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Aug 2017 · 240
Golden Day
A hankering  to be stung
My rib cage is the opening to the chapel doors
A beautiful blue corpse come hug me with your eyes
Willow branch teeth ,dreaming the moon is soft
A rebirth of midnight a sourvenier to keep
Jul 2017 · 329
Eggshell Rifle
Smashing the bluebird to wear his color in my wounds
Feathers like fingerprints washed out to sea
Let his beak peck away my aortic
The rifle rests at my feet
Jul 2017 · 370
Poets Dress
Steeples of flesh in my nightdress
Unleashed wanderlust stirring up my sheets
Exhaling swirls of poetry
As the fire of you dips into my throat
Jul 2017 · 169
Generations Grief
Sparrows drinking from the creek
Heirloom ashes smudged onto the streets
Soul stacking grief
May 2017 · 691
New Shoes Death
Death came to see me today
It came so quickly
I had no time to say goodbye
I asked why now?
I'm young but I guess this is the plan
The man just pulled that trigger
Did he see me there?
I see mom looking down at me
Wish I could wipe her tears

I'm ready for school my ponytails are perfect
With my new shoes on I can't wait to show them to Julie
Standing in the front yard picking at the grass
I can see mom in the kitchen
Happens so fast one of my new shoes is flying off
I'm up in the air being pulled
It smells funny in here this man is rough
Death came to see me today
I had no time to say goodbye
That man seen me there
The wind often combs my hair
I forget everything
When I find it I lose it again
I laugh loud
Burp like a man
Walk like a baby giraffe when I'm drunk in my heels
Jump in mud puddles
Catch the bigger fish
Leave the cap off the toothpaste
But you believe I hold the stars
This will always be a mystery to me
May 2017 · 261
Elegant Noose
As the sea of music tangles your spine
We dance together yet alone
Drowning and dancing in the blood beneath my veins
Fractured porcelain skin, stained-glass eyes that failed
As a kaleidoscope of debris plays war with my  mind
I wear the scent of you as a necklace
May 2017 · 584
Fractured Fairy Tale
A fairy tale kind of love
We're like Cinderella fitting perfectly

He is not Prince charming
Unlike Snow White you will not wake up  
Yellow brick roads lead to  black eyes
May 2017 · 379
Bathtub Casket
The bathtub was almost my casket
You're holding my head
I just want to leave
The water was so warm but he saved me.  I struggle everyday  to find myself.  To understand why I'm on this earth. I try everyday but the water is so warm.
May 2017 · 483
Bathtub Casket
The bathtub was almost my casket
You're holding my head
I just want to leave
May 2017 · 237
Electric Grave
Wearing the shadows of history
Smothering the hands of thunderstorms
I'm sea sick from the electric rummage in your bones
A bell tower dress tied to my fingertips
Stacking you in the silence of fading manuscripts
An vacant canvas motives my grave
Church steeples, poet healer
Map of the sky, sleep in your lullaby
You're my paper weight
May 2017 · 611
Tinfoil Womb
Wool eyes, pretty please I say
Spray paint my wedding dress
With my drug scarf tightly wrapped around me
You'll be my party hat
Crab apples rooting in the flask of my stomach  
With a tinfoil ring you purposed
My glass hands cracked
The smell of your aftershave curls my lip
Minuscule wombs carelessly flung in my suicide toolbox
My own blood has become my moisturizer
May 2017 · 305
Funeral Parade
Rusted lyrics gushed from your tongue
I awoke with calloused lips
As you baptized me in Jack and coke
Planting dandelions in my hair, wishing it would stifle my will
Summer nights as birds with leather wings soared
You mapped out my collarbone
I begged for air
But you kept my breathing tight
The morning flare embroidered across my face
As panicked poets uplift the silence that is left in between
The dimensions of my cave sheltered the loud noises from my little yowl
I weaved baskets of mortar trying not to permanently sleep
The gallery of my bones will march on  in my funeral parade
Apr 2017 · 721
Suicide Gravy
On Thanksgiving I shall slit my wrists
My blood will be the gravy
You told me you would blow your brains out in the bathtub
You did not want me to  have to clean up the mess
What about me? The permanent fingerprints left on my heart
Brains do stain the wall
I will not eat the gravy
In the church grounds my dress lifted up
Eggshell skin, knees unsound
Where lovers are stitched together
I wanted something to fill my mind?
You filled me with unmoral thoughts
The ocean of our language was delicate nectar
I held hands with the clouds , as you held the power
On patches of dirt where birds had laid I undress
Fragile as a robins egg, opening my mouth to be fed
If I sprouted feathers would I fly away?
Trembling hands but I was always reassured
At times the yellow sheet under the apple tree felt like love
You tell me I'm helpful and dependable
I think of sunshine and fireflies
Put me in a jar keep me safe free from scars
I feel voiceless this Sunday afternoon
I have always been taught to respect and listen to my elders
You tell such beautiful lies
The spine  of the bible is wounded with lovers lace
Blue-veined fingers became familiar with my breast
A gold band rests upon my pelvic bone sunken like a peaked *****
I collect the mucus and blood the eye of the needle is to small
Some things can never be sewn back up
Apr 2017 · 817
I ate my lover bones
With shards inside of me
I feel him next to me when I sleep
I saved a bone to wish upon
Perhaps it will come true
Apr 2017 · 271
Fuck Love
Moon waves rising and falling
Neon night lovers alive with beliefs
Stardust and sonnets giving birth to fingertips
As poetic feet dance across ink stained lips
With quiet hands I clutch the pit in my stomach
Apr 2017 · 307
Punching Bag Disease
Bluebird wings tucked against my side
Day old flowers losing their lust
The smell of books and stories of years ago
Secrets ramming into my teeth
Barefoot drunk on the sky
I have climbed some painful words
Fractured my eyes although I still see
We had days of perfection I have seen magic
Eating oceans of lovers
Abandoned words remain unheard
Your soul became my haven tied into poetic knots
Secrets on my chest became painless

You say I invited the ghost to come today
My skin eating rope
I provoked you
I begin to mentally hate
I will drink from your tears
The moon is streaking hollow kisses
We are beautiful together
But I can't live in the house of bones
You have been diagnosed with the punching bag disease
Mar 2017 · 432
Astronaut Vocal Cords
Bloodied paperbacks, stolen vocal chords
Anguish smelling of smoke stains
With barred teeth and chapped lips
Onyx eyes and pallid seamed skin
Sharp cheekbones with a hawk nose
Strong confident hands eerily familiar
You offered me the universe you offered it all
My house of bones is eroding away
The ocean of demons wants to set fire to my heartbeat
You as my muse should collect the galaxies
Rediscover the abandoned worlds that live in my head
Astronaut sunflowers echo through my chest beckon my youth
As grief is my lover
I've muted my lungs
Mar 2017 · 287
This chemical has you skeletal on a downward spiral
This is not incurable it's repairable
Mar 2017 · 245
Hell Dust
Addiction is not wiser than me
I'm functional I have some control
Quit shoving meetings down my throat
I don't hate myself, or speak to God
Chewing patches, puking blood
Sheets wet with sweat
My ******* enemy eating away my face
Needle is dull, need my hell dust
Feb 2017 · 420
Manic Painting at 3 AM
I'm a fast talker, amazing lover
Poor loser, kiss stealer
Shoplifter, job quitter
Impulsive as hell, can't concentrate for ****

Mood swings and insomnia
Try some Lithium you'll fell better
Tremors in my hands, can't get my **** up
Stomach pains, dizzy as ****

Depakote this should work
Double vision, hair is falling out
Uncoordinated, moody *** *****

Kapvay, so much more but my mind is sore

I'm on top off the world I have it all
I'm perfect look at me
I'm going to become a famous poet, no a famous actor,
no a famous director

I'm useless,  ugly, fat unspecified
Nobody cares about me anyway

Look at me I 'm beautiful
I feel great today
Let's paint the living room its only 3 am
Live it
Feb 2017 · 1.3k
Dreamcatcher Eyes
I want a lazy kind of love
Sleeping until noon you can rummage my mind
I'll unfold the sunlight for you
My fractured eyelids have dreamcatcher eyes
I'll carry the moon in my pocket, the lightening in my core
My poetic mouth will get us  through the nights
Unbound lips gather the earth
Feb 2017 · 565
Pink champagne on ice
Fifty dollar room
Licking scars
Living Life
Feb 2017 · 430
Umbilical Stew
I want to brew you into a cup of Tea
With your baby's breaths and embryo nectar
Would you keep me warm inside?
This cold has never gone away
I still count your freckles, hold them in my hands
Every speck of earth I pray
My resilience has become leftover umbilical stew
Feb 2017 · 629
Cauterized Moon
I have threaded a thousand sorries into my spleen
My limbs are brittle as the galaxies ache
Unmeasurable stars have fallen from the universe
Bow shaped atmosphere rebirths the sun
Cosmic beauty with a sideways smile
Moon travelers chorus with unidentified sounds
You're my secret ingredient ,my windsock
I would reside on the outskirts of the solar system just to gaze at you
Cauterize my brain rocket it into space, I'm a lifelong lover of the stars anyway
Microscopic cells launched into the stratosphere
Feb 2017 · 374
Cock Money (Adult Content)
When I was a little girl, I  skinned my knees
I peel the labels from my beer
Bite my nails, flip my hair, lick my lips
What a ******* tease
Now skinned knees brings in money
The sea is tattooed with sunrise and sunsets
Boundless shadows frost the horizon
Silent church floors and breastfeeding mothers
Hickory hilltops with flecks of honey
Feb 2017 · 475
Cheap Whore
Why did you try and save me ?
All I wanted to do is forget
Why did you pull me out of the tub?
Throwing away my pills, when I needed them to feel
Losing my clothes and your trust
I acted like a ***** for drinks ,never had to pay
This is a shame that will never go away
Let me silently submerge into stillness
I will not flail my arms or cause a scene
Nor will I inhale for life
Feb 2017 · 475
Seaweed Bones
Skin of linen and hair of marmalade
Seaweed eyes where lovers drift away
Lopsided lips trembling with unspoken words
Charcoal eyes patch my worries
Your winged eyelashes catch my dreams
Feb 2017 · 493
Stillborn Ghost
Wooden mouths engraved with shadows of stillborns
Hairpins stir the wildfires that reside in my head
My spine is an abortive memoir that nobody wishes to read
Mists ablaze with unbound petals kissing the sea to sleep
Bracing myself against the bar I ordered another double Jack and coke
I crushed out a cigarette and crave yet another drink
Passing the time, as my plane has been delayed
There are few empty chairs as I survey the bar
Newspaper readers, and men in dress blues

A yellow sheath dress that defines the arch of her neck
Corkscrews curls of toffee brown hair disembarking down her back
Seductive curvaceous figure that floods my mind
This  face of porcelain, endangered my bones
I pull in a lungful of her air, musing the taste
Eyes that swam with storms of gray
Filling an empty chair at the bar
I observe this familiar stranger in the mirror
Becoming  aware of my heavy lidded crinkled eyes
I see a depiction of what I think may be me
Weather beaten skin, yet, I do recall those raven eyes
Running my fingers through my steel gray hair, that has stayed generous after all these years
I ordered her a drink and we begin to chat
Her manicured fingers unintentionally reach out and touched mine
She played with her hair and tugged at her ear
I wanted to dive into her core
Glossy lips and a slight gap between her teeth
She was hypnotizing
Her laugh was sensual with a throaty flow
Words were not spoken after that

We get a room, without an exchange of words
Ablaze with spilled arousal
Floating my fingertips across her luminescent chin
Sweeping my tongue on her lips, claiming our mouths as one
Easing and tracing her milky neck
Removing that yellow sheath dress
As her fleshy peaks became firm, I feasted
Working down her voluptuous form
At the mouth of her arousal
I circle and explore, her scent is addictive
Creamy and soft inside the majestic valley
As I lap and savor she gasps for air
Whimpering as I gratify
Raising  her hips every time I engorged on her spot

Clenching my jaw as my velvety shaft is explored
Her lips and tongue trail up and down
Caressing the underside and flicking the tip
As she dips the whole length, into her heated mouth

Frantically we're suddenly grasping onto one another
As you enter my womanhood I rise and sink
Whimpers escape through clenched teeth
You clutch my hair and I feel your whole length

We are unheeled lovers with dust on our hearts
I rise and sink as your fingertips **** my mind
As  you sprout inside of me,I hope you did not spill any love
Instilling your secrets and dreams  

Our flesh stamped together
Landmine of bruises where lovers have hands of stones
Seduction flares in the stomach of old lovers
You spasm and tremble making up for the lonely nights
Jan 2017 · 307
A Spoons Honor
At the age of eight you blew out your candles
At the age of eighteen you blew out your veins
At the age of twenty eight you blew out your brains
RIP Don not dead but not alive either
Jan 2017 · 758
Monkey On My Back
Johnnie was not much of a talker in fact at times not much of a walker

He seldom caused humor, but he has brought death

Dressing in scarlet and Tuscan sun colors

So neat and straightforward or so I thought

Underneath it all was a facade

Removing my clothes and stealing a kiss

I knew the risks, but yet, I allowed myself to taste

I yearn to swallow the amber nectar's spice
Thought I would add on here just in case it was hard to understand, this is about Johnnie Walker Red the drink.
Jan 2017 · 292
No Van Gogh
Tremulous stars on the raw moon, kissing the grief away
My absent lover ran toward the Northern lights
I begged him to stay, I will paint visions inside your head
Azure coils with bands of seafoam with orchid shine
I can inflame ,swirl and glisten
We can find the skyline and live upon the atoms
As my paint brush bristles faintly float away
Jan 2017 · 744
Clumsy aka Wife Beater
Every time you imprinted your footprint on my body, I loved you
When my eyes were blackened, I still loved you
Every holiday that was nearly destroyed, I picked up all the memories and placed them into a neat pile still loving you
When I tripped on the cat and broke out my teeth ,I still loved you
My cheekbone is broken not sure, somehow
My destiny most of collided with the hand of fate
You were my church , I was the steeple
Though I could not see any people
Jan 2017 · 291
Muted Expletives
Antique brain and, willow trees fenced inside my mind
Wearing my conscience like a cinder block around my neck
Speaking eloquently from a smashed mouth
Wandering through life's hallway, burning out the night
This poem  is about holding back when you want to lose it. Speaking kindly instead of swearing. Letting others see your shame and putting yourself out there. I know so many times I feel trapped inside my own mind. When someone asks me how I'm doing I normally say great. Why is this?
Jan 2017 · 453
Manic Kiss
My lovers womb became chiseled with scorn
Beneath photographs and circle kisses
You had nestled another in
Under your sternum interlaced with valleys of cartilage, your ribs became a landscape
I had journeyed across your spine
Baptizing the hollows of your delirium, ending up with warm bruises
On sleepless nights when clouds where corpses, I held on
I had been your eyes when whiskey, would not allow you to see
Decomposing mentally, metastasized into my existence
Jan 2017 · 773
Flying Solo
Accomplished fingers stroking the strings
Vibrating the air, adjusting the stiffness
Ribs of willow securely placed between my knees
Enbowed and concaved
The amplification like ,embroidered words  
The flawless cello harmonious
As I grieve the instrument ,  I weep
Jan 2017 · 330
A widow's vine with wool lips and arrow teeth
A stranger to whom, I no longer  know
You once loved literature and putting words to print
Now I'm stifling unconsciously, in silence painting our home with strain
Jan 2017 · 406
Insomnias Grief
Dandelion hair
Firebird eyes
Angel limbs
Barefoot in my wedding cake
Holding on to make-believe
Jan 2017 · 237
Drowning in small town talk
Coming undone in everyone else's eyes
With paper cuts on my mind
Jan 2017 · 531
Paper Mind's
You nose-dived into my mind, through layers of affliction
Removing the knots from my heartstrings
My lips quivering
Freebase powder flowing loosely,across my disguise
I have perfected impersonating whom, I use to be
Dec 2016 · 397
Cordially Invited
Pitifully shuffling into a pointless destination
Trembling limbs stained grey from old habits
My purpose of life is decaying, following a map with no lines
Speaking with  liquid eyes, unable to face  the truth
These walls are so bare, our bed is stamped with your smell
Sleep has become minuscule and when it does come the dreams rattle me so
I'm lacking oxygen and I could give a ****
The smell of jasmine will not escape my nose
Everyday is a scar and you're just a ghost  that haunts my spirit
I'm back to my bottom shelf selection
You're cordially invited to my scrutinize my demise
Nov 2016 · 353
Peaches (Adult Content)
Biting my nails at the age of three
Peach fuzz is what you called it
You sick *******
Why is it I'm the one living inside a grave ?
Nov 2016 · 238
My sock monkey in my arms
Still have sand in my  bathing suit
I see red but  not sure from where
I try and bury myself ,but I can't hide
The waves today were the ones I wanted to carry me away
Nov 2016 · 351
Bird's Beak
The birthing ground is overcome with disease
Plucking poetry from the sea
Whiskey fed shutters pounding against me
My flesh spasms
My arms spread wide out following my track marks
You'll be so proud of me
I will let you love me

I don't need  to love me not tonight
I placed my fear of death into a jar
We can float upon the magic dust
A night we will never forget
I see footsteps in your eyes
Put on your bird tongue
With your beak , peck away at my yellow teeth
Nov 2016 · 883
Stained Pews
We were  street light drinking
Stretching our years not our tears
Putting down roots to make our home
Sticking to church pews stained with sin
As shadows were traced in a golden inkwell
Grasping the map just to hold me down
Nov 2016 · 363
Endless Heaven
As the indigo moon chimes against the trees
Mother nature tells her story to me
Freckles etched across her dusky face
Wearing a flowing sundress standing barefoot on the stones
Hair with cornsilk weeds radiating in the breeze
A gap between her teeth and rosebud lips
With sun bleached eyes and a far away stare
Barriers of sea glass form along the kaleidoscope  shores
I love picking beach glass. I go alone and allow myself to be in the moment. I imagined this is what the sun and and breeze would look like to me. I also believe this is how their relationship would be. I spend hours doing this and get lost in myself. Before I know it's dark and the moon is speaking to me.
Nov 2016 · 1.0k
Mouth Fuck (Adult Content)
My weak voice visited me today
It took me by surprise, it had been so long
You pull me to your trousers
Your sprouting and squirming
Firm and aggressive
Bucking your hips ,mouth ******* me
You tighten your grip on my neck
As you smolder my visceral, it will never be admissible
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