before you click too mucH
for they can disturb with slightest toucH
for they can see everything you thinK
and they control anything you drinK
they need you to “try your besT”
so they can make you pass the tesT
the test that leads you to your lifE
the test behind you with a knifE
so you can finally be freE
listen to these simple threE
number onE
stay in linE
listen to their selfish crimE
listen to the way they saY
it’ll be a happy daY
number twO
don’t complaiN
or it just might cause you paiN
or it just might be the daY
you would never see agaiN
number threE
pass the tesT
so you can finally be the besT
based upon the way that yoU
pay attention tO
these lieS