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In gratitude I wake with tears of joy on my face.  The wonders of heaven are as unnumbered as the human race.  Pulsing through my veins like blood silently dripping in the bowl.  Healing mankind as I have to leave the plane of matter behind.  Love and Light seeking darkness to unbind.  May you know me by the truth in your heart,may you see me as the never ending thread as the bridge of the lost.  For some it could be footprints on the sand, for others silence of the screaming lambs.  In gratitude I am caught like the winters snack on the web of the widow of who our souls are brought. Thanking my way across the vastness I jump for joy upon the home land in gratitude I sat just as I thought.....
(C) Shekhinah En KA Mitt                                                                        10/21/10
 Nov 2013 Emily Thomas
Ren Martin
Without regard for life or limb, of what fate shall become of him
A dog knows only of his heart, which breaks if he and I should part.
Like poetry in his ears,
       She whispered softly
As the sun and moon set together
Putting the universe into an un-ticking frame.

The humans, now plunged into fear as time has now stopped,
And their bedtime stories of religion and science both have collided into a twisted grim tale.
          A horror story?
     A horror film.
   A chainsaw massacre in its un-bloodied glory.

The stopping of ones time for ones self.
  Its unimaginable stopping of minuets thickly spread
       With the promise of heaven
And the blackmail of hell.
Music and fashion
give me a ****** experience no human being
could ever match. They can have their
cheap wine and
satin sheets, for me it's about
reaching ****** when ordering
a pair of three hundred dollar spiked shoes
(perhaps with a heel) and
reaching it all over again
when strutting in them down the street and
watching heads snap around
like an exorcism.
In a perfect world things would fall into place
We should be together instead of figuring it out
I have a place for you in my heart
Even if you aren't ready there's no rush
I've learned to trust respect myself not looking for a lust
I've grown and feel I can't go back down
Let's move forward not looking back
Pursue what's right for the heart
Not giving up happiness means more let's not fall apart
Thought id never find love but something about you woke my numb spirit
Bed sheets impregnated with her essence.
Towels dripping the sweetness of her skin.
Wild thoughts invading my subtle thinking.
Her scent still lingering in my senses and my soul.

A fleeting heartbeat was skipped the moment our eyes met.
All reality vanished as distance disappeared.
Poetry struck me as I chose my words carefully.
A smile was virtously drawn on her face when I held her hand.

The world conspired for us to meet then.
Not before. Not after.
Just at the right moment.
We pushed fate away as it pulled us back to its path.
We lost ourselves in each other in just the blink of an eye.

A voice so heavenly angels should be jealous.
A mind so priviledged she understands me whole.
Her eyes so pure and lively even diamonds are just stones.
Her sweet embrace so warm she could reignite the sun.

Love has been reinvented, and now it wears her name.
Beautiful turns ugly whenever she's around.
If perfection's bound to gods, then she must be a goddess,
and I'd worship only her for her blessings are all mine.
Sometimes I find it difficult
to remember what life is worth
when I am wading this deep in blue.
If I am trying hard not to drown,
how can I focus on the clouds?
In the back of my mind, I will always
know that there is good in the world.
However the mind gets distracted when
balancing on a tight rope. For if you fall
there is no going back, only
falling through the sky, watching
people laugh together
as you plummet to your doom.
It just isn't easy to make it across the tight rope.
What if it wasn't tied right?
What if you fall off?
What if a demon flies on by
and carries you straight to Hell?
I know that it could happen; the demon
has already visited. The claw marks,
the scratches, the nightmares will
always be etched into my heart, soul and skin.
They are scarred, as I will be forever.
 Nov 2013 Emily Thomas
Feelings stray in far off ways
Bursting through streams of rain
Talking about our fantasies of choruses and refrains
Sleep versus the sunrise in our eyes
Stop our tongues
Chins picked up by the hands of the wind
Winding down with turned up lips and our gazes of bliss
The pink of the tree blossoms saturated the night sky bright
Peach and ripe like our lives
Prime time
The leaves dancing piroughettes
And welcome once more divinitys sweet wavering hellos made by the winds adoring cries
wrote this on the fly round this time last year. still rings so true
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