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Aug 2012 · 768
My Scars Are My Dress
Today I did a hippie flip
Was clear out of my mind
Seen myself walk by and didn’t know why
The trees were talking they made so much sense ‘
People that surrounded me look liked a fence
Trying to keep out those who are around
Watching the clouds dance and fall to the ground
Forever high we burned until we almost died
I should show  you the scars I wear as a dress
You show distress
You don’t have to watch me fall
I can fly watch me as I crawl
Nobody can do it all
Watch all the pain drain
Watch me as I go
I’ll escape someday with the wings at my side
I’m unstoppable just let me try
Aug 2012 · 482
Inhale You Into A Line
Your just one more addiction
That I’m not willing to take
If I swallow you down will I fall to the floor?
If I inject you into my veins would I thrive?
If I inhale the scent of you in a fine line
Would I bleed and would my tears dry?
Your just one more addiction that I can’t fake
The taste of you I could drink all day
Make me sober making me mad
As I hit the main line I need more
One look into your eyes I get hungry
I yearn for more
Swimming inside of myself
Drowning into you
Don’t know if I can survive another lie
Your just a risk that I can’t take
Aug 2012 · 361
Nothing New
I would like to set my mind at ease
Close my eyes and see my dreams
Although tonight I cannot and that is nothing new
Insomnia robs me of the person that I once knew
Aug 2012 · 1.3k
I’m making love to you
As the candle light dances like a elegant ballerina
The sweetness of your body makes me tremble
As my feeble fingers touch your love
Like an angel spreading its wings
Your smell is sweet and warm
Skin so fragile and pitifully white
I will come for you tonight
Aug 2012 · 1.2k
Above All
Did you know that I have secrets?
That I love the smell of wildflowers
Did you know that I need romance?
That I love to let the rain fall on my fragile remains
I love sonnets and love stories
Words move me much more than a touch
My fingers like to be held way to much
Did you know I can feel the moon on my soul?
The smell of grass reminds me of childhood
The stars speak to me they whisper the sweet nothings you seem to forgot
I believe in love but it’s seems to be foreign to you
I’m terrified your hands are large next to mine
You take my breathe and make it yours
When on top of me you have bruised my ribs
I need you to be gentle as you guide me  
Touching  as if I were a delicate flower
Beware that the petals don’t descend into the cool grass
It has been so long I think I’ve come undone
Have you ever known me ?
The traits that define me?
Young and vivacious and ready to run
My messy hair swaying in the breeze
Youthful dysfunctional lines that create me
It's an awful shame that your frightened to know
I represent all the things that alarm you
Loyalty and patience but above all love
Aug 2012 · 444
Exhale My Demise
A spirit so peaceful embracing life
A breathe of serenity as quiet beauty meditates the earth
Shadows flow together focusing on wisdom
Inhaling the wind as it soar’s into a winding garden
A fresh tranquil soul soothingly grasping my hand
Demise is speaking to me oh so openly
Time and light that is perfectly white
The scent of myself passes me by
I exhale for a moment
Remembering the sullen compassion that whispers in the sky
Yelling out to me asking why
Aug 2012 · 472
The Open Wound
Broken beautiful yet exquisite
As love spills into repulsive awareness
When the vicious exterior fades and awakens you
These moments delight, yet torment you
The sweet open wounds
The secrets vanish
You can’t repair damages once it is done
Run and be free
Drink up what’s left of my love
But do not give it back to me
Jul 2012 · 469
The Slumber
I would like to conceal myself in the bottom of the earth  
Tasting and smelling dirt
I may be cold or would the earth heat the soil?
Could I feel wind underneath the warmth?
Will my eyes flow freely as the tears pour down?
My body will ache with desire but it has no use
I will have no sense of time
In a slumber that is my mind
Nobody could take that away
Peace that fills my space
Oh so silently without abuse
Who’s voice would I hear
Perhaps it could be mine?
I have not heard it in so long would I recognize the sound?
Can I hide never to reappear
Jul 2012 · 900
Stand For Empathy
Nothing is perfect or I’ve been told
But we can't solve a problem
When nobody will  take a stand
What has happen to the humanity?
To take the time to have empathy and kindness that is true
Why did this start too dissolve ?
It makes my heart start to pause
Do I want to be here; do I have a cause?
I’m one person in the corner of my world
Or my voice is small and not yet heard
Wish I could make a difference
For everyone to feel:
Having equality and peace within,  
Helping one another would never have to stop
Jul 2012 · 485
Savor The Scars
Whisper into my ear
Listen to the beat of my heart
That drums for only you
The smell of jasmine tickles my nose
I’m by your side
I need tenderness
Can you reach me?
Follow my tears stagger into them
I’m missing you
I shall cut myself with all this glass
Savor my scars
What seems to be your weapon that holding me so tight ?
Lost in this emotion when nothing here is right
Jul 2012 · 534
Back To Me
I glimpse in the mirror
Not sure who I see
Blue gray eyes that are looking back  at me
So I ask who are you?
Do you know me?
This much is true a voice responds
Your nothing without me
I begin to frown
Confusion surrounds me
Where do I belong?
The emptiness that’s trying to fill this hole
It is bottomless and can’t be reached
I take my hands reach out and feel rather weak
Trace the scars that I see in that reflection
I try but can make no connection
What are you doing as I trace this flawless face?
All we can see is immorality and disgrace
I strain to see what others do
It all makes no sense
What is the use?
Jul 2012 · 460
Scarlet Blood
You sure look pretty in that shade of blue
When my hands touch you and what they make you do
When will you listen to the sound of my voice?
Do I need to drown that defiance out of you?
Let me touch your ******* whenever I feel
Don’t act like you don’t like it
It will be fine
Close your baby blue eyes
Want me to cover your mouth?
Nobody will hear you scream
If you do I will really show you what I mean
The scarlet blood is so pretty on your delicate face
Are you worthy for anyone but me?
I don’t think so and you’ll never be free
Come here be on your knees
What you have a word to say
I don’t think you will be heard not today
Look at what you made me do
Now go and lay down and then we will be through
With that pretty shade of blue that brings out the black in those eyes
You know I have no patience
I will not wait for you
Jul 2012 · 423
Minutes Seconds And More
In all the days before tomorrow
I yearned  to reach you and couldn’t
Counted the days that seemed eternal
And the memories that overtook  me
I wanted to love you but shouldn’t
When my lips touched yours they felt foreign
Perhaps this is wrong
With all the minutes, seconds, and more
I can’t help but ask should we do this anymore?
As the rain danced and the thunder rolled
I one day hope to belong
Shall I go on Monday or Tuesday is that  a  better day to die?
I will ask again on Wednesday
But just don’t lie
Jun 2012 · 297
No Flow
Living  a life that is of no use
I didn’t learn a lesson for everyone to know
I can’t  bury secrets and just pretend
I’m  a picture without the frame
Water that don’t flow
I shall be here with my pain
Jun 2012 · 425
Taste Of Solitary
I can barely breathe
When I think about you
The moon is breaking higher than my head
I see people that I should know
This town seems so foreign and unknown
Should I move would that help
Its all so undefined running in my mind
I have nothing left to lose
Rusted out like the best
The taste of solitary suits me the best
I count the blessings I’m suppose to have
When I’m doing this does it lead me home?
I see the dilapidated buildings not being  used
Broken glass like scars
Dark gray skies trying to get around
Cover the bright sky
Give me the stars
I’m so crowed in my mind
Perhaps for awhile I shall escape
There are plenty of churches for all who believe
Also taverns for those who need to fly
Push it all aside
Press up against me
Collect the sticks
Skip the rocks
Glance up and around
What do you see?
Do you wish upon a star?
A soul that fades as it unwinds
Do you in your mind?
Turn and watch as I walk away ?
Sending you smoke signals as I go
A path that is broken so you can’t return home
Jun 2012 · 395
Would you like to see my scars?
Their is no shape just lines of abuse  
Tenderness is my plague
My heart is of no use
Here I’m so lost
My bones are frayed
An awkward silence could not fill this space
Jun 2012 · 764
Consume The Womb
I bleed out of my womb
Restless and incomplete
No token of contentment
A heart that don’t beat
Out in the distance you can hear the cry
The wailing of the babies
The forgetting of it all
Do I follow or lag behind?
Go into the water watch myself drown
Would I die?
Frantic to stay alive
Consuming the air as I try and shove it into my throat
Breathe don’t choke
What a callous soul you have here
Do you whisper yourself to sleep?
Let the demons control your dreams
Or I’m curious do you hear the screams?
Jun 2012 · 349
Not The Man I Use To Be
I struggle to steady my body
As I trace my wife’s hands  
I have become some clumsy over these fifty years
Not the man I use to be
When we were young at heart and danced and played
I held you everyday
I would watch you sleep
Never wanted you to slip away
Through the years we became friends
Your beautiful soul that astounded  me so
We told our children stories full of our youth
Lived life to the fullest
Taught  each other  not to hurt
As I stand here today
With our  children at my side
I weep and feel as though I died
Hands are embracing me everywhere I turn
But its your hands that I want to softly feel again
Will I see you soon or is this goodbye?
Can we make love next to the moon ?
Or will I see a corpse that is nothing but bones
When I dance with you will it be dust?
Do you have eyes that can see ?
Could you imagine the flowers and the trees?
What about our children can you  see them from afar ?
Would I look through you or would  you know ?
I might as well be just  remains because nothing is the same
I will drift around and drink your dust
Jun 2012 · 520
Ransom My Soul
You torture me I crave you
Rage dislodges inside of me  
All because of you
You told me nobody would love me
You told me that  once before
When you blacked my eyes and throw me to the floor
My sky blue eyes look striking when you blacked them so
When you bruise my being and tried to ransom my soul
Shameful  have you no remorse
My full sensual lips  are torn
The blood is  beautiful  as we kiss
I can’t give you anymore
What my eyes cant see is my demise
I want to bury the memory of you
Seize my own essence
Untie the knots of this ****** up love affair
Landing with a crash as I pick up the pieces of my  oblivion
Everything has a cost in the end
When did we get here?
Did I  wear you down to the center of it all
I wanted  to love you
Now I need a place for bleeding
With nothing to hide
The flowers are wilting
Yet they will not die
Jun 2012 · 622
Insomnia High
What is a dream and what is real ?
I can’t understand the truth
Desire me or tolerate me
Fragile interior allows me
Reality don’t unsettle me it’s the unseen
As I come down from my insomnia high
I’m just a displaced trace of nothing that is shy
Jun 2012 · 447
Paint My Heart
Would one slight kiss bring you closer to me?
Would I crave you forever on my hips?
Long to have you near
Falling in love making me alive
My skin that has been so deprived
It will suddenly rise
The candle light will dance off our bodies
Chasing the shadows in the night
I grasp for you I scream I need
I willing to sacrifice to have you for one night
I have desires that I can’t hide
Want me to make you mine
You are like art
I want to paint you with my tongue
Discover your heart
Drain the pain that invaded you so
For just tonight release let it go
Jun 2012 · 696
Smooth That Kiss
There is a hotel from down the end of town
If you knock lightly
You’ll find what you need
If you want satisfaction or to be set free
Leave it up to me
There will be  women that are superb at what they do
You’ll melt away when they go on their knees
If you need a pill to make you numb
Or some ****** for your pain  
Follow the track its all the same
Don’t pay any attention to the men outside
They try to protect you
You  will do the same
Put that cold bottle up to your lips
Let it burn your mouth and smooth your kiss
The needles are new and ready to be used
Time is running out you better hurry up if you want to chase this game
Jun 2012 · 385
Straight To The Heart
Broken sky and fallen stars
I inject you in my veins and you go straight to my heart
It’s four a.m. and I can’t sleep
My secrets I shall keep
I  fall delicately yet severely  
I can’t remember the time
You slip me  pills
So I can forget
Forget the thrill and the shrill screams
The blood that ran almost still
You didn’t even see me ?
I was able to sneak up on you
You told me once you wanted me
So I came by to surprise you
I remember the feeling of looking into your eyes
When did you decide that you could overpower me
One little pill has no much control
I can see so much clearer
I feel like I’m gone
Should I carry on
The blades of grass scrap at my core
I stumble into the door
The thinking days are behind me
For I don’t exist anymore
Jun 2012 · 397
One At A Time
I often wonder why ?
You slipped away so slow
It ate at your pores and poisoned your blood flow
Your skin became lifeless as your eyes would weep
I would try and hold you but you were much to weak
I seen your hair fall one strand at a time
Wishing I could change places and make this mine
I often wonder why ?
This had to happen to you
All the times you sat in that church pew
As others prayed for you to be healed
I can’t help but wonder why  
Your gone and I’m still here?
This is in memory of a dear friend of mine Claire who passed away just thinking of her tonight and the family she left behind.
Jun 2012 · 356
Last Flight
These tears could follow me miles from home
This could be the last night unless I’m found
As I collect the dust from my pores
I’ll give it to you
It has no use not here
I’m a tourist in my own town
I have broken taste
I keep letting you run around in my mind
Taking up my space
Your mouth is all I can taste
Repeating my demise  
Who will decide ?
If I’m broken or just too late
Will you find me after I’m gone?
The walls are bottomless and bleak
Pictures of only you I keep
This is why my spirit leaks
The stars are embers that echo in my heart
Washed away and displaced
Nobody lives here  anyway
I ache as I try and  purge  myself of your face
Lost without an  escape
I have grief that is bigger than this earth
I often wonder who wrote this story of mine?
Will me soul ever meet my body?
The sun is loud the clouds are  keeping secrets from me
Perhaps they will tell me my destination
As the bird takes flight  it crashes into the glass
Blood pours from its eyes  
There is no color there is no sound
I pick up the residue its for you
As the blood  stains my hands
The bird tries to fight
It has had its last flight
Weakened and beaten
Given up to the destruction that it has caused
There is no time
To replenish what was lost
Jun 2012 · 1.3k
Tears Rape My Face
Your hair catches the wind
Revealing a desperate plea
I whisper but there is no sound
Is  someone looking for me?
Tears **** my face
I feel ill no escape
Displaced and disgraced
Drown into my eyes while they can still see
No hopes or thoughts just  miles away
I begin to ache as the anguish stains my core
Washes my courage away
I’m a fallen star
Distance unthaws my heart
Try to color my lips
So they don’t  turn blue when we kiss
May 2012 · 833
Storm In My Heart
There is a storm in my heart
That is destroying the foundation  
Its freezing and callous
Causing all kinds of unrecognizable distortions
Can’t seem to regain the truth
My life is uninspired
Some say I have lost my way
I can’t seem to keep track of the day
Or dry my eyes of this hate
Why do I do this to myself ?
Don’t I care about my life ?
Another sleepless night that I’ll regret
It will play games with my sanity yet
Can I distribute my pain ?
Spread it to others like a disease
I call out your name to find reality
All alone not free
Don’t cry for me
Or wish me safety
Just wish me death
At ease I’ll be
May 2012 · 447
Could I perhaps marry a poem?
Run away with the letters
Far from home
Used words that only express the truth
Could I would that be absurd?
Place my life on the line
Put it in a certain order not to be unkind
Could I write a Tanka and structure it differently
That would be wrong
What if I wrote a love sonnet and filled it with hate
That would be callous
But now it’s too late
May 2012 · 353
For one night I belong to you
Place your hands upon my hips
Dance with me take that step
Follow me watch my lips
I’ll say yes to whatever you wish
I have needs and I will be oh so kind
You know it will feel right
I will be careful with you
I won't let go
It will be perfect
I’ll work your body like mine
You make me wet
The connection that we have is something real
Tonight is mine
I run my fingers through your dark hair
Tasting the sweat on your neck
There is nothing wrong we will do no harm
I want you to taste me
Let our tongues move and embrace
The coolness of the night
The heat from your body
Use your imagination
There is so many places I want to touch
Lay me down place your body on mine
Spread my thighs
Relax and breathe and enjoy
Have you ever felt this way
I bet you don't deny
May 2012 · 684
Voice's Have A Spoon
Fireflies and lullabies
Make me think of the past goodbyes
When I was young  and would lay in the grass
That’s when everything seem to last
The clouds would dance up above
With visions of rainbows in my head
This was before things were dead
Things were not cold
I didn’t have voices in my head
So damaged and decayed  
Crawling inside me ear is fear
I can feel it move feel it near
I have nightmares while I’m awake
I know something is trying to overcome me
Ripping at the very seams of what I’m made
Wanting to slash my skin to see how much I can take
With a spoonful at a time you consume me
May 2012 · 507
Can I Make A Noise?
Let the sorrow coat my carcass
I once existed and now I’m gone
To enrich death place it upon me
I will leave this earth and be bound
My skin will become rigid to the touch
My soul will settle and slowly drift away
My lungs will desiccate my ribs will cave
Will I grow wings ?
As you Grasp on to my fingers as I try and leave
Slipping into the void that I know all to well
The anguish can I let it go?
What is upon me should I know?
Will I be able to hear sound?
Can I make a noise?
Will I witness evil where does it reside?
A new foundation just for me
Thinking of the mountains thinking of the sea
I’ll relish in being free
This is from the adopt a metaphor. Enrich Death.
May 2012 · 359
My Dream
Bow your head

Reach out and embrace me

This tragic moment that cant escape me

The lonely ones left behind

I yearn for strength and compassion and mind

Although when I turn around nobody is there

Pieces of my soul has blown everywhere

Leaving me fragile and vulnerable within

Do I have an answer to why

I  sure wish I did

I want to be the creator of my thoughts

Closing my eyes I want visions of a sunset in the distance

Not blood in the sand

What happened to the innocence?

What’s happened to the man?

Where is the ray of light?

That can make me forget

The disrepair has gone on to long

Lets forget about the fight

Come home soldiers

We will try and fix the blemishes of war

The destruction of our country

It is so poor

So bow your head

Put your hands together

Speak silently to the maker

For all of this to be gone

For all of this tragic despair to wash away

Lets hope that it can happen soon if not today
May 2012 · 806
As I look at the headstone that holds your name
The heavens are blue since you went away
The wind is vicious beside me
Wanting to shout that nothing seems the same
I recall so vividly the way your voice sounds to me
Reaching out my hands to the sky
I can’t help but ask why
Can you hear me or hear the cries?
This is in memory of my brother Dave who passed away almost 1 yr ago June 9. I should also add that cancer *****.
May 2012 · 624
I Beg You Plead
Did you know I belong to you?
The  river that runs deep is drowning me  
This heart of mine is yours
In this anguish when everything is crumbling down
You can listen to the sound of my voice
I will take you there
Your inconceivable  I can’t get enough
The gentleness of your hands
The feeling of you bare
I’m a prisoner in this
Are you letting me go ?
Is it that simple to let it be ?
I need to look into those eyes as I enter you
I beg you I plead
When did you think its alright to jeopardize my soul?
May 2012 · 508
I want to tuck you in my pocket
Carry you all day
Taste your love
Never give a sample away
Give you happiness always
Make it bigger than the moon
Give you what you deserve
Never sleep until noon
Arise when the sun peeks into our room
You’ll awake hair tangled in your face  
Eyes that are sleepy
Looking so hungry I will feast
You’ll  become restless
Say  that your  a mess
Your breast will peek at me from near my chest
I like you and want you near
You smile like a child
But avail your body like a woman
Your delicate yet severe
I trace the contours of your tattoo that spells a name
I know that you have been here before
But this will not be the same
May 2012 · 676
My Favorite Shade
Look at you with your peace sign necklace
And long skirts
You’re my favorite shade
Don’t give a **** what others think
You smell of summer grass with wildflowers in your hair
The blonde in your braids falling down your back
Graceful and kind
Your fingers strum that guitar
Listening to your voice makes me sound
You make my heart dance
Beauty that is raw and never misplaced
Kindred soul that never has escaped
You my love is real
May 2012 · 364
Not So Clear
I’m  on the road
Going nowhere
The jack taste so fine to me
I can see the sun is following me
It may catch up I can feel the heat rise
This country station isn’t so clear
Perhaps I should stop and admire the view
My soul is singing
I stare into the sky
Feel close to home
Dirt is flying I can feel the grime
If I just had a one way ticket
I could find what I misplaced so long ago
Find what’s mine
This lonely night that never changes
Faces that stay the same  
Another reason to drink
So I don’t belong
I’ll bury myself in the bottle that heats me up so well
For the night I’ll let it all go
May 2012 · 509
Trace's Of You
I wash the trace of you out of me
It’s the same
I try and play it cool when you play this game
Standing in the rain I feel the pain
I’m slowly falling apart
I can taste you on my lips the sweetness of your curves
I look around my mind calls
I did not expect to feel this way
I hate its beyond my control
Closing my eyes I see you
I miss you when your not here
You’re the sun and I’m the rise
I want to be your surprise
I would bottle you up and drink you down
You taste better than a fine wine
Why can’t I see clearly
You fog my head
Tantalize my body
Make me weak and make me cry
I need you please
Perhaps for the night
We can lay upon the ground
Not take anymore more time
To let you know
That I’m lost yet I know I need you
I can’t shake you I bleed
Why do you swim in my head ?
One day I was fine then you came along
One taste of you and I was gone
Lips affecting my heart
I want to deplete all the color so  I can’t see
Go further from myself
Keep from yearning you all of the time  
You pull me closer to life
Then I have ever felt
I find myself looking in the dead of the night
If you don’t want me let me be free
It's your choice not mine
May 2012 · 596
Trapped & Wrapped
Like a Childs fever decays
I’ll watch you walk away
I see the breeze slightly  tip the trees
I have learned to accept I can’t be free
I don’t have a voice it is delayed
Locked in this hell I know all to well
My brain is my prison and I can’t be free
I have torn out all the pieces of me
Trapped and wrapped in a cocoon that I call my life
Do I escape or let it be?
Put my heart out there let my fate shame me
Watching  the sorrow stream out of me
Beneath the poetry is sadness that is real
I want to submerge myself  in the sea
Have the salt water  sting my body
Crumbling around my head
Getting  lost in the shadows of the night
I have no longer  have fight
Drink the universe but save some for me
Dance in the clouds
Let it embrace your body
My flesh is  burning
I can see the ground is moving
Serene yet disturbing
The distance between you and me
Drunk in passion I bleed
I needed you so bad
Holding me is all that I need
Impaired  misery makes me mad
Left here to desire
What ever I please
Drink my love as you watch me go
For I will never return
I once tried to tell you so
May 2012 · 618
Dust In My Heart
I knew him and he existed so quietly
I can’t see him yet I can  feel him
He is surrounding me everyday
Looking over me watching my children so silently yet so cautiously
Ensuring they are protected and remain innocent for as long as possible
I can  hear his voice in the raindrops and see his shadows in the darkness
Every know and then I can smell him and I recall  being a child
The time when I was  youthful and  carefree
When I had diminutive problems that seemed so large at the time
Yet you always comforted me and made me realize one day I would forget
The little things that didn’t matter anymore
Then I grew up and you were there in every corner of my heart
Sometimes we didn’t accord with each other yet that was okay
You taught me to be myself and even how to fight
Many times I disappointed you by  doing things I know you didn’t like
But we couldn’t separate because we were father and daughter
All the memories I have are like dust inside my heart and we are together
Yet so far apart
The sun don’t shine quit as bright as it use too
When you left you took a big piece of me with you
Today would of been my dad's 70th birthday. I had wrote this about 7 yrs ago. Happy birthday dad.
Tears and rain it’s all the same
They both flow so easily
Down my face
Never second guessing what it does to the soul
One day somebody will know
I can weep and tell the story of it all
I have to drown graciously
Concealed  in the corner so nobody can see
May 2012 · 428
For All It's Worth
I have nothing

I sit here searching for words

Poetic thought's invade me

Smoke filled cofee house's

I stand with the open mic

I shall talk loud and proud

For all it's worth

Tonight is my night
May 2012 · 579
Bare Bones
I want to scream
***** out  the insides of your being
Shred your soul away from the darkness of  hell
Devour the bareness of your bones
Discovering  the truth
Foolish and I don’t need it
Nor will I subject myself to this horror
Revolted by the look
Heartless and  callous is what your all about
Can you really be this cynical?
I wont take this awful agony of you anymore
May 2012 · 547
Just Go
The  vintage suitcase smells musty
As I Look through all the pictures and postcards strewn about on the floor
I start to collect the memories of it all
The astonishing travels as well as my inner fight
Leaving and making a home where ever it feel right
The relentless of the hustle of it all
My lipstick is smeared my hair is a mess
My dress is torn and tattered I feel so warn
Body longing  for a touch that would linger for awhile
Their  were times I felt I had it all
But most of the time I just don’t recall
The loneliness of the road
Smoking cigarettes one right after the other
Tasting the harsh whiskey on my tender tongue
All the men that would come and go
Telling  me I can’t commit
What do I have to lose?
I say just go
See my mind is desperate and damaged
I can’t even breathe
Why do I need?
I gather up my broken heart
Place it in my hands crumbling  to my knees watching the remains of me
As I float into the air
Spent my time trying to repair  
Trying to escape this weakness in my eyes
I awake to your  face up against mine
I reach across to touch you
Are you mine?
I’m trying to be strong
Yet I feel so wrong
What has happened to my faith ?
I want to be happy I want to be free
I feel as though I’m falling from the place
Now where do I go when their  is no space for me
Only love can heal this core of mine
Only love tastes sweeter than your wine
Only love can confirm my fears
I want to touch you for awhile have you near
Caress the softness of your skin
Take your lips trace the contours on my face
Take me hold me tightly feel my hips
Leave your damage  on my heart
I want to feel something give me hope
In the shadows reach for me
Feed me the fluids from your body
I want to be your need and your disaster
Strewn around like old clothes and photos
Forgotten about and very seldom worn
In the final moments when my heart is set free
Then you will slowly remember me
The taste of my lips the smell of my perfume
The way my hair would fall
As we laid  under the moon
Your fingers dance across my breast
Teasing and tempting me
You pull me near to rest
My mind is drifting its  trying to find ease
All I can think of is you on your knees
Defeating my body as I have no fear  
What happened to all the years?
When did my youthful alive soul disappear?
I close my eyes go to that night
Pretend for a moment that its alright
Apr 2012 · 662
She ran to him with open arms spilling her soul of all it contains

She forgot about the laughter and focused on the tears

He was like old tumbleweeds in the dry desert heat

She was vibrant, fresh and sweet like wild flowers in the wind

A carefree soul that had mesmerizing eyes

His eyes never seem to reveal truth

Sadistic and cold afraid of ones soul

Not knowing what to do floating to the skies

She desired passion a simple touch

Or a unspoken word that meant a thousand things

To not be lonely at night that when you lay there

All you can do is chase the moon

My puritan my Romeo sort of speak

The man who makes one weak

This war that invaded all that I represent

And took away all the things I once believed

No sense of belonging

I'm hollow

Nothing exists inside of me

Dried wild flowers tumbling throughout the desert

Desolate and distant I cant seem to find myself
Apr 2012 · 1.0k
I search the cupboard for the hidden bottle of wine

At that moment my heart breaks

Your hands tangle in my hair

Your kiss taste of sweet alcohol and indesicion

I will anchor myself into your arms

Is my secret safe with you?

I feel so disconnected from who I am

A moon that is to late

For you can't hang it in the sky

I shall gather and nuture all the humanity

I have and move forward

Will you see me for who I am?

Or leave me behind ?

You have broken my bonds

Made me into someone I'm not

I will nourish you with my elegance

Take away the affliction

That I cause everyday

Are you lost without me?

Is everything going to be alright ?

Will I heal myself?

Tell me as I hide under the rain its alright

Come to me and be my angel

My lifeless eyes scream for you
Apr 2012 · 1.1k
Baby Steps
Autism is just a word

It does not define who you are

It dont make you unintelligent

It is something about you that is unique

That should be embraced

It cant be corrected but can become easier over time

Your little gestures I understand

I know who you are

I see what you see

I have discovered what is beneath all the layers

That everyone is so afraid of

The many layers of autism

The communication barriers the learing disabilities

I shall as your mother love you and tenderly be here for you

Every step of the way
Apr 2012 · 486
I am a woman

Proud of me

Afraid to take chances because of what could be

I am only 32 a mother of three

Been hurt so much its like a ******* disease

My heart is good I mean well

I love too quickly and learn slow

My soul is uneasy

My hair is a mess

My eyes are blue I like them the best

I try to be honest and have lots of faith

Sometimes its hard and it causes me to ache

I am who I am and nothing more

Either you like me for me

Or you can go out the door

I can be to loud at times and push you to the extreme

I can be wild and I can be meek

I am a women of all sorts

This is what defines me

I will not be ashamed

I shall overcome the fears I have

Facing them all along the way
Apr 2012 · 430
Right To Be Crazy
May I scream ?

So gently yet  mean ?

May I go  crazy?

May I harm something like my own heart?

Or may I just shout and pout ?

May I cry tears of anger and years of doubt?

It would flood this town

I hate to be hurt

Should I go to the hospital or take all my pills?

May I holler from the rooftops my heart is on fire?

I look at me making me unsure

Maybe I should recover?

Maybe I should come back to you?
Apr 2012 · 630
I walk into the room that I know all too well

The floors are clean and people are in uniforms

Your bed is up against the wall

Pictures of us when we were younger hang on the walls

The quilt that you made lays astrew

I look at you your elegant neck

Your hair is pulled up with pins that I bought

Your body is fragile and you look so small

I still think your amazing

I had a call last night you took a fall

You forgot that your legs dont work anymore

I hope you remember my name today

Sometimes you are scared of me

My dear beloved wife

How I miss embracing you at night

Looking into your sweet loving eyes

I watch a part of you die everyday

I come here and feed you supper

Watching you struggle to eat

Forgetting whats a knife?

I just wish that I could take away the affliction

The one that's taken our lives

I need to go home now and let you get some rest

I will be back in the morning

Maybe tomorrow you will know me

Or recall my name

I touch you tenderly on your shoulders kiss you the same

My wife
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