Spinning Dizzily In a whirlwind of confusion As your breath is ripped from your lungs and your screams are scattered into the raging winds.
Just close your eyes Breathe slowly counts to ten 1...2...3...4...5 you know the rest.
These winds inside you will still when and for how long I wish I knew But just hang in until then I know you can do it Your stronger then you give your self credit.
Just Breathe in and out that tightness in your chest will lessen
Your life is a kaleidoscope of crazy all those colors and emotions raging inside creating that whirlwind to fast to control. Or so you think.
Just stand still and breathe some day there will be a shining sun. It ***** right now but I promise you Someday... SOMEDAY..... Things will get better
To everyone and anyone who feels like their life is spinning out of control. I know it seems scary right now but believe me. someday it will get better. just please promise me you will stay here for the ride of hell until that day gets here. It will be worth it I promise you :-D
Its just one of those days When it feels like someone is taking a jack hammer to the inside of my skull
The room starts a spinning and I'm starting to see stars "oh look there goes Johnny Depp"
My head pounds Boom Boom Boom So strong So painful
I can feel all the way down to my stomach making it feel all squishy threatening to empty itself all over my desk YUCK
I Guess Its Just One Of Those Days
ok the whole look there goes johnny depp is an inside joke in my family.. one day when I hit my head hard my little brother Zak got all scared and started to cry cuz I was hurt so I tried to make him laugh by saying that I could see the "stars" and started naming off random celebrities and when I said Oh look there goes Johnny Depp he started laughing his little **** off. So now its a running joke in my family.. every time one of us gets hurt we ask the other if Johnny Depps gone by yet. :-D (PS I HAVE A FREAKING MIGRAIN!!! NOT a hangover!!!)
All my dreams Are just out of Reach No matter how far I run or how far I streach out to get them They are just out of my reach my fingre tips barely brushing them.
Magnum honey put down the gun Please don't do this It wont be any fun
I know you're hurting I know you're in pain But suicide is a permenant thing for a temperary Pain
I'm here for you your Little Kotehok I will never stray
You're stronger then this I know its scary I know you just want to lay down and D I E
But Mags Dont do this I need you in my life You're my Onekyh
I know you're slipping I know you're empty
But put down the Russian ***** And put down that pistel
I'm here I'm here for you Lean on me I've got you.
Kotehok = kitty in Russian Onekyh = gaurdian in Russian To Magnuin who at 3 AM this morning (5/2/14) almost comitted suicide, he called me up and I talked him down.
We all hide behind a mask, the one we want everyone to see, While the real us is fading, decaying within the stone walls we create.
What happens when that's not enough? The real us wants to spread its wings, It's banging on those walls with a sledgehammer Cracks are starting to show in that carefully constructed mask.
When that mask finally shatters Will you be able to recognize yourself?
I love pain I crave it it sends desire coursing through my viens
Drag your nails down my back make it bleed leave marks on my flesh
take your hands wrap them round my neck and squeeze Oh the glory of the pain
take the whip the dragons tongue. give me 50 lashes and then some.
Take that shiny blade and drag it down my back its unforgiving pain courses through me.
take me rough and swift Pound your love into me make me moan and beg for more
Claim me as your own
the dragons tongue is a type of whip. it a strip of red (or black) rubber attached to a handle and it is very unforgiving. (it my favorite type of whip hehe). and yes I am a true *******
Kneel before me your mistress, your goddess. I am your mistress you are my ***** little slave You exist only to please me. And please me you will Please me you shall.
I have found my Khal The Moon of my life My Sun and Stars
I will love him until the end of time until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east
He chases away the darkness that is my feral mind He brings in the light
He is the warrior who won my heart he dared to love a frightened girl and Helped bring out the strength in me
He reminds me of my strength and holds me when I fall apart Hand in Hand together we can make it through anything
He means the world to me Without him near I feel incomplete like part of me is missing
I cant wait to see what our future has in store but for now lets take it one step at a time And cherish our time together
*I love you My Khal The Moon of my life
Khal, Moon of my life, Sun and Stars, and "until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east" are from the show GAME OF THRONES. They are quotes from the two Characters Daenerys and Drogo. Man and Wife who began their marriage with no love and soon fell in love and their love was strong.
As I sit on the picnic table that is supported by the deck I absorb the scenery That is all around me.
I see the little nest that had been deserted and left to protect itself against the harsh winter that lay ahead.
I look down to see the snow covering the ground's true beauty and wonder if the snow will ever go away.
Then I look at the old tree with its bare limbs coated with a layer of the two week old snow.
All of a sudden a little gray squirrel climbs over the rusted old fence thinking he will find some acorns in my backyard, only to find he had been wrong.
I guess I never really noticed how beautiful my backyard could be. I always thought it was like everyone Else's,
but as I sit on this picnic table I see the true beauty that the snow has hidden all winter long.
Wrote this 2/18/2008 first attempt at a descriptive poem
Blade up to my wrists Note written on tear stained pages Wanting to end it all
you can do it, no one will care
Tears of pain run down my cheeks my world finally crumbling down
I'm sorry sister brothers mama daddy But I cant do this anymore.
Holding on to that last bit of Strength I turned to the one person who I knew could help
My best friend through the ages I text you blade still to my wrist tears still falling down
And even though your words were obvious and even though I lashed out with cruelity fighting you every step of the way you didnt give up on me you didnt back away
You saved me. My Best friend through the ages. I guess when you said you would always be there You werent joking
SO thank you Thank you Nathan For saving my life.
A few weeks ago I had a breakdown and aslmost commited suicide. And the one person that popped in my head who could maybe help me was Nathan. I am so grateful to him he doesnt even realize.
When the time comes you'll know. That my destiny will surely show. And then you'll see that i'm ready for anything that comes my way.
But please hurry. Cuz right now my life feels empty. What is the meaning in this crazy world we're living in? So please hurry. My destiny. Cuz right now my life feels so empty.
It's so hard getting up each morning. To find it the same as before.
So please someone. Save me cuz right now my life feels empty. What is the meaning in this crazy world we're living in? So save me My destiny. Cuz right now my life feels so empty. Please someone.
My inner self Is a small black kitty with eyes so blue they sparkle She is energetic and playful a cute little thing you see
She will pounce on anything she sees and playfully bite your hands Mewing loudly Pretending she is big and scarry
But don't mess with her Or she sharp little claws will come out and MAN oh MAN are those things sharp Her little teeth will feel like needles if you mess with her
So just remember small adorable things they can pact a punch they can be deadly
my Onekyh My Russian gaurdain So big so strong An amazing Guy
Lays unconsious in a hospital bed An induced Coma.
Please goddess dont take him from us! We still need him. His son and wife Me and Hawk
One of the strongest men I know It kills me to think Of him battered and broken Helpless.
Please Goddess Dont take him I will do anything
PLease my Onekyh Dont leave us!!!
I know you are hurting I know you must be scared BUT PLEASE Be strong just one more time Please pull through this
Come back to Us!!!!
my Onekyh = My gaurdian in Russian (friend's Russian and speaks it fluently)
A good friend of mine Magnum crashed his harley Davidson last the other night (8/6/14) and wrapped it around a tree. He had internal bleeding and the doctors had to operate to stop it. they put him in an induced coma until he stabalizes. I pray to the goddess Isis that he comes back to us soon.
Megan my partner in crime my bumble bee twin my best friend
Best friends since second grade that's.... what 15 years now? 16? Sleepovers at eachothers homes Pixie stick highs and slushy brain freezes Trips to my grandmother's, for a Harry Potter Marathon
Rocking out to Halestorm Daughters of Darkness through and through Foil art doodling and reading through the night Did I mention the trip to Walmart? ten at night just for a loaf of bread?
Screaming at eachother, throwing punches Calling names so bad tears start to form Saying we're through we're done mo more friendship two minutes later laughing stupidly together
Our favorite place, Weedamo woods, High Rock, queens of the world I visit those memories in my dreams
I miss my soul sister my best friend for life I miss being able to call you up and yell "YO ***** come get me I need to talk." You're still my bestie and you always will b This separation don't forget is only temporary.
I'll move down there soon and together we can rec havoc once more until then please don't forget me I know I haven't forgotten you.
(To my best friend who I have known since I was 7 years old. She is my soul sister)
I've been away or I guess not really But I've been thinking About who I am lately.
I've had the time to think me through Go over every vessel over every nerve cell Everything that makes up me
I dug around in my brain To figure out how I ticked How I worked
Nothing I did could have prepared me For what was in store
I saw myself truly saw myself I started to cry.
I'm not the person I always thought I was yes I'm annoying and childish immature and "rude" But there is so much more to me.
I have power held up inside me With the tip of my pen paper and below it I have the power to help.
Not just with my jokes and stupid scenarios But with my words of poetry
Someone Once told me that I changed her life with just 2 verses that because of me She's still here
So I will take off my court jester hat and take up my pen grab a fresh white sheet of paper I will put myself to work
This is my revelation This is the real me
I wont hold back anymore. **I will let my words flow free
"I'm sorry. You don't deserve this. You are such a special, beautiful, smart and creative girl. Bad things happen to good people too often. You changed my life with just 2 verses. If you ever need ANYTHING I am here for you. I owe you so much. When sadness gets the best of you think of all the lives you've touched and changed. And think how many are still there for you to help. "
A ******* Here (THENAY CORA) told me this yesterday. When I saw it today I sat there and stared at her words and started to cry. She opened up a door in me that I never even knew existed.
This is your shadow speaking Remember Me? The one who you use to take comfort in? The one you said "would never leave"?
I was Always there for you In your darkest moments I know all your secrets The ones your too afraid to speak of
When no one else was around you took comfort in my presence Knowing you always had a friend one that knew you inside and out
I may not have spoken But I always Listened I loved you for who you were
Why did you turn your back on me? Now I am something you fear. Is it because you lost your way Is is becuase you dont know who you are anymore?
Whatever it is I understand Just know I am Always here In your darkest moments And even when you cant see me just know I am always around the corner Here for you no matter what.
This came from a Prompt from a poetry club I'm in on a different website. The Prompt was: Write in the point of view of your shadow.
I've got my very own Puck and Ash I am their Meghan chase
Jose Puck A trickster that takes nothing too seriously a smirk every present a joke always being told
But behind that smile behind that joke there is just a boy wanting to love his princess but never able to
Matt Ash Silent and brooding as cold as ice hide behind your walls a dark knight in a world so bright Bound by Honor and ever the gentleman
But behind the walls behind the darkness there is just boy Loving a princess Who loves him back
Nicole Meghan Stuck in her mortal world best friend who will always be in her heart who loves him But not the way he wants who danced with darkness with no fear and fell head over heels
Whose best friend and love of her life hate each other with feirce passion her dark Knight vowing to end the others life
Uneasy Truce Draw up between them The dark prince and the Trickster Just to keep their princess happy.
Based of the books The IRON FEY. (What can I say my sister got me hooked '**** you summer')