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Empire Sep 2019
I don’t want to be alone anymore
I thought I did
I thought I needed it
But it would seem
That every moment spent alone
The darkness gets a better grip
I just... I just want to be cared for
I need a comforting presence
Strong and steady
Secure but soft
Gentle... loving
Just... please...
I-I need to feel loved
I need someone here
Because being alone
May be my demise
Empire Sep 2019
Mmm... darling... I want you close
Let me pull you in
Drink you in
And when I can't feel you anymore
I make you come closer
You can't resist
And I can't ask for help
So I'll just... inch myself
Closer.... closer... close
To the ed


See if you'll notice
Send up flares
Write it in the sky


And watch you ignore it
Am I too subtle?
I'm too cautious... too afraid
Perhaps there's something more drastic
Something clear.

When I joke about mortality
When I dissociate in front of you
When I clearly am not myself
When I can hardly move
When I rely on abrasive stimulants
When I lust wildly after your wine
When I admire my bleeding wrist

Will you notice me?

Because every sign you ignore
Every strange action you rationalize away

You lose me a bit more
You push me a bit further away
You make me step towards the edge
And eventually
I will take a step
And I won't return.
Empire Sep 2019
Here’s the thing
You’re not thinking clearly
These things below are true
What’s in your head may not be
So, while my mind is clear
While the fog has lifted for a bit
I want to tell you some things:

You are loved
There are so many people who love you
They want to see you thrive
They care deeply about you

You are not alone
They want to spend time with you
Sometimes schedules are hard
But they truly enjoy your company

You are not inadequate
You are highly capable
(Yes, I know what that phrase makes you feel)
You are lovable
You are intelligent
You’re really pretty amazing tbh

I know you’re hurting
I know your pain
But days like mine do come
And hopefully you’ll see more soon
Please, do your best to take care of yourself
I know you don’t want to
You want to feel pain
Because you’re struggling to feel what’s in your heart and mind
And those things...
You’ve felt a lot of pain
And that’s okay

I actually don’t know what you think of me
But... I can’t help but say
Because I know you just really need to receive these words

I love you
Empire Sep 2019
It’s all fake
The smiles
The laughs

I don’t really feel them
But I know how to act
I know what you wanna see
I know what’ll convince you
I’m perfectly alright
I’m thriving
I’ll even believe it myself

But once my audience disappears
I empty out
There’s nothing left inside
Sometimes a dull ache
Or pain if I look far enough
Who even knows why anymore
I just... I just hurt
No reason
Just pain

How strange... to realize
The false demeanor is gone
Cheeriness melted away
Replaced with a stern countenance
For my burdens are heavy
But I can’t put them down
Empire Sep 2019
I feel it

I’m so near

It’s falling into place

I’ll break

I’ll do it

I now approach
The tipping point

Maybe this time
It’ll leave
A scar
Empire Sep 2019
My ears are ringing
From the noise in my head
Thought after thought
I want it to just all pour out
But I have no where to dispose
Of the toxic waste
Burning me inside
I try to forget
I try to drown it out
I try not to see
Not to feel
Don’t get involved
Look away
Turn the music louder
Maybe it’ll drown it out...
But it won’t
I know that
It’ll just leave my ears
Empire Sep 2019
Drown it out.
******* LOUDER

Why can’t it get louder....

There’s too much

My mind... it’s full of this....



I can’t take it

I don’t wanna take it

I want to drown it

In anything.

Cause I’m about to burn
And maybe I want to...
Maybe... maybe that’s the goal
Care for others ‘til it kills you...
It’s not a good plan...
But it feels right...
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