Don't Tell me I'm too young
That I'm just a hormonal teen
Who will look back on this moment
And admit I was being ridiculous
Maybe, twenty years from now
I will look back and laugh
But right now
Regardless of my lack of adult memories
Or the biological chemicals pumping through my veins
What I feel now
Is very real to me
When you say I'm too young
You treat me like a pet
Incapable of understanding human things
Maybe I do think very differently
Than an adult
But regardless
I'm still a person
Just like you
Please try and remember
How you felt
When you were my age
Without filtering your memories
You were once my age
And, in turn
Someday I will be your age
The teenagers of today
Are the actors
And parents
Of the future
The future that you fantasize about
And say will be amazing and advanced
With bizzare, yet wonderful, futuristic languages, fashions, and ideas
Yet when you see the people
Who will, in the next few years,
Being about the sci-fi era
You call our fashions ridiculous
You call our slang sloppy
And when we try to share our new ideas
You call us crazy
You tell us we're too young to know enough
To have valid ideas
But maybe, this world needs a generation
With a fresh mind and view
people who have
Less preconceived notions
To overcome
So please,
Spare me the talk
That reveals only how little you know about us
Don't tell me I'm too young
To know who I am
And what I want
Just try and remember
That your generation
The one who currently runs the world
That you were once my age, too
This one is for all the people who seen to think I'm still in elementary school.