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Oct 2016 · 838
Ninth Grade Speeders
Painting my toenails, eating lid poppers
A school bus overdose
I'm collecting my senses
Hungry, bee stings, ferris wheel, red shirt, lips, pale, homeroom
I've climbed the fences
Ambulance, weak, tired
Tube, throat, charcoal
Parents, psychiatrist, abuse, eating disorder
Floated medicatons seeping into my body
Home, ***, drugs, abuse, lonely
Thank you Bobby
Oct 2016 · 348
Waltzing Carcass
Unborn fingers in the womb, dipped in sap
Upon emerald shores collecting in the cracks of my heart
Painted valleys with a warriors thirst
Braided flowers waltzing with hymns
Amniotic carcass with small town blues
Kindling wood stamped with an antique sunset
Pulling my heart into the whistling shores
Oct 2016 · 862
A Heartaches Kiss
Stomach full of dandelion knots, we collected in the rain
Poetry that feels  like bullets tearing my flesh away
I lived beneath your bones every day
Your words spilled like paint covering me whole
I realized I don't  like the taste of blood
Dislodging myself, I  smell words
Heartaches first kiss
Oct 2016 · 425
Rape Teeth
My passion is vanishing ,splintering on this battlefield
I changed my makeup and I fixed my hair
I'm grasping at cords and stretch marks
With your **** teeth you have me down on my knees
Oct 2016 · 322
Widow's Secret
The secrets penetrated the lips of townspeople
Painted widow's weeds, now sketched with despair
Flames in the cellar, stale with wool pansies
Suppressed as weeping willows
Aug 2016 · 819
Morphine Gasoline
Just a shoelace waitress on a strangers speculation
Midnight insects squatting in desperation
Morphine gasoline on a pinwheel of fixation
Shame is placed under every table
Still starving for attention
Jul 2016 · 750
Draw My Sword
Why do I devour you so?
Foundation's of lost years
Restraining me refusing to let me go
If I were a shield
I would draw my sword
Mentally defeated, spouting my existence
Submerged in hypersomnia
Sleep disorders are so hard to live with. I have missed out on so much. But I carry on that is all I can do. I know that  people suffer way worse than this. I'm blessed Peace and love to you all.
Jul 2016 · 311
Poetic String
Silent eyelids on  galaxies of wings
Spinning meteorites entering my tears, into the white scented moon
  Pockets  full of soft kisses and kaleidoscopes strings
Weaving stones and heartaches into my muse
Spoken through poetic teeth
Jul 2016 · 1.2k
Bittersweet Xanax
Hollowed slivers rotting the irises of living things
Meadows of erosion swallowing throat scars
Stranded in a blinded world
Immortality poisoned and blistered
Bittersweet xanax only last so long
Five years ago today you departed this earth
5 years, 5 months, 5 minutes, 5 seconds, they all conjoined instantaneously, so conveniently
I don't  recall the day of the week , the time of the day
Although I memorized  the confines of your face,  your rugged unwavering  hands
Your guttural voice often immigrates within my head
When I soul search, I look for you
The fading  air that I begged you could take  
Fretfulness settled into the restristed room, submerging into wetlands
Incomprehensible grief as we bathed in tears
Prayers were addressed to our ears
Gentle brushes against your skin just to feel your warmth
I thought what is the sound of a heartache?
Because I knew at that moment even sorrow knew  grief
Having no words for my own mother who lost a son
Knowing that there were three brothers and now one is gone
Recognizing how delicate brothers can be, yet unbreakable

I envision you discovering fistfuls of copper
A sacred river that delivers  peace  and there's  berries to pick
With sawdust on your fingertips and a smile upon your face
The fish are  always biting, and you can always hunt deer
Rings of kaleidoscope colors paint the sky, calmly on the shore
Miss you Dave so very much.
May 2016 · 479
Ruptured Armour
A swollen tongue can't speak
A black eye can't see
A split lip can't eat
A dead man can't beat
May 2016 · 343
Nightly Ritual
Hollow eyed, brittle winged
My affliction is my ritual
Loops of stars interlock, colliding with my nightmares
Although I lie awake
May 2016 · 271
Setting Free
We enlighten our essence,
as we constitute our resistance.
Apr 2016 · 732
A Swingset Day
Eyelash bones swimming, into pockets of etched memories
As earths skin nourishes me with mother nature’s stone
Apr 2016 · 430
Shackled Soul
Melodies weaving tragedies on tightrope bones
As I  cross the scar tissue bridge my grief reverberates
Lacerating the fabric of my beliefs
Mar 2016 · 376
Chaos Kiss
Fingers dancing across the ribs of truth
The sternum of strength
Gritting my teeth whenever I think of you
Hollowed out heart
Whiskey hot on my lips, where you use to be
Your still my favorite taste
A tinge of you still exists
Mar 2016 · 780
An Atrophied Mind
The fingertips of my mind are asleep  
As I consume the spoon of my wrongs
The dusty razors braid into my veins
Echoes swirling scars uprooting my flow
Mentally caging me
Feb 2016 · 572
Letting Go
I was fine, in one piece
You sought to paralyze me, though I thrived  
*******, blackened eye
*******, broken teeth
*******, bloodied face
Running from myself inside of my head ,and there is no room left
My heart is my diary, under lock and key
Your tounge is your  noose
My indignation is your gallows
I keep my head down and my mouth shut
You speak only when spoken to , I have nothing to say
I cleared the table and head into my room I fall asleep
I hear him approach the bed
I'm so warm, my blanket is soft
His eyes are gray with a hint of green, cinnamon colored hair
I have memorized the top of his head ,every crease every hair
His face is thin, I think he is tired
He smells musty , but he always taste sweet
I hate him but I don't want him to leave
As he takes off his pants he places my hand on his man spot
I was so unsure what to do with it
  I'm getting better he is a good teacher
I roll it between my fingers it's warm and growing
It always wants a kiss my mouth is small I do my best
His hands hold my head tight it hurts
I get so confused when he makes these sounds. He sound's so angry. When he is done he leaves me for the night
I lie rubbing myself against the pillow Confused to why do I feel like this?
My heart beats so fast and I wonder if Daddy will be back?
He is a good dad we go outside and play
He has taught me how to write and read he is so proud of me
I'm special and I get special treats
I set the table where having company
I have a new dress and feel so cute
The woman of the house since mom passed away
It's  hard to remember  the rules I don't like him ,mad, my bones hurt when bruised
Don't eat until Fathers sitting down at the table that is one not to forget As we all sit down to eat, I clench my tiny hands hiding my secrets  under there
My heart goes out to all children who have suffered this abuse. Tragic and sick I did this so quick I did not edit it
Feb 2016 · 483
Secure Tranquility
This is a contest I joined it is a photo not a poem. But if you have time would you vote? It is for a cover of Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula magazine. My photo is Secure Tranquility you don't even have to vote for me there are some beautiful photos on here.   You can vote daily and share it with others contest ends Feb 8th. Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula Cover Contest. You can find it by going to Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula on Facebook then clicking on KeweenawCoverContest.
In the Upper Peninsula we have six months or more of winter so poetry and photography is my outlet. If this is breaking any HP rules please let me know I will remove it. To me this photo is poetic
It is my profile picture but without color its hard to see the beauty in the Fall leaves.
Insomniac neurons sailing through disillusioned lungs
Gorging on ******* limbs and uneven swallows
Pungent toxins confined on a land mine of intuition
Rupturing ****'s nesting into my grief
Vomiting up my own desolation's
I have not sleep in 2 days so forgive my grammar.
Dec 2015 · 363
Klonopin Bones
I want to mind paint
although my insanity ink is dry
Dec 2015 · 457
Nonsensical Brain
Kaleidoscope twirls clutters my brain
Embers of carnality  enslaved
Your name dictates my tounge striking shame
Leaving your fountain ink
With a warriors thirst  ,stumbling upon oceans of bones
Mountains of heartbeats and moon dust
Horizons of haunted *******, burning hair with  withered flesh
Nov 2015 · 962
Space Cadet Candy
A jagged rig ,  nose diving through my arteries
China white is my new  side kick, making me comatose and delirious
As my  brain ******'s with  gratification  I'm swaddled and content
Toxic wasted eyes , creases like canyons scrimshawed into my face
I'm a wraith of my own creation
Herion is a *****
Oct 2015 · 800
Electric Kool Aid
Cracked teeth from  trampoline pills
Electric Kool aid mousetrapped into my air
*** holes in my mind jostling my sparkling flaws
My skin expels spores into the gap of my consciousnesses
Jar of ancient street fumes cocooning  the stains of my past
It is the summer of my seed
My time to taste the fire
A nest of kisses, lit by the summer moon
I  lay in the shadows of the  grass
My champagne hair rests into your lap
The river murmurs with peace
Your body like a maze that my fingers graze

You entice me, your desire is not unheard
It is the harbor of me that you will enter
Your hands are rugged, yet your delicate
Shuddering with fear of the unknown
Feeling my pelvis  tighten
You smell  of refined  honey
You induce waves into my spinning mind
Fevered, desirous twists and enrich
Your fingers glide  across my craving *******
My pink buds rise with your kiss
Savoring every profound trail you embark upon
Every layer you discover  intoxicates  me
Aching  with a frenzied hunger
Placing my fingers I fidget and skim the forbidden
I explore your arousal
I follow the curve of your arch with my  ***** lips
I stir  over the head of your manhood
Rotating and circling I feel you widen
Becoming devoted and curious I  increase my speed
I engorge and drink your ecstasy
Trembling as you ******
Aching to infuse me with lovers perfume

You  lay me down ,alluringly you nip at my thighs
As I covet for your  introduction feeling hypnotized
My flesh awakens, as my petal grows
Your tongue flutters across my silky spot
I'm  breathless and anchored
Euphoric gratification embraces my body

You  ease filling the inside of me
We blend together
Your manhood encounters my blossom
I inhale as feverish luster takes over
You caress the curves of my back
I moan with pleasure
As we discover one another ,we are the echo of our youth
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
Manic Bubblegum
Roller coaster ruckus
Bubble gum, Ferris wheel
Fireworks kisses feel's like bee stings
Cotton candy rampage
A carousel confusion
Panic in the popcorn
Imposture that I don't know
Aug 2015 · 903
A Tranquil Pier
The cargo  of my rib cage is my inner sanctum
My hips are my homeland
I refuse to conform to conventional specification
My body is a garment that fits me perfectly
My throat is a canal, navigating, and nourishing
Bridges that nest across my thighs,  A channel of imperfections that I clutch and attain
The fabric of my ******* is frayed
Although I have nourished and  maneuvered sheepish mouths harboring at bay
Abounding the lifeblood of creation, embarking on this journey  of womanhood
Jul 2015 · 444
Blinded Bird
Ancient spirits, whispering into the wind
Angels staggering, claiming sorrows
Burning winds stroke the willow trees
Illusions of Galaxies concrete flaws
Blinded birds hatching sunsets
Bones of disease devoured and shamed
Jun 2015 · 679
Drunken And Bruised
Bitter planets nailed to the stars
The earth's cage shadows
As collarbones crack
Rushing delusions over a birds tongue
Gypsy girl sneering through hollow yellow teeth
Drunken footprints in my eyes
Floating through unfathomable distress
My milky skin ingests  hallucinations
Trembling  in this transparent fairytale
Whirling layers of silence hibernating in a state of hysteria
May 2015 · 515
Liquid Sunshine
Yellow , red and blue, this is the liquid sunshine, that annihilated my youth
Seeking a antidote , as the birds huddle  and roam
A voice goes unheard
Absurd,  crazy,  wacky, demented and a freak
As the Vacant veins asphyxiate  me
Apr 2015 · 538
Whiskey Trap
As I lay  in the ditch
With whiskey tingling my breath
A chill rained into me, as I  drown  into my hair
Tall grass swirls around entrapping me
Plant me like a seed, with melting whispers
As whiskey trees made of  fireworks, unfold my despairs
Apr 2015 · 625
Brink Of Despair
Purple stamped sunbeams beneath the arch of the earth
Quivering tears reveals the rays
Grazed willows laced with sun kissed skin
A bloodshot galaxy sputtering stars tucking the darkness in
Apr 2015 · 570
Braided Wounds
I felt you  put me on a pedestal
Until the  day you pushed me down
A bridge of bruises spans our time
I kiss the floorboards of broken promises
Pieces of my tooth dance across the floor
Yet, I handed you my spine
A rope of glass shards I can't hold on
The sky is corroded with my pain
Apr 2015 · 897
Natures Healer
Your hair catches the clouds, floating shadows of youth
Skin drenched  with beauty, lullabies and raindrops
You're a night swimmer in the sea
A daughter of a poet, with a  morning tongue
As your ribs split into shreds,  shaping the rust along your chest
Your fingertips touch the stars, erasing the nightmares of your scars
Mar 2015 · 375
Winters Wind
Painting winters wind, on pieces of a angels breeze
Wearing pride into the dancing sea
Unfolding the bruises  into thee
Mar 2015 · 682
Moon Stone
The spinning of eyelids, fractures sleep
As the canvas of a caged masterpiece, drifts into the wind
Slivers in the pockets of illusions, tormenting core of winters seed
Footsteps knot the strings of kaleidoscopes
Reincarnating the heartaches of before
Silhouettes of moon stones jumbled on the wings of space
Galaxies of meteorites entering the atmosphere interlocking fate
Jan 2015 · 955
My Hearts Compass
Eyelids of contusions smudged with bones
Winter waves grip my stripped wrists
A graceless waltz, stumbling, flailing
Strings of a marionette, gnawed by unbending stars
Trapeze walking through dizzying hills

Graffiti on my heart disfigures
Unyielding, plunging knives into memories
My hearts compass spins wildly
No direction, blindly traipsing in circles
Gazing through windowpanes of steel
Dec 2014 · 519
Winter Teeth
Lonely clouds descending with winter teeth
As sorrows are born into my voice  
Tiny birds are blindly stripped of wings
Hands with cracks, crushing the depths of rewired love
Blue sugar reflects the breath
Inhaling seeded secrets, of the splintering death
Painted with exhaustion, gasping with the pressure of expectations
Flesh stamped with grief ,misplaced with a hollow seam
Walls of bruises blistering the demons in my dreams
Just a quick note I have had no sleep don't mind the punctuation and oddity
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Jammed With Cancer
Oxygen deprived kiss
A reflection that don't exist
Mouthfuls of toxins infesting my frame
Pierced with defects
Extracting a slice of me
Restricting strength
Bruised by a caregivers hand
Those who are tired and ready to be free of pain.  So many slipping away, to this awful disease. Violating the soul. Thinking of my brother and several others. May peace be within you all.
Dec 2014 · 546
The Peculiar Me
Strands of stones bound me into knots
As flood tides of death deliver
I'm entwined yet astray
Nov 2014 · 958
Sea Sprouts
Sand sprouts leaving traces of sea knots
Naked lovers ripening with each embrace
Tripping through landmines of uncertain love
Crevices of truth finger traced as if a masterpiece
Gardening fingers pruning and uprooting
Wires of shadows touching the shore
As the dust of flowers caresses the sky
Translucent kisses and enthralling truths
Chasing the song of the sun
Oct 2014 · 644
Betraying My Existence
The ink of the beast dissolving into the fabric of molecules
Spoonfuls of the ocean eroding my internal exhaustion
Incisions of affliction inscribing into my flesh
Vile anemic demise filling my lungs  with pebbles
A creek of whiskey snowflakes frosting my distress
Paralyzing my creativity and contemplating my death
Just messing around using some of the lines from my last poem just not happy with any of my poems lately. I need a muse.
Oct 2014 · 2.1k
Oppressed Savagery
Frantically unraveling into the throat of the earth
Throbbing molecules quilting the fabric of my minds eye into infinite horizons
Spoonfuls of dust embroidered in my hair
Branches woven into the groves of desolate despondency
My body clutching feebly into a mute embryo
My tongue  silenced into a spinning crimson ocean
Tilting uncontrollably kissing the hard gravel
Don't mind the lack of punctuation and errors I'm just so tired of it all. These thoughts invade my heart and the anxiety I feel is unreal. Sorry to vent.
Sep 2014 · 583
Female Parts
Stretched pieces of my flesh
Gutting this zygote as it has already attached
A blood stream of bleach washes it away
Wounds clawing at the massacring ghost
I do not believe in abortion this is just something that came to me. Not sure why.
Sep 2014 · 595
Molecules of grief
With fistfuls of lunar moons
Uprooted universe departing this earth
Not done not sure where to go with it.
Jul 2014 · 654
The Deficient Enigma
Clusters of afflictions drizzled with disarray  ,twisting into the bitter earth
As the steps of earth splinter, the scars repent
Winds of sins circle the perimeter of faith
Sea sprayed lungs obliterate
Stars gravitate as the blackness clambers
The moonlight fractured and flawed
Howling obscurities  beneath the derangement
As the flow of crimsons rush
I forbear my subsistence
Jun 2014 · 1.8k
Moonlight Birds
Tattered fabric woven into your voice
Soft and refined,curled in the night
Unfolding the yarn, knitting into you
As dewdrops sculpt, a deep silence occurs
Etched and whirled, hazy and unknown
Bones  unfurl in the wind
Lacerated with shame etched into your skin
Stains echo across your *******
Indignation embroidered deeply within
Jun 2014 · 727
A Stones Caress
Spilling my soul into static whispers  
My lover has hands of stone
Sailing into the smoke of my shame, oppressing my fate
The mouth of the river inhaling flames
Soulless shivering guts, laced with faded faith
Wandering into the depths of madness
A boundless existence
Intertwining reflections of the universe
Spoken fireflies slipping from the earth
Fractured heavens with poetic knots
Blossoms twisting in the field of the moon
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