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 Oct 2013 Emily Tyler
You've both read through dozens
of midnight thoughts poured into poems
that hardly even apply to your lives,
and maybe once or twice a few
that I've written about you.

But there's never been one to you,
and honestly there should.
Poets better than myself
should be writing about the both of you.

Because at the end of the day
(you're another day older, and)
you're the ones
who have stayed with me
through every single one
of my conscious, deliberate mistakes
and also the ones
that I never meant to make—
and every moment when
the only thing I've been was a burden,
you've put up with me;
you've never loved me less
(though there were times you really should have)
and I couldn't be more grateful for that.

Everybody told me that I needed to be careful—
that people can be fake,
and best friends in high school
never really means forever.
But I know that even if
a time comes when we can't be as close as right now,
you'll both remain parts of me
that will stay my entire life;
collections of stories in memory books
that I'll keep on the coffee table of my mind,
right between a picture of how we looked the night of senior prom
and the invitations to both of your weddings.

I couldn't have ever in a million years
asked for more amazing best friends—
that feel a lot more like sisters most of the time
and are more important than
any other relationship with anyone
I'll ever have in my entire life.

And I know that I'm more
than a little bit hard to love
a lot of the time
and that I should say this way more often,
but I love you both so much more
that I could ever convey with words in a poem.
(But, as you both know,
that's the only way I know how to express things.
So until a better way comes along,
this is my placeholding "I love you"
for forever and beyond.)
To India and Sophia

Ahhhh there's so much more that I meant to say in this and I have literally no idea whatsoever how to portray it in writing but I realized last night that you guys are more incredible than any silly boy that I have ever and will ever write about and yet I've never written you a poem. So I did that and it's not exactly what I expected but it got some across and I don't know how I'm going to show this to you yet but this is something I don't ever say to either of you nearly enough and it's true it's true it's true...
 Oct 2013 Emily Tyler
it's ok
Dear friend,
The Earth divided in two and there was much preparation
There was trenches built by humans, hollowing out the underground
Somehow, there were others that were sure they would not live through it
In which preparation was minor for them
Humans that traveled for days and days, just to live out their dream
Gathering around the fire from the core of the earth,
Only to capture the beauty with their camera and canvas
Strange it was to see everyone singing in millions of different twos
With a string of words from all the other ways we speak,
All buzzing around, with no two the same
These were, in fact, the ones who were not afraid to die
Right before they burned, they all held hands and smiled
United in the ways they loved,
While the others died in fear, these were the ones who died
surrounded by the ones they loved.
As if humans are very emotionally complicated
Striving too hard to survive
It's very beautiful around Earth's falling apart
Don't bother writing back
Lover of all things
 Oct 2013 Emily Tyler
Jittery and alone in my room
I run through a list in my head
My grades are okay, my friends are okay, my family is okay
my girlfriend is amazing, my life is doing just fine.
So why why why why why why
do I find myself thinking of that black room that I locked up
in the back of my head?
The one with all my anger and darkness and blood and razors
and all the insanity and pain.
It's just so ******* ****** up that I
want to go there again and indulge in that rich, filthy blackness
and embrace it again.
I made promises...that I wouldn't
Welcome back those demons and give them my blood, body and life
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
: (
Bringing yourself down
to our levels
and complaining about it
is just making a plain mockery of us.

I just wish
you'd consider it sometimes
maybe not everyone is as brilliant and talented as you...
Passing thought coming through .....
 Oct 2013 Emily Tyler
Ashatan Tee
It is a battle between the head and the heart
It is ignorant to reality
It pries on our fantasies

It is being confident in something ambiguous
It is putting everything on the line
For a maybe
A what if
A perhaps...

It is both assuring
And deluding
And starving.

It is a battle between the head and the heart
But the *heart
must always win.
 Oct 2013 Emily Tyler
 Oct 2013 Emily Tyler
It might be tough,
but I don't mind.

Cause I'm all yours
if you're all mine.
I felt like being cliche idk it's late
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