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The skies reek of a certain vastness,
one that can be tenebrous and gloomy, or lustrous in its omnipotence.
I gaze up at it sometimes, letting thoughts scarcely run through my mind.
I let my eyes consider each color on the horizon, and
become confused and fuzzy as the light fades, stars igniting into focus.
At times, the trees can become one with the sky:
their branches reaching into the Heavens, hoping to pull out a piece of the celestial.
Rustling leaves blot out burnished stars.
You may think trees only grow so tall for the stars, their lovers. The starlight
quenches an Evergreen’s thirst that rain cannot.
Under a thick blanket of moon and dim, every sound gets much-deserved attention.
My ears catch crickets singing of desire, or wind fondling the tops of trees.
Yet, as the sun follows its arduous ascent into the fragment of sky I’m gifted with,
another dawn takes place. A dawn of realization.
The beauty that our world has seized and evolved with will always
go unappreciated.
Strangely, the evanescence of a human life is expected, mourned, and understood.
However, the pulchritude of the world shall always be a mystery to one person or
I will forever live in awe of this planet, and in fear of the surrounding universe.
Power pulsates from the earth, shivering the planet into seasons and disasters.
It has always been, and will forever be.
And yet, the world cares so little of me.
If you box
the ace of spades
you know your
luck is going
to change,
it's going to change
for the worse.

And if you
box the *****
you're liable to
play until you
empty your purse.

What's it called
when you know
your place,
keep calm behind
those dark glasses
that hide your
oh so easy to read
poker face.

© 2013
 Jul 2013 Esmé van Aerden
Lives destroyed
His wasted too
No waiting virgins
Seventy two
 Jul 2013 Esmé van Aerden
These days
I'm thinking back
I miss it all.
The people
The place
The memories
It's hard to think of those amazing moments
Filled with friends, love and happiness

With tears in my eyes
Im thinking back
and if I close my eyes
just for a little second
I see it all
And I remember

Then I let go
But keeping it all hidden a place inside
Deep in my heart
Cause that summer
I'll never forget.
Slight twitching of the toes
A shudder of the shins
The knocking of the knees
Is where it all begins

Vibration of the thighs
Through years of cellulite
Swinging of the hips
As it makes it's little trip

Grumbling of the belly
Way deep down inside
Till it moves up to the chest
To the thump of the hearts delight

Shoots straight to the brain
Where it bounces back and forth
Throughout the cracks and crevices
Till it feels it's run its course

Drops down to a lump in the throat
Giving way to speech
Spilling forth for all it's worth
In waves of poetry
 Jul 2013 Esmé van Aerden
the glimmering water
caught my reflection
as i sat by the silent fountain
distraught by the knowledge
that the boy that i loved
sat half a hundred miles away

to my surprise
that mysterious boy
(the one with the pale blue eyes)
emerged from the sunlight
a rusted copper penny in his hand

enclosing the penny in my palm
those oceans in his eyes
met mine for a second
as if to urge me
to make my wish

my mind went numb
my hands quivered slightly
my heart pounded in my breast
as i forgot my wish entirely
lost in those oceanic eyes

so i merely flicked the empty penny
into the mirrored fountain
and saved my wish for another day
as it shimmered beneath the surface
with what i thought held no wish

one week passed as here i sit
side by side with the mysterious boy
(the one with the pale blue eyes)
my heart no longer flutters
for the boy half a hundred miles away
but for the one who's shoulder
caresses mine

it's odd how wishes work
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