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329 · Oct 2016
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
Enjoy life while you can, Doom is drawing neigh
WAR is in the air, DESTRUCTION from On High

The United States will burn, Damnation she has earned
Righteousness and Truth, she has only spurned

The land of Hedonistic Gluttony of Wanton Greed and Sin
Priests of Molek and of Baal, of  Satan's Kith and Kin

***** and Gomorrah, in comparison they pale
God will not be mocked, very soon you're going to wail
When? Oct 12th would be a good day...why? Figure it out (hint it's 10 Tishrei, 5777) (Lev 23:27)
327 · Dec 2014
You Were Warned
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
A warning has been issued, a warning dire and clear
The breaking of the First Seal, is oh so very near [1]
Ten plus two times twelve, times one thousand more
Souls will soon be sealed, protected from the ***** [2]
The rider on the white horse, on this world he will now prey  
“He who now letteth” has been taken from the way [3]
They’re Elect of God, chosen long ago  
For the Wicked, for the Wicked, sorrow pain and woe  
Seven Seals will now be broken, by the Lamb with seven horns  
This is the Lamb this is the Lamb, the Lamb this world scorns  
Seven Trumpets soon to sound, you cannot stop your ears  
Listen! Listen! Then cry woe and pain and tears  
Seven Vials of Wrath, poured from Vials of Gold  
From the Book of Revelation, this all has been foretold  
You were warned! You were warned! Did you heed one **** bit?  
Forever you will burn, FOREVER in the Pit

[1] Rev 6:2
[2] of Babylon (headquartered in Rome)
[3] 2nd Thess 2:7
325 · Jan 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The time is coming soon, when the mushroom clouds will rise
Atomic Devastation! Right before your eyes
Mega Tons of Death, will rain upon this land
To a cinder you'll be burned, doesn't matter what you've planned
This is the Wrath of God, destruction from on high
Remember ***** and Gomorrah, when the missiles fly
If outright you're not killed, the Fall-Out is for you
You'll last a couple weeks, while ***** you will spew
Then will be the start, of the vision of Saint John
Patmos was the isle, where his vision had its dawn
Did you stop and ponder? Pay one ounce of heed?
Like Hell you did you stupid ***, now you're going to bleed
325 · Dec 2014
The Ark
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
There is an ancient relic, there are claims that it is found
Vanished in the sands of time, an item of renowned
It disappeared some time ago, in Jerusalem it was
Gone but not forgotten, now it sets the world abuzz
A box of gold, in a room, on the Temple Mount
The Ark of God Almighty, to Him you’ll give account
But is it genuine? The “experts” all say yes
The reason for my doubt, I will now address
Bezaleel built the Ark, shittim wood he used
The pattern came from God, Moses was bemused
Pay very close attention, to the plan that came from God
Compare it to this “Ark”, God’s plan will not be flawed
There is a man to come, he sits upon this ark
Shows that he is god, to him you now must hark
For three years and a half, he will have his way
Take his Mark or die, many he will slay
But his end approaches fast, the Lake of Fire does wait
And for all that took his Mark, this will be your fate
324 · Dec 2014
Not Upon a Pyre
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
A subject that is deep
A subject that is dark
The last book of the Bible
Is both grim and stark
It speaks of Seven Seals
Seven Trumpets too
And Seven Vials of Wrath
And all of this is true
This will surly come
Seven years of Woe
John wrote this in a book
He wrote it long ago
There'll be a cleansing made
A cleansing made by fire
Your ******* *** will burn
And not upon a pyre
324 · Dec 2014
It's In The Wrong Place
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Seventy Weeks have been determined [1], Sixty-nine have been fulfilled  
Number seven zero about start, does this make you thrilled?  
Seven years this will  last, the time of Jacob’s trouble  
The Vengeance of the Lord…turn the world into rubble  
There is a town in Israel, Jerusalems’ the name  
In this town there is a place, a place of world fame  
Almighty God has chosen, a place for the Messiah  
The center of the world, the place is Mount Moriah  
Construction soon will start, on Temple number three  
But the place is wrong. This just cannot be  
I will tell you how I know, it’s written plain as day  
A man of old, a holy sage; here’s what he had to say [2]
Sixty chapters he did write, plus another six  
The last chapter read the start, then cross the river Styx

[1] Dan 9:24
[2] Isa 66:1
323 · Mar 2016
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
Do you feel a little knot, in the bottom of your gut?
Do you wonder why, the spring is taken from your strut?
Are you sleeping well? The knot is getting worse?
Will a Doctor tell you, the effects are from a curse?
No you don't believe, that a Force is brought to bear
"Science" has an explanation, you can do without a prayer
You have a PhD, such things are nonsense in your mind
But your blood is running cold, to you this Force will not be kind
323 · Dec 2014
The Flames of War
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
People scurry to and fro, oblivious of Doom
You were warned you were warned...death most certainly does loom
World War 1 is history, 37 million dead
World War 2 was somewhat more, 60 million bled
Another World War, the last one of 3 planned
It is coming soon! The flames of War are fanned
Atomic Bombs and Poison Gas, the Wrath of God poured out
Millions millions milions die, this without a doubt
Pretend it isn't so, keep your head stuck in the sand
You'll be killed and sent to Hell, not the Promise Land
322 · Nov 2014
When? Soon!
Elihu Barachel Nov 2014
The clouds of War do form. Can't see it? Then you're bind
A war like none before...the death of all mankind
WWIII will be, the last one of 3 planed
Soon about to break, the flames of WAR are fanned!
Deep down in a Bunker there is a button that is Red
They can't wait to push this button! Millions millions will be dead
The button launches missiles, tipped with atom bombs
Thousands of them fly, about your death there are no qualms
If you happen to survive, about 3 weeks you have to live
To the fallout you'll succumb, and a **** I do not give
Why don't I give a ****? Because it's the Vengeance of a God
A God who's Wrath is HOT! The one you thought a fraud
321 · Mar 2016
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
I should be in politics, I'd tell a buncha lies
I'd lie my *** right off, I'd win the Nobel Prize
I'll count the votes before you vote, so I'm sure I'll win
All my campaign promises, forget they'd ever been
As soon as I'm in office, my cronies I'll shoe in
I'll ban all graft and greed, except for me and all my kin
321 · Jan 2015
Far and Wide
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The Stench of Death is in the air, the stench of rotting flesh
The prize of WWIII! In this you will enmesh
Celebrate your victory! Glory in your might!
Carnage pain and woe, in these you do delight
You won't need a flashlight, in the dark your *** will glow!
Radiation! Radiation! To Hell you'll say hello
This will soon all come, NOWHERE can you hide
Calamity and Doom, will be felt both far and wide
320 · Dec 2014
Revelation 19:20 [1]
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Enjoy life while you can, for the day is drawing neigh
The day of your demise, the day that you will die
You'll not die in peace, with vengeance you'll be killed
Then you'll go to Hell, on a spit you will be grilled
You will die in agony, your worst nightmare is come true
Abandon ye all hope...when the Gates of Hell pass through
This is what awaits, a fate you cannot change
Forgiveness nevermore, salvation is estranged
The SIN you did commit, guarantees you'll burn in Hell
You took the Mark you took the Mark...burn and wail and yell

[1] Look it up, you dumb *****
I know why I know why, no one comments on my poem
It’s so stark and deep, it cuts you to the bone
You don’t want to hear, you’ll die and burn in Hell
You will burn forever, in a fire you can’t quell
Do I **** you off? Make you **** your pants?
That is my intention…make your skin to crawl with ants
319 · Dec 2014
Want a Drop of Ice Water?
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
One more day one more day, and so the world goes on
A day will come a day will come, when everything is gone
Are you ready for that day, a day of darkness death and gloom?
Grim Reaper comes for you, he will take you to your tomb
Your tomb will be a pile, of red-hot burning coals
Forever there you’ll burn, with all the Heathen souls
Hand and foot you will be bound, you cannot get away
Burning for eternity, you should have learned to pray
Call across the gulf, to Father Abraham
Ask him to send Lazarus…but he doesn’t give a ****
Not a drop of water, for your wretched ***
Your Judgment and Damnation, has finally come to pass
318 · Apr 2015
Elihu Barachel Apr 2015
What words rhyme with "Jade"?
Afraid Betrayed Crusade
What words rhyme with "Helm"?
Realm Whelm and Chinese Elm
What words rhyme with "Civil War"
Death is coming to your door [1]

[1] Jer 51:46
317 · Mar 2016
Weep and Cry
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
Four Riders mount their horses, them you soon will hail
One white, one red, one back, one pail
They have been ordained, for a time a day and hour
That time approaches fast, with fear you're going to cower
When the First Seal breaks, the white horse is the steed
Of the Man of Sin, he's coming with his creed
His "creed" is going to be, take his Mark or die
It's in the Book of it, weep and cry
Go ahead and take his Mark, a little longer you might live
The SIN you just committed, God will not forgive
If it happens that you live, for another seven years
Another Rider on a horse, will **** you without tears
You'll be killed and sent to Hell, forever there you'll burn
The Rider on the True White Horse, you did only spurn
317 · Feb 2015
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
The probability is good, that very soon you’ll die  
Why am I so sure? Here’s the reason why  
History is unfolding, right before our eyes  
It’s following a path, a path of greed and lies  
The Script was written long ago…read the Word of God  
The Book of Revelation, by Him you will be awed  
Not only will you die, you’ll go to Hell and burn  
What God has said, in His Book, you did only spurn  
There's going to be a WAR...the last one of the three  
It’s from the New World Order, they’ll **** you with great glee  
There’re be a world leader, the “Savior” of mankind  
Bow down and worship him…with Damnation you’re aligned
315 · Jan 2015
Chapter 13
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Isaiah was a Prophet, a man of old now gone
What he saw he wrote, his message carries on
What he saw and wrote, God Almighty did reveal
A warning to the World, not to be repealed
One chapter of his Book, addresses US today
Chapter ten plus three, on Doom a short essay
The son of Amoz saw, Destruction Death and Woe
Read this and take heed, through this you're going to go
Not Babylon of old...Babylon today
Not too hard to see, this is the USA
***** and Gomorrah [1], on them did God rain Fire
This is what's to come, Isaiah was no liar

[1] verse 19
312 · Dec 2014
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The last Book of the Bible, a Book of doom and dread
Prophecies of Seven, soon to break upon your head
The Book of Revelation, the Apocalypse of Doom
You’ll most likely die, and be without a tomb
It’s God’s cleansing of the earth, a time of Holy Wrath
Suffering and pain, not the primrose path
Seven Seals Seven Trumpets Seven Vials of Hate
For all the sinners in the world, this is what awaits
When you finally die, you'll be sent to Hell
Forever there you'll burn, FOREVER there you'll dwell
312 · Jan 2015
Call Across The Gulf
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
One more dawn one more day, and so the world continues on
A day will come THE day will come, when everything is gone
Are you ready for that day, a day of Darkness Death and Gloom?
Grim Reaper comes for you, he will take you to your tomb
Your tomb will be a pile, of red-hot burning coals
Forever there you’ll burn, with all the Heathen souls
Hand and foot they’ll bind you, so you cannot get away [1]
Burning for eternity, you should have learned to pray
Call across the gulf, call to Father Abraham [2]
Ask him to send Lazarus…but he doesn’t give a ****
Not a drop of water, for your wretched ***
Your Judgment and Damnation, has finally come to pass

[1] Matt 22:13
[2] Luke 16:22~26
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The Book that is the last, would do you well to read  
The last book of the Bible, read it and take head  
Chapter ten plus three, spells out a cleaver scheme  
Take the MARK take it….be ****** to the extreme  
Who is the “he” that causeth all, all to take the MARK?  
Pay attention to the grammar…it’s very plane and stark  
The False Prophet is the “he”, not the Antichrist  
Surprised surprised surprised! With him you’ll have a tryst  
Follow Vie della Conciliazione, to the very west [1]
Kneel down and pray, by him you might be blessed

[1] N 41º 54' 07.64'' / E 12º 27' 12.16''
311 · Dec 2014
The Second Seal
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The rider on the horse that’s red, is the Second Seal [1]
Everything is now in place, WAR you soon will feel  
First nation to get blown away, is the USA [2]
Grim Reaper just can’t wait, many many he will slay  
Run into your bunkers, deep beneath the ground  
Pray the rocks to fall on you, Lamb’s Vengeance will abound [3]
Not a pleasant way…a pleasant way to die  
Lamb’s Wrath you're going feel, so weep and wail and cry  
After you are dead, guess where you're going to go  
To a place of red-hot fire, a place of pain and woe  
There is a place, there is a place…prepared for you to dwell  
Forever there you'll burn, FOREVER burn in Hell

[1] Rev 6:3
[2] Google: "America Babylon"
[3] Rev 6:16
311 · Jan 2015
Hi Michael M
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
I know a ******* Queer, a rhyme for him I'll write
How he'll burn in Hell, I'll write this rhyme with spite
***** and Gomorrah, is NOT a Bible myth
******* will find out, in agony they'll writhe
He'll writhe in flaming fire, Peter warns of this [1]
His warning’s in the Bible, but of this he is remiss
Every ******* Queer, in Hell is going to burn
Forever and forever, their damnation they did earn
Read this rhyme and quake, pretend it isn’t so
Red-hot coals await, to Hell he's going to go

[1] 2nd Peter 2:6
308 · Dec 2014
1290 [1]
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The Antichrist the Man of Sin “that Wicked” soon will come
The whole world wonders after him, to his witchcraft they succumb
For three years and a half, he will have his way
Worship him receive his Mark, or you he’s going to slay
In Jerusalem his thrown will be, in Temple number three
A Cohort he does have, worship them on bended knee
His Cohort came from Rome, he wears a “holy” ring
Does lying signs and wonders, “salvation” he does bring
Two men whose garb is sackcloth, witness day and night
The Man of Sin does HATE them, from the Scriptures they do site
“That Wicked” has them killed, all the people shout for joy
For three days and a half they lay, happy are the goy
But alas what ** is this! They arise upon their feet
To Heaven they’re caught up, their mission is complete
Rear the Book of Daniel, chapter number twelve
Verse ten plus one, into this you need to delve
“THE ABOMINATION” is set up, from that day start to count
The LORD will set His feet, upon the Temple Mount
To one thousand days add ninety, then add two hundred more
Every eye will see Him! He will fight the Armageddon War
306 · Mar 2017
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
People scurry to and fro, oblivious of Doom
You were warned you were warned...death most certainly does loom

World War 1 is history, 37 million dead
World War 2 was somewhat more, 60 million bled

Another World War, the last one of 3 planned
Is coming soon is coming soon! The flames of War are fanned

Atomic Bombs and Poison Gas, the Wrath of God poured out
Millions millions die, this without a doubt

Pretend it isn't so, keep your head stuck in the sand
You'll be killed and sent to Hell, not the Promise Land
306 · Dec 2014
Georgia Guidestones
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
World War One is done and gone, 15 million dead  
We will try again, two more lie ahead  
World War Two is history, 70 million bit the dust  
Korea, Viet Nam, both of these went bust  
One more war to go, **** all you useless eaters  
Cleanse this planet of the trash, get rid of all depleaters  
A Monument there is, in the USA  
State of George “Guidestones”, these will lead the way  
Is this rhyme far fetched? Did I write a lie?  
Continue on your way, very soon you're going to die
302 · Mar 2017
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
Forever this will not go on, the end approaches fast
Could be the start of WW3, the troops are now amassed

North Korea is the place, where a spark could set this off
With a couple atom bombs (more like 500), and a cocktail Molotov

Do you think, really think, that China will sit by?
Ha! You should think again, WW3 is drawing nigh
299 · Feb 2017
Not by Water…by FIRE
Elihu Barachel Feb 2017
Day by day, hour by hour, extirpation draweth neigh
No one sees, no one cares, Destruction from On High

As is in days of Noah, so it is today
Oblivious oblivious, to the coming Judgement Day

People scurry to and fro, ignore the Writing on the Wall
It is too late it is too late, soon you’ll weep and wail and wrawl

Foretold this all has been, by the Prophecies of Old
Destruction Doom Damnation, these three will now unfold

Read The Book of Revelation, chapter ten plus ten
Number fifteen the verse…the Judgement of all men
298 · Jan 2015
I Know
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
I know about Religion, I know about the Truth  
These two are not the same. Do I seem uncouth?  
I know there is a God. Actually there’s quite a few  
Knowledge of this God, I learned and did accrue  
You can be a Christian, a Moslem or a Jew  
Religion that’s religion, is never never true  
All they say and pray: Lord Lord Lord oh Lord [1]
Their "lord" of shining light [2], by MY God they're ignored  
There are a few a very few, Chosen and Elect  
These are the Few, God Almighty will protect [3]
The world is on its way, on its way to Hell
The ruler of this world, upon it casts his spell

[1] Matt 7:21
[2] Lucifer
[3] 140,000
297 · Dec 2014
Put Your House in Order
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Another day goes by. How many are left?
How many days 'till Doomsday? Until the world is bereft
Eat and drink be merry, tomorrow you might die
And fifty million others, the day appointed does draw nigh
Pretend it isn't so, keep your head stuck in the sand
World War III is're too dumb to understand
In atomic fire you'll burn, incinerated on the spot
If you're not you'll wish were, in agony you'll rot
To radiation you'll succumb...takes three weeks for you to die
Three weeks to recollect, you won't have the strength to cry
Tomorrow or next week? Don't know when but soon
Put your house in order, with Death you will commune
295 · Oct 2016
Doom Approaches
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
To whom it may concern, this poem is addressed
I write it to the ******, I write to the Blessed

The last Book in the Bible, speaks of seven years
Seven years of Judgment, seven years of Tears

The seven years will start, with the breaking of a Seal
The first seal upon a Scroll, God's WRATH you then will feel

Seven years of Torment, seven years of Pain
Seven years of Judgment, seven years of Bane

Chances are not good, that you'll survive unto the end
By John the Revelator, on Patmos this was penned
293 · Jan 2015
In (not on) Your Right Hand
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
“The World as we know it”, a phrase so short and trite  
Is about to change, maybe over night  
Not a little here, not a little there  
The Whole World blows up, with a blinding glair  
The Book of Revelation, will shortly be fulfilled  
Watch in disbelief, many many will be killed  
There are a chosen few, the God of Abraham will seal  
Seal them in their foreheads, God’s Wrath they will not feel  
For the rest of you there is a Mark, a Mark in your right hand  
Take the Mark you’ll go to Hell, not the Promise Land
292 · Jan 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The world keeps right on turning, another day does dawn
How many will be killed today?...Read the news yawn
The sky is black with drones, they watch your every move
Upon some Rag-Heads they rain death, do you disapprove?
You don't give a ****! Less you could not care
All the ***** in 'Ghanistan, for them just say a prayer
Make absolutely sure, their Poppies they do grow
Need it for your Smack, need it for your Snow
289 · Aug 2015
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
Do you own some Stock? For Retirement you saved?
Kiss it all good-bye, along with everything you've craved
Gone! Gone just over night,
Too **** bad for you, thank China for your plight
How about your Gold? Even that ain't worth a **** [1]
Go jump out a window, while a shriek you do emit

[1] James 5:3
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The day will surly come, the day that you will die
Pay attention to the now, before the bye and bye
Did you read God’s Holy Word, did you pay one ounce of heed?
Remember you’ll be judged, for every single deed
An account you’ll have to give, of how you lived your life
Were you a glutton and a *****? Did you cause contentious strife?  
Did you pray did you pray?…Ask for guidance from on High?
God will check the books, to see if you did lie
Where will you be sent? To spend eternity
Two places do await…which one will it be?
Will you have a robe of White, and a Crown of Gold?
Then you'll see the Lamb, Him you will behold
Or will you be cast alive, into the Lake of Fire?
In the Book of Life your name was not, and you were found a liar
Your religion will not save you...doesn't matter one **** bit
It's God who chooses you, and forgives the sins you did commit
It's called the "Sovereignty of God", John Calvin this did teach
If you're not Elect, Salvation you'll not reach
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Read the Prophet Jeremiah, read his Book and quake  
Read about your Doom, your whole soul is going to ache  
Don’t worry ‘bout no funeral, you’ll be **** upon the ground  
Does the Prophet Jeremiah, Does he confound you or astound?  
The verse that's number two, of the chapter that is eight
Did you ever ever read this? Did you ever contemplate?
Contemplate your destiny, like Jeremiah said
You'll be **** upon the ground! You'll die and you'll be dead
Then there's chapter nine, the verse is twenty-two
More **** upon the ground! Bid this world adieu
Three times **** and **** times three, read the verse that's number four
Of chapter six plus're a causality of war
Of course you're **** already! A great big steaming pile
Guess what you're going to cool off, in just a little while

**** thou art, and unto **** thou shalt return
Why oh why?? **** will NEVER learn


Did any of you “Poets” check the verses? HELL NO!
If you do, use a KJV ONLY
283 · Jan 2016
Pretend it isn't so
Elihu Barachel Jan 2016
Denial is what's done, when the truth is too severe
Pretend it isn't so, then cower with dread and fear
What is too severe? The WAR that's coming to this land
Every day, every day, the Flames of War are fanned
Assad and Kim Jong-un, Poroshenko don't forget
Such good friends and they make you fret?
An "Event" is soon to pass, the Casus Belli has been planned
The Trigger for the WAR, that no one can withstand
Will it be today? Tomorrow or next week?
For sure it's soon to come, your future's looking bleak
So keep your head stuck in sand, pretend it isn't so
In atomic fire you'll burn, then to Hell you're going to go
276 · Oct 2016
The 2nd Seal
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
India and Pakistan, are gunna have a war
Who you gunna root for?...go send in the Peace Corps

Nobody over here, cares 'bout Rag-Head *****
Reduce the population, and do it with Big Nukes!

Just a couple hundred million, will get blown away
Tisk-tisk oh ain't that sad, gone will be Bombay
I'm good at sarcasm; now something NOT sarcastic ~ Rev 6:3&4 India and Pakistan aren't the only two countries that will go to war. So; if the above reference is to the 2nd Seal, how close is the breaking of the 1st Seal?
274 · Feb 2016
You Were Warned
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
A Day has been Ordained, known to only few
A Day of Death and Wrath, your worst nightmare will come true
This Day's approaching fast, from God's VENGENCE you can't hide
Upon your head His Wrath will pour, His Mercy is denied
It's called the Tribulation, Seven years of Doom
Seven years of VENGENCE, these Seven years do loom
All Seven you'll not see, you'll be killed and sent to Hell
You should have read THE BOOK, you should have known **** well
FOREVER there you'll burn, for all eternity
Your repentance is too late, even if on bended knee
274 · Sep 2015
False Prophet
Elihu Barachel Sep 2015
The Book of Revelation, was written long ago
Seven years of Bane, through this the world will go
Read what John did write, read of Doom foretold
Vengeance from an angry God, DEATH you will behold
One person in particular, St. John describes so well
To the USA he comes, Bids all worship his gOD Bel
The False Prophet he is called, the man dressed in shining white
At the UN he will speak, the Bible he'll rewrite
273 · Jan 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
To whom it may concern, this poem is addressed
I write this to the cursed, I write this to the blessed
The last Book of the Bible, a Book of dread and woe
is about to fulfilled, and through this you're going to go
There will be a World leader, blind in his right eye
His deadly wound is healed, his unveiling draweth nigh
Who this is I know, and I know his name
To me this is revealed, he was a man of world fame
The wound unto his head [1], in November this was done
In the City that's called Dallas, someone shot him with a gun

[1] Rev 13:3
272 · Dec 2014
Lake of Fire
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
You pretend it isn't so, you look the other way
You deny that Hell exists, Molech your soul will flay
Burning flame and fire, eternal death and bane
Agony and torment, never ending pain
This is what awaits, this is your reward
Death is at the door, by God you'll be ignored
Your rotting caucus worms will eat, so much dung upon the ground
In Hell your soul will burn, in red-hot chains you will be bound
There'll be demons there to scourge you, every day and every night
HATE they have for you, bitterness and spite
For one thousand years you'll burn, before you stand before the Throne
The Great White Throne of God, you He will disown
Read this in the Bible, read the Book that is the last
Read about the Lake of Fire, into which you will be cast
271 · Jul 2015
Elihu Barachel Jul 2015
I will be more serious, about the rhymes I write
Soon very soon, Almighty God this world will smite
The script was written long ago, it's there for all to see
It's the Book of Revelation, from the Risen Lord a stern decree
Before the First Seal breaks, there's going to be a War
Last one of the three, but like none that were before
An hour it will last, DESTRUCTION from on High
America will burn, and your death is drawing nigh
Then comes the rider on a white horse, he's blind in his right eye
For you he has a Mark...take it or you'll die
You'll have your head cut off, but if you take the Mark
You'll be sent to Hell to burn...the warnings are so stark!
It could be this September, we'll have to wait and see
In the mean time better pray, better pray on bended knee
Elihu Barachel Oct 2016
Pootnick says to Berry: Oh you **** me off!
Barry says to Pootnick: Ha! at your *** I scoff

Pootnick says oh yea! your *** I'm going to kick
Knock it in the dirt, and beat with a stick

Berry runs away, and tells his buddy Joe
Says Joey Joey help me, that Pootnick is our foe

Joey looks confused, just like he always does
Says go call up Juan Fairy...that Pootnick is a skuzz
I should write more on the lighter side
270 · Jan 2015
Soooo Holy!
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Denominations many, all proclaiming “truth”
Condemnation for all others, your religion is uncouth
Unless you go to our church, you just aren’t saved
Your Preacher is a liar, and you are depraved
We are holy-holy, we’re holier than ****
We twist the Holy Bible, to our doctrine make it fit
All you other “Christians”, are luke warm Heathen puke
We read this in our bible, it’s in the book of Luke
We say holy prayers, we pray to Saint Adores
He will come and save us, but not you stinking ******
We have our seven sacraments, without them you are lost
Look at our holy seal, on us it is embossed
Our alter boys are holy, our priests like them a lot
That’s why we pay the lawyers, so they don’t get caught
269 · Jan 2015
2nd Thessalonians 2:11
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
I will write a poem, I’ll write some words that rhyme  
I will write a poem, about our day and time  
I will write a poem, about a bubble soon to burst  
I will write a poem, about a day that’s cursed  
Will you live to see, see the sun rise one more time?  
Or will you see Destruction?…Destruction so sublime  
You will see Destruction! Then Seven Years of Pain  
You will see Destruction! Grief and Death and Bane  
The world scurries to and fro, oblivious of Doom  
The world scurries to and fro, you won’t even have a tomb  
So eat and drink be merry, soon you will all die  
This was written long ago…**YOU BELIEVED A LIE
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
A forgotten verse of Scripture, is about to be fulfilled  
From the Prophet Jeremiah...writes of many many killed  
The verse that's number twelve, of chapter fifty in his book  
“The Mother Country”…read it, take a look  
Fast forward to today, Ucrania to wit  
On the USA…the atoms soon will split  
As ***** and Gomorrah, in atomic fire you will burn  
Jeremiah wrote this, but you didn’t learn  
Forty verses add a six, has chapter five times ten  
There’s dire dire Judgment, in the verse that’s four times ten
268 · Dec 2014
Hey "Christian"
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
I have a Video to watch, a video I made
My opinion of "the Church" I go on a tirade
"Goody goody Christians", make me want to puke
Jeremiah spoke of this, written by Baruch [1]
Are you Salt and Light? Or religious ****?
You're RELIGIOUS ****! Two words that so befit
Your "salt" has lost its saltiness, and Darkness is your light [2]
Religious **** again! you do not fight the Fight [3]
He who now does let, will continue to so do [4]
Until he's taken from the way, this sure as Hell ain't you
Do you know who "he" is? Oh you think you do
Neither does your preacher, you don't have a single clue
Do you think you'll fly away? Meet your Lord up in the sky"
And forever there you'll be, in the bye and bye
Religious **** can't fly! So here you're going to stay
Seven years of Tribulation, for your sins you're going to pay

[1] Jer 36:4
[2] Luke14:34&35
[3] 2nd Tim 4:7
[4] 2nd Thess 2:7&8
Jer 36:4 Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah: and Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the LORD, which he had spoken unto him, upon a roll of a book.

Luke 14:34-35 Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned? 35 It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear

2 Tim 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

2 Thess 2:7-8 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
268 · Jan 2015
Seven Years
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The riders mount their horses, the horses four have been prepared
For a day and month and year, the world will not be spared
White, red, black and pale, to the world these four do come
It’s called the Tribulation, and to God's Wrath you will succumb
Seven years of pain, seven years of woe
Seven years of vengeance, through these the world will go
There will be a world ruler, blind in his right eye
Worship him and take his Mark, if you don't you're going to die
You will have your head cut off, THE ALTERNATIVE IS WORSE
Take his Mark and burn in Hell, from Almighty God a Curse
267 · Dec 2014
THE Seven Years
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The time is now approaching, the world’s about to change  
Life as we now know it, will be rearranged  
“He who now letteth” [1] will be taken from the way  
If you still are here [2], you need to go and pray  
Seven years will follow, seven years of Hell  
Seven years of torment, upon the place you dwell  
“He that overcometh” [3] must overcome unto the end  
The Apostle John, by him this has been penned  

[1] 2nd Thess 2:7
[2] And you probably will be
[3] 7 letters to the 7 churches
264 · Jan 2015
They Breathe Fire!
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Sackcloth is the garb, of two men shortly to appear  
They’ll be on the Temple Mount [1], watch them with great fear  
Forty months plus two, they preach both day and night  
A Gospel like no other, condemn sinners for their plight  
The Little Horn of Denial, this so aggravates  
What they say and preach, he really really hates  
Do not try to stop them, they have a warning dire  
Go ahead and try! On you they will breath fire [2]

[1] Rev 11:3
[2] Rev 11:5
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