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7.5k · Jul 2014
emma Jul 2014
you might need me
i don't need you
i love me
i love me enough for the both of us
i have to think this way if i want to avoid crying on a daily basis xoxoxox
2.3k · Jul 2014
wakey wakey, eggs and bakey
emma Jul 2014
you're asleep
you're dreaming
about teeth falling out and shadows chasing you
about fields full of flowers and holding his hand
no matter what about, you dream too much
and you wake up and he's still not there
the rain makes your windows look *****
and the wind causes the roof to make noises
and he won't be there to hold you when the sun goes down
so you go back to sleep
and behind your eyelids you see that smile
that smile he used to flash at you
before holding up a glass of white wine
"cheers" spilling from his asymmetric lips
but that's history
and you shouldn't still be dreaming about him
but you were never one to be the boss of your dreams
the heat wakes you up at 5:47
you haven't been this hot since the too of you shared a bed
you need to stop always drawing him into things
is not there
won't ever be
don't make yourself remember the good times
and how he's everything you ever looked for in a guy
those thoughts belong in late night dreams
and you need to wake up.
wakey wakey, eggs and bakey
i'm getting bad again aka i'm writing """poems""" again
1.4k · Jan 2014
emma Jan 2014
tangled together
like fishtail braids
as if they had never parted
and never again would
1.3k · Aug 2013
emma Aug 2013
i was naive enough
to think that everything
would be better
i really
that things would go
my way
1.3k · Jul 2014
emma Jul 2014
and it was crazy how obvious his flaws became
once i was not forced
to think he was flawless
982 · Aug 2013
emma Aug 2013
i remember sitting on the edge of a wishing well
looking down
seeing all the shiny coins
and i wondered
what the people wished for
and if anyone wondered
what i wished for

i remember starring at the clouds
they looked like feathers and pretty daisies
and i wondered
if anyone was looking
at the same cloud as i
and if they saw the daisies as well
913 · Oct 2013
longing for their love
emma Oct 2013
two people
two hands longing
for each other's warmth
yet barely touching
naive enough to not
appreciate the moments
they get to hold each other

two people
two spirits longing
for each other's love
since it's been too long
yet both too shy to
appreciate the times
they could have told each other

two people
two looks longing
to meet again
two strangers, not strangers
yet act like it
never appreciate the time
they could've spend together
893 · Jan 2014
forbidden love
emma Jan 2014
you say you can't
but you do it anyways
admit i drive you crazy
813 · Jan 2014
emma Jan 2014
viklet ind
i hinanden
mens vi falder
ud af mængden
væk fra natklubber
hånd i hånd
gang på gang

lejlighedsdøren knirker stadig
falsk kærlighed
sandt begær
nøgenheden lyver aldrig
men forholder sig tavs
smil fra dine øjne
som salt i åbne sår
for jeg er en andens
men vi er stadig
viklet ind
i hinanden
some poems just aren't supposed to be in english
771 · Oct 2013
emma Oct 2013
but maybe

it's just that i need you
every inch of my body
aches for your touch
every second
every hour
i need you
i need for you to promise
that this is forever
and that you won't leave me
aching and craving like now
i die a little more
every day i'm not with you
i need you to need me
just half as much as i need you
a little more
this might seem extreme but i'm not lying when i say that never have i ever craved anything as much as i crave his touch and him in general
768 · Dec 2014
emma Dec 2014
og pludselig sidder du pakket ind i +5 dyner og burde egentlig ikke fryse, men der er så fandens koldt over det hele. laver flere liter te for at få det bedre men hælder kop efter kop ud i vasken, for bare lugten giver dig brækfornemmelser. modern family er ikke så sjovt længere og de eneste sange der får lov at spille færdigt er dem han linkede til dig. hans ******* musiksmag ramte plet hver gang. du kan ikke finde ud af om smerten mellem dine ribben er pga den halve flaske tequila du formådede at hælde ned i går eller om det bare skyldes de ord han sagde og hvor let han havde ved at droppe alt det han selv havde været med til at bygge op. du er ikke sikker på om han lagde mærke til dig da du løb gennem byen med en veninde i hånden og prøvede alt hvad du overhovedet kunne for ikke at lade ham se dig græde. du ved bare at lige nu gør det hele ondt og du tør ikke bevæge dig uden for din dør i frygt for at se dem sammen - han har jo tydeligvis ikke noget problem med at vise hende frem foran dig - end ikke på din egen fødselsdag. tillykke. du sidder i stedet i din dobbeltseng hvor jeres kroppe for første gang kolliderede. og du kan ikke slippe for det uanset hvad du gør. stryger tændstikker, for forhelvede, hvor ville det være let bare at lade det hele brænde væk.
du vil bare væk. jeg vil bare så gerne væk.
755 · Aug 2013
i'm sorry but i love you
emma Aug 2013
i read somewhere that
if a writer falls in love with you,
you can't die
and i'm sorry
i'm sorry
i'm sorry
i'm sorry
because i know you don't want to walk
on this earth anymore
i'm sorry if this stupid poem
made you immortal
749 · Feb 2014
emma Feb 2014
well i don't like YOU
but i kind of like US
yeah, i like us
and i like that sneaky picture my friends took
when you kissed me
and it hurts my stomach when i think of how
i'm not the only girl you kissed that night
which i guess makes me guilty of double standards
'cause even though you were the first of the night
you weren't the last
or the middle one
or the one after that
but yeah, let's say the first one is all that counts
and then we can both be happy
this is probably the ugliest thing i have ever written, yet it feels so right
677 · Aug 2013
a letter to a friend
emma Aug 2013
dear friend
i'm sorry i'm sending another letter so soon
but i deeply need your help
it all happened last night
i know you couldn't come
so i'll tell you what happened
the party was over
but i didn't want to go home
home is where my bed is
and my bed is where my thoughts bloom
so i sat outside
on the stairs
fifth step from the top
i know because i counted
i just sat there
with my head
planted firmly on my knees
not making a single sound
and i wanted him to ask if i was okay
which is weird
because i never want people to do that
he never asked anyway
he never even looked at me
instead he stood on the field
directly across from the stairs
hugged his friend
and kissed her on the cheek
touching a bit of her lip
with his
then he was gone
and i didn't see how he left
or in what direction he went
but he was gone and he didn't care
that i was left alone again
and i know i left him too
and i know he doesn't want to hear me apologies
or explain why i acted like i did
that's why i'm writing this letter
because i know he listens to you
and i need you to tell him
that i am deeply sorry
and i hate myself for ever letting him go
669 · Oct 2013
an apology
emma Oct 2013
i remember crying
when my mum's coat
smelled of cigarette smoke
because i didn't want her to die

i remember not getting out of bed
the morning after that one boy
kissed someone else
because i wanted to be her

i remember cutting my skin
when i realised
they all left me
because i needed them

i remember feeling disgusted
when i was the one to smoke
and kiss someone else and leave
all because i was so broken

and you should know i'm sorry
and i hope you don't cry
i hope you get out of bed
i hope your skin is whole
i know you love me and i'm sorry i made it so difficult. remember that one night where you held me and tried to talk me out of destroying myself? yet i walked away, smoked all the cigarettes i was offered in less than 30 minutes, kissed someone else even though you've been in love with me since i was 10 and left you. and after that i realised how messed up my life was, and i changed it completely.  i'm recovering now. i haven't smoked ever since that night, i wouldn't dare to touch my skin with anything sharp, i'm not depressed and i'm not leaving anyone who needs me. you made me realise that i deserved to do better, and i'm sorry if i hurt you in my way of figuring out life. but i'm doing much better now and i'm very thankful to have a silly little boy like you, who can't stop loving me no matter how much **** i get myself into. and i'm very sorry that i can't make my heart feel something it won't, because you deserve for someone to care as much as you cared for me that night. thank you and i'm sorry.
647 · Jan 2014
crave you
emma Jan 2014
why can't you want me
like the other boys do
they stare at me
while i
crave you
flight facilities // crave you
637 · Apr 2014
wake up
emma Apr 2014
waking up is always best
with your whole body
smelling like selftan
because summer is near
with sand stuck in your sheets
from yesterdays walk on the beach
mascara in the corners of your eyes
because you fell asleep texting that guy
sunlight shining through your door
and flowers when you look outside
open windows to air out the house
berries and greek yoghurt in the fridge
and loads of plans to keep you busy
maybe life isn't that bad after all
636 · Nov 2013
toxic lips
emma Nov 2013
your kiss is killing
and im left to die
with venom in my veins
and poison in my heart
633 · Feb 2016
emma Feb 2016
at det hele godt kan blive lidt tomt når man er alene i en to værelses og der kører politi forbi ude foran og der er en opvask der stadig ikke har taget sig selv og jeg kan ikke komme ud af døren uden at falde over sko og jeg har blokeret dig på snapchat og har også lyst til at fjerne dig som ven på facebook for du er sguda for fanden en nar men så igen fortjener du også at kunne følge med i hvor godt jeg (forhåbentligt) får det lige snart for selvom jeg har ondt i maven hjertet hovedet over beskeder bestående af kun et ord kunne det også bare være mig der er bange for at skulle forblive alene i en toværelses med blå blink igennem ruden og et fad med nachos der sidder fast og en dobbeltseng der kan rumme meget mere end mig og noget rod jeg ikke har energi til at fjerne ligesom jeg ikke har energi til at lave de afleveringer jeg har for til om en halv time selvom det burde jeg virkelig for jeg har lige fået en skriftlig advarsel fra gymnasiet men hvad nytter det når man ikke engang har energi til at gå i bad eller sætte kommaer eller slukke for hjernen når den tænker at det bedste svar man kan give er slukkede telefoner og halvhjertede beskeder det kan jo for fanden være ligegyldigt men det er det bare ikke
631 · Nov 2013
emma Nov 2013
lights and smoke
covering the dance floor
showing a glimpse of
smiles and dancy feet

street lights and aircon
burning in my tired eyes
no ****** expression
burning inside

when the lips
that wouldn't let me go
suddenly can't speak a word
i no longer wish to be in this car

i wish to be in front of it
620 · Jun 2014
emma Jun 2014
running up my spine
hanging in my veins
stirring up my mind
bending around my waist
pounding on my chest
falling through my hair
running out of air
620 · May 2014
here's the deal
emma May 2014
i'm gonna wear black - all black.
i don't like blues or yellows
and the only thing pink should be your tounge on the inside of my teeth.

if this is gonna end up with something that needs to be "facebook official"
i WILL force you to delete those 2012 pics of you so my friends
(who have never seen you before) won't think you're that ugly

i'd love to go out and eat with you and act like we're all fancy and stuff
but can we do it right after payday
because give me a week and my money are looooong gone

we are gonna hang out at your place
my parents are awkward and ask too many questions
and i love train rides
so you're not gonna come to me, i'm gonna come to you

if we work something out you better show people you like me
i'm talking friends, exes, complete strangers i. don't. care
but show people the love, okay

yeah i have trust issues
i get jealous over pretty much everything
but just kiss and let me know i'm yours and you're mine
and we should be good
other than that i'm really nice and caring and i smell really good please love me
emma Jan 2014
the hickey has faded
when will you
seriously leave my life please xoxo
546 · Aug 2013
emma Aug 2013
have i ever
been more torn
or out of words
it's all so fragile
a tiny touch of wrong
and it's all broken
i run and hide
to escape it
because i am not ready
for the storm cloud of reality
to roll
into my heart
and change my beliefs
about the two of us
544 · Oct 2013
i'd kill for you
emma Oct 2013
mon amour, je sais que tu m'aimes aussi
tu as besoin de moi
tu as besoin de moi dans ta vie
tu ne peux plus vivre sans moi
et je mourrais sans toi
je tuerais pour toi
lana del rey - carmen
540 · Sep 2013
emma Sep 2013
       what                    anyone
                                  in anyone else

534 · Jan 2014
people like us
emma Jan 2014
someone with straight A's
doesn't want someone
who fails math
someone with perfect skin
doesn't want someone
who breaks out everytime she's stressed out or eats too unhealthy
someone with a body like that
doesn't want someone
who works out once a week
someone that happy
doesn't want someone
who cries too loud and used to cut her skin
someone that stylish
doesn't want someone
who has been wearing the same boots for a year
someone so pure
doesn't want someone
who kissed 11 guys in a week
someone like you
donesn't want someone
like me
527 · Feb 2015
emma Feb 2015
completely ecstatic
deeply convinced that what i felt
in his arms was the feeling of being home
only to have him leave me
feeling even sadder
than before i met him
and i ******* hate him for that
509 · Dec 2013
emma Dec 2013
hans kærtegn er et hav
og jeg drukner
501 · Feb 2014
it's hard to sleep
emma Feb 2014
it's hard to sleep.
especially when
the moon shines too bright
through your window
your ribs still hurt from that fall
you took last wednesday
the guy you like still doesn't care
and that friend of his who wanted you so badly
got what he wanted
your knees are blue from falling to hug the toilet
ruining your tooth enamel once again
because you ate too much
your sister texted you, she's not happy
and she's too far away for you to visit
you haven't done your homework
you're so small and the house is so big
so quiet, so full of secrets
you can't face everyone at school
and the thought of going scares you
you don't know how to quit your job
man, your boss is gonna **** you
you're ugly and have gained weight
and some guy started a rumor that
you're a sleep-around
though you've never really been with anyone
but oh, people believe him

it's hard to sleep
so i don't
instead i'm sat in my windowsill looking at the traffic lights as they change colours. it has been green for so long though, i don't know if it'll even change.
464 · Aug 2013
today i am very happy
emma Aug 2013
i started a new school today
and people in my class are really sweet
and a lot of people made me laugh
and i got to be around people  
i used to know very well
and they looked at me
like they had missed me
and the bus was on time
and my bag wasn't heavy
and an old couple smiled at me
and said hello
and my mum asked me how my day was
and my dad did the same
the sun was out today
no rain at all
today i am very happy
462 · Oct 2013
emma Oct 2013
nights like this
i miss his kiss
a little more than usual

his sweet brown eyes
so true, no lies
i think about them still

more time to waste
moan, feel, touch, taste
the memories won't fade
453 · Aug 2013
old times
emma Aug 2013
and i saw you talking to him
laughing at his stupid ******* jokes
which is fine
good for you
i'm not into him anymore
and i'm not jealous
i should be i guess
it's just the way you two
were standing there
talking and joking
it reminded me of old times
and it wouldn't bother me
if he liked you
but still i'm a little sad
448 · Jan 2014
old lover
emma Jan 2014
old lover
i hope it kills you to know
that you never will know

never know of the body
that is a map
with veins like streets
and curves like mountains

it's all yours
yet the other guys don't seem to care
i guess we can't afford to

old lover
i hope it kills you to know
that you never will know

never know of the head
that spins around
like a bottle at a slumber party
everytime he's there
and you're not

still you've got me
but you don't kiss me like the other boys do
or at all

old lover
i hope it kills you to know
that you never will know
truth be told, i want you to know
448 · Nov 2013
emma Nov 2013
i am the morning
you are
the night
yet you seem
to shine so bright

you are the restless
i am
the sleep
so close your eyes
breathe me in deep
442 · Dec 2013
emma Dec 2013
it's like
we're strangers
who happen to know
each other
very well
439 · Oct 2014
you should leave now
emma Oct 2014
i don't remember your voice anymore
i never hear it
i hear his. on the phone at 1 am
whispering goodnigt to me

i don't remember your hair
i never see it
i see his. i pull it and tuck it
as he kisses me deeply

i don't remember your eyes
i'll never look into them again
instead i'll look into his
deep blue and like a thousand stars

i don't remember your house
i never visit
you moved anyway
so does that even matter

i remember your favourite song
it's mine too
but i try to forget as i recieve a text from him
"ever heard of this artist?"

i don't remember the smell of your perfume
you're so far away
i remember his
it's stuck in my bedding

i don't remember you
you're gone. you've left
he's here. he's right here
so why the hell is this about you
they say the first cut is the deepest
437 · Oct 2013
emma Oct 2013
the scariest part
of today
was definitely realising
miss him

427 · Oct 2013
emma Oct 2013
                                           s   h    i      t
no no no no

                           the memories

             please stay right here

no no no
                           no no no


                                 don't let the memories fade

               don't become
         s t r a n g e r

                           please please please

          can we stop  this for a minute

just please
                                                                             no no no


                    g o d d a m n i t


i can't

i don't want

                        to forget
i've forgotten how his touch felt and i've forgotten his smell and i don't remember what he said to be (besides "i need to kiss you" that's kinda stuck to my brain) and i've forgotten at what time he waited outside in the ******* rain to kiss me one more time before he went home and i've forgotten how many butterflies i felt in my stomach.
i have forgotten and it made me panic because i want to remember forever
425 · Oct 2013
how it all started
emma Oct 2013
and now i can't even look
at the stars in the night sky
without thinking of the night
where we left the party
and found an old hammock
in the back of a garden
and you held your arms
around me tight
and tried to find
the stars you knew of
and my head fit perfectly
where your shoulder
and neck meets
and just like that we kissed
and it was so clear
that you were the one for me
422 · Nov 2013
emma Nov 2013
"how sweet
it must be
to feel all the pain
at once
and then
416 · Dec 2013
emma Dec 2013
and then you kissed me
like it was a habit
and i'm afraid
it might be
oh look
i'm writing poems about other boys now
how does that feel?
399 · Nov 2013
in love
emma Nov 2013
brittle bones
in skinny jeans
***** knees
from falling
                    in love

midnight kisses
in haunted woods
broken hearts
from being
                    in love

true hope
in false words
months and months
of staying
                    in love
369 · Mar 2014
number 15
emma Mar 2014
i smell his perfume, still
i feel him like i felt him
and you don't matter at all
can finally say i have moved on and that i really don't care about you anymore and it feels so good
369 · Aug 2013
emma Aug 2013
the darkness is the winter
we blew out the winter
the sadness is the fall
the spring is as well
we chased that away
with lights and flowers of green
there's only us left
we are the summer
and when summer is over
you'll be the winter
and i'll be the spring
when summer is back
we'll fall for each other all over again
354 · Dec 2014
emma Dec 2014
it was always a skinny love
so fragile and i didn't even notice
348 · Oct 2013
emma Oct 2013
"love is a weird thing like

you just pick a human and you're like yes i like this one i'll let this one ruin my life forever"
346 · Jan 2014
emma Jan 2014
without sounding too cliché
i'd like to say
that his eyes told
a story of a night
a long time ago
and his smiled whispered
he wanted to rewrite
emma May 2014
for the first time
since i was like 4
i actually took the time
to pick petals off of flowers
and guess what

he loves me not.
335 · Apr 2014
emma Apr 2014
now i've got you in my space
i won't let go of you
got you shackled in my embrace
i'm latching on to you
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