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She was crippled
Lost in her thoughts
As pieces of her life shattered around her
She was caved in
The room began to spin
Everything raised
As what was left of her hope began to fade away
Spinning, and shifting; no escape
Never let loose for a breath of fresh air
But caught in despair she drops the razor
Flushes the pills
Drains the alcohol
But grabs the knife, and ends everything including her life
And yes,
if you were wondering,
you will love someone
you absolutely shouldn't.
that in no way deserves it,
and they will hurt you.
Its a natural disaster.
You can't be helped.
You won't be helped.
Until you help yourself.
You weren't my type
I wasn't yours
but i liked you anyway.
I said "Hello"
you said "Hell No"
still i wanted to;

cry for you...
fight for you...
**** for you...
and die for you...

First we were friends
soon we were lovers.
Spent alot of time
under the covers.
You and Me, Me and you
never thought that we'd be through,
that's why i was;

crying for you...
fighting for you...
killing for you...
and dying for you...

Came home early with a wedding band.
Caught you in the back of our van.
You were fooling round with the rest of my band.

I was so much more than disturbed
I never said another word
and never more is all I herd.

With a picture of you in my left hand
and with a gun in my right,
I sit and ponder why, I;

cried for you...
fought for you...
killed for you...
and died for you...
This is the latest version of the first poem I ever truly tried to wright.
Slipping away
Even deeper
Into the void
Getting Smaller
The downward spiral
At the heart of it all

The art of self-destruction
The beauty of being numb
The perfect drug
Beside you in time
Just like you imagined
I'm looking forward to joining you, finally
Terrible lie
Something I can never have

The big come down
The great collapse
The day the world went away
The line begins to blur
Help me I am in hell

At the heart of it all
Right where it belongs
The greater good
The great destroyer

A warm place

Poem created using titles of Nine Inch Nails songs.
Title names by Trent Reznor.
Arranged by Mike Shaw.
About people being evil at least.
I've met plenty of people
Who care nothing but of themselves.
But I've never met a good person
Who hadn't been through hell.
The shock of the unexpected can be
sometimes it feels like we are just
strapped in for the ride
Its hard to accept the facts of life

At times we just arent ready to
catch that curve ball
but it barrels twords us none the less
you either play the game or die in the process

That shock places you beside yourself
forcing you to examine from a higher plane
how do you deal with the hands of cold fate?
feeling like your mind is at stake

The only solution at the end of the day
is to rise above the change
much easier said then done
especially when your coming apart

You can only hold onto your heart
Her baby rolls away with her youth
But all the while lengthening her earthly remembrance
For the days and nights to come
Her life will dwindle
While her memory continues to be kindled

As her daughter grows
She will fall
As her daughter succeeds in life
This mom will gain strife

She will lose that bond
And her connection with her baby
But her heart will now jump
If daughter only says maybe

So these two lives split
As one branches and
The other decays
So little room for both to remain

As the mother comes to her end
The daughter finally realizes
Her growth is the reason
For her mother’s late season

But that’s the way it is
And never will it change
The daughter will steal
What her mother gives away

Something so cruel
Can only make sense
In the eyes of a mother
Who gives it all to a daughter
In these days of love and pain ,
falling in love again and again,
these high school days
of sorrow and pain
never can we return to them

so try and love as much as we can
so we can have a past to learn from and to know
without the knowledge no one would know
weather to stay or to go
when to wait and when to run
when to just say and when to have fun
when its time to take a knee
or when to set the other free.

In these days of love and pain ,
falling in love again and again,
these high school days
of sorrow and pain
never can we return to them

When to look the other way
or when to confront them right away,
in these days of love and pain,
never to return again,
love to much and not enough,
be to soft and to tough,
learn your limits and learn theirs
or the world will never know love in the end,

for love is pain and sorrow at its core
but through the pain we chance getting more.
The chance to have a happy day,
a quiet moment never again.
As a dreamer and a friend
we live for pain and joy
and then for the end...

so in theses days of affection and dislike,
hold your loved ones tight,
keep your friends close and live for tonight,
because love like life will end,
and begin again.
Remember, The Olympics
Not for Politics, but sport
Leaders of so many countries
Choose to use this to distort
The reason all are gathered
To present their efforts best
Not just for Queen or Country
But to continue with their quest
To achieve a brand new standard
A true Olympian at heart
It's time for the worlds people
To come together, do their part
We all cheer for our countries
But we should put them on the shelves
For the next two weeks in London
Cheer on the athletes, themselves
Today I am Canadian
Tomorrow maybe, Dutch
American and English
And French...well not so much
Albanian, Croatian
Serbian as well
I will cheer all the worlds athletes
And I will be the first one who will yell
When a record does get broken
Or a personal best is set
If a time gets smashed in swimming
Or a ball goes in the net
My country is my favourite
But, whichever flag's unfurled
For the next two weeks in London
I am a citizen of the world
I will sit here on my sofa
Acting like I'm on the bench
and I'll cheer on all the athletes
But...I won't cheer for the French!!
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