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 Feb 2013 Emerald
Sean C Johnson
The innate understanding we were a fragment of a memory
an ash that never became a phoenix
you were the disconnect that existed between us
seconds became minutes, minutes became countless hours
where the black hole of your soul would devour
all the light gleaming from a young boy's eyes so full of desperation of your acceptance
all this time saying your name with the most respectful taste of reverence
regarding every letter with such esteem that I only uttered it when the wind would cease
allowing every syllable to release
with such crisp and pure annunciation, so unmistakable from other words stammered in my speech
I gave you everything, not in the tangible sense of the meaning
every ounce and fiber of my being
now the tears that roll from my weathered cheeks seem as if tokens of a past that never existed between us
I was the ash that never became a phoenix
never thriving in the fires of discontent and a past in flames
I  pray for the wind so I may never speak your name...
 Feb 2013 Emerald
We share our intimate verbiage
Tearful, tortured souls are bared
Ripples of poetry reverberate  
Through myths and muse and fears

Who are these mysterious poets
With whom we write and laugh
Some could be different than they claim
A dark catfish in a poet’s guise
Worse, others playing nefarious games

Shall mysterious friends be trusted
We don’t even know genuine names
Yet, I declare, my mysterious friends
Names, ages, and past do not hinder me
We can hide our facts and our faces
Yet poet friends we will truly be

We’ve known people for many years
Spent hours on trivial small talk
We don’t know who they really are
We’ve shared poems in anonymity
Yet we’ve bled more deeply by far

To all mysterious friends, poets one and all
No need to inspect you face to face
To trust you with my naked soul!
 Jan 2013 Emerald
These blocks are thick

I cannot see through

Tip o' the tongue

Far from the eye

Oh! But then begins
flourishing thoughts
like a...
             like a...
                          like a...
 Dec 2012 Emerald
I sit on this island                                                           ­                                                 I sit on this boat
             ill-equipped                                                     ­                                                   ill-equipped
 ­        How I got here?                                                            ­                                        How I got here?
             well... by ship                                                                                             ­     island trip...        
         I simply stare out                                                              ­                               I gaze upon the
                   upon the sea                                                              ­                            empty sea
             No ounce of hope                                                             ­                          All out of faith
                         left for me                                                               ­                     inside of me
                  I think of times                                                            ­                   I recall the time
                   away from land                                                             ­               earth so grand
                        My tears drop                                                             ­           Sobbing quietly
                         splash on sand                                                             ­        into my hand
                     Huh? What's that!?                                                           ­ Wait! Is it true!?
                                           could it be?                                            more than sea?
                                 Swimming, swimming                           Rowing, rowing
                                                          ­      hurriedly            steadfastly
                                                  ­                       SHIP!  LAND!
                                                           ­                    I'm free!
                                                           ­                         ...
Quick write... Hope yall's get it.
 Dec 2012 Emerald
Tom Orr
Not about love or life.
Not about sun and snow.
Not about hate or politics.
What more ought we know.

Not philosophy, psychology or history.
Nor horror, adventure or mystery.
Whether on sea or land,
it will not stand
in the vast oak court of reality.
 Dec 2012 Emerald
Spencer Kilpat
I listen for you, dreamer.
It’s lovely to hear what you remember at night.

Remember and see, dreamer.
See me dance through blissful memories that delight.

Sweet memories true, dreamer.
Relive them, smile, but hold on to what, this night?

Hold tightly to me, dreamer.
Humbly, it’s all I dare desire… your light.
---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---  
My heart? Uplifted, by internal song.
Melodies, until now, have been quite wrong.
Standing alone as the wind whips my face
Leave me be I'm happy in this place.


Silent tortures haunt my soul
Wicked beauties you'll never know.

Naked truth.
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