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 Mar 2015 EmptySadness
you say these things
and their not true
sadly you believe them
you truly do.
i see a girl
***** blonde hair,
prettiest girl ive ever seen
if only she had confidence...
if only she saw herself the way that i see her
if only she could hear the thoughts that i think

i say these things
and they're so true
sadly you dont believe them
but i sure as hell do.
 Mar 2015 EmptySadness
if i stopped eating
people would compliment me
on how thin i am
and when they saw the bruises
they pressed their mouths
shut tight
and just joked about
how clumsy i could be
with their easily uneasy smiles.
i don’t know if they
just didn’t see
or if they just weren’t
introducing him
to my friends was like
living in a ****** part of town,
having someone over
and hearing the racket of gunfire
outside of your window
and then having them say to you,
“oh, listen,
you can hear the fireworks
from here!”
and being too embarrassed
to correct them.
so maybe i’m not sure
if i believe in fireworks;
bombs are too often
mistaken for them.
but i can distinguish the difference
now, i can, and i will not
teach my daughters that when
he pushes you down in the dirt
and pulls on your pigtails
it’s because he likes you.
because when i covered up
those bruises on my body
in too-light concealer
like i’d never learned how to cover up
love-bites and tired eyes,
there was a voice in the back of
my mind that was telling me
that he only pushed me
down because he loved me.
i do not want a voice
inside my daughter’s heads
that sounds like me,
telling them that they deserve
their split lips.
i will tell my daughters to wear
boxing gloves over their manicures,
i will tell my daughters that
“love” is not an excuse,
i will tell my daughters that no one
is allowed to give you
a black eye and expect you
not to punch back harder,
i will tell my daughters
that you are not weak for getting hurt
because the weak ones
are those who let their anger
and insecurities
manifest themselves
in fists and words.
i will tell my daughters
the difference between bombs and fireworks,
i will tell them that they may sound
the same sometimes,
but fireworks don't ****
 Mar 2015 EmptySadness
i want you, only you
but, who the **** are you?
 Mar 2015 EmptySadness
 Mar 2015 EmptySadness
time *****
it is always moving
never stopping
controlling our lives
it makes us late,
or unreasonably early
when relaxing
theres never enough
when suffering
there always too much
 Mar 2015 EmptySadness
 Mar 2015 EmptySadness
how can anyone love me when im so flawed and i cant even love myself?
 Feb 2015 EmptySadness
i want people to want me
i want attention
i want to have the best high school experience
i want someone to hold me
i want someone to love me
i want to know who i am
i want to be me
i want to be noticed
i want to be liked
i want to be loved to the most extent
i want
i want
i want
i want to die sometimes
but does 1 want override more than 10?
i want to understand.
 Feb 2015 EmptySadness
i cant tell
if you
have power over me,
or if i allow you too.
sure right now,
you have at least a little,
but in 1 year? 2?
ill be 16
ill already have
of course
"thats fine by you".
you beg and plead
"dont pull away."
im not pulling as
much as you are
im ready to walk away-
will i be ready to defy you in a year.
will i have the courage?
 Feb 2015 EmptySadness
"we know that you have suicidal thoughts..."
then why havent you done anything to help me?
why wont you let me get medicine for it?

**"you dont know anything."
 Feb 2015 EmptySadness
Josh Allen
I'm being honest when I say if it wasn't for you I would have already killed myself.
 Feb 2015 EmptySadness
seulement maintenant
vous avez pris du temps pour me parler,
pour me faire savoir que vous allez pour me aider.
seulement maintenant que vous venez à moi à ce sujet,
car une autre fille dans la ville se est suicidée.*

only now
you took time off to talk to me,
to let me know that you are going to get me help.
only now do you come to me about this,
because another girl in town killed herself.
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