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There was a man behind the voice
Who spoke these words I write

God why have you forsaken me!
The sin of man
His plight

The pain endured immeasurable
The suffering the loss

For all of us
He hung up high
To die upon that cross

He performed so many miracles
While he lived for all to see

For these he'll be remembered
For all eternity

But that wasnt his intention
Why he gave his life that day

But rather that we follow him
The truth the light the way

He asked that we renew our thoughts
Unto him -be of like mind

Only then his light -his love -his truth

Can guide us all so blind
 Oct 2013 Emily Tyler
A happy home
An untroubled life
A port in a storm
Away from strife
A healthy body
An untroubled mind
A touch of skin
A love to find
A friend to trust
A lover who'll give
A moment in time
A Life to Live
I wish it all, for you
Depression, desperation
Because of loneliness,
Or loss of love;
That is what we write.

Joy, happiness,
Because of companionship,
Or love that we discovered;
That is what we write.

Mumbo-jumbo, randomness,
Because we need to express,
All sense of insanity in the world;
That is what we write.

And in all that we write,
It is for the purpose of expressing.
For 'we are most affected by what surrounds us'. That was what my teacher said
and i guess, we're writing you-don't-say stuff in a more creative way.
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