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 Mar 2013 Emerald
Nik Bland
So September never came
And the wind it blew the cold
And the embers, they did fade
And so did the day, but never my hold

And the lightning split the sky
With the thunder quick at hand
And together they did tell of the time they knew well
When September did fade

But fate failed to explain
What good it would do to pass
The September when leaves fall, and the winter would call
To the summer that went away

So we waited other years
In earnest hopes that we would find
That September skipped a year, but would relinquish our fears
But never the hold

And so hope did fade away
With a modest, short goodbye
And though September never came, what still kept the same
Was the embers in our hold
these lilttle pretty boy's with there ugly *** hearts
talkin this crap not even one clapp, taahaha :P and there thinkin there slick ,. pshhh
ther'e not even fit nd there lookin like ****, rude ******* madee sick
there words arn't right nd they sound oh so white I'm so down to fight nd show emm whats right like seriously dude I'm a girl nd I'm suren i'd kick assss all they'ed have left is a little ***** classs.
like seriously who tha **** likes an ******* that's stuck the fukk up
excuse me every one my mom just got me these tite *** aeropostale ******* cause i aint got no man junk .
it's a pain jammed in my *** so Ill just cover it up with bein a big O'l prickk nd sayin I'm better. nd Thinkin i'm bigger .
you're in way but I'm seein yuhr play
that diss you just made just made chu look gay! ;P
like i just said snitch,
Get out nd go figgurrr,
take that crap with ya we don't want yur linger
if ya look backk ***** i'll show you my finger
 Mar 2013 Emerald
I saw her there
and stood amazed

Her beauty pierced me soul
and could not cease

My only fear-
I cannot tell Birds from Bees
'Nother quick write. Writer's block dissappears and I reappear, though only for a short time.
 Mar 2013 Emerald
Dumm                                                             ­                        Dumm
------------------------Dumm--------------- |--------------Dumm--------------------------|
              Dumm­                                                                 ­                    Dumm


The same ol' sound every hour on the hour from my grandfather clock.
 Mar 2013 Emerald
As the green fields of desire turn to dust,
And the shining armor is covered in rust,
Cynicism catches reality with her embrace,
While hope takes one last bow in grace.
All that is left is a harsh, crooked grin,
Served by despair who knows he’ll win.
Though his diamonds will leave you shivery,
He is now your finest piece of jewelry.

When taking that frightening leap in tears,
You hear the cries of devotion so near.
In the dark, misgiving cradles your head,
They are dying, these words you left unsaid.
Faith is the light trying to break through,
Yet the choir of doubts still leaves you blue.
Anger and bitterness will claim what’s yours,
Forcing patience to leave these shores.

Looking upon someone you wish you were,
You turn your head away from the blur.
Sweet affection held your hand for a while;
Now regret will walk you down the aisle.
But you request oblivion to stroke your mind,
Yet his stubborn being is not too kind.
Emptiness however is such a fine gentleman,
In him you find your trust to be genuine.
The title for this one is just a working title until I can come up with something better.
 Feb 2013 Emerald
Zac Carlson
I rise from smooth bright rays on the good days
On the lesser days I have to know
The sun still shines bright behind dark clouds

Rays burn ******* my wet skin
The warmth is all I have when wearing so thin

Today I am washing away
Memories in my mind
That couldn't always find the way

Now the radio reads afternoon
But I can’t tune
It's fuzz
If I can’t find it, who does?

I close my eyes and hand over my day to my bed
Dreams a sweet gift for my troubled head

Morning comes
It’s a new fight
Confident the sun’s going to shine bright
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