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I glance in your direction
You look up to meet my gaze
We hold it for a moment
But I break what seemed to last for days
In fear you knew of my affection

I don't know HOW I looked away
But I did, even though I got lost in your eyes so blue
At any other time to look away would have seemed impossible
I guess I thought you would have seen-
What my eyes seemed to say

Yet I still seem to turn from you
But with a small smile on my face
As I think 'did you like me? -
Even in this case?
Did you have these feelings too?
Your Approach...

Mine eyes behold
The view you're gracing
Your beauty unfold
My heart starts racing

Your Encroah...

The tension grows
While towards pacing
Your radiance flows
It's fear I'm bracing

My Abroach...

The entrancement
Has my mind failing
Your smile's enhancement
Sends my heart sailing

My Reproach...

I'm Insecure
My secret endure
I carry in my heart hope of a better day,  
Where  people are free from oppression and children are out of harms way,  

I carry in my heart fantasies of a fearless day,
Where life is deemed as precious  and knives are locked away,

I carry In my heart faith in a new day,
Where compassion and warmth are embedded into the hearts that are led astray

I carry in my heart dreams of a summers day,
Where the sky is the bluest blue and the sun is shining away,

I carry In my heart aspirations of a brand new day,  
Where possessions are valued less than a heart that won't betray,

I carry in my heart belief in a perfect day...
Where every waking moment can take my breath away.
 Dec 2011 Elouise Roux
I know the way you held the tears in,
How they swam like an ocean in your eyes,
But still you would not let them fall,
Didn't want anyone to see you cry.

And I know now why you kept such a straight face,
You told me one night when we were drunk.
You said that people look ugly when they cry,
And that you didn't want to ruin your make-up.

But your face wasn't all that crumpled on that cold December night,
No, you went flying through the wind shield,
there was no beauty, no dignity in that lost fight,
On the night that you were killed.

And I wish I could say that they miss you now,
But truth is you're just another pretty face,
Forgotten almost as soon as you hit the ground,
Almost a week from that cold December day.

So I'll write another poem about your vanity,
The price you paid to keep your pain in,
But I cannot write about beauty you see,
Because the line between beauty and tragedy,
Is only paper thin...
the snow has melted
in a midwinter thaw
exposing all the lies
you left so carelessly
in the garden
i see them scattered about
before the breeze
as i look out the kitchen window
i catch them in the yard
trying to pretend that
no one can see them
where they rest.
something has led us
to this day
chasing your lies
out on the lawn
cleaning up after you
but if we left them
until the spring
what kind of bitter
**** might grow
to choke the garden
with their nettles
Don’t know how we’ve don’t without it….,

But there’s no doubt about it….,

We’re stuck with The Gift And The Curse Of Technology….,

It’s a sick situation…., both a jinx and an inspiration….,

But we’re stuck with The Gift And The Curse Of Technology.

Hour after hour…., day after day….,

You find yourself…., unable to stay away….,

From the The Gift And The Curse Of Technology….,

Our computer…., our Mobile phone….,

Are just two examples of….,

The Gift And The Curse Of Technology….! ! ! !
I never expted that I would fall in love with you
before we could ever see how we would be together
before I really had enough time to tell you how I feel
our time has come to an end before it started
I put off telling you that I love you and want to be with you forever
but since you tried to help a freind our time has been cut short
I keep telling myself its not to late to tell you but im not
the one who can deside that now so tell me is it to late
to tell you that I Love You
The first time my heart was broken,
I thought I was through.
I swore I’d never love again,
until I found you.
You are the one who makes me complete,
the one I think about everyday.
Every time I’m near you,
I start falling in more than one way.
You may not know this,
but you’ve always had my heart.
I just wanted you to know,
that I’ve loved you from the start.
You make my heart beat faster,
with every breath I take.
I know I’m in love with you,
Trust me, this is not fake.
The first time I fell in love,
She ripped my heart in two.
Forgive me if I seem scared,
I just don’t want to lose you.
The first time my heart was broken,
I thought I was through.
I swore I’d never love again,
until I found you…
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