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 Apr 2013 Emma Eastbirds
Lupine casts the shadows
Tattooed on the skins of
Twining lovers.
Their pale ******
Intensifies the purple and violet
Splashes dotted on the soft green rugs.
The two lovers roll
Atop and under,
Aside and over,
Their sweet sweat distracts the bees from
Their honey foray.
Bees buzz
Lovers sigh
Perfection in its abundance.
 Apr 2013 Emma Eastbirds
Debra C
Some will toss and turn,
others will cry.  
Me, I will yearn,
I will yearn to die.  
When the day comes, my wings will spread.  
Call no man happy till he is dead.  

Having lived my life for him alone,
I do not see why I should fret.  
Even in the face of fire and brimstone,
My Savior will not forget.
When the day comes, my wings will spread.
Call no man happy till he is dead.
My Mamma cried
When she'd heard what I'd done
My Daddy went back inside
And he grabbed his gun

I'd met a ******* the other side of town
Of course I am white and of course she is brown
I don't rightly care cause we're both in love
And I ain't gonna let her suffer none

We's from Birmingham
Down South Birmingham Alabama you see
If'in you must know the year
I'd say a shameful 1963

There was unrest amongst the people
Which was bad enough
But it was doubly troublesome
On our taboo love

Deep segregation kept our worlds apart
Something the youth of the day couldn't see
Outside color don't matter, it's what's in the heart
That's the hold she has over me

Not really sure things have changed all that much
Though it's our nature to want to pretend
I'm not much into caring what others might think
Sometimes you gotta stand up like a man

I'm telling this tale from my front porch swing
As I listen to my Grandchildren's playful screams
While holding hands rocking back and forth
My lovely brown skinned beauty and me
I've found that
all of the major moments
can be captured
in that one exhalation
of the cigarette,
A post ****** drag
a shared smoke with a stranger
a shared smoke with a new friend
it's the smoke which makes us
which defines us
whether we blow it out at once
or in a tiny stream
I like to blow it all out at once
before inahling it all back in
it calms me
it clears me
it wakes me up
and puts me to sleep
and everything in between
In the breath of a cigarette
I can forget
every other breath
which has come before
or which may come
 Apr 2013 Emma Eastbirds
one day
 Apr 2013 Emma Eastbirds
one day i’ll take you to the field
we won’t go together, i’ll take you there
because i’m not the type of girl to ever be “with” anyone

i’ll bring my boom box and wish it was from the 90’s
and i’ll find droopy flowers to play with
even though i know you think it’s stupid

you’ll pick through my cd collection
and i’ll pretend to be embarrassed when you find albums by the bands you hate
you’re supposed to think it’s endearing
you’ll pick country music
and i’ll pretend it’s a compromise
because i gave up awhile ago

in the dark i won’t see your ***** hair
and i won’t have to stare into your empty eyes
you’ll just **** me,
my back will grind into the grass,
and i’ll try to enjoy it
while you hold me close and wish i was Her.
when you put your pajamas on
before getting into bed.
She had a small flower
Attached to her hat
There was a lilt in his smile
It seemed to give much without
Having a need of return

She talked a lot
But she was easy to follow
And he listened
Not because he wanted to change
Some word or two later
And sadly his attention was bent
Dulled and fogged at times
At best

Maybe she was afraid to hear
Afraid of following him
Maybe he was too quiet
She too was normally a quiet one she said
But he followed on
Taking one breathe at a time
Keeping his head clear of mist
Or persons else where else when
He would rather not remember

Years later he answered
When she asked him
Why did you follow so well
So easily and why oh why oh why
He took a small breath
Stopped her and smiled
It was a force of nature
That urged it on to happen
Just as the wind fills the sails
Your voice filled my ears
And though at times I did feel lost
It felt good
Apr, 2013
 Apr 2013 Emma Eastbirds
Tight, wet, and so young.
Splitting of atoms, vestal.
Sliced fruit, wine, dead time.
 Apr 2013 Emma Eastbirds
 Apr 2013 Emma Eastbirds
If my eyes should betray,
pluck them from their holes.
and if my hands deny you,
cut them from my arms.
and when my feet turn away
from us
smash me at the knees
for I would rather be
blind and lame
than not be yours,
in your garden of grey blooms.
Originally posted March 7, 2012
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