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Lilly Tereza
To describe one's self is to limit it.
Nestor David Armas
37/M/OC    Just Another Poet.
mark john junor
59/M    © 2023 mark john junor all of my poems are my exclusive property and all rights are reserved
Emily Tyler
New York City    "Well I'm so tired of the rain Falling softly on the ground Just enough to get my feet wet But not enough to let me …
Ben Brinkburn
Space, Man    Duck whisperer, old before young, young despite being old, age as a state of mind, State of Mind: unstable. Pie eater lemonade drinker erudite talker …
Lauren is a small-town girl with crazy psycho anxiety and a fondness for Los Campesinos! and Arcade Fire. She spends her time self-diagnosing herself with …
Reece AJ Chambers
31/M/Northamptonshire, England    Reece A.J. Chambers is a 31-year old published writer and poet. All works - © Reece A.J. Chambers
Colin Carpenter
Minneapolis    A poet and perpetual student of poetry.
Utilisation of a proto-dystopian aesthetic and thinly veiled political allusions, how awfully original. I write garbage and I do it sporadically. As in life, …
Katherine Brousseau
Nick Moore
Cornwall    Hi, I write about anything, but mostly drawn to esoteric, philosophy and humour.
R Ryumka
Sarah Villaluz
archaeologist, romantic, erratic, lover of all things beautiful.

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