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So i'm in this room,
these guys all wink,
hella dumb said pink in the stink,
when I focus they go
      Hocus -pocus,
    side tract mind cracked,
mind lost,
     double trouble.
I'm in math can't help but laugh
cause two plus two means me plus you, ? O.o
your just so funny,
  lol I'm not your'e honey,
your so cheezy and your'e hair is greesy.
Only girl,
And i'm the ****,
cause these boys can't take a hit,
bitchen. Bitchen hissy fit,
why there hear,
well babysit...
Sorrows of the past,
litte scatters think out fast.
I really am a rapper,
my lips blow out what matter,
happy make you sadder,
feal you up to climb this latter,
as a quick word just wanna be heard
know whats left so we take you down the right turn,
if you wanna talk **** I feal ya on a real burn,
If you gonna be true,
you sure gonna be seen through.
don't believe free?
what ever go deceive me,.
young at heart with that tid of stupity,
bein flung takin risks, Makin tunes tradin disks.
hear my bass nd my boom melted face is in the room,
Mmmm...!! Shiiiit ;)
Jesse  *Mckush
When was the last time I saw you?
We've been long overdue
Losing our time to talk with each other
You've been locked up by your mother
I wonder what girl I’ll be talking to
It sometimes felt old and new

I guess I deserve the bad side
Our love, we shared had died
What can I do but listen to the pain?
I’ve never felt so much shame
Maybe if I write you one happy story
You’d feel a little bundle of glory
Recognizing the good I can do
You never came to appreciate the new
I felt so alone and cold
Maybe happiness will help the old
Hoping one day you’d read it
Just feeling one ounce of bright lit
Sharing that old soft smile of yours again

I hope you enjoy the tales
I write these under tired pales
Endless nights of rewrites
Kind of like spiraling kites
Tangled up and floating away
Every day, day after day
I write a hundred words down
There is no better way for a fool and his crown
The truth is I write because of you
You never make feel so blue
I’ll sit here at these keyboards
Trying to hold onto all of these musical chords
This is my best way of showing I love you
But all of this will come to drown
This is just my wishful spirit typing these memories down
- T.G.
 May 2013 Elijah Clark
I built a Berlin Wall around my heart.
Not to keep others out,
but to keep myself in.
I built the walls higher
until no light could get in
and I stayed there.
I may have been alone
but at least I was safe.
Safe from you and your sugar coated words and electric touch.
Protected from the lies that seeped from between your lips,
and god, just your lips.
I kept myself away from your impish charm and devilish smile.
I had to,
I couldn’t let you in
Because when you broke me the first time
I could hardly manage
to pick up the fragments
and build them into something that at least resembled the girl I had been before.
A shell of what it was.
I added armour.
Heavy chainmail to keep me away from your beckoning embrace.
Was it worth it?
I’m not sure.
But the over flow of emotions
that I swam through every time I saw you
was drowning me.
So I built a raft and let it take me away.
I put myself here but now I’m trapped,
stuck in my own mind and stuck in my own heart.
It’s a terrible place to be.
Trust me,
you wouldn’t want to be here with me.
 May 2013 Elijah Clark
I'm not a poet. I'm just a writer trying
to find a place to rest my pen
somewhere between the sonnets
and the story books

The ink runs dry and the pages
o v e r f l o w
but from which end,
I just don't know
Tap, tap, tap.
These repetitive little things
repeatedly annoy me.
They tap and tap and tap,
and my blood begins to boil.

Tap, tap, tap.
It's like it echos in my head,
like whispers that emit
in a room that makes no noise.
And I am tired of the-
tap, tap, tap.
It drives me crazy, and,
i cannot control it.
I have a problem,
with authority.
I don't like to be controlled.
And when the tap comes tapping back,
I cannot sit at all.
It stirs me like a coffee cup and
throws me like a switch.
It's like a faulty bungee jump
or a clock that only ticks.
It's only getting worse.
I contract, with the-
tap tap tap*-
and I can't control myself.
So stop the tap, tap, tap,
or maybe I'll stop it for you.
Because once the demons rise in me,
the anxiety builds a wall,
and it won't control the things I'd wish to do at all.
 May 2013 Elijah Clark
Life was easy before

There wasn't a

To fill.

Life was easy before

There wasn't a

To break.

Life was easy before:

Fading idols

Life­ was easy before all of that.

Instead of a simple life
Our society bogs us down with
New things to make our leaves easier

But the truth still stands behind;
Lingering on doorsteps,
Behind the television set,
Underneath our persian silk sheets,
Even underneath the sidewalk
We walk upon to work.

The truth is still there,
With a blank stare,
Holding a smirk as old as time.

Gadgets gear us towards the idea of immortality
That we are the mighty Gods now
But all we need to be reminded of our dispensability
Is a little rain
A little shake
A little gust of wind
And our gadgets and selves will just wash away

Don't let me stray into those matters
Evolution always has me worried
Envy of not seeing man at their newest, their best
Holding the gates of my eyelids open
So to see the break of the waves blue white breast

Atonement in these times generously dispensed
But everyone remembers a face
The way the iron clad soldiers forget is through
Further ******, hoping to one day die themselves
To be truly forgotten is the greatest of miseries
Never having lived means to never have existed

Our footprints are getting wider
The trees sway further toward the ground
Exhaustion peels away at me
Like a babies hand would an orange
Barely standing, I go to work to make $50 a day

Expected to live and be grateful
Produces a laughter mixed with mad absurdity
Where are our heroes now?
On the screen? On the stage? In the field? Behind desks?
There is so much to be done and
When all is finished, the hands scabbed and the knees scraped
All of it will be in vain

Though, we can say we tried
Rather than sitting on our *****
Watching the clouds burst
And the swirls of sand form a tunnel toward God

Lizards prepare their feast
Buzzards rip the flesh from a fresh carcass
Dung beetles roll their wears to the holy land
And the hope of man breathes in and breathes out

One final time

— The End —