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Elise Jan 2014
This darkness that's engulfed our youth
will one day be devoured by the light
that is slowly being discovered,
through words of hope and love and wonder,
where strength is found in turmoil,
where mistakes were once taken for weakness,
the children of today will blossom,
and create a safer world for the children of tomorrow.
Elise Jan 2014
They say, "they're just words,"
and they say, "they're just numbers,"
so then why the hell do I feel myself getting older,
and why the **** can I feel your rhymes in my bones?

They may be just words,
and they may be just numbers,
but they are killing me,
thinning my skin right down to my bones,
shedding off layers until there's nothing left,
my mind is a mess I can't make it stop,
this illness consumes me and leaves me
able to consume nothing at all
except all of those words and all of those numbers.

Sadly, I am those words, I am those numbers.
Elise Dec 2013
She had the soul of an untamed lioness,
wild, free, on the prowl,
not for prey to satisfy,
but for beating hearts to rip out.
To chew it up between her teeth,
she chose mine to take the beating,
smiling all the while,
never swallowing that part of me down,
heart strings played like harp chords
between her jaw's steel grip,
she'll rip me apart
and I'll love every bit.
Dec 2013 · 2.4k
Power & Control
Elise Dec 2013
The overwhelming sensation that takes over my body
when I am no longer in control
but knowing that she has everything under control
is the sexiest feeling my body has known.
this might be edited.
Dec 2013 · 439
Don't hurt too much.
Elise Dec 2013
I was angry at you for a while,
really very angry,
and that blinded me from all that you are,
that blinded me from all that I love,
now today I passed that anger,
today I grew to be content,
and now I miss you,
miss you so much,
I know I don't need you,
I've been just fine without you,
but I want to be there,
I want to.
I miss you.
My friend.
Elise Dec 2013
I hope you are fast asleep in your warm and cozy bed,
I'll send happy thoughts your way,
I can't tell you myself since you walked away.
Dec 2013 · 1.6k
Sleepy Eyes
Elise Dec 2013
My sleepy eyes search for hers,
as my arm reaches across the empty bed
and I find the pillow still indented from her pretty head.

A hollowness instantly makes my stomach tight,
afraid she's gone without any goodbye,
without her cuddles, I would die.

In this moment I hate the white of the sheets
no longer stained with shadows of her bodies curve,
the sun even shining displays its nerve.

Footsteps in the hall give my heart a start,
the door swings slowly open and a smile forms
as her lips part.

My arms reach out, my lips don't move,
from her throat soft giggles rise
and I feel her light touch my sleepy eyes.

The crisp air sends goosebumps to cover my body,
as she pulls off the blanket to get back into bed,
I pull her in close and turn blue into red.
i still have writer's block.
Elise Nov 2013
I found strength
in all the pain that you caused.
Nov 2013 · 588
You have no power over me.
Elise Nov 2013
For a second I understood what it felt like to be a drum
with an empty center that reverberated every time it was hit
just so everyone else could enjoy the music.

But now I see the drum for all that it is
it is not just emptiness
it creates that sound
it moves people
it evokes emotion

I am the drum
I am the whole drum
I am not defined by the emptiness
pounding me no longer wounds me
now I can listen to the music
now I am strong.
Nov 2013 · 319
Elise Nov 2013
death would erase all the pain from my face
that is hidden under a mask by day
and revealed  in the mirror at night when i cry
Nov 2013 · 4.2k
Elise Nov 2013
put out my light
put out my light
as Othello did to Desdemona
no crimson painted on porcelain skin
from false betrayal found within.

put out my light
put out my light
allow my body to sink in the deep
my skin will shimmer under pulsing tide
only a ghost, my guiltless soul has died.

put out my light
put out my light
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
For the earth.
Elise Nov 2013
This skin is alive,
but I wish it were rotting
beneath the soil,
roots forming between
my rib cage,
rain draining the blood
from my veins,
birds stealing hair for
their chickadees pillows,
insects burrowing behind
old kneecaps.

*This life has no meaning so I give my life to those who could use it.
Nov 2013 · 384
Elise Nov 2013
Fallen steps,
a fallen angel,
broken wings,
loss of self,
tired eyes,
pulsing heart,
needy limbs,

where is home?
Nov 2013 · 626
Fleeting Focus.
Elise Nov 2013
Resting my head on my hand,
the ticking of my watch takes my
focus away from my lonely heartbeat.

*Tick, tock, tick...
Elise Nov 2013
So that my soul may burn bright like the sun,
eternally revolving in its orbit,
sharing its warmth with everyone its light does touch,
I open my heart and my mind without reason,
except that the love that exists in the universe may only be
created by those who embrace all that comes with it,
and I let in the pain so that I can share the love that I learn.

*Let me be the match to your gasoline-soaked soul.
Nov 2013 · 569
Elise Nov 2013
"You'll catch your death," she said as I swam into the cold ocean.
"I hope I do," I replied as I let myself fall beneath the surface.
Nov 2013 · 373
Time Away.
Elise Nov 2013
"I love you too.  I'll miss you.  We'll talk soon."
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Elise Nov 2013
I am a man on a lonely raft,
dehydrated in the middle of the open ocean
I float on.
You are the sparkling saltwater,
enticing me, crystal clear.
*If I indulge, I'll die.
If I resist, I'll die.
Nov 2013 · 11.8k
Anorexic Hearts
Elise Nov 2013
The birds fly free over the oceans surface,
circling the waters edge.
          You are the ocean and I am the bird,
          I may take the plunge, but you have
          to be willing to supply a fish.

Without you I would starve.
Nov 2013 · 2.2k
Handwritten Galaxies
Elise Nov 2013
When I look at your poems
sprawled out on the page,
my eyes form constellations
out of periods and comets out of commas.

*Writing to rid yourself of the pain,
light shines through at the ending of each rhyme.
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
An Act of Contrition
Elise Nov 2013
God, save my soul,
I'm guilty of the crimes I've been accused,
as my sentence, I confess my sins, give into my pride.
I'll leave you in the morning, like an act of suicide,
a constant burden turns into your heavy loss.
Your trust in me was betrayed the moment I said I'd stay,
out of respect, all that's left is to walk away.
Nov 2013 · 482
A love poem.
Elise Nov 2013
The light from the hallway filters into the room,
and all I can think of is always you.
The light to my dark, you could light up the sky,
your beauty which has no reason or rhyme.
Elise Oct 2013
Through your fingertips I feel your soul,
the sensation sends my blood surging through my veins,
straight into my beating heart.
I will rip my chest open,
cracking through my ribs,
and let my intoxicated blood rush into the palms of my hungry hands,
just so I can have a taste of your sweet, sweet spirit.
Oct 2013 · 699
Devotion to Darkness
Elise Oct 2013
The sun masks the darkness of the earth,
just as her beauty masks the darkness of her soul,
blinded by the light, she cowers away in fear of reality,
******* the life out of her by rejecting what's true.
There is no balance that she seeks,
heavy shadows are cast over her eyes,
blocking the world from seeing her soul,
refusing to let in the light.
She let's herself be free,
takes off her clothes to be caressed by gloom,
dances by herself with ease,
and in the dark, illuminates.
Without the light she learns her way,
finds herself within her soul,
sees what's true, blindness succumbed,
she has become completely devoted to darkness.
Elise Oct 2013
Slicing my arm open,
what a lovely thought,
red blood oozing out of every cut.
But i'll never have the courage,
instead i'll lay and dream,
pretending death will soon come,
whispering in my ear,
as I walk into the city street,
standing in the middle with no fear.
Oct 2013 · 1.8k
Icicles of Sinews.
Elise Oct 2013
I need you.  You have invaded my heart
like an army looking for bloodshed in the
most important battle of the war.
You have left my heart ripped open,
dripping the hot blood of the most crimson
red the world has ever seen.
My veins are reworking themselves to spell
out your name.  Look closely,
you can see them through my translucent skin.

I'm reaching out for you but the air is cold.
The oxygen that fills my lungs smells of only ice.
No one is near, you're so far away.
I can't stay with you.  You are warm, I am cold.
You're wrapped up and I'm abandoned.
You sleep well with the ghost of another,
I don't sleep. Empty spaces in my bed,
empty spaces in my heart.

Don't talk to me like that; I can't take it.
I fall.  Don't talk to me.  I can't take it.
I fall. Each word that comes out of your mouth.
I trip on it, I lose my grip. I fall. My balance lost
forever with you. I fall. I'm in love. I fell.
And i'm still so cold.
And my heart is still bleeding.
Oct 2013 · 875
Elise Oct 2013
...and now i'm searching within myself to find my deficits,
you seem to have spotted them easily,
like laced cobwebs along untouched bookshelves.
You say our pieces don't fit together,
we're both puzzles but i'm from the wrong box,
mostly scattered along the dusty shelf.
Oct 2013 · 635
Elise Oct 2013
As a bird sings in the heat of summer,
confident and proud with balanced harmony,
free to fly on the breeze so slight,
so does her laugh ringing true to her spirit's light,
the passion inside of her burning so bright.

As the sea rises and falls like the moon each day,
bringing forth the sun to reveal flowers blooming on trees,
petals fall effortlessly from each outstretched branch,
just as her eyelids, fluttering shut with silent dreams,
as the night begins and moonbeams fill her face with ease.
this was meant to be added to but no words seem right so i will leave it like this for now. i will still post it though. this is from weeks ago.
Oct 2013 · 301
Elise Oct 2013
Wrap your arms around me,
fill my body with warmth.
Oct 2013 · 880
Your body feeds your soul.
Elise Oct 2013
Your body is the poem,
written for the soul,
though these thoughts may escape you,
this is what makes you whole.

Your toes find comfort when they're buried in the sand,
your heels provide strength when you feel you can no longer stand.

Your knees are there to break your fall,
your legs keep you moving; walk proud and tall.

Your hips carry your body to music in the night,
your tummy releases butterflies when lovers unite.

Your chest holds the ***** that loves the world so fully,
your throat provides conversation when you are scared and lonely.

Your lips find sweetness in that sinful drink,
your eyes reveal the universe between every blink.

Your body is the poem,
written for the soul,
remember to nourish it,
take over control.
eating disorders.
Oct 2013 · 487
Contradicted Conversations
Elise Oct 2013
Gone, gone, gone.
         Here, here, here.
         Don't leave me.
I'm not
         You're thinking about it.
         You promised.
I promised.
You promised.
Never enough, never enough.*

Stay                                    *I have to walk away
my mind was a mess in class today so that is where these poems came from. scribbles in my notebook.
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
One-Sided Conversations.
Elise Oct 2013
You stopped talking to me., really talking.
Where are you?
        Where did you go?
How could you leave
         without actually leaving me?
i just want back in your head.
Oct 2013 · 443
I miss you.
Elise Oct 2013
My lungs burn with the scent of your skin:
      on the subway train, no room to move,
      at midnight, on the pillow beside mine,
      slapping me in the face on city streets,
      eating lunch by myself, choking down the last bite,
I'd rather not breathe at all
      than be forced to breathe you in when you're not around.
Oct 2013 · 732
Elise Oct 2013
What do we know of that is infinite?

                My love for you,
                the time I want to spend with you,
                the way I gaze at you as you pretend not to notice,
                the laughter shared when our bodies have lost the energy necessary to form coherent sentences,
                your apologies for things that never need apologies,
                how you accuse me of passing judgement when in reality every detail of you that I discover sends my heart into shock,
                your scent,
I want your scent in my lungs *infinitely
Oct 2013 · 271
Elise Oct 2013
No, I'm here.*

          That's not what I want to hear,
          what if it's never enough for me?
Oct 2013 · 2.0k
Elise Oct 2013
Caught in a web made of thread spun from criticism and regret,
arachnids leisurely devouring skin from exposed bone,
a life made from those who have chided every step,
no escaping the entanglement,
no shelter from the ones who are meant to render love,
instead only malice is displayed over actions they refuse to forget.

Searching hopelessly for love on abandoned webs,
finding only others broken who were lost in translation,
the foul scent of decaying bodies ripped apart,
giving their lives to those who broke them down,
rotting skeletons of memories shattered on cobwebs undusted,
coming alive and putting faith in others broken who can be trusted.
Oct 2013 · 471
Bring it on
Elise Oct 2013
She sees me as a threat,
I can't stop smiling.
Elise Oct 2013
I want to go home
but today home walked away.
Oct 2013 · 761
My Poem's Rhyme.
Elise Oct 2013
Another poet's words slammed into our faces,
crushing our bones with truths held like fire,
a burn on the hand but worth every sting,
running in circles from thoughts we can't speak of,
knowing what the other is feeling,
why can't I hold you when inside you're weeping?

We connect, you can't deny it,
arms brushing one against the other,
heat surging rebuilding shattered ribs,
sewing my lungs back in,
allowing me to breathe again.

Reverberating words from raw poetry in our heads,
I  can see it in your face, the relevance they had,
you lie falling next to me, I know they're still there,
why are you letting her get you down when you know i'm right here?

Dreams overtake you, dead asleep in the night,
the darkness can't consume all of your light,
you're safe with me as we loll asleep,
my fingers laced in your hair to wake you from dreaming.

Don't leave me now,
your scent lingers in the air,
i'll stay cuddled in this blanket forever,
i'll pretend that you're there.

The echo of your words keeps me warm in my slumber,
like the poems we silently cried together over.
Oct 2013 · 694
Before you.
Elise Oct 2013
I need 10,000 tomorrows
to make up for wasted yesterdays.
Oct 2013 · 693
Elise Oct 2013
You told me ghosts are make-believe,
but how can you dismiss this feeling of emptiness,
a hollowness that grates itself against my bones,
sending surges of unspoken pain through every limb,
rupturing the veins that keep me alive,
you have left and now i'm deprived.

The ghost of you remains in my mind,
your scent lingers in the air wherever I go,
i'm still finding your hair laced carefully across pillowcases,
your shirt lies on my cold, hard floor,
my arms ache with longing,
yet you say ghosts don't exist,
and I have lost my sense of belonging.
Oct 2013 · 790
Elise Oct 2013
I never needed to touch her
to learn her soul.
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
October 12, 1964
Elise Oct 2013
The one constant in life,
raised by the strong and the bold,
standing up to those who aimed to shoot her down,
never giving up, always giving her all,
continuing step after step after each hard fall.

The generosity beheld,
selfless to those who needed a hand,
just a call away for loved ones shaken from life's unyielding grip,
never rejecting an opportunity to be a shoulder to cry on,
looking up to those cherished friends who she so easily came upon.

The love shared with those around her,
without judgement or criticism,
revealing a half-witted sense of humor,
making fun out of uncomfortable situations,
sometimes embarrassing for her closest relations.

She taught me what I know today,
strength, ambition, selflessness, love,
coming from a line of strong women like no one's ever seen before,
passed from mother to daughter, generation to generation,
filling me immensely with adoration.

my mother,
who learned from the best; Emilia, who built unbreakable bonds.
Now passing that way of life onto her daughters;
Eryn and Elise.
The strongest women you will ever meet,
setting us up to accomplish remarkable feats.
Happy Birthday, Mom.
Elise Oct 2013
She makes me feel beautiful,
slowly revealing her limitless soul.
Oct 2013 · 3.6k
Together we can do anything.
Elise Oct 2013
...and I love you so much,
I want to keep you safe,
your words are protected with me,
no harm will come your way,
and if it does we will battle each demon,
together we will fight them down,
our hands may get ******,
we may gain some scars,
but at the end of the day
we will be the ones on top,
i'll kiss yours, you'll kiss mine,
battle scars of silver lines,
history in flesh of our own battles,
together in our passion filled life.
Oct 2013 · 403
Maybe, hopefully.
Elise Oct 2013
Five days from now
we will be together
sitting in a dark room
spotlight shining from behind
listening to another poet's rhyme
maybe some sparks will fly.
I am taking her to see Andrea Gibson though.
Oct 2013 · 504
I am nothing.
Elise Oct 2013
Lying in the grass,
gloomy skies above,
feelings of emptiness,
eyes don't focus,
staring blankly,
not even staring,
drops of rain fall from the sky,
not feeling them hit your skin,
not even flinching,
I am nothing.
Oct 2013 · 248
you gave it to me.
Elise Oct 2013
'My heart was cold but then...'
it's in my hands.
Oct 2013 · 781
Heavenly Body.
Elise Oct 2013
She thinks she is a ghost
but she cannot see that her body carries
the soul that nourishes the universe from within.
Oct 2013 · 444
Elise Oct 2013
Each adventure I dream up in my head
means nothing to me if you aren't resting next to me
each night under the stars
drawing lines from minute to second, star to star.
Oceans may separate our bodies like magnets opposing each pole,
but our souls will never part, forever intertwined,
our history is written between celestial bodies,
shining in a sea of blackness,
we meet again when salt dissolves,
our tears will stop,
the ocean runs dry,
we run to each other,
look up at the sky, hand in hand,
memories painted upon midnight's canvas,
the moon as our witness,
we reconnect,
let the journey take us to where we end up next.
i have massive writers block. i'm sorry for so much writing on stars. she reminds me of the stars though. when i think of her i think of the stars. usually it's the other way around. but she is special. and i know this poem may not make sense to you, but for me it does. and i am writing for me. so here it is.
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