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574 · May 2014
fakemonets May 2014
You like that she thinks she's terrible,
Done for.
That means for you to get to play
Her night in shining armor, her castle; home.
That means so many things to fix
And so few
Chances of success,
And one sentence to save her with.
You always liked a challenge.
281 · Jun 2015
fakemonets Jun 2015
We are two binary stars who orbit each other,
Dancing on hot, impatient feet.
Your gravity pulls, tugs, tears
At my mass, while I keep trying to revolve around you
And I will, no matter what, revolve
revolve, revolve, evolve
But you are bigger than I and your colors brighter than mine,
Your energy pulsating to my corner of our universe.
Our temperatures rise and I slip within
Your reach,
I spin into you,
We collide
And there is a tremor
That reduces us to asteroids and dust, and I,
I cannot find your particles, your pieces
I cannot feel your gravity,
I cannot feel you.

— The End —