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 Jan 2014 Emma Domke
Libidos high,
Thigh to thigh,
Fingers intertwined.
Under clothes we slide.
Quick to breathe,
Meeting sheets
As we depart from our chairs.
Nearly starved,
Back arched,
Hands pulling hair.
Sweet memory,
You all over me.
Quick kiss
To the hips,
Devour my body.
Make it ache,
Start to tremble with lust.
Naked breast
On your chest,
Tick tock--COMBUST.
Rise higher,
Entice her,
****** desire.
Take me,
Embrace me,
A lover's empire.
Tongue to tongue,
Move as one,
Tangled forms we grasp.
Sweet lovers' ******.
Let me assure you that I am aware
That eyes are eyes
Wherther blue, gray, brown, green
for they see what the nose, mouth, ears
Could never begin to fathom.
And yes, I know that many of the colors
Have been given the audacity to
Make hearts flutter to a halt
While others are reduced to acquiring
Their colors from the dullest of souls.
Everyyone can see the pigments
That have surely created the
Being before them.
Yet most are blind to see,
To notice, to care, to love
What lies beneath those
Purely captivating eyes.

Blues scatter throughout
The world we know
From the sky to the ocean
To sad old men
To new baby blankets
To old denim jeans
To new paint and pens.
They run down streets
With a glimmer of emotion
To be seen by more than
Just the blues alone.
They jump and play and skip
From the soles of their feet
To the top most fragment of
Hair on their heads.
Girl envy and swoon over the
Brightness and innocence
Of those blue eyes we see everyday.

Gray for the hardest of men
And the saddest of women,
Almost stone under their lashes
Strength radiating into the eyes
Of others as they stare back in fear.
Indentations from the old beatings,
Heartbreaks, tramas, and even love.
Hard lines of black cross through
The rough outer gray surface
To produce a wall built up
From the iris, pulled and wrapped
Around the heart and mind.
And even if you put your entire
Being into tearing, ripping, crumbling
Their wall, you'll be thrown back
Wishing you had never attempted.

Brown to melt as a new born
Wraps its hand around
A mother's finger
And to glisten when a
Student grasps their torso
Because they were saved by their teacher.
A brown that never hurts
Enough to harden, but loves enough
To smile and be strong.
A brown that is patient and
Knowing, understanding, caring.
Not because they don't know hurt
But for the idea that they've been
Hurt so as to never hurt others.
They will see things that others miss
And get to know secrets that others
Cannot comprehend of imagine.
But every secret will blow at their
Melted eyes, but they will never
Turn to stone.

To look in a mirror and see the
Trees whistling by as you look out
A car window, full of hopes and dreams.
With sky blue walls and small pictures
About older and younger sisters.
A white bed and crooked teeth
To match it in color.
No make-up,hair parted in the middle
And eyes to match her mother's.
A smile on her lips and in her milky eyes.
Then her walls turned blood red
And her teeth became straight while
Her long sleeves were clutched in her fists
And her eyes no longer brightened
At people, only at things she did.
The rest of the time, her eyes held black lines
And only melted from seeing the beauty
Of life in something other than herself.

So let me ask you,
Are eyes just eyes?
Whether blue, gray, brown, green?
Do they just see what the
Nose, mouth, ears could never fathom?
And are you sure that you are not
Blind to see, to notice, to care, to love
What lies beneath those
Purely captivating eyes?
 Jan 2014 Emma Domke
A black and white world doesn't suit me
  I have a visceral response to generalizations
  that serve to minimize, demonize, marginalize

Neither can I accept an existence sheltered in grey
  restrictively deliberating in the narrow space
  between cautious optimism and healthy skepticism

The spectrum of possibility is infinite
  when seen with an open mind and giving heart
  at the risk of discovering beauty
 Dec 2013 Emma Domke
Jeremy Duff
I want you pale and naked,
hips thrusting towards mine.
I want you on top of me
my hands on your *******.

The sunlight shines,
and the sun does set.
All I want is you
playing with my hair.
 Dec 2013 Emma Domke
Ashley Anne
My body aches for sleep.
My mind begs me to stay awake.
Tired and slow all day long.
When my head hits the pillow my mind races.
Keeping me awake.
Tired. I'm so tired,
My alarm goes off but it doesn't scare me awake
like normal.
Just calmly turn it off and get out of bed
because lets be honest
even when I hit the snooze I don't even sleep.
Laying there in silence as my body aches to sleep.
I don't want to leave my bed.
I'm worn down.
I'm so tired, it doesn't even effect me.
I'm just tired of everything.
just tired.
The space between her lips. That infinite space that forms in her face when her soul makes an effort to stay in her body. The space that allows the only scape for her thoughts when they surpass her mind. That inviting space, offering the lust that everyone dreams of, but at the same time showing innocence and purity. That dark space dividing her pale lips that drives into an encircled moment, not in the past or the future, but in the now, and in the tide of waves.
The lone book in the corner,
dust covered, untouched.
The toys left on the floor
Fake plastic with cracks upon their faces

Times go, leaves change
But it always stays the same
The lone book
The plastic toys.

The only things that change are the colors
Baby blue turns bright red
White turns to grey,
Then fades to black

The toy boat never really used to float,
It just gave the impression it did.
The plastic superhero never saved lives,
It just wanted you to think so.

The cars never had any battery
They were never going anywhere in the first place.
The games were always just one player
You never really had anyone else.

Times go, leaves change
You never knew,
but found out it’s been the same,
The lone book
The plastic toys.
 Dec 2013 Emma Domke
We spoke in tongues that day,
Your fingers trailed my body like
a harlot skimming through the bible finding her daily grace.

The Sun, her majesty, jealous of the
nervous heat that fought for a moment of breath between your satin body and my scarred chest.

Did you know that I almost cried?
Because your touch was everything I feared the most.
Your touch was confidence, maybe love.
It hurt.

We don't speak the same language anymore,
For your fingers,
are too holy for mine.
About a friend, with whom I shared the whole of me. But didn't care.
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