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 Apr 2012 Eva Encarnacion
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"If I had a family instead of Intel
I would love them.
If my metal headpiece could cry
It would.
I should be at the packaging facility today

That grey place
Through and through
I get lost in it, everyday
It's so vast and all looks the same
But right now, I'm here at this pond

How can other zzyzx stay at work?
I want to show them how pretty this pond is
They should all
Feel this way.
At home.
With at least, themselves
I could be decommissioned and recycled
Even wiped
For saying that -
Let alone being here today.
It's really secret, actually
I think I'm the only, umm...
That knows it's here.

I write poems, here
Critics would hate them because they don't rhyme
I don't force anything here, I guess
But, my 'poems of the pond' make me smile
Figuratively, (my metallic 'face' doesn't have any swivel points for movement)

Someday, I suspect,
Another zzyzx will find its way here
And I'll be here, too
And it'll be really special, like Love
And that's what I want
- Something like love."

End log.
critique and suggestions - or just comments - would be appreciated.
I know that you can see me
because you turn your eyes away
and I know that you can hear me
by the things you do not say
How can we be so far apart
when I'm stood right by your side
Is there any chance you'd find me
if I chose to run and hide?
I feel just like a ghost sometimes
yet I'm the one that's haunted
by memories of happy times
not times by isolation taunted
My life is a frosted  vacuum
at least to me that's how it seems
where no one can see my tears
and not a soul can hear my screams
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
Misery's having a party,
say's we should all get drunk
Say's be sure to bring Sadness with you
and we'll get out of this funk

Bring Loneliness and Depression
Despair and Anger too
but leave Empty Promises at home
cos we've had enough of you

Oh and someone pick up Broken Heart
Bad Fortune and ****** Luck
And who's that guy that doesn't care?
Couldn't Give A you know I can never remember his last name

So now that were all here together
lets drink and forget all thats wrong
Who's drunk the most and sings the worse
you can lead us off in a song

Show us the way to go home
we're tired and we wanna go to bed
we had a little drink about an hour ago...
I remember a time when time was just a number,
where the only times where school and dinner.
When I didn't have to grow up to be what I want,
but I could act it out in a secret lair or a parking lot.
As you become old, they try to rid you of you imagination,
well I say nay as I fly my submarine in a train station.
You know what take my wallet, live my life,
because I am a ninja hiding in the night.
Go ahead, try and catch me if you can,
Big old stupid corporate man.
You might be sophisticated and civilized,
so what, I am a 50 foot spider that can freakin' fly!
No moon for the city lights,
From on high hill I look down,
I'm a boy,
I'm a child,
I'm a boy,
I'm a child,
I'm a boy,
I'm a child...
Children should not know such things,
Of loss and pain,
And sadness,
Of destruction
Of self,
No child should have to hide,
I should have never grown up so fast,
And still I remain,
I'm a child,
I'm a boy...
No boy should be this man,
This man of tears,
Broken hearted man,
Man of many fears,
No boy should be me,
Having had to see,
How every support fell,
Sending my on my knees,
At the gates of hell,
No boy should plead with the devil,
Should have to face the flames,
But if the devil was a father,
That's not quite the same...
Sunny blue skies,
Tears in my eyes,
I'm free, but I can't be me without you.

Bright green leaves,
Warm spring breeze,
I don't see the beauty without you.

Drinks, drives, bike rides,
I laugh, I cry, I try
Yet nothing's the same without you.

Ice cream, sweet stuff,
Trucks built Ford tough,
It all reminds me of being without you.

You stole my heart,
It tears me apart.
It won't come back to me without you.

I wrote this song
But it's not a song
Without the music, without you.

(May 2009)
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