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Mar 2017 · 261
little lies
Emily Crews Mar 2017
little lies become

big bruises, become

stashed secrets, become

****** sheets...again, become

tearful apologies, become

“i promise I’ll do better”.

But then

arms that held you become

arms that push, becomes

head first down the stairs, become

broken ribs, become

ER visits full of

little lies.
Feb 2017 · 355
Emily Crews Feb 2017
There are days when I swear I am a hundred feet tall.
And then there are days when I swear the world has slipped out
      from underneath my feet.
God help me be enough for me
Because I can't keep ******* in water every time I try to breathe.
Mar 2015 · 296
Wake Up
Emily Crews Mar 2015
But I can’t sleep.
I am terrified
Because every time I let
My eyelids fall shut
You are there.
A daydream
Once, now you are a nightmare.
I can no longer find
In your arms.
Clung too tightly
To the bottle and to her
(I bet you thought I didn’t know).
As you were,
Now I am haunted too.
Takes new form
On the bathroom floor
Pills keep me awake
Keep me awake
Keep me awake.
Jan 2015 · 206
Emily Crews Jan 2015
Take your lovely words and go
Just go.
I have no need for your pretty goodbyes
Pretty lies.
Jan 2015 · 323
Drunk Again
Emily Crews Jan 2015
I'm drunk
And I know I said
I wouldn't call
**** it
I miss you
If I'm being honest
I don't
Know how to
Be me
Dec 2014 · 294
Emily Crews Dec 2014
She told me empty wasn't a feeling.

Empty is the feeling at the bottom of every bottle,
Its the tone on the other end of the line.
Its the cold side of the bed
That I'm afraid to sleep on anymore
Empty is the feeling I get every time the door closes
Its Ed Hardy cologne and nikes.
Its love notes that I still find in my truck.

She told me empty wasn't a feeling.
Dec 2014 · 411
Dark You
Emily Crews Dec 2014
Last night I saw the dark you again.
You talked of girls, ex lovers
And ghosts.
You clung to the bottle
Like it was all you had left in this world
While I held your hand.
I'm terrified of your scars
And what they might mean.
I'm learning that you are broken
beyond repair.
I can't kiss your broken heart back together
But I promise not to leave.
Nov 2014 · 236
Emily Crews Nov 2014
I caved and drunk called you again last night.
"i dont think i can i ever stop loving you"
I know you cradled the phone like you used to hold me
You whispered "its ok. everything is ok"
And I cried.
Feb 2014 · 273
Untitled Thoughts
Emily Crews Feb 2014
And in that moment
I held the ocean in my palms.
Feb 2014 · 524
Can't You See I Miss You?
Emily Crews Feb 2014
It's raining, and you're gone again.
I never noticed how sad that song is,
Until it was playing in the rain
As I drove away,
With you in my rear view for the last time.
I have this dream
You chase after me
Begging me not to go.
My truck creaks when you aren't in the passenger seat. Singing along to that song.
Sometime I wish you wrote sad peotry too.
About me, writing about you.
Feb 2014 · 295
Just Words
Emily Crews Feb 2014
Hold me like you'll never let go
Whisper I love you's,
You don't have to mean them
It's like we're little kids again
Because I know that you're just
Playing pretend, playing pretend
Playing pretend.

— The End —