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 Mar 2014 eryn b
Rachel Mena
I am sorry I cannot save you, too

But I cannot lift you to the boat

while I am treading water
 Mar 2014 eryn b
Rachel Mena
I am guilt ridden

I can never do enough
I can never be enough
it is my fault

so here, I sit and shake
my clumsy bones tremble

but please
do not worry about me

I will save myself
if only I can find the time
 Feb 2014 eryn b
Kaitlyn Marie
I'll tell you your life is perfect
like you
but I can't because that is not true
your life is a beautiful imperfection
that stands true to only you

From me to you I tell you,
if you make the most out of your life
everything else will come naturally
and over time
you will also see what is truly meant to be

remember to throw your hair across your shoulders
lay your arms strong against your body
grab a mirror
and say
I can be a somebody!
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie

— The End —