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 May 2014 Emily Rene
roses are red
violets are blue
you ******* *****
Scream at me
Tell me that I’m ******* worthless
Because that’s All I want to hear
Abuse me
Leave welts upon the surface
Of my skin
Because that’s all I want to feel
Tell me I’m a fake
Leave me with mental scars
And bruises on my heart
The one that you managed to steal
Lash me like a slave
Treat me with disdain
Give me all the pain
I could never take
From anyone but you
All I want to feel
Is how bad you treat me
Lie through your teeth
Dance around the truth
I can’t take this ****
From anyone but you
An endless cycle of mental abuse
But thats fine by me,
Because it's plain to see
You're still the other half of me
And I'd be lost without you
 Mar 2014 Emily Rene
 Mar 2014 Emily Rene
It's raining and it's freezing
And the wind sounds like it's weeping
And I'm all alone here hearing it pour.

The trees are tired, the world is weary,
Even the black clouds sound a tad bit teary,
And if they didn't let it out they might explode.

And I'm curled up and my nails are bleeding,
Because a biter can never quit cold turkey,
And I'm cold and feeling fat and so alone.

And babe, I've got these thoughts spinning in my brain,
Like the hail and the rain on my window pane,
And I'm wondering what anyone thinks that I'm around for.

And I'm talking to your friend, who's a sympathetic ear,
And I tell him I'm not sure what's going on around here,
And I'm confused and doubting what I mean to you.

If you love me, shut up and show me,
Knowing my family doesn't mean you know me,
And it's raining in this town tonight,

And in my room, and in my heart a little bit,
And I sit here alone watching Frozen while it pours
And the tears not shed feel solid and I
 Dec 2013 Emily Rene
Devon Haley
It's funny.
Innocence turns into tragedy within
Lighthearts and laughter
Turns into despair and quiet
Outraged sobbing.
What seemed so harmless
So serene and so happy
Ends with hands shaking and
Tears down children's faces.
A Christmas party turned evil.
A harmless cookie chewed by a 5th grader
Becomes lodged in his throat and
He struggles to breathe.
His face turns colors one only sees
In rainbows after the rain.
But the way I see it;
It' not going to stop raining for a long time.
The little boy,
The same age as my own brother,
Dies in the hospital.
His innocence taken from him just like that.
And I cant help  but think about his parents.
The Christmas presents they have to return,
The grief they feel as they tell their family that their little boy didnt make it.
Or about the little boy my brother is friends with.
The one at the party who didn't go to school yesterday.
The one who made the kid laugh.
The one who was so funny, made the kid choke on
a cookie and die.
I feel so much for these people.
How do you console an 11 year old who has witnessed death?
How do you not cry because you think,
That could have been
My brother...
The answer is- you can't.
That innocence is gone
And it can never come back.

I send all my hopes and prayers and condolences to his family and friends and everyone who knew him and was involved.
 Dec 2013 Emily Rene
Gay thoughts,
Gay actions,
Bi me.
I think.
I have gay thoughts,
And gay actions,
But I also have straight thoughts...
Just not straight actions.
Because it sickens me,
With most guys,
When they hold me,
I want to pull away.
People just cant understand,
Or they don't want to.
I may like a guy,
But I want the warm,
And soft embrace,
Of a girl.
Let's see, where do I begin?
I ****** man-made ****** with the tip of a pen
Suddenly, ink burst all ova me Started to struggle see,
Karma came back just to smother me

It's snowing hard outside, but my heart stays colder
I'll snort a couple lines, cause I never stay sober
I'll take your little bars and straight up turn them over
Then whoop up on there *** cause I'm wiser and I'm older

See me in the cut, then you see me on the scene,
See me in the club, makin all these ******* cream
I'm an in-depth poet, then I am a rapper
I know you may not knows, bruh, you're a lyrical disaster
Your rhymes are inferior, a freshman to a senior,
How about you look straight down and bow to your superior

Got a mac ten up inside of my trench coat,
**** a trap whip, *****, I got a trap boat
Come up in my house, then I'll throw you in the moat
****** with my money, then my knife is atcho throat
I'll make you choke on all your vain insecurities
Your final words will be "Please, stop, you're hurtin' me!"
A certainty, this homicidal agression
Gonna take over, deep fry your ***, served with a blood dressin'
Done alot of ****** up ****, won't see me confessin'
I don't look up to no god, but I'm still countin' all my blessins
I'll end this verse, put you in the back of a hearse
I know your mind is blown, but ****, it could be worse
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