Blackbirds are shy tonight
Purple blotches on her face
As her lifeless body lay
With  trauma on her face
I need to cage my mind
What did I do ?
There are battered woman and men everyday who go through this. Keep safe and get the children out of there  . Children absorb what they see. Stay safe seek help I know. Much love
Nov 2013 · 602
Death Sweat
Fists bruised,trembling,  and drowning down
The death sweat invites the cold horrors
The curse of blinding pain
Ruthless and wicked
White mouths escaping outside
A cruel bird screams through the images
A soul of sorrow walks outside
Nov 2013 · 802
Wings Of A Dragon
A mortal syringe delicious on drunk desire
Drifting in this desolate universe
Wings on the shadows of faded vigor
With a syringe of confidence that don't last
A purging of delicious poetry
As I get lost in the twilight
Stamping,  splintered,  limbs, with sins of temptation
Clinging to the flesh of demise
The taste of compulsion asking for asphyxiation
Nov 2013 · 718
Dream Jar
The vision of a loud sleep
Howling in a  evolution spirit
As the corner of wars acquires a silent danger
Society of concealed disdain, succumbs when  freedom disappears
Where mindless premonitions shriek
Erupting with desperation
Dreams jars full of color
Decomposing perceptions with shreds of fate
The map of my introspective is a harrowing walk
Twisted in a weave of deceit
Trying to stifle the air of depression
Nov 2013 · 605
The heart of America
Beatings and rapes and so much more all on the morning news
A man addicted with ****, yet refuses to look at his wife  
A world of fallen grace
A dispirited mind chasing drugs, not to feel
Speaking does not seem to be the way
Nobody listens anyway
Lack of mental health support
Loss of empathy for your fellow man
Little girls as young as five,   dressed up like they are 25
Men and women who served to keep us free, neglected and disrespected.
Men beating, or killing there wives
Why do women and young girls feel forced to be thin?
There are more critical issues than weight
Promises being broken by our own president
Losing health care plans and some paying even more
The cost of government regulations, growing ever higher
As we become more connected, we grow more disconnected
In our electronic age our relationships we disengage
Nov 2013 · 795
Swirls Of Death
Hypnotized with a madness
Drifting, shattered,  and shifting
The storm clouds fall upon my eyes
Numbness trying to engulf the atrocious pain
Eternal bitter tears that I can't sense anymore
The dust swirls following me to my death
Threads of heaven blooming,  linking them together
I'm ready to depart let the whirlwind carry me away
Nov 2013 · 915
The Embryo Of Us
Petals diving through my spine
A wind of intoxication
Idles in my bones
When I'm with you I'm not distressed
Plunging away at the sun
Jasmine climbing the vines
I Gorge on the essence of you
The flesh of your fingers provoking conviction
The frenzy tangled into our core
I want to be sunk inside of you
Floating to get a authentic glimpse
Nov 2013 · 690
A victim of humanitarian living
Where the faith is dipped , with the wounds of pain
Those who chose ignorance to ignore the truth
Destruction at the execution
Yet so many ingest the virus
Malnourished and vanquished
Stained with hunger
My death is Interlaced with my Eternal Life
With a passage to follow into my burning death
Tranquil departing at last
The fatality gives me a reason to live
Nov 2013 · 570
Animosity Is Our Lover
Heavy fog,  wrapped  in the valleys
Hands are pages that can be read
New art with a old heart
Standing in air,  without a breath to spare
Days have grown long , since we  clashed  with each other
Spinning without motivation
As a comatose path descends  
My lover is the soul of it all
Nov 2013 · 566
Crippled With Grief
Ripples out  in the sea
Skinned deafening pain
As a tragedy blossoms
Unrest days that seemed everlasting
Dandelion eyelids full of fireflies
Miles of wounding prayers
Braches have become weak
A cradle of beliefs that has vanished away
Nov 2013 · 457
Feeble Fields
I inhale the fragile fields
With secrets in my stomach
Tangled in the corner of gods throat
Quiet hours in a angels room
Fresh kisses of fate
The remains of the memories will set me free
Nov 2013 · 521
Yearning For Faith
My words are exhausted
Full of afflictions
Wishing into the morning rays
Dusk in the gray sky
Beneath morning winds
A somber journey for me to face
The spirits will meet me in heaven
I will drink the devils tears
So I can restore harmony once again
Nov 2013 · 737
Wasted Clouds
A delicate fabric
Developing into me
Pursuing promises of light
As my lungs begin to  perforate
A rebel moon uninvited
Spitting pieces of ropes into the wasted clouds
I become frantic with the thought of relapse
With reflections of vulnerability
Starless twisting my departure
Boiling my foundations as the ashes bleed
The remorse of my demise seeping out my integrity
Nov 2013 · 598
Paint My Throat
Substance free
Regretfully gazed at the galaxies
Rebel raised
Rejected promises
A flawless fight spun
Patterns painting in my throat
Departing at midnight to help with  god's thoughts
With glacial , temple moons
Mentally splattered  
Chemically misplaced
Split apart chest
I no longer exist
Nov 2013 · 629
Forlorn Lips
Pieces of lungs
Raging into hollow waves
The sand raining down
Wishes on the forsaken blue lips
The journey into deaths door
I just want to see it all fade away
Nov 2013 · 605
Withered Away
As a tree has ripened  inside me
Twigs of fatigue
That are soulless
Raw and released
My hands are oppressed
My reasoning is heavy
I'm aware that I'm,  ready to succumb
Nov 2013 · 501
This Death Of Mine
You were a secret failure
Drugs and needles
You ******* betrayed
Veins that swallowed who you were
I was to drunk to help
Feeling shamed
Secluded in this gigantic earth
With not a single soul
Ghostly whispers start to speak
Dreams drifting in and out
Flaming dust in my ears
Getting blitzed for fun,  doing candy flips
Flowers in my hair
Covering my eyes with feathers
I can't see
The death should of been me
Welcome into this kindling worship
Where the sensualism is regained
The atomsphere penetrates the frailty
Spiraling and enwrapping into vulnerability
Giving me words of ease
With fairytales of ecstacy
My vanilla tunnels belongs to you
Eyelashes heavy from your tears
I have found, and fallen from the heavens
Dancing freely, in melting candles not afraid to burn
I construct you with my hands

Yet you bury, and cast me far from hours in the distance
Unrooting my voice in the wind
Stretching scars, recasting fury
Nov 2013 · 758
The city lights cried
The bridges were beaten and bare
Rocks cast adrift
Fragments inside the concrete forced me to breathe
I frequently disdained the soul of my death
The lips of ink scraping my day

As the contour of the sun reflects from the windowpane
The layers  of the sea burned
Death in a jar
Distracted and bruised
As the whiskey smoke invades my space
Hands trembling on the glass
This dull fabric of my soul is smudged
With lacerations of my past
Nov 2013 · 402
Angels wandering alone
Confined to the depths of the earth
Suffering in silence
As the kingdom begins to roar
Believing in goodness even when the waves loss control
Eternally he is our gift
Sometimes I think that the end is here that I have no reason to exist. But I close my eyes and know that I'm surrounded  by a higher power that is protecting me.
Nov 2013 · 626
Tranquil Seeds
Bare butterflies falling
The sweetness  of the swirled graffiti
Magnolias upon  my cheek
A calm nest  painted with a kiss
Peace believed in the seeds
Keeping me safe
Nov 2013 · 405
A gentle song sleeps in the air
This mind of sorrow depletes me here
Hundreds of kisses with misty eyes
Footsteps into the holy grounds
On the wings of mothers and daughters
I want to swoop down and free you
Filling my lungs with air for you to breathe
RIP Betty Hosang
Nov 2013 · 482
Blinded Creed
An angel in the stomach of poetry
Eating  the spirit that makes me bleed  
Betrayed lips that force me to drink
Blinded hands deprived of touch
The distance of my creed
Nov 2013 · 777
Mortal Jump Rope
Stains of the drifting stars
A burrow of flesh
As my funeral fingers exhale ashes
Jumping that mortal rope
As my flaws twist and burn
Silhouettes erupt
I see a window of clouds
The simple shape of fear
Spiraling in the smoke
I see my own demise
Nov 2013 · 314
Gardens Song
A Sun sculpted face
Gentle lights
Guide me through the night
As the ink of nature dries
Praying into the skies with earth at my side
Dust of the flowers on my finger tips
Shadows upon my cheeks
Glowing stars born before our eyes
With a kiss of hope
You can see the gardens song
Faintly on the shore
It's a gleam that not everyone can see
Nov 2013 · 560
Cotton Smoke
Cotton teeth of the god of mountains
The dust of the golden sky
Burning heavy kisses
The ocean slippery from your roots
Breathing  with bursts of smoke
Infinite delicate edge  of whispers
As  the sound of  dawn is gently still
Nov 2013 · 538
Sinking Into Psychosis
Disregarded lost in space
Prying eyes shout
Staring  into the darkest protest
As the walls of my mind judge
I mistakenly sunk
Nov 2013 · 501
Blue Bones
As the bird dipped his wings  into the stream
The womb will freeze
He sighs under the hollow sun
The blue bones turn and shift
Remnants of the  cord upturned and gray
As he  crawls gathering strings
With shivers his tailbone is contorted
A putrid button descending down
Motionless melting lungs fading remains
Silently the limbs lay
The feathers spread dancing with pain
As the suffering begins
He reflects the time regretting what could of been
Nov 2013 · 993
Falling In
A splintered continent
A land of romantic eras
A much needed travel
We rose above the mountains in a land all of our own
We receded oceans, blowing through  storms
Making love in the rain with an exhilarating electricity
A million quiet cries touching your skin
Rekindling unwritten melodies
A stunning twinkle ignites a colorful connection
A season of raw fantasy, laughing and existing
Unwritten dreams falling into the summer breeze
Feeling flames with wildflowers
Beneath your auburn hair I reside
I simply breathe a ghost of silence and smoke
I forsake my identity in this pitted, sheer, beautiful, fractured tragedy
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
Heavy Artillery
Surrender this dusty heart of mine
I have chased the height of my beliefs
As my lips have been colored purple
I exposed my sharp scars
Capturing spirits  in my pockets
Years of a souless sound
Battles against a noose
My mind has begun to decease
Bottles pose as my friends
The artillery of this difficult fight
As I  sleep on the currents of frozen ground
Perching on the plank
Crimson  blood in the air
The ocean of brick bones that fade
Fighting this war in vain
Still sober but its a constant battle out on that plank.
Nov 2013 · 477
A Fragile Distance
Dusk collapses the sunlight
The residue of my youth
Spilling clouds and existence of this dark place
Pushing to a boundless distance
Twisting into a famished prayer
Choking on teeth and a lovers obligation
Drowning veins misery drags me underneath
Repressed thoughts tight in my throat
The ocean of  sorrow painted by me
Oct 2013 · 689
Tangled And Wet
Caged with a seductive regret
We magnetically connect
With old open wounds
We have perfected  heartbroken qualities
I reminiscence soaking the sheets
And smelling your taste
Enchanted fingers that knew love
We tangled together in honey
Chaotic with flaws
Burning deeper with a fevered rush
As destination spins I overflow
Oct 2013 · 440
Elegant eyes
Natural beauty speaks
You create poetry as you move
Naked white shadows drift
Clear lips that dream
I would go into the darkness
Struggle and bleed
To empty you into me
Oct 2013 · 721
Valley Of Ribs
Hallway of moon beams
The valley of your ribs
Shadows under my depression
A journey of immortal growth
Climbing your vertebrae
I'm the silhouette on the trapeze into space
Drinking from your collarbone
Hollowed space in between hips
Tissues of your joints
Your curtains of skin that uncover letting me in
Settled in your lungs is seaweed
As you waited long in the bottom of the sea
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Eyes of perfection
With a soft echo breath
As the wings dust the breeze
With a vision of the womb in your heart
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
I Ask Why
Look at her she don't fit
What is she wearing?
Look at that shirt
**** girl, where you shop? Wherever it is you need to stop
If people knew or took the time to ask
I would say my mothers about to pass
You think you need that tag on your shirt?
Make sure its exposed
Whats wrong with wearing a shirt and saying this is my mothers?
She wore it to chemo to keep her warm
I would rather wear my mothers because its covered in love

Why does a young girl feel she don't belong?
Getting bullied because others think she looks like a boy
While she walks home she hears loud  whispers  *****, ****
As she looks in the mirror she, feels she has a contagious disease
The hurt don't leave when school is over
In fact it continues all over

There was a girl with black skin and ***** hair
Her dad was a lawyer for a secure firm
But she is black, remember
She tries to erase her color
Hides her eyes, so nobody can see what's inside
Although she is brilliant
But won't speak in class
I ask why?

There a little girl with freckles, and green eyes
Hair beautiful, and crimson that her daddy would brush her hair
As she looks at herself in such a different way
Trying to pick all the freckles away
Now there are visible scars that visit everyday
All because of what one person had to say

I invite you to penetrate your mind
We become passive, sit back with time
Hoping that prejudices go away
That schools send your children home with eternal bruises on their soul
Budgets are made that doesn't help
Children need a confidant
Kids killing kids, I ask why?
They feel so angry and resentful
Words and actions that should of never be applied
We  need to educate our youth
Give them hope, teach them empathy, and pride
The ones that have Autism, mental illness and such, don't leave them by the wayside
Don't sort people by the color of their skin
God cradled all of us, defined and created all of us
So tell me why we can't see eye to eye
I invite you into the beauty in your heart

Cutting benefits for the veterans
Have they not done there time?
They can't rewind history, or bring back fallen friends
As a grandfather tells his story
With tears behind his eyes handing down his purple heart to his grandson
Who to is going into the military
21 guns, and Folded flags I ask why?
I don't mean to offend anyone but then again can't please everyone. But I own my thoughts and you own yours. Peace
Oct 2013 · 910
The acid sunset
My eyes are weary
Murdered branches raked violently
In the faded gloom
Death is broken with the blood trees
Faceless ancient spirits
Dying starts unsuspectingly
Sharp dandelions and silent turns
Crushed boulders on the edge
Where my identity is erased
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