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3.4k · May 2014
Run Away
Emma-willow May 2014
You can always run away
From your problems at hand
And continue to drink and
Smoke and snort
Or shoot your drugs of desire

But one day it will be right there
That thing you so desperately
Tried to escape from

It will show up waiting for you
To accept it
To feel it
To deal with it

It'll happen when you least expect it
It will hit you and you won't be able
To run away
2.0k · Nov 2013
Emma-willow Nov 2013
Sunrises over the sleepy ocean
The light reflecting off the shimmering water
And the clouds scattered across the sky,
Contrasting with the morning color
That kisses the beach once again

Late night’s that lead to early mornings
Watching the sky turn a lighter shade of dark
Until you can see the light beginning to kiss the horizon
And the mist settles in the valley hovering where it’s safe
The world is quiet and peaceful
The day is so innocent and young
You watch the stars and the moon fade out of the sky,
But you know they are always there
Watching over you as you continue through the day

Raindrops outside your window
Burrowing yourself deeper in the covers
And relaxing to the rhythm of Mother Nature’s song
Simple joys
1.0k · Nov 2013
Lonely Yearning
Emma-willow Nov 2013
Happy but lonely;
This feeling comes and goes like waves hitting the shore,
Retreating back to sea
Come and go; Back and Forth

It’s those thoughts that linger too long
And over stay their welcome
If only I could shake the nagging feelings
Out of my head and make it disappear

Content but yearning*;
No room for complaints
But maybe I’m longing for the
Excitement of tomorrow
or maybe I’m just letting a thought
Hang around like clouds on a sunny day
993 · Nov 2013
Emma-willow Nov 2013
How strange to become
A stranger again,
After years of laughter
And tears

Your name has become a
Meaningless word
Just like how it began

Your face is now a part of the crowd
And laughs are distant memories

We’re just a story on the shelf,
How strange to have no knowing
968 · Dec 2013
Sunday Thoughts
Emma-willow Dec 2013
Would I want him to say sorry I haven’t hit you up; I know it’s been a while?
Because I would only smile and say it was fine, no big deal
Whether or not it was, didn’t matter

I wouldn’t tell him what was actually on my mind
That if I saw him more often my feelings would take over,
How the second time we talked I already had a crush...

  We were at Capone’s on a Tuesday night
  Outside, surrounded by people, talking laughing drinking
  I was drawn in to him once again just like the first time,
  I couldn’t look away from his eyes when we talked
  I leaned in to my friend’s ear, tipsy on more than the beer I was drinking
  And whispered, I think I have a crush
  She smiled and said I know

So it really was no big deal
Because the more I saw him the more I’d like him
And I don’t know if he would feel the same for me
868 · Nov 2013
Emma-willow Nov 2013
But I will never forget
The way you made me feel
Like I was everything
And I will never forget
The way you made me feel
Like I was nothing

Antonio M Arce
694 · Jan 2013
Emma-willow Jan 2013
I cry tears of fear, hope and memories to erase
I cry tears of sadness, jokes and moments of disgrace
I cry to free these demons locked up inside of me
I cry in hopes to free myself to the person I want to be
I cry to make sure I’m alive and well, for when I don’t I’m just a heart beating
I cry because there is no one else who knows what I am feeling
I cry because it helps unravel the tangles in my life
When all else fails to keep me calm and I’m on my hands and knees
For all the sadness inside of me,
I cry so I can see
627 · Nov 2013
In My Dreams
Emma-willow Nov 2013
I don’t need you in reality
It was never as it seemed
I let go knowing
I would see you in my dreams

When I dream I can’t control
What you say or how I feel
All I know is when I’m dreaming
Nothing can be real

You aren’t the same but I know it’s you
My imagination makes it true
It reminds me when we first began
Laughing, smiling, holding hands

Even though it's over and
I'm tearing at the seams,
I let go knowing
I would see you in my dreams
Inspired by an old freewrite
576 · Jan 2014
Sunday Thoughts #2
Emma-willow Jan 2014
It’s just as enjoyable being in the same room,
Looking at you, watching your movements and smiles
As it is when you’re holding me tight,
Kissing my lips while your hands caress my body
546 · Sep 2014
Emma-willow Sep 2014
The free, easy feelings disappear
Replaced by an eager hopeful yearning
Something else is controlling your mind
All feelings start to grow-
If you let them
They’ll take over.
Attach themselves to your thoughts
Always tracing back to
One person and one person only
Make it into something
Much more that it is

You can always back away
Before it takes over-
You’re either safe
Or you’re ******.
Once you invite them into your head
You've allowed them to be a guest
When in reality, they never asked
To be put there in the first place
540 · Nov 2013
A Love Story
Emma-willow Nov 2013
She's beautiful and elegant, with composure so well
She keeps parts of her hidden
I’m curious, can’t you tell?
I want to learn about her wounds, her history and fears
But when I come around she starts to disappear

He’s bright and prevailing; I can’t help but want to look
His energy goes on for days
As I continue to a new phase
I see him high, I see him low
But when he rises, it’s my time to go
a moon and sun love story
536 · Nov 2013
Emma-willow Nov 2013
I want to
             Wake up, roll over and give you sleepy smiles
             Kiss you like it’s going out of style
             Entwine my fingers with yours
             Maybe play a thumb war
             Listen to every thought you have to say
             Look into your eyes as the world melts away
I may have a crush
534 · Jan 2014
Winter in my Heart
Emma-willow Jan 2014
Erase him from your thoughts
He’s poison to your heart
Like a drug I just want more
The energy I get, like a rush
I can’t get enough

I’d rather he stay away
I can’t control myself
Oh, I wish it wasn't so
I’m glad it’s not often I see him around
Because I know how I am, I've seen it before

I don’t want a relapse of the last time I got hooked
By the look of a guy that I like
Then his eyes were brown; this time their blue
But the effect is all the same

His smile makes me go crazy
And I wish I could hate it
Hate his laugh, hate his hair
Hate his hat and hate his stare

But its never been that simple...
for my muse
510 · Jan 2014
Wednesday Words
Emma-willow Jan 2014
I know I have to be patient,
Because once I get it
I’ll see it a thousand times

-A fellow friend
savor the anticipation
462 · Nov 2013
Still Do
Emma-willow Nov 2013
I got too attached
And ran away with the idea of you

I shouldn’t have given you a thought

When I lie in my bed
I think of what you’ve said

I shouldn’t have given you a thought

When my daydreams take over
And I think of being with you

I shouldn’t have given you a thought

But I still do
461 · Dec 2013
Winter Darkness
Emma-willow Dec 2013
Winter is upon us now; it's true the Blue Ridge's freezing
Night begins before I’m ready
It descends on the sky prematurely.
My energy fades throughout the day
No longer can you sit and enjoy the last rays.
I’m scared of the wind and the bitter cold
Especially what the darkness can hold.
Things that were seen are lost in the night
I’m safer inside, with a candle for light.

But soon the sun will decide to stick around for long
Light triumphs dark once more,
That’s when life begins a new song.
451 · Mar 2014
Old Lullabys
Emma-willow Mar 2014
I see the moon and the moon sees me,
And the moon sees the one that I long to see
443 · Nov 2013
Emma-willow Nov 2013
Last night I dreamed of water
Just like the nights before
It was crystal clear and icy blue
A glimmering lake and shore

I sat on a bridge, looked out to the ridge
And the water invited me in

Then my dream was disturbed
But I already know
I will see the water again
One of my many water dreams
423 · Nov 2013
Colors In Between
Emma-willow Nov 2013
We are just the colors in between*
He said to me
As we passed the flickering lamps

The mist surrounded the glass,
Ahead was little to be seen

But I wasn’t looking forward,  
I couldn't help myself
His words engulfed my mind

We are just the colors in between

And no doubt he was one
Loud and simple,
Bold and kind

He was my favorite color in the world
404 · Nov 2013
Emma-willow Nov 2013
Eyes up to the sky, she sighs, I need nobody
True indeed, sister, but you still need everybody because
We hardly know ourselves if we know nobody else
And only in our loneliness can home become a hell

-Blue Scholars
lyrics from Sagaba
383 · Feb 2013
Do you?
Emma-willow Feb 2013
Even if we make it,
Do you think we’ll be alright?
Will we make each other laugh still?
Will you want to hold me tight?
Every day that passes,
Do you think our love will grow?
Or will we wake up one morning
Not knowing where to go?
The questions that scare me
379 · Nov 2013
As It Should
Emma-willow Nov 2013
I say my thanks for knowing
There is something greater out there,
The universe is in us all
I should never feel so lonely

I may not know what the future holds
But the universe is here,
Helping me with the twists and turns
Unfolding as it should
Inspired by two of my favorite quotes
350 · May 2014
7 Words
Emma-willow May 2014
my story continues
just not with him
tweaked from labirdo
350 · Nov 2013
Emma-willow Nov 2013
In the back of my mind
I knew he was leaving
But I didn’t give up my hope
That if I tried hard enough
To show him my love
In the end he’d decide not to go
When I woke in the morning
I forgot for a moment
And then I remembered too well
I slid my hand to his side
Held my breath
Then I sighed,
The sheets were already stone cold
347 · Jun 2016
Emma-willow Jun 2016
i will laugh

and feel myself blush

i will keep my eyes


and not look at you,

looking at me
318 · Dec 2013
Oh how will it play out?
Emma-willow Dec 2013
Is this the start of something new?
There’s not much I can say
There's not much for me to do
I can only go forward
And the best is yet to come!
I’m nervously excited to see it play out

Oh how will it all play out?
wishful thinking for 2014!
289 · Nov 2013
Don't Tell Me
Emma-willow Nov 2013
Don’t tell me you like me
If you haven’t thought it threw,
I don’t need to hear it
If it isn't true

I don’t want you to say
“Can I see you again”
Just so you sound like the better man

If the words that you speak
Are empty thoughts in your head,
I don’t need to hear it;
**Save your breath instead

— The End —